Eng 27

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Give at least 2 examples of the 5 kinds of sentences

Simple sentences
They completed their tasks.
She delivers her piece successfully.
Compound sentences
He ran out of money, so he had to stop gambling.
They got home early, and they got really good sleeps.
Complex sentences
Although my friends begged me, I chose not to go to the club.
Because he did not know the route well, he drove slowly and surely.
Compound-complex sentences
Because I listened attentively, I got a high score on the quiz and I
was so happy and grateful.
Though he was late, Jasmine knew he had to complete the
assignment, and he quickly went to the study room.

2. What is the importance of learning the parts of speech? How can

we apply this in our future careers?
The importance of learning all parts of speech is for us to improve
our grammar and to better understand the use of correct word and
punctuation in a sentence. This can also helps us upgrade our writing
skills and thinking skills when it comes to composing a sentence up
to a literary piece.
I can basically apply this in my chosen career which is nursing,
especially when we do our charting, it’s not all about the medical
knowledge and clinical expertise but we should also at least
knowledgeable when it comes to communication. By doing our
charting, we must communicate well with our patient to have a better
nursing diagnosis to focus on and after that we will submit it written.
So, by doing this thing we must know our basic foundation in
communication to present our chart impressively. Being a successful
nurse someday, we need also to be an effective communicator
especially that we deal to our patient’s needs all throughout.
3. Identify 3 Parts of speech and give 3 examples of each. 
1. verb- expresses action or being and must agree with its subject in
number (singular or plural) and tense form (present, past, future)
Ex. The dog ran across the yard.
She managed her own business at her very young age.
The mayor ordered a restriction order from entering Baguio City.
2. noun- is a word for a person, place, thing or idea with the used of
an article (a, an, the) but not always. Proper nouns always start with
a capital letter, and noun can be a subject, direct object, indirect
object, subject complement or object of a preposition.
Ex. Starbucks is best known for their coffee drinks.
Camping is a great activity for the whole family.
Boracay island is a great place to unwind.
3. adjective- it modifies or describes a noun or pronoun. It usually
answers the question of which one, what kind, or how many.
Ex. The contestant is wearing a classy gown.
The staff nurse has a long, blonde hair.
The judges were stunned by her impressive answer.
4. Give 5 examples of modifier functioning as an adjective and

Modifier functioning as an adjective:

1. extremely big
2. that snake
3. your shoes
4. two snake
5. those candies
Modifier functioning as an adverb:
1. He laughed really loudly.
2. The president will leave tomorrow.
3. She leaves quietly.
4. We played every week in the private golf land.
5. She thinks very carefully.

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