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Problems in Cementing

Horizontal Wells
Fred L. Sabins, SPE, Halliburton Services

Introduction Hole·Cleanlng Problems and

Horizontal wells are completed by one of Displacement Mechanics
four methods: (I) open hole, (2) casing Displacement of drilling fluid from high-
packers, (3) slotted or perforated liner, or angle and horizontal wellbores is complicat-
(4) cemented casing or liner. Completion ed by additional factors present under these
Methods 1 through 3 generally are known conditions.
as "drainhole" completions. Method 4, A low-side solids channel may form by
commonly called a "cased-hole" or "stimu- deposition and settling of drilled solids and
lated" completion, is the focus of this paper. drilling-fluid weighting material. A channel
Formations that ordinarily would require filled with solids will not seal the annulus
stimulation in a vertical well should be com- for the life of the well. Also, solids chan-
pleted as a cased-hole, or stimulated, com- nels could cause problems with communica-
pletion. Obtaining a successful cement job tion and confinement of stimulation treat-
is essential in this type of completion. Pa- ments. These channels should be prevented
rameters that could affect the overall cement from forming if possible; however, once
job are similar to those for vertical comple- formed, they can be removed. Thin flush-
tions, with an emphasis on displacement es, maximum pump rates, hole-cleaning
mechanics and cement slurry design. casing attachments, and pipe movement can
Fig. 1 represents a horizontal wellbore help remove solids. Drilling-fluid proper-
and the parameters that affect the cement ties must be controlled within specific
job. A settled-solids channel is observed' on ranges, particularly in highly deviated and
the lower side of the annulus and a fIlter cake horizontal wells. Besides the conventional
"Any casing and gelled drilling fluid are found around parameters of yield point, plastic viscosity,
eccentricity becomes the circumference. Removal of solids, filter fluid loss, and gel strength, the dynamic
cake, and gelled drilling fluid from these two
critical In horizontal problem areas is critical to ensure proper ce-
settling characteristics of the drilling fluid
must also be considered. Several authors 1-3
wells because of Its menting results. Decentralized casing com-
indicate that drilling-fluid yield point is the
effect on flow velocity pounds the problem of displacement because
critical parameter that must be controlled to
cement slurry and spacers tend to follow the
distributions In the path of least resistance and bypass the nar-
very specific ranges. One author 4 suggests
that the drilling fluid should have a yield-
wellbore." rower side (bottom) of the annulus. There-
point/plastic-viscosity ratio greater than one
fore, using the casing equipment necessary
(with yield point in IbfllOO ft2 and plastic
to provide maximum centralization is es-
viscosity in centipoise). The drilling-fluid
settling characteristic must be controlled by
Cement composition is also important to
some means to prevent solids settling and
achieve a successful cement job. The cement
thus to allow an adequate flow path for
composition shown in Fig. 1 has permitted
placement of the cement slurry.
a top-side channel of free water to form that
Also, in horizontal wells, an increased
could prevent the necessary confinement of
possibility of a narrow casing-to-wellbore
a stimulation treatment.
Finally, to confirm the success of cement- clearance on one side exists because of pipe
ing or to determine requirements for remedi- eccentricity combined with gravitational
al work if problems occur, the horizontal forces. Inadequate clearance on the narrow
cement job must be evaluated with acoustic side of these wellbores can lead to un-
tools. Proper logging and log evaluation cemented portions of casing circumference
techniques must be considered. because of the excessive forces needed to
This paper addresses the following major move any material (solids or gelled drilling
areas of concern: hole-cleaning problems fluids) in this area. Any casing eccentricity
and displacement mechanics, pipe centrali- becomes critical in horizontal wells because
zation, cement slurry design, and evaluation of its effect on flow velocity distributions
of the cement job through acoustic tools. in the wellbore. The fastest velocities are in
the center of the wide side of the annulus,
Copyright 1990 SOCiety of Petroleum Engineers while no fluid movement may occur on the

398 April 1990 • JPT


"Spacing between
centralizers should be
calculated with a
compllter model· to
achieve the best
performance an~ to
minimize drag while
maintaining a given
Fig. i-Parameters that affect cementing of horizontal wellbores.

narrow side, which is normally the lower Pipe Centralization ers . Casing sag generally determines the
side. Tops of cement on different sides of Higher well-deviation angles generally make spacing between centralizers in a horizontal
the annulus can be separated by hundreds drilling-fluid removal more difficult and thus hole.
of feet as a result of these effects . require greater attention to ensure that me- Centralizer designs can be divided into
Flow rate should be controlled at the chanical cementing aids function properly. two types on the basis of how they provide
highest displacement rate possible, so that Because pipe centralization is critical to good their centering ability. Bow-spring centraliz-
breakdown of the critical horizontal portion cement-job performance, design considera- ers rely on elliptical leaf springs to obtain
of the wellbore does not occur during the tions, usage, and common problems with a centering force that is directed radially in-
cementing process. centralizers should be addressed . ward· toward the casing centerline. Rigid
Spacer composition and type also need to The primary purpose of centralizers is to (positive) centralizers support the casing by
be considered very carefully . In the case of prevent channeling during the drilling-fluid means of solid spacers. .,
weighted turbulent-flow spacer systems, the displacement process by keeping the pipe Additional casing attachments often used
design chosen should have minimal settling centered in the hole. In addition, centralizers witb centralizers include stop collars ana
at high deviation angles. This settling should can be useful in preventing sticking in highly wall cleaners . Stop collars (limit · clamps)
be studied for velocity profiles expected in permeable formations and in reducing casing keep otner attachments in place on the
the casing and in both the narrow- and wide- wear. casing. Wall cleaners remove ftlter cake and
side annular regions. Unremoved low-side The most common problem associated gelled drilling fluid to allow better bonding
solids channels and cement slurry channel- with centralizers is that an insufficient num- of the cement between the formation face
ing will probably result if the design is not ber of them are used. Another problem is and the casing . Wall cleaners function by
correct. that centralizers cause an excessive amount pipe reciprocation and/or rotation, which
Pipe movement, either rotation or recipro- of drag. Spacing between centralizers should move the cleaner elements past tbe forma-
cation, has been shown to be beneficial in be calculated with a computer model to tion. Wall cleaners incorporate either wire
breaking up or dislodging pockets of gelled achieve the best performance and to mini- spikes (scratchers) or looped cable to contact
drilling fluid for better displacement effici- mize drag while maintaining a given stand- the casing. Using wall cleaners in h9rizontal
ency .5 When used with wall cleaners, pipe off.6 A common misconception is that the holes is somewhat controversial. The casing
movement is especially helpful in removing minimum standoff occurs at the centralizer would need to be well-centralized to allow
low-side solids in horizontal sections . instead of at the midpoint between centraliz- the cleaners to function correctly. Poor pipe

JPT • April 1990 399

centralization when wall cleaners are used good interpretation is unlikely because of de-
is believed to be the major cause of wall centralization of both the casing and the tool
Fred L. Sabins Is cleaner failure. Improper installation is also inside the casing. Moritis 9 indicated that a
supervisor of the a cause of many failures. number of wells have been evaluated, but
Engineering Re- that the results of the logs have not been pub-
search Group of Optimal Cement Slurry Design lished. Each author describes the procedures
the Cement Sec- used but reports only marginal results. The
tion at Halliburton Certain cement slurry properties take on
added importance when cement designs are intrinsic problem associated with acoustic
Services. He heads
research In mud considered for use in horizontal wells. For bond tools and tools that use pulse-echo
displacement, gas- example, throughout the industry, 0% free technology in conventional wells are out-
flow problems, water is considered necessary. 1,7 If free lined by Beirute et at. 10 These parameters
geothermal ce- added to other considerations involving
water is present in a cement slurry used in
ments, bulk blending and sampling, and horizontal centralization make cement eval-
design of cement laboratory equipment.
a horizontal well, a water channel can form
uation a difficult task.
He holds a BS degree In chemical engi- through the cemented interval, allowing
neering from New Mexico State U. and communication of fracturing or reservoir Review
Is coauthor of 13 papers on cementing fluids. The industry disagrees, however, on
The major problems associated with obtain-
topics. Sabins Is a Forum Series chair- the exact method to simulate downhole con-
man and member of the Editorial Review
ing a good cement job in horizontal wells
ditions for testing free water content. Be- can be categorized into four areas: hole
Committee and Speakers Bureau. low are suggested testing methods and slurry cleaning and drilling-fluid displacement,
types for achieving good cementing results centralization of pipe, optimizing cement
under these conditions. slurry designs, and evaluation with acoustic
1. Measure cement-slurry free water tools. Each area has specific problems
inside a 45° -to-horizontal deviated cylinder that must be addressed if a horizontal well
after conditioning slurry for placement simu- is to be cemented correctly and evaluated
lation to bottornhole circulating temperature properly.
(BHCT) and bottornhole pressure. Zero per-
cent free water after a 2-hour static period References
is highly recommended. 8 1. Markle, R.D.: "Drilling Engineering Con-
2. Measure slurry settling characteristics siderations in Designing a Shallow, Horizon-
in a vertical cylinder after the precondition- tal Well at Nonnal Wells, N.W.T., Canada,"
ing mentioned in Step 1. Density differences paper SPE 16148 presented at the 1987
between the top, middle, and bottom of the SPE/IADC Drilling Conference, New
cylinder after 2 hours should not be greater Orleans, March 15-18.
than 0.5 Ibm/gal [59.8 kg/m3]. 2. Spreux, A., Georges, C., and Lessi, J.:
"Horizontal Well Operations-6, Most Prob-
3. Fluid-loss values measured at BHCT lems in Horizontal Completions Are Re-
and 1,000 psi [6.9 MPa] should be < 100 solved," Oil & Gas J. (June 13, 1988) 48-52.
cm 3/30 min (assuming that the horizontal 3. Crook, R.J., Keller, S.R., and Wilson, M.A.:
portion of the hole will accept fluid). "Deviated Wellbore Cementing: Part 2: So-
4. Standard cementing compositions are lutions," JPT(Aug. 1987) 961-66; Trans.,
applicable to horizontal wells. Where frac- AIME,283.
ture gradients are low, however, two-stage 4. Zurdo, C., Georges, C., and Martin, M.:
cement jobs can be avoided through the use "Mud and Cement for Horizontal Wells,"
paper SPE 15464 presented at the 1986 SPE
of lightweight slurries containing foam, Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition,
rnicrospheres, or other low-density materi- New Orleans, Oct. 5-8.
als. Expansive cements (gas-generating or' 5. Wenande, B.: "A Review of the First
chemical) can be used to improve bonding Horizontal Well-Denmark," paper present-
with the casing. ed at the 1987 Offshore Drilling Conference,
Any cementing system currently used in London, Dec. 2-3.
vertical and deviated wells can be used in 6. Austin, C. et al.: "Fundamentals of Horizon-
horizontal applications, but only if the prop- tal Well Completions," Drilling (May/June
erties are designed appropriately for the 1988) 28-31.
7. Parcevaux, P.: "Guides Emerge for Cement-
horizontal environment. The literature 7 in- ing Horizontal Strings," Oil & Gas J. (Oct.
dicates that specialty cements (foam cement 19, 1987) 35-41.
and rnicrospheres) have been used with 8. Wilson, M.A. and Sabins, F.L.: "A Labo-
some success in horizontal wells. ratory Investigation of Cementing Horizon-
tal Wells," SPEDE (Sept. 1988) 275-80.
Evaluating Cements 9. Moritis, G.: "More Infonnation from
With Acoustic Tools Horizontal Well Survey," Oil & Gas J.
(March 13, 1989) 63-65.
After the cement is placed in a horizontal 10. Beirute, R.M., Wilson, M.A., and Sabins,
well and sufficient waiting-on-cement time F.L.: "Attenuation of Casing Cemented With
has elapsed, the quality of the cement job Conventional and Expanding Cements Across
should be determined. Parameters consid- Heavy Oil and Sandstone Formations," paper
ered in evaluating the job quality are bond SPE 18027 presented at the 1988 SPE An-
to the pipe, annular fill, and presence of nual Technical Conference and Exhibition,
Houston, Oct. 2-5.
The capability of acoustic tools to predict This paper is SPE 20005. Technology Today Series arti-
these parameters has been the subject of cles provide useful summary information on both classic and
emerging concepts in petroleum engineering. Purpose: To
much discussion in the industry. In horizon- provide the general reader with a basic understanding of
tal wells, one of the biggest problems is cen- a significant concept, technique, or development within a
tralization of the acoustic tools to obtain specific area of technology.

accurate data. Parcevaux 7 suggested that JPT

400 JPT • April 1990

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