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Andi Syahputra Harahap

Independent learning is learning by yourself but not at will. The

learning process can be done alone (alone), or in groups. Independent
students always have the initiative or encouragement from him to start
a learning process. As for what must be considered in independent
learning are:
1)intention in implementing independent learning

2)Setting goals
Independent students always have their own set of goals. The purpose of
independent students, students in school for example, is not solely to fulfill
obligations as learners, who must follow the teaching and learning process,
complete the tasks of the teacher. The goals of independent students are
more comprehensive. Defined in the framework of achieving goals in micro
and macro. Micro objectives, related to the mastery of competence in the
subjects being followed. Macro goals are in order to prepare themselves to
reach a certain level. To interpret their roles, duties and responsibilities in
the present and future life.
3)Active and creative looking for learning resources

The availability of learning resources is often a problem for the

mastery of the required competencies. Schools often only provide very
limited learning resources, and are sectoral in nature. In general, there
are only three learning resources, and often incomplete, namely
libraries, student handbooks, and student worksheets. Emphasis on
sources This learning resource is sectoral, it only fulfills material
demands. The form of mastery is cognitive and fragmented. For
independent students, such learning resources will always be felt to be
lacking. Process
Mastery of competencies is done by increasing the number of learning
resources. Active and creative students seek and utilize learning
resources. Both printed, electronic, and direct learning resources from
the community. Print learning sources can be in the form of books in
the library which directly refer to certain teaching materials, as well as
from other places that provide information that is related, directly or
indirectly, to the material only. Electronic Sumbeda can be in the form
of mutual learning media, internet sources, or other sources. Directly
to the community, it can be to people who do have certain
competencies, as well as in observing, investigating and finding the
connection of teaching material with real life, and become a source for
understanding and mastering certain competencies.

4) Realize who he is.

Self-awareness and recognition have an impact on student motivation.

Self-awareness is related to abilities, talents, and self-interest in
knowledge and knowledge, also related to the type of learning that is
most effective. Students are introduced to the visual, auditory or
kinesthetic learning types. Students who understand their abilities,
talents and interests will be Motivated to learn the teaching material
regardless of the results. The learning process becomes something
very meaningful. Because students who are aware that their
mathematical abilities are low, for example, will not experience
demotivation in learning mathematics, because they are aware that the
benefits of learning mathematics will be very decisive in the next
learning process. Self-introduction of the type of learning will
maximize student efforts in learning. When a teacher only uses the
lecture method for example,

Independent learning is developed to increase student responsibility in

the learning process. Student responsibility in the learning process will
increase motivation (intrisik). Intrinsic motivation is built with the
understanding that everything that is done now is in order to prepare
for the future, so that students have confidence and a strong impetus to
develop themselves. Intrinsic motivation helps students make
informed choices and take responsibility for making decisions what
one needs to do in order to learn. To do this and to have independent
learning motivation, students must: 1) be confident in making
decisions and taking action, 2) appreciating the value in Reflecting on
learning, 3) deciding whether learning has been effective or whether it
is necessary to try another approach.

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