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The present work, is all about to report the activities that took place in my teaching practice at Macate
secondary school, where by it will present the first topic about to report the general experience that I
had in my teaching practice there at macate Secondary School, secondly to report the aspects that went
wrong in my teaching at the same School, thirdly aspects that went right in my teaching practice. The
work will also present the conclusion that about the whole report and finally recommendations for
students, school and teacher, when playing their role.


General objective

 To report the activities that took place in teaching practice at macate secondary schoo

Specific objectives

 To mention general experience that rose up from teaching practice at macate secondary school;
 To identify aspects that went wrong and right during the teaching practice at macate secondary
General experience in my teaching practice

In my teaching practice experience were acquired in full, firstly because it took place in a place where is
full of different people or in order words, it took place in a community where different people with their
different backgrounds And from this view, my teaching practice had to include creativity and placing my
profile to play different roles inside and outside the Class.

From my teaching practice, I also learned to put in practice what I have learned during training of this
course and it was something very interesting for my whole life because I tried my best to fit my profile
as a good teacher in the Classroom in a sense of trying to achieve my goals and keep a good rapport
with my students . So far with my teaching practice, I learned to deal with students with their different
learning styles, where by I had to put more attention in those students who are shy and less talkative
inside the Classroom.

I learned to plan always before the Classes and it was something very important in my teaching practice,
seen that the lesson plan was always my guide. I did not left apart importance of learning to follow the
lesson plan during my teaching practice, what lead me to have a good profile inside the class because I
always tried to be a prepared teacher in terms of content and the material that I would use in my future

What went wrong in my teaching practice

In my teaching practice, I remember to have failed to integrate all students to participate in my first day
of teaching practice and it lead me to be nervous during my first day of teaching practice and also I was
not prepared enough because I didn’t forsee to encounter good and brilliant students there because I
was previewing to encounter weaker students as it happens at the majority schools around the country .

In my first day, I also failed to manage better the time, seen that the lesson finished seven minutes after
the previewed time to finish and this was the problem of concentration because at the first day I
focused on different aspects in the Classroom, such as: to know each other inside the Classroom , giving
them the code of conduct in my class.

In my teaching practice, as the first day, I failed to teach the spelling of new language, it happened
because I was running out of time and I suggested them to see it in other sources as dictionaries and
even internet, whereby they will have even the accent that derives from the native speakers of English

What went right in my teaching practice

In my teaching practice, always there were some aspects that I considered to be more impressive
because I achieved the success and of course, there is no doubt that these aspects went right through
my teaching practice.

First, I managed to establish a good relationship between the teacher and the students, there was no
longer fear of the teacher, what they told me that they were not understanding very well the lessons
because of. I also tried my best to bring my creativity inside the Classroom, with an intention of putting
my students learn, using different forms, such as visual, oral and so many. I tried to bring them the
reality beyond the topic that was being taught.

Another point that went right in my teaching, is the aspect of teacher talking time and student talking
time. In my lessons, I always highlighted or give much time students to talk, simply because I wanted
them to take much time practicing the target language in the Classroom, instead of giving much time to
teacher talking time.

Another aspect that went right in my teaching practice, Is the use of body language or facial expressions
when teaching a certain content, it facilitated the students to better understand the language and be
acquainted to the meaning of what is being expressed, even if the student fail the oral one, wh/she will
be understanding the meaning that is being conveyed by the body expressions or oral speech.

What to improve in my future teaching

As above I mentioned the aspects related to general general experience, aspects that went right, and
aspects that went wrong, this passage will place some aspects that are to be improve in my future
teaching such as: time management, whereby before taking the stage of the class, I will do my best
taking time preparing before the lesson take place. I will try to implement everything and start training
alone at home before the lesson take place. It will help me too much because from training at home,
there I will see the time that my lesson will roughly take before taking the stage.
In order integrate all students, I will bring different activities that will rise up weaker students and shy
students in order to let all students participate in every single lesson. To fit all students, I will bring
games that students are going to play in group and sometimes individuals depending n how the students
try to integrate themselves with the reality of the Classroom or every single lesson that will take place.
Because soon after this, I say that shy students, the have to be nudged by games in order to participate
in every day’s ’s lesson.

In the present report, as mentioned above the general experience, bad aspects that took place in my
teaching practice and good aspects that took place in my teaching practice. This paragraph will bring a
brief conclusion of all aspects dealt previously. Going further, the conclusion brought in this paragraph
sets on teaching, where the teacher have to adapt in different circumstances the he/she will encounter
in the proper fieldwork, teachers need to be patient enough when doing their job , they have to avoid
some kinds of problems with the students, simply because teaching is a job and they have to be patient
in their job.


Teaching in general have to be reinforced by some strategies that will motivate the students to have
interest mostly by those who are being taught, I mean, teachers should motivate their students;

Teachers have to be patient enough in their job;

Schools have to seek for the material that will help the teachers to better teach their lessons, I mean
materials that will help students to achieve some skills in a language such as tap records for
pronunciations reasons and from this they will learn how to speak English language as if they were
native speakers. I am conveying that students will learn the language with the native speakers of the
target language.

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