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- Unable to see screen when performing live monitoring.


Users unable to see screens while performing live monitoring .They can hear Audio and can playback screens on the recorded calls for those Agents.

Applies To
Impact 360 15.x

Missing client.wss le in Playback folder on the supervisor workstation.

1.User(s) not able to Playback screens while trying to perform Live monitoring.
2.They have feature enabled to Encrypt Screen Data in Transit  in EM >> Security settings in WFO Application.
3.User(s) can replay the recorded calls for Agents and can hear Audio and Playback screens successfully.
4.Enabled the Playback log on User(s) workstation and found socket read failed as it was not able to Locate client.wss le on Supervisor workstation.
Playback Log
2019-03-07 15:08:44.556-06:00 Vrfb Source Filter Verbose WitnessRFBConnection.cpp 421 CSourceClientConnection::ProcessThread Connecting to Agent
2019-03-07 15:08:44.556-06:00 Vrfb Source Filter Informational WitnessRFBConnection.cpp 339 CWitnessRFBConnection::ConnectToAgent Called
2019-03-07 15:08:44.599-06:00 Vrfb Source Filter Informational WitnessRFBConnection.cpp 358 CWitnessRFBConnection::ConnectToAgent Connected to Agent
2019-03-07 15:08:44.599-06:00 Vrfb Source Filter Informational WitnessRFBConnection.cpp 443 CSourceClientConnection::ProcessThread Sending
2019-03-07 15:08:44.599-06:00 Vrfb Source Filter Informational WitnessRFBConnection.cpp 543 Sending CMD_SERVER_AUTHENTICATION for SessionID = -1
2019-03-07 15:08:44.599-06:00 Vrfb Source Filter Informational WitnessRFBConnection.cpp 454 CSourceClientConnection::ProcessThread Sending
2019-03-07 15:08:44.721-06:00 Vrfb Source Filter Critical WitnessRFBConnection.cpp 776 CSourceClientConnection::ProcessPacket() - Socket read failed
(transport header) - [NOTE: Maybe data is encrypted? If yes - verify 'client.wss' is present]a
2019-03-07 15:08:44.721-06:00 Vrfb Source Filter Informational WitnessRFBConnection.cpp 468 CSourceClientConnection::ProcessThread Calling Disconnect()
2019-03-07 15:08:44.721-06:00 Vrfb Source Filter Informational WitnessRFBConnection.cpp 370 CSourceClientConnection::Disconnect Called
2019-03-07 15:08:44.721-06:00 Vrfb Source Filter Verbose WitnessRFBConnection.cpp 473 CSourceClientConnection::ProcessThread End
2019-03-07 15:08:44.734-06:00 Browser Verbose IEPlugin.cpp 218 Player.controller.EngineController >> [Entry]:onRealTimeDurationChanged. Context with key
'impact360_InteractionContext' was found.
2019-03-07 15:08:44.734-06:00 Browser Verbose IEPlugin.cpp 218 Player.controller.EngineController >> [Entry]:onRealTimeDurationChanged. real time data was found.
Decoded value - 

5. Connected to Agent workstation and copied the Agent.wss le placed under c:\Program Files(x86)\Witness Systems location to Supervisor PC
6. Re-named the le as client.wss on Superviosr PC.
7. Placed the client.wss le in the playback folder on the supervisor workstation.Default location: C:\Program Files\<Company>\Playback.
8. Now we can see screens while performing the live monitoring from Superviosr PC.

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