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The 2013 Curriculum

Cur riculum
lum Equivalency
Equi valency
ncy Education
Educ ation
n Package
Pac A 1
Directorate General of Early Childhood and Community Education

The 1945 Constitution of Indonesia, article conditions and the imbalance level of development
31, clause (1), states that every citizen shall progress in Indonesia; and several areas are prone
have the fundamental right to education. Thus, to natural disasters and conflicts. The equivalency
the government is responsible to provide equal education curriculum is developed based on
Table of Content ............................................................................................................. 2 education opportunities to all citizens with no the Regulation of the Minister of Education
exception. It includes those who for various reasons and Culture No.24 of 2016 on core and basic
Foreword of Directorate General of Early Childhood and Community Education .......... 3 cannot attend formal schools. They may have the competencies of primary and secondary education.
opportunity to get education through equivalency The core and basic competencies shall be adjusted
education program. The equivalency education to equivalency education context and the everyday
Preface of Center for Curriculum and Textbook .............................................................. 4
functions as part of national non-formal education life functionality. The contextualization and the
aimed to develop students’ potential by emphasizing functionality will not decrease the competency
Curriculum Structure of Equivalency Education Package A............................................. 5
the mastery of academic knowledge and functional degree that has been specified in the primary and
skills also to develop professional attitude and secondary curriculum. The equivalency education
Pancasila and Civic Education ......................................................................................... 9 personality. The main purposes of the equivalency curriculum consists of; the Equivalency Education
education are: (1) to ensure the completion of Curriculum of Package A, the Equivalency
Indonesian Language ....................................................................................................... 17 quality basic education for unfortunate learners Education Curriculum of Package B, and the
(school dropout and unattended school), especially Equivalency Education Curriculum of Package
Mathematics ................................................................................................................... 25 girl, ethnic minority and children who live in C, which developed by Directorate General of
isolated areas, poor, or unreachable areas due to Early Childhood and Community Education,
Natural Sciences ............................................................................................................. 33 the geographies location and / or the lacking of Center for Curriculum and Textbook, Minister of
transportation; (2) to ensure the fulfillment of Education and Culture along with academicians
Social Sciences ................................................................................................................. 39 education needs for all young and adult students and equivalency education practitioners. We do
through an equal access of study programs and hope that Equivalency Education Curriculum will
Art and Craft................................................................................................................... 45 life skills; (3) to erase gender inequality in primary be useful as guidance for all related parties along
and junior secondary education; (4) to serve the with the equivalency education organizers.
Sport and Recreation Education ...................................................................................... 51 learners who need academic education and skills or
life skills to elevate their life quality; (5) to develop
technology and advancement in all aspects. The Jakarta, November 2017
functions and objectives of equivalency education Director General
have remained relevant since the number of
dropouts within and between levels of education
are still high; there are still numbers of unemployed
and half unemployed, especially young age from Harris Iskandar
time to time; there are also outer, outermost NIP. 196204291986011001
(border) and lagging areas which is known as
3T areas as the consequences of geographical

2 The 2013 Curriculum Equivalency Education Package A 3


The Head of Center for Curriculum and Textbook

(Puskurbuk), Agency of Research and Development The Curriculum Structure
The Equivalency Education
Package A
In order to adjust the dynamics of local, national, is equivalent to that of formal education; to make
and global community development to realize the formulization or competency description more
functions and objectives of national education operational; and to give special emphasis on
and to improve the quality and competitiveness competency to meet the expected needs, so that Package A Curriculum Structure is the compo- Learning is not focused solely on conceptual
of the nation, the government has reorganized the equivalency education can be an alternative sition of subjects and study load—expressed in knowledge, on textbooks, and does not only use
the curriculum by issuing the Regulation of the education to solve the existing problem and also to Competency Credit Unit (Satuan Kredit Kompe- written language. Instead the 2013 curriculum on
Minister of Education and Culture No.24 of enhance the education quality and development. tensi; SKK)—that must be taken by learners during equality education applies the Competency Based
2016 on the core and basic learning competencies After going through several stages of learning activities. Learning approach, Contextual Based Learning,
of curriculum 2013 especially in primary and contextualization workshops, review and validation Problem Based Learning, and / or Experimental
secondary level. The formulation of the curriculum for the
of the curriculum, this equivalency education equivalency education refers to the core and basic Learning which is more in line with human
The equivalency education is a non-formal curriculum was declared in accordance with the competencies of primary and secondary level learning processes naturally in the real world and
education program that organizes general education standards of graduate competency and content (the Regulation of the Minister of Education in non-formal education. It is in accordance with
programs of Package A equivalent to primary school standards of primary and secondary education. and Culture No.24 of 2016). The core and the the objective of equivalency education curriculum
(SD/MI), Package B equivalent to junior secondary basic competencies have been contextualized and structure that is to attain graduate competency
We would like to thank the Directorate of
school (SMP/MTs), and Package C equivalent to functionalized without diminishing the validity of standards in accordance with the Regulation of the
Literacy and Equivalency Education Cultivation
senior secondary school (SMA/MA). To ensure the existing competency quality and standards. In Minister of Education and Culture (Permendikbud)
and Directorate General of Early Childhood
the quality of equivalency education graduates is the specific cases of religion and moral education, No.20 of 2016 with the orientation of developing
and Community Education which have given
equivalent to formal education, the development the primary and secondary school curricula workmanship to achieve functional skills that are
opportunity for Puskurbuk, universities, tutors,
of equivalency education curriculum is carried out stipulated by the Minister of Education and characteristic of equivalency education program.
supervisors, educators, teacher, education
by referring to and through the contextualization Culture (MoEC) of the Republic of Indonesia will The characteristic is as follow:
institution organizer, and other related parties to
of core and basic competencies of the formal actively involved in doing validation, review and be used. 1. Package A: to have life skills.
education curriculum and being adapted to giving input for the purpose of developing and
problems, challenges, needs and characteristics of In addition to the formulation of curricular 2. Package B: to have relevant skills to enter
refining this curriculum of equivalency education. competencies, the implementation of the 2013
the equivalency education. The contextualization the workforce.
includes conceptualization, material details, Curriculum on equivalency education also ensures
that the learning process is centered on students. 3. Package C: to have entrepreneurship skills.
clarity of scope, description of operational verbs, The Head of Center for Curriculum
and sentence formulations so they are easily and Textbook (Puskurbuk)
taught by educators (teachable), easy to learn by Agency of Research and Development, MoEC
learners (learnable); measurable achievement; and
meaningful and relevant for learning (worth to
learn) by learners.
The principle and the strategy of the equivalency Dr. AwaluddinTjalla
education curriculum development are to ensure NIP. 1960111219853031001
the basic competency of the equivalency education

4 The 2013 Curriculum Equivalency Education Package A 5

The Curriculum Structure of Equivalency a. Empowerment contains competency based on the learners’ choice. They can 2) The content and competencies in
Education Program consists of general group and to foster empowerment, self-esteem, choose one of the skills according to poten- Level 2 is equivalent to grades IV
special group subject. confidence, so that learners are able tial, needs, local wisdom and characteristic. – VI at the formal education level
1. The general group consists of subjects to be independent and creative in a. The learning strategies and The study load that every learner should
community life. Coherent materials accomplished during learning process through
that refer to formal education standards approaches can be designed based on
to reach this competency can include: face-to-face class interaction, tutorial, or self-
pursuant to the Regulation of the Minister thematic-integrated or subject-based
self-development, capacity building learning is expressed in Competency Credit Unit
of Education and Culture No.21 of 2016 approaches in accordance with the
to support the skills chosen by (SKK). One SKK is one competency unit that
on the Content Standard that is developed character and needs of equivalency
should be achieved through one hour face-to-face
by the Ministry and are compulsory learners. education and learners. class interaction or 2 hours tutorial learning or 3
subjects for all learners. b. Skills are given based on the existing b. Levels of equivalency education are hours independent learning or combination of
2. The special group consists of life skills local resources potential variety, the as follows: three parts proportionally. The allocation of 1 hour
development program which include needs of the learners and the available 1) The content and competencies in is equal to 35 minutes for Package A.
occupational skills, functional skills, work opportunity so that the learners Level 1 is equivalent to grades I
are able to actualize independency, The structure of subject distribution of Package A
vocational skills, and professional attitude – III at the formal education level program is presented in the following table.
and personality, and also independent autonomy, freedom and creativity and
entrepreneurship spirit. Those are also to be actively productive. The Table 1. The Curriculum Structure of Package A
developed based on the needs and characters skills comprise of:
Competency Credit Unit (SKK)
of equivalency education. Following are • Art and culture to shape the
learners into human beings who Subjects Level 1/ Initial Degree Level 1/ Basic Degree
the further details of equivalency education Total
have a sense of art and cultural Equivalent to Grade I - III Equivalent to Grade IV – VI
characters and needs:
understanding. General Group
• Sport and recreation education to 1. Religious and Moral Education 71 82 153
shape the learners to be physically 2. Pancasila and Civic Education
and mentally healthy, and foster 3. Indonesian Language
sportsmanship. 4. Mathematics
• Craft to shape the learners 5. Natural Sciences
into human beings who have 6. Social Sciences
occupational and vocational
Special Group
skills. 31 35 66
8. Empowerment
Those are compulsory content skills, but
9. Skills
for the deepening or specialization will be
Total 102 117 219

6 The 2013 Curriculum Equivalency Education Package A 7


Of The 2013 Curriculum
Equivalency Education
Subject: Pancasila and Civic Education
Level : Package A Equivalent to primary school (SD / MI)

A. Rationale It is expected to be able to create quality

National education is basically intended to graduates equal to that of formal education
educate the nation’s civil society in a sustainable graduates. For this reason, the development
manner. It is also expected to guarantee equal of an equivalency education curriculum is
distribution of quality education opportunities carried out by referring to and through the
for every citizen of the nation because education contextualization of the formal education
is also basically the right of every citizen. In curriculum. Contextualization is carried out on
connection with that the Ministry of Education aspects of empowerment-oriented knowledge,
and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia in skills, and attitudes so that the graduates can
one of its missions aims to improve access contribute to the community with a variety
and quality of graduates equally to support of creative, innovative social, economic and
the nation’s competitiveness. Increasing access cultural activities.
and quality of education as emphasized in the As in formal education, the curriculum
national education mission is expected to be development of the Pancasila and Civic
able to answer the challenges faced in terms Education (PPKn) aims to shape the characters’
of fulfilling rights and meeting the needs of of learners who are able to contribute and
quality education for every citizen. solutions to the multidimensional crisis. The
Education in Indonesia encounters specific mission of the PPKn subject is to develop the
problems and challenges related to improving civilization of Pancasila that is able to cultivate
human quality in development, namely the low and empower learners to be smart and good
participation of the population in education, citizens and to become the nation’s future
especially for junior and senior secondary leaders who are trustworthy, honest, intelligent
education, for various reasons. and responsible. Additionally, in the context of
global life, PPKn subjects also equip students
Equivalency education as an integral part of
to live as global citizens with Pancasila values
PANCASILA AND CIVIC EDUCATION the implementation of national education is
and morals according to the dynamics of 21st
PACKAGE A EQUIVALENT TO PRIMARY SCHOOL (SD / MI) specifically intended to answer this challenge.
century life.

8 The 2013 Curriculum Equivalency Education Package A 9

B. Aim 4. Participate actively, intelligently, and
In general, the curriculum targets four responsibly as members of the community NO SCOPE
dimensions of competence, namely spiritual according to their dignity as creatures of
attitudes, social attitudes, knowledge and skills, 1 Pancasila • Symbols of the five principles of • The meaning of the relationship of symbols
Almighty God who live together in various
Pancasila with the principles of the Pancasila
which are achieved through the intra-curricular, socio-cultural settings. • The relationship between the • The values of Pancasila
co-curricular, and / or extracurricular learning
C. Scope symbols and the principles • Examples of the application of Pancasila
process. In accordance with Government
The implementation of equivalency education • The meaning of elements on the values
Regulation number 32 of 2013, Article 77 J
encounters objective challenges so that it is Garuda Pancasila State Coat of Arms
Paragraph (1), letter b, it is affirmed that Civic
Education is intended to form students into necessary to utilize the potential of human 2 The 1945 Constitution • The rules and regulations in • Obligations, rights, and responsibilities as
human beings who have a sense of nationality resources, natural resources, and community everyday life at home and citizens

and love for the country in the context of development to improve the nation’s education unit • Examples of implementation of obligations,
competitiveness. • Obligations and rights as family rights, and responsibilities as citizens
Pancasila values and morals, aware of and
and education unit members • Positive and negative impacts of the
implement The 1945 Constitution of Republic The learning of Pancasila and Civic Education implementation of obligations, rights, and
of Indonesia, have the value and spirit of Unity in Package A equivalent to elementary school responsibilities
in Diversity, and commit to the Unitary State is designed to contribute to the need to
of the Republic of Indonesia. improve the quality of human resources. It 3 Bhinneka Tunggal Ika • The diversity of individual • Personal, social, and cultural benefits of the
contains materials that in parallel with those (Unity in Diversity) characteristics diversity of individual characteristics
In general, the aim of PPKn subjects at the
in formal education so that final competencies • The meaning of the diversity of • The socio-cultural diversity of the community
elementary and secondary education level is to individual characteristics • Social, cultural, and economic diversity in
develop the potential citizenship of learners, are equivalent to the quality of graduates
• Form of cooperation in the diversity building national life
namely: (1) citizenship attitudes including produced by formal education. Additionally,
of individual characteristics • Forms of ethnic, social, and cultural diversity
civic confidence, civic commitment, and civic contextualization is carried out on aspects of
responsibility; (2) citizenship knowledge; (3) learning so that equivalency education able to 4 The Unitary State of • The meaning of unity in diversity • The benefits of unity and integrity to build
citizenship skills including civic competence answer the problems and challenges that exist. Indonesia in education unit or surrounding harmonious life
environment • The meaning of unity and integrity and its
and civic participation. The scope of PPKn subject in equality
impact in the life of the nation and state
Specifically the purpose of the PPKn which education is based on the following aspects:
contains the aforementioned dimensions is 1. Pancasila (Five Principles), as the basis D. Contextualization of Core and Basic education; (2) making the formulation or
intended for learners to be able to: of the state, ideology, and outlook on the Competencies of Equivalency Education competency description more operational; (3)
1. Display characters that reflect appreciation, nation Curriculum giving special pressure on the formulation of
understanding, and practice of Pancasila 2. Constitution as a written basic law which Contextualization of curriculum competencies competencies in aspects of knowledge, skills and
constitutes the constitutional basis of life in is carried out in accordance with the challenges attitudes so that they can be achieved according
values and morals in a personal and social
the community, nation and state. of equivalency education without changing or to the expected needs, and equivalency
reducing the quality standards or competency education can act as an alternative education
2. Have a constitutional commitment 3. The Unitary State of the Republic of
of graduates to be achieved as contained in to solve the existing problems and improve the
supported by a positive attitude and a full Indonesia, as a final agreement in the form
formal education. Contextualization is done quality and development of education.
understanding of the 1945 Constitution of the State of the Republic of Indonesia
so that it is easily operated and realized in the The contextualization includes concep-
3. Think critically, rationally and creatively 4. Unity in diversity, as a form of unity
practice of implementing equality education. tualization, material details, clarity of
and have a spirit of nationalism and love philosophy that underlies and colors the
diversity of society and nation life. T he principles used in conducting scope, description of operational verb, and
for the land that is inspired by the values of
contextualization are tailored to the problems, formulation of sentences.
Pancasila, the 1945 Constitution, the spirit The scope of the material for Level I equivalent
challenges, needs, and characteristics of Contextualization of Core Competencies and Basic
of Unity in Diversity, and the commitment to grades I-III and Level II equivalent to grades
equivalency education, namely: (1) ensuring the Competencies for the dimensions of knowledge
of the Unitary State of the Republic of IV-VI is in accordance with the following
basic competencies of equivalency education and skills at Level I (equivalent to Grade I to III)
Indonesia; and aspects:
equivalent to the basic competencies of formal is formulated in the following table.

10 The 2013 Curriculum Equivalency Education Package A 11

CONTEXTUALIZATION OF CORE AND BASIC COMPETENCIES 3.2 Identifying the relation of the symbols and the 4.2 Explaining verbally or in writing the relation of
CURRICULUM IN EQUIVALENCY EDUCATION principles of Pancasila in the state emblem “Garuda the symbols and the principles of Pancasila in
Pancasila” the state emblem “Garuda Pancasila”
3.3 Understanding the meaning of the images of star, 4.3 Explaining the meaning of the images of star,
1. Accepting and carrying out the teaching of the adhered 2. Being honest, disciplined, responsible, polite, caring, chain, banyan tree, bull head, and rice and cotton chain, banyan tree, bull head, and rice and
religion and confident in interacting with family, friends, on the state emblem “Garuda Pancasila” cotton on the state emblem “Garuda Pancasila”
teacher, and neighbors 3.4 Identifying the applicable rules in daily life at home 4.4 Sharing experiences in doing activities that in
1.1 Being grateful for the establishment of star, chain, 2.1 Being polite, harmonious, independent, and accordance with applicable rules
banyan tree, bull head, and rice and cotton as confident in accordance with the principles 3.5 Identifying the applicable rules in daily life in 4.5 Demonstrating activities that in accordance
elements on the state symbol “Garuda Pancasila” of Pancasila in the state symbol “Garuda education unit with the applicable rules and regulations in
Pancasila” in everyday life education unit
1.2 Accepting the relation of star, chain, banyan tree, 2.2 Being cooperative, discipline, and care in 3.6 Identifying obligations and rights as member of 4.6 Presenting the outcomes of identifying
bull head, and rice and cotton images with the accordance with the principles of Pancasila in family and education unit obligations and rights as member of family and
principles of Pancasila as a gift of the Almighty God everyday life. education unit
1.3 Accepting the meanings of star, chain, banyan 2.3 Being honest, care, showing affection in 3.7 Identifying the diversity of individual characteristics 4.7 Sharing experiences of togetherness in diversity
tree, bull head, and rice and cotton as elements on accordance with the principles of Pancasila personally at home of individual characteristics while playing or
the state symbol “Garuda Pancasila” as a gift of doing other activities at home
the Almighty God 3.8 Identifying the types of diversity of individual 4.8 Grouping types of diversity of individual
1.4 Showing an attitude of obedience to the rules of 2.4 Implementing rules in everyday life at home characteristics personally in education unit characteristics personally in education unit
adopted religion in everyday life at home
1.5 Showing an attitude of obedience to the rules of 2.5 Showing responsibility in fulfilling obligations 3.9 Explaining the meaning of diversity of individual 4.9 Presenting the meaning of diversity of individual
adopted religion in everyday life in the education unit and rights as community member in daily life characteristics in the neighborhood such as culture, characteristics in the neighborhood such as
1.6 Respecting obligations and rights as family and 2.6 Carrying out obligations and rights as family and livelihood, and habit culture, livelihood, and habit
education unit member as a form of gratitude to education unit member 3.10 Identifying the form of cooperation in the diversity 4.10 Sharing experiences of cooperating in diversity
the Almighty God of individual characteristics at home of individual characteristics at home
1.7 Accepting the diversity of individual characteristics 2.7 Showing togetherness despite of the diversity of 3.11 Understanding the meaning of unity in diversity in 4.11 Sharing experiences of doing activities that
personally at home as a gift from the Almighty individual characteristics at home education unit through friendship, cooperation, reflect unity in diversity in education unit
God and mutual cooperation
1.8 Accepting the diversity of individual characteristics 2.8 Showing togetherness despite of the diversity of 3.12 Understanding the meaning of unity in diversity in 4.12 Presenting the forms of unity in diversity in the
personally in education unit as a gift from the individual characteristics in education unit education unit through friendship, cooperation, neighborhood through friendship, cooperation,
Almighty God and mutual cooperation and mutual cooperation
1.9 Being grateful for the diversity of individual 2.9 Showing togetherness despite of the diversity of
characteristics in the neighborhood as a gift from individual characteristics in the neighborhood
Contextualization of Core Competencies and Basic Competencies for the dimensions of knowledge and
the Almighty God skills at Level II (equivalent to Grade IV to VI) is formulated in the following table.
1.10 Accepting the diversity of individual characteristics 2.10 Showing cooperative attitude in the diversity of
personally at home as a gift from the Almighty God individual characteristics at home CONTEXTUALIZATION OF CORE AND BASIC COMPETENCIES
1.11 Accepting the diversity of individual characteristics 2.11 Showing cooperative attitude in the diversity of CURRICULUM IN EQUIVALENCY EDUCATION
personally in education unit as a gift from the individual characteristics in education unit SPIRITUAL ATTITUDE SOCIAL ATTITUDE
Almighty God
1. Accepting, carrying out, and respecting the teachings of 2. Being honest, disciplined, responsible, polite, caring,
1.12 Being grateful for the diversity of individual 2.12 Showing cooperative attitude as a form of unity
the adopted religion and confident in interacting with family, friends,
characteristics in the neighborhood as a gift from in diversity in the neighborhood
teacher, neighbors, and loving the homeland
the Almighty God
1.1 Accepting the meaning of the relationship of the 2.1 Being courageous to admit mistakes, apologize,
symbol of stars, chains, banyan trees, head of forgive, and be polite as a manifestation of
3. Understanding factual knowledge by observing, seeing, 4. Presenting factual knowledge in clear and logical the bull, and rice and paddy with the principles Pancasila values and morals in everyday life at
reading) and asking questions based on their curiosity language, in aesthetic works, in movements that of Pancasila on the symbol of the state “Garuda home, in educational units, and in the home
about themselves, God’s creatures and their activities, reflecting healthy children, and in actions that Pancasila” as the gift of Almighty God environment
and the objects they encounter at home and at school reflecting the behavior of children of faith and noble 1.2 Being grateful to the Almighty God for Pancasila 2.2 Being responsible, loving the country, and willing
character values that can be used as guidance in everyday to sacrifice according to the values contained
3.1 Comprehending the symbols of Pancasila principles: 4.1 Elaborating the symbols of Pancasila principles: life at home, in educational units, and in the home in the principles of Pancasila in everyday life at
star, chain, banyan tree, bull head, and rice and star, chain, banyan tree, bull head, and rice and environment home, in educational units, and in the home
cotton in the state emblem “Garuda Pancasila” cotton in the state emblem “Garuda Pancasila” environment

12 The 2013 Curriculum Equivalency Education Package A 13

1.3 Being grateful to the Almighty God for the values 2.3 Taking full responsibility according to the values 3.4 Identifying the implementation of obligations and 4.4 Presenting the implementation of obligations
of Pancasila as a whole as a whole that can be a of Pancasila in everyday life rights as member of society in daily life and rights as member of society in daily life
guideline in everyday life 3.5 Understanding rights, obligations, and responsibilities 4.5 Explaining rights, obligations, and responsibilities
1.4 Respecting the obligations and rights of community 2.4 Showing discipline in fulfilling obligations and as member of society in daily life at home, in as member of society in daily life at home, in
member in their daily lives in carrying out the rights as community member in daily life as a education unit, and home environment education unit, and home environment
teachings of their religion manifestation of the love of the homeland 3.6 Analyzing by giving examples of the implementation 4.6 Presenting the analysis outcomes of the
1.5 Respecting obligations, rights, and responsibilities 2.5 Showing responsibility in fulfilling obligations and of obligations, rights, and responsibilities as citizen implementation of obligations, rights, and
as community member and religious person in rights as member of society in everyday life at along with the positive and negative impacts in responsibilities as citizen along with the positive
everyday life at home, education unit, and home home, education unit, and home environment daily life, education unit, and home environment and negative impacts in daily life, education
environment unit, and home environment
1.6 Respecting the meaning of obligations, rights, and 2.6 Carrying out obligations, rights, and 3.7 Explaining the benefits of the diversity of personal, 4.7 Putting forward the benefits of the diversity
responsibilities as citizen in carrying out religious responsibilities as citizen as manifestation social, and cultural individual characteristics in daily of personal, social, and cultural individual
teaching in everyday life at home, education unit, of love for the motherland in everyday life, life, education unit, and society characteristics in daily life, education unit, and
and home environment education unit, and home environment society
1.7 Being grateful for the diversity of religious people 2.7 Being tolerant in the diversity of religious people 3.8 Examining the socio-cultural diversity of the 4.8 Simulating activities that support the socio-
in educational units and in society as the gift of in education unit and in society in the context community based on traditional attire, language, cultural diversity of the community to
Almighty God in the context of Unity in Diversity of Unity in Diversity traditional houses, special foods, arts and strengthen unity and integrity
1.8 Being grateful for the socio-cultural diversity as the 2.8 Being tolerant in the socio-cultural diversity in the traditional ceremonies, and types of livelihood
gift of the Almighty God in the context of Unity in context of Unity in Diversity at home, education 3.9 Examining the socio-cultural and economy diversity 4.9 Campaigning the benefits of the socio-cultural
Diversity unit, and home environment of the community in building good national life and economy diversity of the community in
1.9 Being grateful for the social, cultural, and economic 2.9 Being tolerant in the social, cultural, and building good national life
diversity as the gift of the Almighty God in the economic diversity as the gift of the Almighty 3.10 Identifying various types of ethnic, social, and 4.10 Presenting various types of ethnic, social, and
context of Unity in Diversity God in the context of Unity in Diversity cultural diversity based on traditional attire, cultural diversity based on traditional attire,
1.10 Being grateful for various forms of ethnic, social 2.10 Displaying an attitude of cooperation in various language, traditional houses, special foods, arts language, traditional houses, special foods,
and cultural diversity in Indonesia that is bound by forms of ethnic, social, and cultural in Indonesia and traditional ceremonies, and types of livelihood arts and traditional ceremonies, and types of
unity and integrity as the gift of the Almighty God that is bound by unity and integrity in Indonesia that are bound to unity and integrity livelihood in Indonesia that are bound to unity
1.11 Being grateful for the benefits of unity and integrity 2.11 Displaying honesty in implementing the values and integrity
of the society as the gift of the Almighty God of unity and integrity to build harmony in socio- 3.11 Exploring by discovering and recognizing the 4.11 Presenting the outcomes of exploring the
cultural aspect benefits of unity and integrity to build harmony benefits of unity and integrity to build harmony
1.12 Being grateful for the unity and integrity as the gift 2.12 Displaying a responsible attitude in implementing in daily life at home, in education unit, and in daily life at home, in education unit, and
of the Almighty God the values of unity and integrity in the life of surrounding environment surrounding environment
the people and of the nation 3.12 Examining the meaning of unity and integrity and 4.12 Presenting the meaning of unity and integrity
KNOWLEDGE SKILLS its impacts on the life of the people and of the and its impacts on the life of the people and of
3. Understanding factual knowledge by observing (listening, 4. Presenting factual knowledge in clear and logical nation in regional context the nation in regional context
seeing, and reading) and asking questions based on language, in aesthetic work, in movements that
curiosity about oneself, God’s creatures and activities, reflecting healthy children, and in actions that
and objects that can be found at home and at school reflecting the behavior of children of faith and noble
3.1 Understanding the meaning of the relationship of 4.1 Explaining verbally or in writing about the
the symbol of star, chain, banyan tree, bull head, meaning of the relationship of the symbol of
and rice and cotton with the principles of Pancasila star, chain, banyan tree, bull head, and rice and
cotton with the principles of Pancasila as one
unit in everyday life
3.2 Identifying the values of Pancasila in daily life 4.2 Presenting the identification outcomes of the
implementation of Pancasila values in daily
life at home, education unit, and home
3.3 Analyzing by giving examples of the implementation 4.3 Presenting the analysis outcomes of the
of Pancasila values in daily life, education unit, and implementation of Pancasila values in daily
home environment life at home, education unit, and home

14 The 2013 Curriculum Equivalency Education Package A 15


Of The 2013 Curriculum
Equivalency Education
Subject: Indonesian Language
Level : Package A Equivalent to primary school (SD / MI)

A. Rationale specifically intended to answer this challenge.

National education is basically intended to It is expected to be able to create quality
educate the nation’s civil society in a sustainable graduates equal to that of formal education
manner. It is also expected to guarantee equal graduates. For this reason, the development
distribution of quality education opportunities of an equivalency education curriculum is
for every citizen of the nation because education carried out by referring to and through the
is also basically the right of every citizen. In contextualization of the formal education
connection with that the Ministry of Education curriculum. Contextualization is carried out
and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia in on the aspects of empowerment-oriented
one of its missions aims to improve access knowledge, skills, and attitudes so that the
and quality of graduates equally to support graduates can contribute to the community
the nation’s competitiveness. Increasing access with a variety of creative, innovative social,
and quality of education as emphasized in the economic and cultural activities.
national education mission is expected to be Indonesian Language curriculum is designed
able to answer the challenges faced in terms to literate students so they are able to develop
of fulfilling rights and meeting the needs of their ability to understand, interpret, and
quality education for every citizen. create text that is precise, accurate, fluent, and
Education in Indonesia encounters specific be full of confidence while studying at school
problems and challenges related to improving and for mingling in community. Literacy is
human quality in development, namely the low also important to build a critical and creative
participation of the population in education, attitude towards various life phenomena.
especially for junior and senior secondary This critical and creative attitude is useful for
education, for various reasons. developing personal skills that focus on rational
thinking skills that prioritize information-
INDONESIAN LANGUAGE Equivalency education as an integral part of
gathering skills.
the implementation of national education is

16 The 2013 Curriculum Equivalency Education Package A 17

B. Aim produced by formal education. Additionally, of graduates to be achieved as contained in attitudes so that they can be achieved according
In general, the curriculum targets four contextualization is carried out on aspects of formal education. Contextualization is done to the expected needs, and equivalency
dimensions of competence, namely spiritual learning so that equivalency education able to so that it is easily operated and realized in the education can act as an alternative education
attitudes, social attitudes, knowledge and skills, answer the problems and challenges that exist. practice of implementing equality education. to solve the existing problems and improve the
which are achieved through the intra-curricular, The scope of Indonesian Language learning The principles used in conducting quality and development of education.
co-curricular, and / or extracurricular learning includes knowledge about language and how contextualization are tailored to the problems, The contextualization includes conceptuali-
process. to use language effectively. Learners learn how challenges, needs, and characteristics of zation, material details, clarity of scope,
Specifically, Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian Indonesian allows people to interact effectively; equivalency education, namely: (1) ensuring the description of operational verb, and formulation
language) aims for learners to have the build and foster relationships; express and basic competencies of equivalency education of sentences.
following abilities: exchange knowledge, skills, attitudes, feelings, equivalent to the basic competencies of formal Contextualization of Core Competencies and
and opinions. Learners also learn to understand, education; (2) making the formulation or Basic Competencies for the dimensions of
1. To communicate effectively and efficiently
interpret, and communicate effectively through competency description more operational; (3) knowledge and skills at Level I (equivalent to
in accordance with applicable ethics both
coherent texts, using well-organized sentences, giving special pressure on the formulation of Grade I to III) is formulated in the following
in writing and oral communication.
including spelling, punctuation at the broader competencies in aspects of knowledge, skills and table.
2. To appreciate and be proud of using level of words, sentences, and texts.
Indonesian as a language of unity and a CONTEXTUALIZATION OF CORE AND BASIC COMPETENCIES
The choice of text includes media text, everyday CURRICULUM IN EQUIVALENCY EDUCATION
national language.
text, and working world texts. The range of KNOWLEDGE SKILLS
3. To understand Indonesian and use it 1. Understanding factual and conceptual knowledge by 2. Presenting factual knowledge in clear and logical
text weights from level 1 to level 6 gradually
properly and creatively for various purposes. observing, asking questions, and trying based on curiosity language, in aesthetic work, in movements that
becomes more complex and increasingly
4. To use Indonesian to increase intellectual difficult, from everyday language to personal
about oneself, God’s creatures and their activities, and reflecting healthy children, and in actions that reflecting
ability as well as emotional and social objects that can be found at home, and at school the behavior of children of faith and noble character
experience, technical and special language, 1.1 Describing the right preparation activities for 2.1 Practicing the right preparation activities in for
maturity. and language for academic purposes. Learners reading beginnings (natural and proper way of reading beginnings (natural and proper way of
5. To enjoy and utilize literature to widen are faced with language for various purposes, sitting, distance between eyes and books, how sitting, distance between eyes and books, how
knowledge, refine character, and improve audiences, and contexts. They are exposed to to hold books, how to turn pages of a book, eye to hold books, how to turn pages of a book,
language knowledge and ability. a variety of knowledge and opinions presented movements from left to right, choose places with eye movements from left to right, choose places
bright lights, and ethics of reading books) with bright lights, and ethics of reading books)
6. To appreciate and be pride of Indonesian and developed in multimodal text and
1.2 Conveying verbally the right preparation activities 2.2 Practicing the right preparation activities for
as cultural and intellectual repertoire of presentation (oral, printed, and digital context) for writing beginnings (how to sit, how to hold a writing beginnings (how to sit, how to hold a
Indonesian people. so that their competence in listening, viewing, pencil, how to move a pencil, how to put a book, pencil, how to move a pencil, how to put a book,
reading, speaking, writing and creating develops how to keep distance between eyes and book, how to keep distance between eyes and book,
C. Scope systematically and has future perspective. how to choose a place with bright light) upper-down and left-right hand movements,
The implementation of equivalency education flexing exercises of hand movements by writing
Through text-based learning, an understanding
encounters objective challenges so that it is movements in air / sand / table, loosening
of language, language as a system and language
necessary to utilize the potential of human fingers by coloring, tracing, drawing, making
as a vehicle for knowledge and communication
resources, natural resources, and community vertical lines, sloping, straight, and curved,
learners will become productive speakers of tracing various shapes of images, circles)
development to improve the nation’s
Indonesian, both verbally and in writing. 1.3 Describing the symbols of vowel and consonant 2.3 Pronouncing vowel and consonant sounds in
sounds in Indonesian or regional languages Indonesian or regional languages
The learning of Indonesian Language in D. Contextualization of Core and Basic 1.4 Understand vocabulary about limbs and senses 2.4 Delivering explanations (in the form of pictures
Package A equivalent to elementary school Competencies of Equivalency Education and their care through short texts (in the form of and writings) about limbs and senses and their
images, writings, simple slogans, and / or song care using Indonesian vocabulary with the
is designed to contribute to the need to Curriculum
lyrics) and exploration of the local environment help of regional languages verbally and / or in
improve the quality of human resources. It Contextualization of curriculum competencies writing
contains materials that in parallel with those is carried out in accordance with the challenges 1.5 Getting to know the vocabulary about how to 2.5 Explaining how to maintain health by pronouncing
in formal education so that final competencies of equivalency education without changing or maintain health through short texts (in the form the appropriate Indonesian vocabulary and
are equivalent to the quality of graduates reducing the quality standards or competency of pictures, writings and simple slogans) and / or assisted with regional languages
exploration of the local environment

18 The 2013 Curriculum Equivalency Education Package A 19

1.6 Describing vocabulary about various types of objects 2.6 Using Indonesian vocabulary with proper spelling 1.18 Extracting information from oral and written text 2.18 Retelling aloud fable texts that describe
in the environment through short text (in the form and assisted with regional languages regarding fables about harmonious living attitudes for the harmonious living attitudes as a form of self
of images, simple slogans, writing, and / or song various types of objects in the surrounding purpose of pleasure expression
lyrics) and / or exploration of the local environment environment in simple written text 1.19 Determining greeting expressions in local fairy tales 2.19 Copying verbally and in writing greeting
1.7 Determining the vocabulary related to the events 2.7 Explaining with Indonesian vocabulary and verbally and in writing expressions in local fairy tales
of day and night through short texts (in the form assisted with regional languages regarding the 1.20 Examining the use of capital letters (names of 2.20 Writing a text using capital letters (names of
of images, simple slogans, writing, and / or song events of day and night through writing text Gods, names of people, names of religions) and Gods, names of people, names of religions)
lyrics) and / or exploration of the local environment and images period and question mark in the right sentences and period and question mark in the right
1.8 Detailing expressions of thank you, apologies, help, 2.8 Practicing verbally and in writing expressions sentences
giving praise, solicitation, notification, orders and of thank you, apologies, help, giving praise, 1.21 Exploring information about the concept of object 2.21 Presenting verbally, in writing, and visually
instructions to others by using polite language solicitation, notification, orders and instructions changes in everyday life that are presented in the the results of information about the concept
verbally and in writing that can be assisted with to others using polite language form of oral, written, visual, and / or environmental of changes in the form of objects in everyday
regional language vocabulary exploration life using standard vocabulary and effective
1.9 Detailing vocabulary and expressions of self- 2.9 Using appropriate local vocabulary and phrases sentences
introduction, family introduction, and introducing for self-introduction, family introduction, and
people in their homes verbally and in writing with introducing people in their homes in simple 1.22 Exploring information in the form of oral, written, 2.22 Presenting a written report about energy sources
the help of regional language vocabulary oral and written form visual, and / or environmental exploration about and forms in the surrounding environment
1.10 Describing vocabulary of family relationships 2.10 Examining children poetry / local song lyric energy sources and forms in the surrounding using standard vocabulary and effective
through family tree images / charts in Indonesian (containing expressions of admiration, pride, environment sentences
or regional languages respect for parents, affection, or friendship) 1.23 Exploring information in the form of oral, written, 2.23 Presenting a written report about weather
1.11 Detailing expressions, invitations, orders, and 2.11 Copying expressions, invitations, orders, and visual, and / or environmental exploration about changes and their effects on human life in
rejections contained in story or song text that rejections in stories or songs in polite language weather changes and their effects on human life in the surrounding environment using standard
describe the attitude of living in harmony in the the surrounding environment vocabulary and effective sentences
local area
1.24 Examining the vocabulary in the text about the 2.24 Presenting in writing the report about the
1.12 Describing the vocabulary and concepts about the 2.12 Reporting verbally, in writing and visually the concepts of characteristics, needs (food and place of concepts of characteristics, needs (food and
diversity of objects based on their shape and form use of appropriate Indonesian or local language life), growth, and development of living things in the place of life), growth, and development of
in Indonesian or local languages through written, vocabulary resulting from observations about local environment which are presented in the form of living things in the local environment using
oral, visual texts, and / or local environmental the diversity of objects based on their shape oral, written, visual, and / or environmental exploration standard vocabulary and effective sentences
exploration and form 1.25 Exploring information about how to care for 2.25 Presenting interview result about how to care
1.13 Determining vocabulary and concepts about the 2.13 Reporting the use of appropriate Indonesian plants and animals through interviews and / or for plants and animals in writing or visually
geographical environment, economic, social and or local language vocabulary resulting environmental exploration by using standard vocabulary and effective
cultural life in the surrounding environment in from observations about the geographical sentences
Indonesian or local languages through written, environment, economic, social and cultural life 1.26 Examining the content of an information text 2.26 Summarizing information about developments
oral texts, and / or environmental exploration in the surrounding environment in the form of about developments in technology production, in technology production, communication
written, oral, and visual texts communication and transportation in the local and transportation in the local environment in
1.14 Determining the vocabulary and concepts of a 2.14 Presenting the proper use of Indonesian or environment writing using standard vocabulary and effective
healthy environment and unhealthy environment local language vocabulary resulting from sentences
in the surrounding environment and how to observations about healthy environment and 1.27 Examining information presented in oral, written, 2.27 Explaining the concept of eight wind directions
maintain environmental health in Indonesian or unhealthy environment in the environment visual, and / or environmental exploration about and their use for life in the local area in writing
local languages through written, oral, visual, and and how to maintain environmental health the concept of eight wind directions and their use using standard vocabulary and effective
/ or environmental exploration texts in Indonesian or regional languages through for life in the local area sentences
written, oral and visual texts 1.28 Revealing messages in local fairy tale that are 2.28 Demonstrating messages in local fairy tale
1.15 Examining the written or oral texts of Indonesian or 2.15 Reading out children poetry about nature and presented verbally, in writing, and visually for the as a form of self-expression using standard
local children poetry the surrounding environment in Indonesian purpose of pleasure vocabulary and effective sentences
with appropriate pronunciation, intonation, 1.29 Identifying symbols (traffic signs, scout, and state 2.29 Presenting the results of identification of
and expression as a form of self expression
emblems) and their meanings in oral, written, symbols (traffic signs, scouts, and state
1.16 Examining apology and help expressions through 2.16 Conveying polite expressions (using the words
visual, and / or environmental exploration texts emblems) and their meanings in visual and
text about polite culture as an illustration of “sorry, “please”) to live harmoniously in
written forms using standard vocabulary and
harmony in the plurality of Indonesian society plurality
effective sentences
1.17 Examining upright continuous writing in a story 2.17 Writing appropriate upright continuous style for
by paying attention to the use of capital letters capital letters (beginning of sentences, names 1.30 Examining expressions or sentences of suggestions, 2.30 Demonstrating expressions or sentences of
(beginning of sentences, names of months and days, of months and days, names of people) and inputs, and (simple) problem solving in written text suggestions, input, and (simple) problem
names of people) and recognizing period on a news recognizing period on a news sentence and solving as a form of self expression using
sentence and question mark in a question sentence question mark in a question sentence standard vocabulary and effective sentences

20 The 2013 Curriculum Equivalency Education Package A 21

Contextualization of Core Competencies and Basic Competencies for the dimensions of knowledge and 1.14 Understanding the information from 2.14 Retelling verbally, in writing, and by image, table
skills at Level II (equivalent to Grade IV to VI) is formulated in the following table. advertisements in print or electronic media or chart the information from advertisements in
print or electronic media
CONTEXTUALIZATION OF CORE AND BASIC COMPETENCIES 1.15 Exploring important information from local 2.15 Conveying important information from local
CURRICULUM IN EQUIVALENCY EDUCATION history text narration presented verbally and history text narration presented verbally and in
KNOWLEDGE SKILLS in writing using the aspects of: what, where, writing using the aspects of: what, where, when,
when, who, why, and how who, why, and how with standard vocabulary
1. Understanding factual knowledge by observing 2. Presenting factual knowledge in clear and logical
and effective sentences
(listening, seeing, and reading) and asking questions language, in aesthetic work, in movements that
1.16 Exploring the content and message of a rhyme 2.16 Reciting the students’ own original poetic works
based on curiosity about oneself, God’s creatures reflecting healthy children, and in actions that reflecting
which is presented verbally and in writing for the using the proper pronunciation, intonation, and
and activities, and objects that one finds at home, at the behavior of children of faith and noble character.
purpose of pleasure expressions as a form of self-expression
school and in playground
1.17 Understanding the interrelated concepts in 2.17 Presenting the interrelated concepts in nonfiction
1.1 Examining the main ideas and supporting ideas 2.1 Arranging information obtained from text based
nonfiction texts texts into a writing
obtained from oral, written, or picture, map, and on interagency connections into the framework
graphic texts of writing 1.18 Understanding the sequence of events and 2.18 Reconstructing events or actions with regard to
actions in nonfiction texts the background of the story in nonfiction text
1.2 Understanding the interrelationship of ideas 2.2 Presenting the results of observations about
obtained from oral written, or picture, map, and interagency connections into writing 1.19 Examining the use of effective sentences and 2.19 Making invitation letters (birthdays, school
graphic texts spelling in invitation letters (birthdays, school activities, going up a grade, etc.) using effective
activities, going up a grade, etc.) sentences and spelling.
1.3 Extracting information from a local community 2.3 Reporting the results of interviews with local
1.20 Exploring the content of scientific explanation 2.20 Presenting verbally, in writing, and visually the
leader through interviews using a questionnaire community leaders standard vocabulary and
texts result of exploring information from scientific
effective sentences in written text
explanation texts with standard vocabulary and
1.4 Comparing instructional text using two similar and 2.4 Presenting instructions for using tools that are often
effective sentences
different tools that are often used in everyday used in daily life in the form of written and visual
1.21 Exploring the content of speech texts 2.21 Presenting the student’s own speech text using
life texts using standard vocabulary and effective
standard vocabulary and effective sentences as a
form of self expression
1.5 Elaborating personal opinions about the contents 2.5 Communicating verbally and in writing personal
1.22 Exploring important information from a history 2.22 Presenting important information from history
of literary books (stories, fables, etc. in their opinions which are supported by reasons about
book using the aspects of: what, where, when, books verbally, in writing, and visually using the
respective regions) the contents of literary books that are chosen and
who, why, and how aspects of: what, where, when, who and how
read by themselves
and paying attention to the use of standard
1.6 Exploring the contents and mandate of poetry 2.6 Expressing poetry from personal or other works
vocabulary and effective sentences
that is presented verbally and in writing for the with appropriate pronunciation, intonation, and
1.23 Comparing the characteristics of poetic texts and 2.23 Converting poetic texts into prose texts without
purpose of pleasure expressions as a form of self expression
prose texts altering the meaning of the original of poetic texts
1.7 Exploring new knowledge found in nonfiction 2.7 Transferring new knowledge from nonfiction texts
texts into writing in their own language 1.24 Understanding the instructions and contents of 2.24 Filling in the form text (registration, member card,
1.8 Comparing old and new knowledge from 2.8 Conveying the results of comparing old knowledge the form text (registration, membership card, money transfer via bank / post office, curriculum
nonfiction texts with new knowledge in writing in their own remittance via bank / post office, curriculum vitae, etc.) according to the instructions
language vitae, etc.)
1.9 Determining the characters of a fictional text 2.9 Conveying verbally, in writing, and visually the 1.25 Predicting information that can be obtained from 2.25 Presenting verbally, in writing, by images, table
result of identifying characters in a fictional text nonfiction text before reading (only by reading or chart the possible information obtained by
1.10 Comparing the character of each character in 2.10 Presenting verbally, in writing, and by image the the title) reading the title of a nonfiction text
fictional text results comparing the character of each character 1.26 Exploring information contained in a nonfiction 2.26 Presenting verbally, in writing, and by images,
in fictional texts text tables, or graphs the results of comparing the
1.11 Determining main idea in oral and written text 2.11 Presenting verbally, in writing, and verbally the results expected information with information obtained
of identifying main idea in oral and written text after reading nonfiction texts
1.12 Classifying information obtained from books into 2.12 Presenting the result of classifying information 1.27 Exploring the characters’ speech and actions and 2.27 Presenting verbally, in writing, and by images or
aspects of: what, where, when, who, why, and obtained from books into aspects of: what, where, the writer’s narration in fictional texts tables an explanation of the speech and actions
how when, who, why, and how using standard vocabulary of the character and the writer’s narration in
1.13 Summarizing explanatory texts from printed or 2.13 Presenting verbally, in writing, by image, table or fictional texts
electronic media chart the summary of explanatory texts from print 1.28 Associating events experienced by characters in 2.28 Presenting verbally, in writing, and by images or
or electronic media using standard vocabulary fiction with personal experience tables the result of associating events experienced
and effective sentences by characters in fiction with personal experience

22 The 2013 Curriculum Equivalency Education Package A 23


Of The 2013 Curriculum
Equivalency Education
Subject: Mathematics
Level : Package A Equivalent to primary school (SD / MI)

A. Rationale equal to that of formal education graduates. For

National education is basically intended to this reason, the development of an equivalency
educate the nation’s civil society in a sustainable education curriculum is carried out by referring
manner. It is also expected to guarantee equal to and through the contextualization of the
distribution of quality education opportunities formal education curriculum. Contextualization
for every citizen of the nation because education is carried out on aspects of empowerment-
is also basically the right of every citizen. In oriented knowledge, skills, and attitudes so that
connection with that the Ministry of Education the graduates can contribute to the community
and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia in with a variety of creative, innovative social,
one of its missions aims to improve access economic and cultural activities.
and quality of graduates equally to support Mathematics works through expansion and
the nation’s competitiveness. Increasing access justification, reformation, generalization, and
and quality of education as emphasized in the / or formulation of facts, axioms, principles,
national education mission is expected to be and mathematical concepts. This is related
able to answer the challenges faced in terms to empirical phenomena and problems
of fulfilling rights and meeting the needs of encountered and need to be resolved in daily life
quality education for every citizen. and in the context of community development.
Education in Indonesia encounters specific In learning mathematics, understanding
problems and challenges related to improving concepts often begins inductively through
human quality in development, namely the low observing patterns or phenomena, experiencing
participation of the population in education, real events or intuition. Deductive and
especially for junior and senior secondary inductive ways of learning are used and equally
education, for various reasons. play an important role in mathematics so that
Equivalency education as an integral part of students form a critical, creative, honest and
the implementation of national education is communicative attitude. The development
MATHEMATIC specifically intended to answer this challenge. It of the mathematics curriculum is directed
PACKAGE A EQUIVALENT TO PRIMARY SCHOOL (SD / MI) is expected to be able to create quality graduates at improving life skills, especially in building

24 The 2013 Curriculum Equivalency Education Package A 25

reasoning, creativity, cooperation, innovation, 4. Communicating ideas, reasoning, arguing D. Contextualization of Core and Basic education; (2) making the formulation or
and communication by using short and clear or proofing through complete sentences, Competencies of Equivalency Education competency description more operational; (3)
symbolic languages and problem solving. In symbols, tables, diagrams, or other media Curriculum giving special pressure on the formulation of
addition, the development of mathematical to clarify the situation or problem Contextualization of curriculum competen- competencies in aspects of knowledge, skills and
competencies also emphasizes skills in 5. Fostering a positive attitude such as cies is carried out in accordance with attitudes so that they can be achieved according
using technology tools to perform technical being logical, critical, careful, thorough, the challenges of equivalency education to the expected needs, and equivalency
calculations (computation) and presentation in without changing or reducing the quality education can act as an alternative education
systematic, obedient, consistent, upholding
the form of images and graphics (visualization). standards or competency of graduates to be to solve the existing problems and improve the
agreement, tolerant, and not easily giving
The development of mathematical achieved as contained in formal education. quality and development of education.
up in solving problems.
competencies is important to support other Contextualization is done so that it is easily The contextualization includes conceptuali-
skills, such as across disciplines skills and non- C. Scope operated and realized in the practice of zation, material details, clarity of scope,
cognitive skills, as well as the development of The implementation of equivalency education implementing equality education. description of operational verb, and formulation
values, norms and ethics (soft skills), and to encounters objective challenges so that it is
T he principles used in conducting contextua- of sentences.
be responsible for the personal and society necessary to utilize the potential of human
lization are tailored to the problems, challenges, Contextualization of Core Competencies and
developments to support the development of resources, natural resources, and community
needs, and characteristics of equivalency Basic Competencies for the dimensions of
the nation and world civilization. development to improve the nation’s
education, namely: (1) ensuring the basic knowledge and skills at Level I (equivalent to
B. Aim competencies of equivalency education Grade I to III) is formulated in the following
The learning of Mathematic in Package A equivalent to the basic competencies of formal
In general, the curriculum targets four dimensions table.
equivalent to elementary school is designed to
of competence, namely spiritual attitudes, social
contribute to the need to improve the quality of CONTEXTUALIZATION OF CORE AND BASIC COMPETENCIES
attitudes, knowledge and skills, which are achieved
human resources. It contains materials that in CURRICULUM IN EQUIVALENCY EDUCATION
through the intra-curricular, co-curricular, and /
parallel with those in formal education so that KNOWLEDGE SKILLS
or extracurricular learning process.
final competencies are equivalent to the quality 1. Understanding factual and conceptual knowledge by 2. Presenting factual knowledge in clear and logical
In particular, the aim of learning mathematics of graduates produced by formal education. observing, asking questions, and trying based on curiosity language, in aesthetic work, in movements that
is to contribute in supporting the achievement Additionally, contextualization is carried out about oneself, God’s creatures and their activities, and reflecting healthy children, and in actions that reflecting
of the competencies of primary and secondary on aspects of learning so that equivalency objects that can be found at home, and at school the behavior of children of faith and noble character
education graduates through learning education able to answer the problems and 1.1 Describing the whole numbers up to 99 as the 2.1 Presenting whole numbers up to 99 corresponding
observation, as follows: challenges that exist. number of individual units in the collection of to the number of individual units in the collection
daily objects of objects presented
1. Understanding the concepts of algorithms, Mathematical learning materials include: 1.2 Describing numbers up to two digits through the 2.2 Writing down the symbol of numbers up to two
operations, or mathematical procedures use of real objects, displays or based on place digits denoting many members of a collection
1. The application of simple integers and
and strategies in a flexible, accurate, fractions in everyday life; values of the constituent numbers of objects with the idea of place values
efficient, effective, and appropriate manner 2. The application of prime numbers, 1.3 Comparing two numbers up to two digits through 2.3 Sorting numbers up to two digits from the least
in life or in solving everyday problems the use of real objects, displays or based on place to the largest numbers or vice versa by using a
multiples, common multiples and divisors,
values of the constituent numbers collection of concrete objects
2. Conducting mathematical reasoning which estimation and rounding in solving
1.4 Explaining and doing addition and subtraction of 2.4 Resolving daily problems related to addition and
includes making generalizations based on everyday problems; numbers involving number counts up to 99 in subtraction of numbers involving numbers
patterns, facts, phenomena or existing data, 3. The application of line segments, angles, daily life count up to 99
making assumptions and the verifications. wind directions, simple two-dimensional 2.5 Predicting and making patterns of numbers related
1.5 Recognizing patterns of numbers related to a
3. Conduction mathematical manipulation shapes and three-dimensional shapes in to a collection of objects/images/movements or
collection of objects/images/movements or other
everyday life; other
both in simplification, and analyzing
4. Application of measurement units and 1.6 Getting to know three-dimensional shapes and 2.6 Grouping three-dimensional shapes and two-
existing components in solving routine or
two-dimensional shapes using assorted concrete dimensional shapes based on certain properties
non-routine problems within and beyond their derivatives, dimensionless numbers
objects using various concrete objects
and commonly used scales;
the context of mathematics (real life, 1.7 Reasoning two-dimensional shapes that can be 2.7 Arranging two-dimensional shapes to form
5. Data management. arranged to form tessellation/tiling tessellation/tiling
science and technology).

26 The 2013 Curriculum Equivalency Education Package A 27

1.8 Recognizing and determining length and weight with 2.8 Measuring length and weight with non-standard 1.28 Explaining folding symmetry and rotational 2.28 Identifying folding symmetry and rotational
non-standard units using concrete objects / situations units using concrete objects / situations symmetry on a two-dimensional shape using symmetry on a two-dimensional shape using
1.9 Comparing length, weight, length of time, and 2.9 Sorting objects/events/situations based on length, concrete objects concrete objects
temperature using concrete objects/situations weight, length of time, and temperature 1.29 Explaining and determining the circumference of a 2.29 Presenting and resolving problems related to the
1.10 Describing numbers count and the symbols based 2.10 Reading out and presenting numbers count two-dimensional shape circumference of a two-dimensional shape
on place value by using concrete models and how and the symbols based on place value by using
to read it concrete models 1.30 Describing angle, types of angle (right angles, 2.30 Identifying types of angle (right angles, acute
acute angles, and obtuse angles), and non- angles, and obtuse angles), and non-standard
2.11 Sorting numbers from the smallest number to
1.11 Comparing two numbers count standard units of measurement units of measurement
the largest number or vice versa
1.12 Describing and doing addition and subtraction of 2.12 Resolving problems of addition and subtraction of 1.31 Analyzing various two-dimensional shapes based 2.31 Identifying various two-dimensional shapes
numbers involving counts up to 999 in daily life numbers involving counts up to 999 in daily life on their properties based on their properties
1.13 Describing multiplication and division involving 2.13 Resolving problems of multiplication and division 1.32 Explaining data relating to students’ personal 2.32 Presenting data relating to students’ personal
counts with product of 100 in daily life involving counts with product of 100 in daily life information presented in pictogram information presented in pictogram
1.14 Describing value and equivalent of currency 2.14 Sorting currency value and demonstrating
fraction assorted equivalents for currency fractions Contextualization of Core Competencies and Basic Competencies for the dimensions of knowledge and
1.15 Describing and determining length (including 2.15 Measuring length (including distance), weight, skills at Level II (equivalent to Grade IV to VI) is formulated in the following table.
distance), weight, and time in standard units that and time in standard units that are related to
are related to daily life daily life
2.16 Presenting fractions ½, and ¼ that correspond
1.16 Explaining fractions ½,and ¼ using concrete
to parts of a whole concrete objects in everyday KNOWLEDGE SKILLS
objects in everyday life
1. Understanding factual knowledge by observing 2. Presenting factual knowledge in clear and logical
1.17 Describing line segments using concrete models 2.17 Identifying line segments using concrete (listening, seeing, and reading) and asking questions language, in aesthetic work, in movements that
of two-dimensional shapes and three-dimensional models of two-dimensional shapes and three- based on curiosity about oneself, God’s creatures and reflecting healthy children, and in actions that
shapes dimensional shapes activities, and objects that one finds at home, at school reflecting the behavior of children of faith and noble
1.18 Explaining two-dimensional shapes and three- 2.18 Classifying two-dimensional shapes and three- and in playground character.
dimensional shapes based on their characteristics dimensional shapes based on their characteristics
1.1 Explaining equivalent fractions using pictures and 2.1 Resolving problems related to equivalent fractions
1.19 Describing the line patterns of two-dimensional 2.19 Predicting the line patterns of two-dimensional concrete models that exist in the surrounding using procedures and strategies according to the
shapes and three-dimensional shapes using shapes and three-dimensional shapes using environment characteristics of the problem
concrete images or objects concrete images or objects
1.2 Explaining and distinguishing various types 2.2 Resolving problems related to fractions (common,
1.20 Describing the properties of counting operations 2.20 Resolving problems involving the use of counting
of fractions (common, mixed, decimal, and mixed, decimal, and percentage) using
in numbers count operations in numbers count
percentage) by using concrete images and models procedures and strategies according to the
1.21 Resolving problems involving the use of counting 2.21 Using numbers count and simple fractions (such in the surrounding environment characteristics of the problem
operations in numbers count as ½, , and ¼) presented on number line
2.22 Assessing if a number can be declared as the 2.3 Resolving problems related to the calculation of
1.22 Denoting a number as the sum, difference, product 1.3 Determining the sum, difference, product and the sum, difference, product and quotient of
sum, difference, product or quotient of two
or quotient of two numbers count quotient of two numbers count or fractions and two numbers count or fractions and decimals
numbers count
decimals related to everyday events using procedures and strategies according to the
1.23 Generalizing the idea of fractions as part of a 2.23 Presenting the idea of fractions as part of a
characteristics of the problem
whole using concrete objects whole using concrete objects
1.24 Describing and performing addition and subtraction 2.24 Resolving problems of addition and subtraction 2.4 Resolving problems related to the factor and
of fractions with the same denominators of fractions with the same denominators multiple of an integer using procedures and
1.4 Explaining the factor and multiple of an integer
strategies according to the characteristics of the
1.25 Describing and determining the length of time an 2.25 Resolving problems related to the length of time
event takes place an event takes place
2.5 Resolving problems related to prime number
1.26 Describing and determining the relation of 2.26 Resolving problems related to the relation of 1.5 Explaining prime integers
standard units for length, weight, and time that standard units for length, weight, and time that
1.6 Determining common factor, greatest common 2.6 Resolving problems related to common factor,
commonly used in everyday life commonly used in everyday life
factor (GCF), common multiple, least common greatest common factor (GCF), common
1.27 Describing and determining area and volume in 2.27 Resolving problems related to area and volume multiple (LCM) of two integers in relation to daily multiple, least common multiple (LCM) of two
non-standard unit using concrete object in non-standard unit using concrete object life integers in relation to daily life

28 The 2013 Curriculum Equivalency Education Package A 29

2.7 Resolving the problems of rounding result of length 2.18 Making the nets of simple three-dimensional
1.7 Determining the results of measuring length and 1.18 Determining the nets of simple three-dimensional
and weight measurement to the nearest integer shapes (cubes and beams) using procedures and
weight to the nearest integer based on concrete shapes (cubes and beams) using available models
using procedures and strategies according to the strategies according to the characteristics of the
and non-concrete objects and concrete objects in surrounding environment
characteristics of the problem problem
1.19 Explaining data related to the learners’ personal 2.19 Analyzing data related to the learners’ personal
2.8 Resolving problems related to regular polygon
1.8 Explaining the characteristics of regular polygon data or the surrounding environment and the data or the surrounding environment and the
and irregular polygon using procedures and
and irregular polygon using available models and method of collection method of collection
strategies according to the characteristics of the
concrete objects in surrounding environment
problem 1.20 Explaining the presentation of data related to 2.20 Presenting data related to students’ personal
students’ personal data and comparing with data data and comparing with data from the
2.9 Resolving problems related to the circumference
1.9 Determining the circumference and area of a square, from the surrounding environment in the form surrounding environment in the form of lists,
and area of a square, rectangular, and triangle
rectangular, and triangle, and the relationship of of lists, tables, image diagrams (pictograms), bar tables, image diagrams (pictograms), bar charts,
by involving squared and square root using
squared with a square root using available models charts, or line diagrams or line diagrams
procedures and strategies according to the
and concrete objects in surrounding environment
characteristics of the problem 2.21 Solving problems related to the concept of
1.21 Determining negative integers using props
negative integers (including using number line)
1.10 Specifying and determining the relation of inter- 2.10 Resolving problems related to the relation of (number line) and without props
to express everyday situations
line (parallel, intersect, coincide) using available inter-line (parallel, intersect, coincide) using
models and concrete objects in surrounding procedures and strategies according to the 1.22 Determining the results of addition, subtraction, 2.22 Resolving problems related to addition,
environment characteristics of the problem multiplication, and division involving negative subtraction, multiplication, and division
integers using available models and concrete operations involving negative integers in daily
2.11 Collecting personal data of students and their
objects life
1.11 Explaining the data of students and their environment and presenting it in the form
environment presented in the form of diagrams of diagrams using procedures and strategies 1.23 Determining the results of a mixed counting 2.23 Resolving problems related to mixed counting
according to the characteristics of the problem operation involving numbers count, fractions and operation involving numbers count, fractions
/ or decimals in various forms according to the and / or decimals in various forms according to
1.12 Determining the results of measuring angle of a
2.12 Measuring angle of a two-dimensional shape in sequence of operations the sequence of operations
two-dimensional shape in a standard unit using
a standard unit using a protractor
a protractor 2.24 Resolving problems related to the center point,
1.24 Determining the center point, radius, diameter, radius, diameter, arc, chord, segment, and sector
1.13 Determining the result of addition and subtraction 2.13 Resolving problems related to addition and
arc, chord, segment, and sector using procedures and strategies according to the
of two fractions with different denominators subtraction of two fractions with different
characteristics of the problem
using available models and concrete objects in denominators using procedures and strategies
surrounding environment according to the characteristics of the problem 1.25 Determining the approximate circumference and 2.25 Resolving problems related to circumference and
2.14 Resolving problems related to multiplication area of the circle using available models and area of the circle using procedures and strategies
1.14 Determining the results of multiplication and and division of fractions and decimals using concrete objects according to the characteristics of the problem
division of fractions and decimals procedures and strategies according to the
2.26 Resolving problems related to prism, tube,
characteristics of the problem
1.26 Distinguishing prism, tube, pyramid, cone, and ball pyramid, cone and ball using procedures and
1.15 Determining the results of the comparison of two by using available models and concrete objects strategies according to the characteristics of the
2.15 Resolving problems related to the comparison of
different magnitudes (speed as a comparison of problem
two different magnitudes (speed, debit) using
distance with time, debit as a ratio of volume and
procedures and strategies according to the 2.27 Solving problems related to the concept of
time) using available models and concrete objects
characteristics of the problem 1.27 Determining the surface area and volume of a three-dimensional shape which is a combination
in surrounding environment
three-dimensional shape and a combination of of several three-dimensional shapes with the
2.16 Resolving problems related to scale on a floor several three-dimensional shapes using a model surface area and volume using procedures and
1.16 Determining scale by using a floor plan plan using procedures and strategies according of images, concrete non-concrete objects. strategies according to the characteristics of the
to the characteristics of the problem problem
2.17 Resolving problems related to the volume
1.17 Calculating the volume of three-dimensional of three-dimensional shape using units of 2.28 Solving problems related to mode, median, and
1.28 Determining the mode, median, and mean of
shape using units of volume and the relationship volume by involving cubed and cube root using mean of a single data using procedures and
a single data using concrete and non-concrete
of cubed and cube root procedures and strategies according to the strategies tailored to the characteristics of the
characteristics of the problem problem

30 The 2013 Curriculum Equivalency Education Package A 31


Of The 2013 Curriculum
Equivalency Education
Subject: Natural Sciences
Level : Package A Equivalent to primary school (SD / MI)

A. Rationale It is expected to be able to create quality

National education is basically intended to graduates equal to that of formal education
educate the nation’s civil society in a sustainable graduates. For this reason, the development
manner. It is also expected to guarantee equal of an equivalency education curriculum is
distribution of quality education opportunities carried out by referring to and through the
for every citizen of the nation because education contextualization of the formal education
is also basically the right of every citizen. In curriculum. Contextualization is carried out on
connection with that the Ministry of Education aspects of empowerment-oriented knowledge,
and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia in skills, and attitudes so that the graduates can
one of its missions aims to improve access contribute to the community with a variety
and quality of graduates equally to support of creative, innovative social, economic and
the nation’s competitiveness. Increasing access cultural activities.
and quality of education as emphasized in the Natural Sciences learning is important
national education mission is expected to be as a vehicle for continuous growing and
able to answer the challenges faced in terms strengthening of attitudes, knowledge and
of fulfilling rights and meeting the needs of skills in students at various levels of education.
quality education for every citizen. Through natural sciences learning which
Education in Indonesia encounters specific includes scientific work, living things and life
problems and challenges related to improving processes, substances and their properties,
human quality in development, namely the low energy and changes, the earth and the universe,
participation of the population in education, and the linkages between science, environment,
especially for junior and senior secondary technology, and society, students can develop
education, for various reasons. their attitudes, knowledge and skills.
Equivalency education as an integral part of Natural sciences learning in Package A
NATURAL SCIENCES the implementation of national education is Equivalency Education is designed not only
PACKAGE A EQUIVALENT TO PRIMARY SCHOOL (SD / MI) specifically intended to answer this challenge. to transfer knowledge and skills to students,

32 The 2013 Curriculum Equivalency Education Package A 33

but also to develop high-level thinking skills necessary to utilize the potential of human 4. Earth and Universe lization are tailored to the problems,
(analytical, synthesis, critical, creative, and resources, natural resources, and community Includes: day and night; weather change; challenges, needs, and characteristics
innovative) through scientific work experience. development to improve the nation’s water cycle and its effects; changes that of equivalency education, namely: (1)
The mastery of natural sciences learning competitiveness. occur in nature; solar systems; rotations ensuring the basic competencies of equi-
competency as the foundation of various basic and revolutions of the earth and moon; valency education equivalent to the basic
The learning of Natural Sciences in Package A
and applied sciences will benefit students lunar eclipses and solar eclipses. competencies of formal education; (2) making
equivalent to elementary school is designed to
in solving everyday life problems and in 5. Science, Environment, Technology, and the formulation or competency description
contribute to the need to improve the quality of
furthering their education so they can compete Society more operational; (3) giving special pressure
human resources. It contains materials that in
in 21st century. Includes: environment and health, plant on the formulation of competencies in aspects
parallel with those in formal education so that
care, and natural resources of knowledge, skills and attitudes so that they
final competencies are equivalent to the quality
B. Aim can be achieved according to the expected
of graduates produced by formal education. D. Contextualization of Core and Basic
In general, the curriculum targets four dimen-sions needs, and equivalency education can act as
Additionally, contextualization is carried out Competencies of Equivalency Education
of competence, namely spiritual attitudes, social an alternative education to solve the existing
on aspects of learning so that equivalency Curriculum
attitudes, knowledge and skills, which are achieved problems and improve the quality and
education able to answer the problems and Contextualization of curriculum competen-
through the intra-curricular, co-curricular, and / development of education.
challenges that exist. cies is carried out in accordance with
or extracurricular learning process.
the challenges of equivalency education The contextualization includes conceptua-
The scope of the Natural Sciences subject
In particular the Package A of Natural Sciences lization, material details, clarity of scope,
emphasizes scientific work and safety, integrated without changing or reducing the quality
subject is for students to be able to: description of operational verb, and
with all material and its application in daily life standards or competency of graduates to be
1. Live life with a positive attitude and critical, achieved as contained in formal education. formulation of sentences.
related to science, environment, technology
creative, innovative and collaborative and society. The scope of Package A’s Natural Contextualization is done so that it is easily Contextualization of Core Competencies and
thinking, along with honesty and openness, Sciences consists of: operated and realized in the practice of Basic Competencies for the dimensions of
based on the potential of process and implementing equality education. knowledge and skills at Level II (equivalent to
1. Living things and Life Systems
product of science. The principles used in conducting contextua- Grade IV to VI) is formulated in the following
Includes: limbs and the five senses; health;
2. Understand the surrounding natural table.
puberty and reproductive health; diversity
phenomena based on the results of learning of living things and their components;
science. evolution and habitats; environmental CURRICULUM IN EQUIVALENCY EDUCATION
3. Understand products and methods that health; growth, development and
make sense with the principles of science. adaptation of living things and conservation KNOWLEDGE SKILLS
4. Make decisions among various choices based efforts; the use and the conservation of
1. Understanding factual knowledge by observing 2. Presenting factual knowledge in clear and logical
on observations and scientific considerations. natural resources; human organs and their
(listening, seeing, and reading) and asking questions language, in aesthetic work, in movements that
5. Solve problems faced in life by choosing functions; and food networking in the based on curiosity about oneself, God’s creatures and reflecting healthy children, and in actions that
between ubiquitous ways based on the ecosystem. activities, and objects that one finds at home, at school reflecting the behavior of children of faith and
knowledge possessed. 2. Matter and Its properties and in playground noble character.

6. Understand the role of science in solving Includes: diversity of matter, states of

matter, changes of state, and assorted 1.1 Describing the relationship between the shape and 2.1 Presenting report on observation of the shape
everyday problems in the surrounding function of animal and plant body parts and function of animal and plant body parts
3. Energy and Its conversion
7. Understand technological developments 1.2 Describing the life cycle (sequence of developmental 2.2 Making a life cycle scheme (sequence of
Includes: motion, forces, and energy, stages) of several types of living things and developmental stages) of several types of
and environmental change according to the
energy conversion and alternative energy, associating them with efforts to terminate life living things that exist in the surrounding
impact of scientific development in the form of alternative energy and cycles for harmful animals (e.g. mosquitoes and environment, and slogans for conservation
C. Scope energy, and efforts to save energy, sound, cockroaches) and efforts to conserve animals efforts for beneficial animals
The implementation of equivalency education heat, electricity and magnetism, and their that benefit human life

encounters objective challenges so that it is application in daily life

34 The 2013 Curriculum Equivalency Education Package A 35

1.3 Identifying various types of forces, including: 2.3 Demonstrating various types of forces, including: 1.15 Explaining the effect of heat on temperature 2.15 Reporting the result of experiment on the
muscle force, electric force, magnetic force, muscle force, electric force, magnetic force, changes and object appearance in daily life effect of heat on objects
gravitational force, and friction in everyday life gravitational force, and friction in everyday life
1.16 Describing the water cycle and its impact on 2.16 Drawing the water cycle based on information
1.4 Describing the relationship between the influence 2.4 Presenting report of experiment on the effect of events on earth and the survival of living things from various sources
of force on the motion of objects in various force on the motion of objects 1.17 Grouping matter in daily life based on its 2.17 Reporting the results of observations on mixed
events in the surrounding environment constituent components (single and mixed substances and their constituent components
substances) in everyday life
1.5 Identifying various energy sources, changes in 2.5 Presenting report of observation on various
energy forms, and alternative energy sources sources and transformation of energy 1.18 Comparing the propagation of plants (vegetative
(wind, water, math, geothermal, organic fuel, and generative) and the reproduction of animals 2.18 Practicing vegetative propagation of a plant
and nuclear) in everyday life (laying eggs and giving birth)

1.6 Applying sound properties and their relation to the 2.6 Presenting report of experiment on sound 2.19 Making a writing about how to address puberty
1.19 Comparing the characteristics of puberty in men
sense of hearing properties for example women who have menstruation
and women and how to maintain reproductive
must maintain themselves in associating with
1.7 Applying light properties and their relation to the 2.7 Presenting report of experiment on light the opposite sex
sense of sight properties in daily life, for example light 2.20 Making a writing on how living things (certain
reflection and refraction 1.20 Analyzing how living things (certain animals and
animals and plants) adapt to their environment
plants) adapt to their environment
from various sources
1.8 Explaining the importance of efforts to save and 2.8 Carrying out activities to conserve natural
preserve natural resources in the surrounding resources with the community in the 1.21 Identifying electrical components and their 2.21 Making simple electrical circuits in series and
environment surrounding environment functions in simple electrical circuits parallel

2.22 Making reports on experimental results about

1.22 Identifying the properties of magnets in everyday
1.9 Explaining human motion system and functions 2.9 Drawing human motion system the properties of magnets and their application
and how to maintain them in daily life

2.23 Applying energy saving methods in daily life

1.10 Explaining the respiratory organs of animals and 2.10 Drawing human respiratory organs 1.23 Explaining how to produce, distribute, and save
and providing alternative energy sources to
human (nose, mouth, larynx, bronchi, lungs, electrical energy in everyday life
replace fossil fuel electricity
bronchioles) and their functions and how to
maintain the health of human respiratory organs 1.24 Explaining the solar system and the characteristics
of the members of the solar system, especially 2.24 Drawing the solar system
the earth
1.11 Explaining the digestive organs (mouth, 2.11 Drawing human digestive organs
esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large 1.25 Explaining the events of the earth’s rotation and
2.25 Drawing the events of lunar eclipses and solar
intestine, anus) and their functions and how revolution and the occurrence of lunar eclipses
to maintain the health of the human digestive and solar eclipses

1.12 Explaining the circulatory organ (heart) and its 2.12 Drawing human circulatory organ
functions and how to maintain the health of the
human circulatory organ

1.13 Describing the relationship between ecosystem 2.13 Drawing food web of an ecosystem in the
components (abiotic components and biotic surrounding environment
components) and food web (a collection of several
food chains) in the surrounding environment

1.14 Explaining how heat is transferred and its 2.14 Reporting the result of observations about
application in everyday life heat transfer in objects

36 The 2013 Curriculum Equivalency Education Package A 37


Of The 2013 Curriculum
Equivalency Education
Subject: Social Sciences
Level : Package A Equivalent to primary school (SD / MI)

A. Rationale specifically intended to answer this challenge.

National education is basically intended to It is expected to be able to create quality
educate the nation’s civil society in a sustainable graduates equal to that of formal education
manner. It is also expected to guarantee equal graduates. For this reason, the development
distribution of quality education opportunities of an equivalency education curriculum is
for every citizen of the nation because education carried out by referring to and through the
is also basically the right of every citizen. In contextualization of the formal education
connection with that the Ministry of Education curriculum. Contextualization is carried out on
and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia in aspects of empowerment-oriented knowledge,
one of its missions aims to improve access skills, and attitudes so that the graduates can
and quality of graduates equally to support contribute to the community with a variety
the nation’s competitiveness. Increasing access of creative, innovative social, economic and
and quality of education as emphasized in the cultural activities.
national education mission is expected to be
So far, Social Sciences subject in Elementary
able to answer the challenges faced in terms
Schools is designed to prepare a new
of fulfilling rights and meeting the needs of
generation who are knowledgeable, skilled,
quality education for every citizen.
and have high social ethics and are responsible
Education in Indonesia encounters specific for the development of themselves and their
problems and challenges related to improving communities to support nation-building and
human quality in development, namely the low world civilization. In particular, Social Sciences
participation of the population in education, subject is important to produce citizens who
especially for junior and senior secondary are religious, honest, democratic, creative,
education, for various reasons. critical, and happy to read, have the ability to
SOCIAL SCIENCES learn, curiosity, care for the social and physical
Equivalency education as an integral part of
PACKAGE A EQUIVALENT TO PRIMARY SCHOOL (SD / MI) the implementation of national education is environment, contribute to the development

38 The 2013 Curriculum Equivalency Education Package A 39

of social and cultural life, and communicate The learning of Social Sciences in Package A attitudes so that they can be achieved according description of operational verb, and formulation
productively in the surrounding environment. equivalent to elementary school is designed to to the expected needs, and equivalency of sentences.
Through leaning Social Sciences, it will contribute to the need to improve the quality of education can act as an alternative education Contextualization of Core Competencies and
increase students’ concern for social problems, human resources. It contains materials that in to solve the existing problems and improve the Basic Competencies for the dimensions of
and their ability to establish cooperation, take parallel with those in formal education so that quality and development of education. knowledge and skills at Level II (equivalent to
collective action in solving social problems and final competencies are equivalent to the quality The contextualization includes conceptuali- Grade IV to VI) is formulated in the following
developing public life. of graduates produced by formal education. zation, material details, clarity of scope, table.
Additionally, contextualization is carried out
B. Aim on aspects of learning so that equivalency CONTEXTUALIZATION OF CORE AND BASIC COMPETENCIES
In general, the curriculum targets four dimensions education able to answer the problems and CURRICULUM IN EQUIVALENCY EDUCATION
of competence, namely spiritual attitudes, social challenges that exist.
attitudes, knowledge and skills, which are achieved KNOWLEDGE SKILLS
Referring to social sciences competencies in
through the intra-curricular, co-curricular, and / elementary schools, the competencies to be 1. Understanding factual knowledge by observing 2. Presenting factual knowledge in clear and logical
or extracurricular learning process. achieved in equivalency education for level II (listening, seeing, and reading) and asking language, in aesthetic work, in movements that
In particular, Social Sciences subject is taught are oriented to space and interaction between questions based on curiosity about oneself, God’s reflecting healthy children, and in actions that
to achieve specific purposes as follows: spaces in the local, national, and regional creatures and activities, and objects that one finds reflecting the behavior of children of faith and
spheres; the dynamics of social interaction; at home, at school and in playground noble character.
1. To recognize and understand the lives of and economic activities to improve the welfare, 1.1 Identifying natural conditions / landforms of 2.1 Communicating by making table the results of
surrounding communities, nations, and change and sustainability of Indonesian society the earth in the local district / city / province, identification about natural resources in the
mankind in various aspects of life and its since the Hindu-Buddhist era until now. As and the use of natural resources for daily lowlands / highlands / coastal / beach areas,
environment; for level I, Social Sciences contents are given in living needs and to increase people’s income and their use for daily needs in increasing the
2. To think logically and critically, read, Indonesian Language subjects. income of the community in the local district
learn (learning skills, inquiry), solve / city / province
problems, communicate and collaborate in D. Contextualization of Core and Basic
1.2 Identifying the location of Indonesia as an 2.2 Presenting the results of identification by
community life; Competencies of Equivalency Education
archipelago/maritime and agrarian country pointing at the map of the world / Indonesia
3. To understand the impact of the Curriculum
(located between two continents and two the borders of Indonesia and the names of
development of science on the development Contextualization of curriculum competencies
oceans, strategic world trade route, crossed large islands in Indonesia and the name of
of technology and human life both in the is carried out in accordance with the challenges
by the equator, more ocean than land territory, the local island where students live, and
of equivalency education without changing or
past and the potential impact on the future consists of thousands of islands, has three explaining about the location of Indonesia
reducing the quality standards or competency
for oneself, others, and the environment; time zones, people’s livelihoods mostly in as an archipelago / maritime and agrarian
of graduates to be achieved as contained in
4. To have a commitment and awareness of agriculture) and its influence on people’s daily country in Indonesia between two continents
formal education. Contextualization is done
social and humanitarian values and are lives, customs, and means of transportation and two oceans, strategic world’s trade route,
so that it is easily operated and realized in the
proud to be Indonesian citizens; and and communication crossed by the equator, more ocean than land
practice of implementing equality education.
5. To communicate, cooperate, and be territory, consisting of thousands of islands,
The principles used in conducting contex- having three time zones, the livelihoods of
competitive in a pluralistic society, at the
tualization are tailored to the problems, the population mostly in agriculture
local and national level.
challenges, needs, and characteristics of 1.3 Identifying ASEAN member countries and the 2.3 Pointing at the world map / Southeast Asia the
C. C. Scope equivalency education, namely: (1) ensuring the objectives of ASEAN establishment, as well location and boundaries of ASEAN member
The implementation of equivalency education basic competencies of equivalency education as seeking information from various sources countries, and explaining the nature’s
encounters objective challenges so that it is equivalent to the basic competencies of formal about the nature’s condition, population, the condition, population, the main source of
necessary to utilize the potential of human education; (2) making the formulation or main sources of livelihood, the culture and livelihood, the culture, and the industrial
resources, natural resources, and community competency description more operational; (3) the industrial products of ASEAN member products of ASEAN member countries
development to improve the nation’s giving special pressure on the formulation of countries
competitiveness. competencies in aspects of knowledge, skills and

40 The 2013 Curriculum Equivalency Education Package A 41

1.4 Identifying the diversity characteristics of 1.11 Identifying from various sources and making 2.11 Presenting the result of identification on
2.4 Communicating the results of identification of
people’s lives in the surrounding environment notes about the arrival of foreign nations the arrival of foreign nations that had
ethnic / ethnic diversity, culture, standard of
/ local province concerning the ethnicity, that had colonized Indonesia, the factors colonized Indonesia, the factors that
living and livelihood, as well as their religion
culture, living standards and livelihoods, as that attracted these foreign nations to come attracted these foreign nations to come and
/ beliefs in the surrounding environment /
well as their religion / belief in accordance and colonize Indonesia, and the efforts made colonize Indonesia, and the efforts made
local province that coexist peacefully as a
with their residential environment as the by the Indonesian people to maintain their by the Indonesian people to maintain their
national identity
Indonesian national identity sovereignty sovereignty

2.5 Presenting the results of the analysis in the

1.12 Understanding the importance of the 2.12 Composing a writing and presenting
1.5 Analyzing the landforms of the earth (lowlands, form of tables and explaining the landforms
proclamation of independence for the verbally the importance of the proclamation
highlands, beaches), locations of settlements, of the earth (lowlands, highlands, beaches),
Indonesian people in the life of nation and of independence for the Indonesian
sources of people’s livelihood and their locations of settlements, sources of livelihood
state, the efforts to maintain independence, people in the life of nation and state, the
relation to centers of trade, industry and for the population and their relation to
and fill independence with national efforts to maintain independence, and fill
developmental development in Indonesia centers of trade, industry and developmental
development independence with national development
development in Indonesia

2.6 Communicate the results of the analysis by

1.6 Analyzing the changes that occur due to making a timeline about changes that occur
modernization in the Indonesian social culture due to modernization in the Indonesian
social culture

2.7 Presenting in the form of a table a list of

1.7 Identifying people’s livelihoods in the fields
people’s livelihoods in the fields of agriculture,
of agriculture, fisheries, forestry, trade,
fisheries, forestry, trade, industry, and
industry and services as well as the types of
services as well as the types of occupational
occupational professions that require certain
professions that require certain skills in
skills in villages and cities in the local province
villages and cities in the local province

2.8 Presenting in the form of table the results of the

1.8 Analyzing the role of agriculture, forestry,
analysis on the role of agriculture, forestry,
fisheries, trade and industry in an effort to
fisheries, trade and industry in an effort to
improve the welfare of the community to
improve the welfare of the community to
strengthen national unity and integrity
strengthen national unity and integrity

1.9 Analyzing Indonesia’s cooperation with ASEAN 2.9 Composing a writing on Indonesia’s
member countries in the economic, social, cooperation with ASEAN member countries in
cultural, technological, educational fields the economic, social, cultural, technological,
and the important roles of Indonesia in the educational fields and the important roles of
cooperation Indonesia in the cooperation

2.10 Presenting the results of the identification

1.10 Identifying ancient Hindu, Buddhist, and Islamic and explaining ancient Hindu, Buddhist,
kingdom relics in the local environment, and and Islamic kingdom relics in the local
their influence on daily life such as traditional environment, and their influence on daily
ceremonies, arts, and community traditions life such as traditional ceremonies, arts, and
community traditions.

42 The 2013 Curriculum Equivalency Education Package A 43


Of The 2013 Curriculum
Equivalency Education
Subject: Cultural Art and Craft
Level : Package A Equivalent to primary school (SD / MI)

A. Rationale specifically intended to answer this challenge.

National education is basically intended to It is expected to be able to create quality
educate the nation’s civil society in a sustainable graduates equal to that of formal education
manner. It is also expected to guarantee equal graduates. For this reason, the development
distribution of quality education opportunities of an equivalency education curriculum is
for every citizen of the nation because education carried out by referring to and through the
is also basically the right of every citizen. In contextualization of the formal education
connection with that the Ministry of Education curriculum. Contextualization is carried out on
and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia in aspects of empowerment-oriented knowledge,
one of its missions aims to improve access skills, and attitudes so that the graduates can
and quality of graduates equally to support contribute to the community with a variety
the nation’s competitiveness. Increasing access of creative, innovative social, economic and
and quality of education as emphasized in the cultural activities.
national education mission is expected to be Cultural Art and Craft subject in Elementary
able to answer the challenges faced in terms Schools is designed to prepare a new generation
of fulfilling rights and meeting the needs of of people who are knowledgeable, skilled,
quality education for every citizen. and understand art in the context of science,
Education in Indonesia encounters specific technology and art and to play a role in the
problems and challenges related to improving historical development of civilization and
human quality in development, namely the low culture in local, national, regional, and global.
participation of the population in education, Through learning Cultural Art and Craft,
especially for junior and senior secondary students will have an awareness of the diverse
education, for various reasons. cultural values that live in the community. Art
CULTURAL ART AND CRAFT Equivalency education as an integral part of education has the role of developing four multi-
PACKAGE A EQUIVALENT TO PRIMARY SCHOOL (SD / MI) the implementation of national education is intelligences, namely the role of art in forming

44 The 2013 Curriculum Equivalency Education Package A 45

a harmonious person in accordance with C. Scope The scope of the Cultural Art and Craft subject the challenges of equivalency education
the psychological development of students, The implementation of equivalency education is based on four aspects that can be chosen by without changing or reducing the quality
including intrapersonal, interpersonal, encounters objective challenges so that it is the educational unit to be taught in accordance standards or competency of graduates to be
visual-spatial, verbal-linguistic, musical, necessary to utilize the potential of human with the availability of existing resources and achieved as contained in formal education.
mathematical-logical, physical-kinetic, resources, natural resources, and community interests of students. The four aspects of ability Contextualization is done so that it is easily
naturalist, and spiritual intelligence. It also development to improve the nation’s developed in Cultural Arts and Crafts subject operated and realized in the practice of
includes the ability to establish cooperation, competitiveness. include: implementing equality education.
carry out collective actions in solving social 1. Fine Art, including the ability to concep- The principles used in conducting contex-
The learning of Cultural Art and Craft in
problems and developing public life. tualize, appreciate and create two and tualization are tailored to the problems,
Package A equivalent to elementary school
is designed to contribute to the need to three-dimensional works of art, as well as challenges, needs, and characteristics
B. Aim
improve the quality of human resources. It exhibition planning. of equivalency education, namely: (1)
In general, the curriculum targets four
contains materials that in parallel with those 2. Music, including the ability to conceptua- ensuring the basic competencies of equiva-
dimensions of competence, namely spiritual
in formal education so that final competencies lize, appreciate and create vocal and lency education equivalent to the basic
attitudes, social attitudes, knowledge and skills,
are equivalent to the quality of graduates instrument works, as well as planning competencies of formal education; (2) making
which are achieved through the intra-curricular,
produced by formal education. Additionally, music performances. the formulation or competency description
co-curricular, and / or extracurricular learning
contextualization is carried out on aspects of 3. Dance, including the ability to concep- more operational; (3) giving special pressure
learning so that equivalency education able to tualize, appreciate and create traditional on the formulation of competencies in aspects
In particular, Cultural Art and Craft subject is answer the problems and challenges that exist. of knowledge, skills and attitudes so that they
and creative dance artworks, as well as
taught to achieve specific objectives as follows: can be achieved according to the expected
Referring to the Cultural Art and Craft dance performance management.
1. Having factual, conceptual, procedural needs, and equivalency education can act as
competencies in Primary Schools, the 4. Craft, including the ability to conceptualize,
and metacognitive knowledge in sensory an alternative education to solve the existing
competencies to be achieved in equivalency appreciate and create crafts. In this case the
sensitivity to fine art, sound, movement problems and improve the quality and
education are oriented towards the growth of craft in elementary school is an aspect that
and the combination; development of education.
creative, ethical and aesthetic attitudes and supports the achievement of the competencies
2. Having an appreciation that includes behaviors. The contextualization includes conceptuali-
of fine art, music, and dance in the subject of
sensitivity to aesthetic and artistic feelings zation, material details, clarity of scope,
The scope of Cultural Art and Craft subject Cultural Art and Craft.
and an attitude of respect for art; and description of operational verb, and formu-
matter for Equivalency Program Package A
3. Having creations includes all forms of the D. Contextualization of Core and Basic lation of sentences.
contains activities of appreciation, expression
production process of creating art and Competencies of Equivalency Education Contextualization of Core Competencies and
and creation, namely:
imaginating. Curriculum Basic Competencies for the dimensions of
Contextualization of curriculum competen- knowledge and skills at Level I (equivalent to
cies is carried out in accordance with Grade I to III) is formulated in the following
Grade I – III (Elementary School Lower Class) Grade IV – VI (Elementary School Higher Class)
Students have the ability to think, act, and produce Students have factual and conceptual knowledge in CURRICULUM IN EQUIVALENCY EDUCATION

art work systematically and logically through the work of aesthetic art through appreciation and KNOWLEDGE SKILLS
appreciation and creation in the form of dynamics of creation in the form of story and billboard images, 1. Understanding factual knowledge by observing 2. Presenting factual knowledge in clear and logical
movements, decorative works, displaying rhythmic tone intervals, local creation dances, collages, masks (listening, seeing, and reading) and asking questions language, in aesthetic work, in movements that
patterns and making works from natural materials and sculptures making by paying attention to honest, based on curiosity about oneself, God’s creatures and reflecting healthy children, and in actions that
activities, and objects that one finds at home, at school reflecting the behavior of children of faith and noble
by showing honest, discipline, responsibility, polite, disciplined, responsible, polite, caring, and confident
and in playground character.
caring, and confident manner in interacting with manner in interacting with family, friends, teachers
1.1 Getting to know two and three-dimensional works
family, friends, teachers and neighbors and neighbors 2.1 Creating two and three-dimensional works of art
of art

46 The 2013 Curriculum Equivalency Education Package A 47

1.2 Getting to know the elements of music through
2.2 Reproducing the elements of music through songs
1.3 Getting to know the movements of the limbs 2.3 Demonstrating the movements of the limbs
through dances through dances

1.4 Getting to know natural materials in work 2.4 Making a piece of work from natural materials
1.5 Getting to know two and three-dimensional 2.5 Creating two and three-dimensional imaginative
imaginative works works
Contextualization of Core Competencies and Basic Competencies for the dimensions of knowledge and
1.6 Getting to know simple rhythm patterns through 2.6 Presenting simple rhythm patterns through skills at Level II (equivalent to Grade IV to VI) is formulated in the following table.
children’s songs children’s songs
1.7 Getting to know daily and natural movements in 2.7 Demonstrating daily and natural movements in CURRICULUM IN EQUIVALENCY EDUCATION
dances dances
1.8 Getting to know the processing of natural and 2.8 Making ornaments from natural and artificial
1. Understanding factual knowledge by observing 2. Presenting factual knowledge in clear and logical
artificial materials in producing art works materials
(listening, seeing, and reading) and asking questions language, in aesthetic work, in movements that
1.9 Getting to know the visual elements in decorative based on curiosity about oneself, God’s creatures and reflecting healthy children, and in actions that
2.9 Making decorative works
works activities, and objects that one finds at home, at school reflecting the behavior of children of faith and noble
and in playground character.
1.10 Getting to know the shape and variation of 2.10 Presenting the shape and variation of rhythmic
rhythmic patterns in songs patterns in songs 1.1 Knowing how to draw and how to form three- 2.1 Making a drawing and creating or shaping three-
1.11 Getting to know the dynamics of dance dimensional works dimensional works freely
2.11 Demonstrating the dynamics of dance movements
movements 2.2 Singing a free song by paying attention to fast-
1.2 Knowing fast-slow and high-low tones of a song
1.12 Getting to know cutting, folding, and paste 2.12 Making creation with cutting, folding, and paste slow and high-low tones of the song
techniques techniques 1.3 Knowing the local dance movements 2.3 Demonstrating the local dance movements

2.4 Making collage, montage, application and mosaic

1.4 Knowing how to make fine arts using paste
works, tailored to the availability of materials in
the local area, freely
1.5 Understanding story images 2.5 Making a story image freely
2.6 Singing a song with various possible scales
1.6 Understanding musical scale
accompanied by music

1.7 Understanding the floor pattern in the local dance

2.7 Practicing the floor pattern of local dance creations

1.8 Understanding the local fine art works 2.8 Making a local fine art artwork freely
1.9 Understanding how to make billboard works 2.9 Making a billboard work freely
2.10 Singing and identifying the pitch distance used
1.10 Understanding the pitch distance in local folk song
in local folk song

1.11 Understanding the elements of motion contained

2.11 Performing local creative dance
in creative dance

2.12 Making simple sculptures with free media and

1.12 Understanding sculpture making techniques tailored with the availability of
materials in the local area

48 The 2013 Curriculum Equivalency Education Package A 49


Of The 2013 Curriculum
Equivalency Education
Subject: Sport and Recreation Education
Level : Package A Equivalent to primary school (SD / MI)

A. Rationale
specifically intended to answer this challenge.
National education is basically intended to
It is expected to be able to create quality
educate the nation’s civil society in a sustainable
graduates equal to that of formal education
manner. It is also expected to guarantee equal
graduates. For this reason, the development
distribution of quality education opportunities
of an equivalency education curriculum is
for every citizen of the nation because education
carried out by referring to and through the
is also basically the right of every citizen. In
contextualization of the formal education
connection with that the Ministry of Education
curriculum. Contextualization is carried out on
and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia in
aspects of empowerment-oriented knowledge,
one of its missions aims to improve access
skills, and attitudes so that the graduates can
and quality of graduates equally to support
contribute to the community with a variety
the nation’s competitiveness. Increasing access
of creative, innovative social, economic and
and quality of education as emphasized in the
cultural activities.
national education mission is expected to be
able to answer the challenges faced in terms Sports and Recreation Education is designed as a
of fulfilling rights and meeting the needs of means to refresh and restore physical and mental
quality education for every citizen. strength through various activities of developing
human organs (body building), physical fitness
Education in Indonesia encounters specific
(physical fitness), physical activities (physical
problems and challenges related to improving
fitness), and skill development.
human quality in development, namely the low
participation of the population in education, The learning environment in sports and
especially for junior and senior secondary recreation education involves physical, mental,
education, for various reasons. intellectual, emotional and social elements by
SPORT AND RECREATION EDUCATION instilling active and recreational life patterns
Equivalency education as an integral part of
PACKAGE A EQUIVALENT TO PRIMARY SCHOOL (SD / MI) the implementation of national education is
through various physical activities and games,

50 The 2013 Curriculum Equivalency Education Package A 51

and health education as an effort to improve in formal education so that final competencies to the expected needs, and equivalency educa- tion of operational verb, and formulation of
life safety, personal and environment hygiene, are equivalent to the quality of graduates tion can act as an alternative education to solve sentences.
as well as mental and social health. produced by formal education. Additionally, the existing problems and improve the quality Contextualization of Core Competencies and Basic
By learning sports and recreation students contextualization is carried out on aspects of and development of education. Competencies for the dimensions of knowledge
learn to interact with other people in outdoor learning so that equivalency education able to The contextualization includes conceptualiza- and skills at Level I (equivalent to Grade I to III)
or indoor arenas through recreational sports answer the problems and challenges that exist. tion, material details, clarity of scope, descrip- is formulated in the following table.
program that is well structured and planned, The scope of the learning material in Sport and
interesting and fun, in order to shape the Recreation Education for Package A equivalent CONTEXTUALIZATION OF CORE AND BASIC COMPETENCIES
personal development of learners who are able to elementary school focuses more on CURRICULUM IN EQUIVALENCY EDUCATION
to work together, be sporty, honest and tolerant developing basic movement patterns, athletics KNOWLEDGE SKILLS
in carrying out activities and solving problems (track and field), big ball and small ball games, 1. Understanding factual and conceptual knowledge 2. Presenting factual knowledge in clear and logical
in daily life independently and dare to compete martial arts, physical fitness development by observing, asking questions, and trying based language, in aesthetic work, in movements that
in the global era. through various simple, recreational, and on curiosity about oneself, God’s creatures and their reflecting healthy children, and in actions that
local traditional games and sports as well as activities, and objects that can be found at home, and reflecting the behavior of children of faith and noble
B. Aim at school character
rhythmic movement activities. In addition, it
In general, the curriculum aims four dimensions
also discuses health education which addresses 1.1 Understanding locomotor basic movements 2.1 Practicing locomotor basic movements (shifting
of competence, namely spiritual attitudes,
personal health according to the age of (shifting movements, for example: walking, movements, for example: walking, running,
social attitudes, knowledge and skills, which
development from personal and environmental running, jumping, rolling) in various forms of jumping, rolling) in various forms of simple and
are achieved through the intra-curricular, co-
hygiene, prevention of dangerous drugs, to the simple and or traditional games or traditional games
curricular, and / or extracurricular learning
dangers of HIV-AIDS, as well as mental and 1.2 Understanding variations in locomotor basic 2.2 Practicing variations in locomotor basic movements
social health. movements (one pattern of movement is carried (one pattern of movement is carried out in
Specifically, Sport and Recreation Education out in various ways, for example: variations in various ways, for example: variations in walking
subjects aims to develop self-management D. Contextualization of Core and Basic walking exercise; move forward, backward, left exercise; move forward, backward, left side,
skills in maintaining physical fitness, Competencies of Equivalency Education side, right side, left oblique, right oblique) in right side, left oblique, right oblique) in various
movement skills, critical thinking skills, social various forms of simple and or traditional games forms of simple and or traditional games
skills, reasoning, emotional stability, moral Contextualization of curriculum competencies 1.3 Understanding the combination of locomotor basic 2.3 Practicing the combination of locomotor basic
character foundation, healthy lifestyle and the is carried out in accordance with the challenges movements (combining two or more locomotor movements (combining two or more locomotor
introduction of clean environment through of equivalency education without changing or basic movement skills, for example: walking and basic movement skills, for example: walking and
physical activity, exercise, health and recreation running, running and jumping) in various forms running, running and jumping) in various forms
reducing the quality standards or competency
of simple and or traditional games of simple and or traditional games
that are planned systematically, recreationally / of graduates to be achieved as contained in
fun, and according to the developmental age formal education. Contextualization is done 1.4 Understanding non-locomotor basic movements 2.4 Practicing non-locomotor basic movements
and local cultural life. (moving in place that is the movement of (moving in place that is the movement of
so that it is easily operated and realized in the
changing the position of the limbs that does not changing the position of the limbs that does
C. Scope practice of implementing equality education. cause the whole body to move to other places, for not cause the whole body to move to other
The implementation of equivalency education The principles used in conducting example: shaking head, folding arms, stretching places, for example: shaking head, folding arms,
encounters objective challenges so that it is necessary contextualization are tailored to the problems, arms, lifting one leg, swinging arms in various stretching arms, lifting one leg, swinging arms in
directions, bending knees, twisting arms, twisting various directions, bending knees, twisting arms,
to utilize the potential of human resources, challenges, needs, and characteristics of
body) in various forms of simple and or traditional twisting body) in various forms of simple and or
natural resources, and community development equivalency education, namely: (1) ensuring the games traditional games
to improve the nation’s competitiveness. basic competencies of equivalency education
equivalent to the basic competencies of formal 1.5 Understanding variations in non-locomotor basic 2.5 Practicing variations in non-locomotor basic
The learning of Sport and Recreation Education
education; (2) making the formulation or movements (one pattern of motion is carried movements (one pattern of motion is carried
in Package A equivalent to elementary school out in various ways, for example: moving head out in various ways, for example: moving head
is designed to contribute to the need to competency description more operational; (3)
forward, sideways, up and down, swinging arms, forward, sideways, up and down, swinging
improve the quality of human resources. It giving special pressure on the formulation of
and bending) in various forms of simple and or arms, and bending) in various forms of simple
contains materials that in parallel with those competencies in aspects of knowledge, skills and
traditional games and or traditional games
attitudes so that they can be achieved according

52 The 2013 Curriculum Equivalency Education Package A 53

1.6 Understanding the combination of non- 2.6 Practicing the combination of non-locomotor 1.14 Understanding the variation of various basic 2.14 Practicing the variation of various basic
locomotor basic movements (combining two basic movements (combining two or more movements of sustaining, suspending, movements of sustaining, suspending,
or more non-locomotor basic movement skills, non-locomotor basic movement skills, for balancing, moving/locomotor, repulsion, balancing, moving/locomotor, repulsion,
for example: twisting body and swinging arms, example: twisting body and swinging arms, rotation, swinging, floating and landing in rotation, swinging, floating and landing in
bending and swinging arms) in various forms bending and swinging arms) in various forms floor exercise floor exercise
of simple and or traditional games of simple and or traditional games
1.15 Understanding the combination of various 2.15 Practicing the combination of various basic
1.7 Understanding the pattern of manipulative basic 2.7 Practicing the pattern of manipulative basic basic movements of sustaining, suspending, movements of sustaining, suspending,
movements (the movement of playing objects, movements (the movement of playing objects, balancing, moving/locomotor, repulsion, balancing, moving/locomotor, repulsion,
for example: throwing, rolling, catching, and for example: throwing, rolling, catching, and rotation, swinging, floating and landing in rotation, swinging, floating and landing in
kicking) in various forms of simple and or kicking) in various forms of simple and or floor exercise floor exercise
traditional games traditional games
1.16 Understanding locomotor (shifting movements) 2.16 Practicing locomotor (moving movements) and
1.8 Understanding variations in manipulative basic 2.8 Practicing variations in manipulative basic
and non-locomotor (moving in place) in non-locomotor (moving in place) according
movements (one pattern of movement is movements (one pattern of movement is
accordance with the rhythm (beat) without / to the beat (beat) without / with music in
carried out in various ways, for example: carried out in various ways, for example:
with music in rhythmic movement activities rhythmic movement activities
throwing the ball up, down, straight forward) throwing the ball up, down, straight forward)
in various forms of simple and or traditional in various forms of simple and or traditional
games games 1.17 Understanding the variation of locomotor basic 2.17 Practicing the variation of locomotor basic
movements (shifting movements) and non- movements (shifting movements) and non-
1.9 Understanding the combination of manipulative 2.9 Practicing the combination of manipulative locomotor (moving in place) in accordance locomotor (moving in place) in accordance
basic movements (combining two or more basic movements (combining two or more with the rhythm (beat) without / with music in with the rhythm (beat) without / with music in
manipulative basic movement skills, for manipulative basic movement skills, for rhythmic movement activity rhythmic movement activity
example: bouncing and catching balls, stopping example: bouncing and catching balls,
and kicking balls) in various forms of simple stopping and kicking balls) in various forms of
1.18 Understanding the combination of locomotor 2.18 Practicing the combination of locomotor
and or traditional games simple and or traditional games
basic movements (shifting movements), non- basic movements (shifting movements), non-
2.10 Practicing the position of the posture, for locomotor (moving in place), and manipulative locomotor (moving in place), and manipulative
1.10 Understanding the position of the posture,
example: sitting, standing, walking, and in accordance with the rhythm (beat) without / in accordance with the rhythm (beat) without
for example: sitting, standing, walking, and
moving flexibly and balanced in order to with music in rhythmic movement activity / with music in rhythmic movement activity
moving flexibly and balanced in order to shape
shape the body through simple and traditional
the body through simple and traditional games
games 1.19 Understanding various introduction to 2.19 Practicing various introduction to movement
movement activities in water and maintain self activities in water and maintain self / others
1.11 Understanding the procedures to move in a 2.11 Practicing the procedures to move in a
/ others safety *** safety ***
balanced, flexible, and powerful manner in the balanced, flexible, and powerful manner in
context of developing physical fitness through the context of developing physical fitness 1.20 Understanding the procedure for the use 2.20 Practicing the procedure for the use of
simple and or traditional games (for example: through simple and or traditional games (for of locomotor basic movements (shifting locomotor basic movements (shifting
chasing game and crank jump) example: chasing game and crank jump) movements), non-locomotor (moving in place), movements), non-locomotor (moving in
and manipulative (playing objects) in the form place), and manipulative (playing objects) in
1.12 Understanding to move in a balanced, flexible, 2.12 Practicing to move in a balanced, flexible,
of games and maintaining personal safety / the form of games and maintaining personal
agile and enduring manner in order to agile and enduring manner in order to
others *** safety / others ***
develop physical fitness through simple and or develop physical fitness through simple and or
traditional games (for example: playing gobak traditional games (for example: playing gobak 1.21 Understanding the procedure of floating and 2.21 Practicing the procedure of floating and
sodor—a variety of “tag” games) sodor—a variety of “tag” games) gliding in the water and maintaining personal gliding in the water and maintaining personal
and others safety in water activities*** and others safety in water activities***
1.13 Understand various basic movements in floor 2.13 Practicing various basic movements in floor
exercise for example: sustaining, suspending, exercise for example: sustaining, suspending, 1.22 Understanding parts of the body that may and 2.22 Explaining parts of the body that may and may
balancing, moving/locomotor, repulsion, balancing, moving/locomotor, repulsion, may not be touched by others, how to maintain not be touched by others, how to maintain
rotation, swinging, floating and landing rotation, swinging, floating and landing the cleanliness of the body parts and clothes the cleanliness of the body parts and clothes

54 The 2013 Curriculum Equivalency Education Package A 55

1.23 Understanding the benefits of warming up and 2.23 Explaining the benefits of warming up and 1.4 Understanding the variations of locomotor 2.4 Practicing the variations of locomotor (shifting
cooling down, as well as several things that cooling down, as well as several things that (shifting movements), non-locomotor (moving movements), non-locomotor (moving in
must be done and avoided before, during, and must be done and avoided before, during, in place), and manipulative (playing objects) place), and manipulative (playing objects)
after doing physical activities and after doing physical activities basic movements in simple or traditional small basic movements in simple or traditional
ball games (using tennis ball and ping pong small ball games (using tennis ball and ping
1.24 Understanding the forms and benefits of break 2.24 Explaining the forms and benefits of break ball)* pong ball)*
and how to use spare time to maintain health and how to use spare time to maintain health
2.5 Practicing the combination of locomotor
1.5 Understanding the combination of locomotor
1.25 Understanding how to maintain a clean (shifting moves), non-locomotor (moving in
2.25 Practicing how to maintain a clean environment (shifting moves), non-locomotor (moving in
environment (bed, house, class, school place), and manipulative (playing objects)
(bed, house, class, school environment, etc.) place), and manipulative (playing objects) basic
environment, etc.) basic movements in simple or traditional small
movements in simple or traditional small ball
ball games, for example: rounders kippers
1.26 Understanding the importance to choose 2.26 Explaining the importance to choose nutritious games, for example: rounders kippers game*
nutritious foods and healthy snacks to maintain foods and healthy snacks to maintain a
a healthy body healthy body 2.6 Practicing the variations and combinations
1.6 Understanding the variations and combinations
of basic locomotor (shifting movements)
of basic locomotor (shifting movements) non-
non-locomotor (moving in place), and
locomotor (moving in place), and manipulative
Contextualization of Core Competencies and Basic Competencies for the dimensions of knowledge and manipulative (playing objects) movements
(playing objects) movements with good control
skills at Level II (equivalent to Grade IV to VI) is formulated in the following table. with good control in simple and or traditional
in simple and or traditional small ball games*
small ball games*
1.7 Understanding the variations of basic movement 2.7 Practicing the variations of basic movement
(one pattern of movement is carried out in (one pattern of movement is carried out in
KNOWLEDGE SKILLS various ways) of walking, running, jumping and various ways) of walking, running, jumping
throwing through modified games / sports and and throwing through modified games /
1. Understanding factual knowledge by observing 2. Presenting factual knowledge in clear and logical
or traditional sports sports and or traditional sports
(listening, seeing, and reading) and asking questions language, in aesthetic work, in movements that
based on curiosity about oneself, God’s creatures reflecting healthy children, and in actions that 1.8 Understanding the combination of basic 2.8 Practicing the combination of basic movements
and activities, and objects that one finds at home, at reflecting the behavior of children of faith and movements of walking, running, jumping and of walking, running, jumping and throwing
school and in playground noble character. throwing through modified games / sports and through modified games / sports and or
or traditional sports traditional sports
1.1 Understanding the variations of locomotor 2.1 Practicing the variations of locomotor (shifting
(shifting movements), non-locomotor (moving movements), non-locomotor (moving in 1.9 Understanding the variations and combinations 2.9 Practicing the variations and combinations
in place), and manipulative (playing objects) place), and manipulative (playing objects) of basic movements of walking, running, of basic movements of walking, running,
basic movements in simple or traditional basic movements in simple or traditional jumping and throwing with good control jumping and throwing with good control
large ball games (using soccer ball, volleyball, large ball games (using soccer ball, volleyball, through modified games / sports and or through modified games / sports and or
handball and basketball)* handball and basketball)* traditional sports traditional sports
1.2 Understanding the combination of locomotor 2.2 Practicing the combination of locomotor 1.10 Applying variations in locomotor basic 2.10 Practicing variations in locomotor basic
(shifting moves), non-locomotor (moving in (shifting moves), non-locomotor (moving in movements (shifting movement for example: movements (shifting movement for example:
place), and manipulative (playing objects) place), and manipulative (playing objects) step patterns in silat martial arts) and non- step patterns in silat martial arts) and non-
movements in simple or traditional large ball movements in simple or traditional large ball locomotor (moving in places such as horse locomotor (moving in places such as horse
games, for example: playing grab the ball in a games, for example: playing grab the ball in stance, striking, kicking, blocking patterns in stance, striking, kicking, blocking patterns in
circle * a circle * silat martial arts) to form the basic movements silat martial arts) to form the basic movements
2.3 Practicing the variations and combinations of martial arts ** of martial arts **
1.3 Understanding the variations and combinations
of basic locomotor (shifting movements)
of basic locomotor (shifting movements) non- 1.11 Applying variations in locomotor basic 2.11 Practicing variations in locomotor basic
non-locomotor (moving in place), and
locomotor (moving in place), and manipulative movements (shifting movement) and non- movements (shifting movement) and non-
manipulative (playing objects) movements
(playing objects) movements with good control locomotor (moving in place) to form basic locomotor (moving in place) to form basic
with good control in simple and or traditional
in simple and or traditional big ball games* movements of martial arts ** movements of martial arts **
big ball games*

56 The 2013 Curriculum Equivalency Education Package A 57

1.12 Applying variations and combinations 2.12 Practicing variations and combinations 1.21 Understanding the variation and combination 2.21 Practicing the variation and combination
of locomotor basic movements (shifting of locomotor basic movements (shifting use of step and arm swing basic movements use of step and arm swing basic movements
movements), non-locomotor (moving in place), movements), non-locomotor (moving in following the rhythm (beat) without / with following the rhythm (beat) without / with
and manipulative (playing objects) to form basic place), and manipulative (playing objects) to music in rhythmic movement activities music in rhythmic movement activities
movements of martial arts ** form basic movements of martial arts **
1.22 Understanding the basic movement of one 2.22 Practicing the basic movement of one
1.13 Understanding various forms of physical fitness 2.13 Practicing various forms of physical fitness
swimming style*** swimming style***
activities through various exercises: strengths activities through various exercises: strengths
(for example: push-ups), speed (running fast (for example: push-ups), speed (running fast 1.23 Understanding one swimming style with good 2.23 Practicing one swimming style with good
moving objects), and agility (running back and moving objects), and agility (running back coordination at a certain distance*** coordination at a certain distance***
forth moving objects) to achieve ideal body and forth moving objects) to achieve ideal
weight body weight 1.24 Understanding the skills of one swimming style 2.24 Practicing the skills of one swimming style
and the basics of self-rescue *** and the basics of self-rescue ***
1.14 Understanding the activity of cardio respiratory 2.14 Practicing the activity of cardio respiratory
exercises for the development of physical exercises for the development of physical 1.25 Understanding the type of injury and how to 2.25 Demonstrating the type of injury and how to
fitness, for example: jogging, interval training fitness, for example: jogging, interval training treat it when doing physical activities and in treat it when doing physical activities and in
daily life daily life
1.15 Understanding simple physical fitness exercises 2.15 Practicing simple physical fitness exercises and
and measuring physical fitness levels in a simple measuring physical fitness levels in a simple 1.26 Understanding the concept of self-care and
way (for example: running, jumping upright, way (for example: running, jumping upright, 2.26 Applying the concept of self-care and others
others from infectious and non-contagious
calculating pulse, push-ups and flexibility) calculating pulse, push-ups and flexibility) from infectious and non-contagious diseases

1.16 Applying variations and combinations of 2.16 Practicing variations and combinations 1.27 Understanding the importance of maintaining 2.27 Explaining the importance of maintaining
various basic movement patterns of sustaining, of various basic movement patterns of reproductive hygiene reproductive hygiene
suspending, balancing, moving/locomotor, sustaining, suspending, balancing, moving/
repulsion, rotation, swinging, floating and locomotor, repulsion, rotation, swinging, 1.28 Analyzing commendable behaviors in daily 2.28 Demonstrating commendable behaviors
landing in floor exercise floating and landing in floor exercise interactions (between peers, older people, and in daily interactions (between peers, older
younger people) people, and younger people)
1.17 Understanding the combination of basic 2.17 Practicing the combination of basic movement
movement patterns of sustaining, suspending, patterns of sustaining, suspending, balancing, 1.29 Understanding the dangers of smoking, 1.29 Explaining the dangers of smoking, drinking
balancing, shifting/locomotor, repulsion, shifting/locomotor, repulsion, rotation, drinking liquor, narcotics, addictive drugs and liquor, narcotics, addictive drugs and other
rotation, swinging, floating, and landing to swinging, floating, and landing to form the other harmful drugs to the health of the body harmful drugs to the health of the body
form the basic skills of gymnastics using a tool basic skills of gymnastics using a tool
2.18 Practicing a series of three basic movement
1.18 Understanding a series of three basic movement *) To achieve the basic competencies in big ball games and small ball games, customize it according to
patterns of sustaining, suspending, balancing,
patterns of sustaining, suspending, balancing, available facilities and infrastructure. (Mind to opt for students’ preference of lesson over the teacher’s
moving / locomotor, repulsion, rotation,
moving / locomotor, repulsion, rotation, swing, so that the physical education and health sports does not become a scourge for the students).
swing, floating, and landing in consistent,
floating, and landing in consistent, precise, and
precise, and controlled manner in gymnastic **) Pencaksilat martial arts is replaceable with other types of martial arts (karate, judo, taekwondo, etc.)
controlled manner in gymnastic activities
tailored to the situation and conditions of the school. Martial arts learning activities should be given as
1.19 Applying variations of step and arm swing 2.19 Practicing variations of step and arm swing early as grade IV because the psychological characteristics of children in grade I, II, and III are still not
basic movements following the rhythm (beat) basic movements following the rhythm (beat) qualified for the lesson.
without / with music in rhythmic movement without / with music in rhythmic movement
***) Water activities learning may be carried out according to conditions. If it cannot be implemented, it
activities activities
can be replaced with other physical activities that are in the scope of the material.
1.20 Understanding the combination use of step 2.20 Practicing the combination use of step and
and arm swing basic movements following the arm swing basic movements following
rhythm (beat) without / with music in rhythmic the rhythm (beat) without / with music in
movement activities rhythmic movement activities

58 The 2013 Curriculum Equivalency Education Package A 59


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