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HP Quality Center

Tester Procedures

1. Logon to Quality Center.......................................................................................................................2
2. Navigate Quality Center and Run Tests...............................................................................................3
2.1. Requirements..............................................................................................................................3
2.2. Testing.........................................................................................................................................4
2.2.1. Test Plan..............................................................................................................................4
2.2.2. Test Lab................................................................................................................................4
3. Create Defect.......................................................................................................................................6
3.1. Raise Defect from a Test Run.......................................................................................................6
3.2. Raise Defect from Issues Defects module....................................................................................8
4. Reminder: Tester Responsibilities.......................................................................................................9
1. Logon to Quality Center

1. Start  All Programs HP ALM – Quality Center 11.0 HP ALM – Quality Center 11.0
2. The following window appears:

3. Click: ALM Desktop Client

4. Enter Username: Your Enbridge username
5. Enter Password: Your Enbridge Network Password
6. Click: Authenticate

7. Select Domain: Default

8. Select Project: EnCompass_2016_Q2_Enhancement
9. Click: Login

Quality Center will time out
after 15 minutes of inactivity.

10. The Welcome window appears

11. Click: Close
To stop this window from appearing,
Click: Don’t show this again

2. Navigate Quality Center and Run Tests

The modules of QC in use for the Q2 release include:
 Requirements: defined requirements to meet the business and testing needs
 Testing: test plans and the test lab tool where tests are run
 Issues Defects: record defects and track progress of the fixes

The other modules are not used at this time.

2.1. Requirements

For completeness, the Q2 Enhancement details from the BRD are listed in the Requirements
module, however, not all of these requirements have been delivered by the vendors.

Note: Some Requirements contain attachments (Emails or Screenshots). View them by clicking
Attachments (paperclip).
2.2. Testing

2.2.1. Test Plan

This module is for administrative purposes for the QA Coordinator to build test scripts.
Do NOT use.

2.2.2. Test Lab

This module is where you will run your assigned test scripts.

1. Click: Testing
2. A dropdown opens
3. Click: Test Lab
4. The test lab folder structure is displayed
5. Click: The arrow beside The test cycle currently in progress (e.g. UAT Testing Folder)
6. Open the folder with your name, the Q2 tests assigned to you are displayed
7. Highlight the test to run
8. Click: Run

Do NOT click the hyperlink to highlight the test. The
hyperlink displays test details.

Drag and drop column headers to make display more
9. The test lab minimizes and the test is displayed
10. Click: Begin Run
11. The actual test window is displayed

Click the Test Description
Tab to see a summary of the
test purpose

12. Step 1 is highlighted

13. If a step passes, Click: Pass and proceed to the next step
14. If a step fails, Click: Fail and proceed to New Issue Defect (see Section 3. Create Defect)
You can pass or fail all steps at the same
time by selecting the dropdown arrow
beside the pass/fail icon and selecting
Pass All or Fail All

Attachments may be included to help
describe the test

If there is an issue or comment on the
test step or results, record it in the
Actual box

15. Once you have completed all steps in a test, click the window close button
16. A confirmation button appears
17. Click: Yes to save the test, No to exit without saving

3. Create Defect
You are able to create a defect from within the test run. Doing this ensures the defect is linked
to the test run. Alternately, if a defect is identified that is not connected to the specific test you
are running you can raise a defect directly in the Issues Defects module.

3.1. Raise Defect from a Test Run

When you click the New Issue Defect button, the New Issue Defect window appears. All fields
labeled in red are mandatory.

To raise a New Issue Defect:

1. In: Enter a short (but meaningful) description of the defect
2. Select: Issue Type
3. Select: Priority
4. If it is reasonable to do so, take a screenshot of the defect and include it as an

Attachments provide clarity, speeding
up the bug fix cycle
5. The Description box is partially completed for you. If you didn’t already provide the
details about the issue or defect in the Actual box on the test run, then you can include
it here. Provide as much details as possible about the issue or defect as you can.
6. Click: OK to Save, or Close to exit without saving

3.2. Raise Defect from Issues Defects module

If an issue or defect needs to be raised but is not connected to a test run, use the Issues Defects


Once the defect window appears, the procedure to raise a defect is the same as in section 3.1
Raise Defect from Test Run
4. Reminder: Tester Responsibilities
A quick reminder, the responsibilities of the testers include:
 Follow the Test Scripts
 Enter Actual Results
 Pass or Fail each Test Step
 If you Fail a test, raise a defect with lots of details
o You wouldn’t tell your mechanic, “My car’s not working.”
o Maintain the links from Requirement-to-Test-to-Defect by raising defects from
within the test run.
 Attach a screen shot to the defect if reasonable

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