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Subject Title Course Description Units

Introduction to Transportation This subject gives the student general knowledge of the 3
Management BTM course, its coverage, its main fields of concern and its
relevance to the transport sector. The subject makes the
student aware of the role of transportation in the Socio-
economic system. It lays the foundation of the BTM course.
Macro Perspectives of Tourism and This course provides an introduction to the study of 3
Hospitality tourism, where tourism is examined from the perspective
of a phenomenon, an industry and as a field of study or
research. As a phenomenon, the major factors that
contribute to its development, growth and decline both in
the world in the Philippines are analyzed. As an industry,
the course looks at the various sectors that compromise the
tourism system and how they interact with each other. As a
field of research, major tourism theories are introduced.
Basic definitions and concept relating to tourism’s political,
environmental, economic and cultural impacts are also
Principles of Logistics Management This subject cover basic theories in the operational 3
activities concerning the supply and physical distribution of
goods from suppliers to customers. This provides the
student better understating on the flow of cargo
movements which is an important element in the transport
Transportation Economics This subject deal with the principles concerning the efficient 3
allocation of resources to provide transport facilities and
services to serve the socio-economic system. Theories
about transport benefits and cost and benefit-cost analysis
are taken up to equip the student knowledge in
determining economic and financial viability of transport
Transportation Safety Measures This subject gives the student basic knowledge on the 3
various measures to ensure safety of users of transport
facilities and services covering the road, rail, water and air
transport modes.
Operation Management in This course is an introduction to the concepts, principles, 3
Transportation problems and practices of operation management in
transportation. Emphasis on the managerial process for
effective operation in both goods and passenger movement
Foreign Language in Tourism and This course introduces and develops a basic understanding 3
Hospitality 1 of the Japanese language as utilized in Hospitality and
Tourism. Japanese Language for the hospitality setting is
introduced, including the basics of Japanese pronunciation
and Romanization, expressions commonly used in the
hospitality field and appropriate usage of situational
Japanese language for hospitality services.
Transportation Regulation Practices This subject deal with laws and regulations in the operation 3
of transport facilities and services as well as government
institutional mandates covering the four main transport
modes. This is the same subject labelled as Transportation
Laws and Regulations in previous curricula.
Transportation Reservation and This course deals with the procedures in handling 3/7
Ticketing reservation and ticketing for the different modes of
transportation which include scheduling, boarding, rate
information, route planning and basic fare calculation. It
also covers an introduction on the Global Distribution
System by various modes of transportation.
Principles of Transportation This subject gives the student basic knowledge in the 3
Planning transport planning process, taking into consideration
transport issues, transport policies, transport network
characteristics and transport demand. This is to give
emphasis that a good manager should also be a good
Foreign Language in Tourism and This course aims to train students to develop intermediate 3
Hospitality 2 conversational skills using a foreign language. Students
should be able to understand technical jargon used in the
tourism Industry.
Transportation Services Marketing This subject focus on the role of marketing in managing 3
services in the transportation industry. Addressing Human
Resource, Information Management, operational and
financial overlaps with marketing throughout the course.
Logistics and Supply Chain This subject is a follow up of logistics management theories. 3/7
Management This gives the student detailed knowledge on various
activities involved in the supply of goods, storage, cargo
handling, distribution, customs requirements, delivery
services and information technology support.
Transportation Data Analysis and This subject deal with all types of transport data needed for 3/7
Interpretation transport planning and transport management. This
involves data collection procedures, processing and
interpretation of processed data. This makes the student
understand better the operational characteristics of the
transport system components.
Carrier Service Management This subject gives the student better understanding on the 3
operational activities involved in the provision of public
transport carrier services, be it in the road, rail, water or air
transport mode. Furthermore, the student is equipped with
knowledge on managing such operational activities.
Practicum This is an intermediate training subject which requires the 3
Transportation Regulatory Agencies student to undergo actual work in transport operation as a
trainee. Based on the subjects taken so far, it will be best
that the student be trained in government transport
regulatory functions.
Research in Transportation This subject is focus on basic aspects of planning, execution, 3
evaluation and application and research in the field of
transportation with emphasis on the various quantitative
and qualitative research methods and techniques.
Transport Terminal Operation This subject deal with management of operational activities 3
Management in a transport terminal, involving such terminal users as
carriers, passengers, cargoes and feeder carriers. Transport
terminals include all the four transport modes, i.e., vehicle
and railroad terminals, ports and airports.
Railroad Transportation Gain a working knowledge railroad engineering and 3
Management operators, along with related concepts for freight, intercity
passenger, and rail transit systems.
Urban Public Transportation This course provides a thorough understanding of policy, 3
System planning, operational and technical issues that affect urban
public transportation. It includes the historical
development of cities and the rise of urban transport.
Also concerned are the characteristics of various urban
transportation modes (their specific operating and
infrastructure characteristics), as well as key elements that
are critical to service provision, such as service planning,
scheduling, fare collection, communication and signaling,
station design and customer service. The course offers a
broad perspective on regional planning, capital
programming and policy matters. Special focus will be on
emerging technologies and their practical applications.
Port Operation Management The course is a practical introduction in port operations and 3
port management. Explore the role of the main
stakeholders in designing, planning, controlling and
improving the port functions. Taking into consideration the
fierce competition in between major ports and the role of
major (container) carriers. Familiarize the students with the
various parties/stakeholders involved both from the
business environment and political background.
Define the various theories on models in transportation by
introducing different transportation modalities on their
own and in combination in the chain. Allow to see the role
of the parties involved in port politics, port operations,
logistic service providers and the hinterland as part of the
supply chain, management in the overall strategy and
performance of various organizations by providing a
conceptual, strategic view but foremost practical view on
the matter. Modal split as supply chain necessity.
Airline Operations This course covers the highlights of Philippine aviation, 3
airline regulatory bodies, airline marketing, airline trends
and issues. It also discusses the human resource needs of
the industry, their qualifications and responsibilities. Case
studies and related news about civil aviation will also be
used along with relevant principles and practices of airline
Thesis in Transportation (Transportation Research Project) 3
The student undertakes a research concerning a transport-
related activity and operation. This gives the student the
opportunity to express, through actual research work, a
specific knowhow of a given transport activity, making use
of acquired knowledge since first year.
Cruise Sales Management and This course will give students a deep understanding of the 3
Operation cruise industry and provide actual experience in a cruise
line profile, history and trends in the cruise industry world-
wide port geography. Actual ship inspection and trip is
Sustainable Urban Transportation This course aims to provide understanding of the concept 3
Development of sustainable transportation. The process on how
sustainable transportation provides shares in the economic
growth. Case study on different sustainable transportation
around the world will be sited for discussion. Familiarized
the student in the key aspect of planning and policy.
Freight Transportation System This subject deal with the overall procedures of the 3/7
movement of goods. It also involves production and
consumption that comes into the process. Functions of
different vehicular mode and the reaction from the supply
and demand.
Introduction to MICE This course examines the principles of conceptualizing, 3/7
planning, managing and evaluating events, conferences,
meeting, festivals and other such special activities. Topics
include the significance of conventions and events in
tourism. Lessons include discussions on event
conceptualization, event design, project/event
management, methods of monitoring and evaluation,
physical requirements, organizing, promotions, sponsorship
and handling the financial aspects of such tasks. The will
give the students the skills and knowledge to develop
business strategies to get MICE business and retain the
clients, as well as to identify, understand and overcome the
intricate challenges of collective supplier management and
engagement. This is an integration course that applies all
the principles of management and foundation tourism
Strategic Management and Total This course provides an overview of Total Quality 3
Quality Management in Management, its importance, principles and various
Transportation management approaches towards total quality. It also
deals with the framework for quality and performance
excellence applied in the tourism industry. Case studies
emphasized in assessing quality management processes in
hospitality and tourism organization will be discussed as
well as the preparation of a strategic plan.
Transportation Issues, Policies and This is an introductory course that examines the complex 3
Planning relationship between transportation, land use and urban
form, and the varied instruments available to planners
seeking influence this relationship. The course is roughly
divided into three parts: First, we take a historical look at
how technological innovations, socio-demographic shifts
and political decision-making shaped the way people and
goods move around cities today. We explore the
contemporary “urban transportation problem and issues”
that extends beyond satisfying mobility needs into
addressing the impact of transportation choices on equity,
congestion, air pollution, safety, urban sprawl, etc. Second,
the course looks at how transportation planners craft
projects and policies that are both technically sound and
politically feasible, introducing (and critiquing) some of the
tools and skills used by professionals in this field. Third, this
course provides an overview of alternatives available to
transportation planners, as they attempt to (a) reduce the
public’s need for long and unnecessary motorized travel
and (b) shift the movement of people to more socially
efficient modes such as walking, biking, and public transit.
In this section, we survey transportation innovations
increasingly implemented in cities around the world, such
as congestion charging, bus rapid transit and bike-sharing.
Through lectures, discussions, case studies and written
assignments, this course aims to introduce students to the
field of transportation planning, and to develop their ability
to critically analyze transportation plans and policies.
Transportation Entrepreneurship This subject gives the student basic knowledge on the 3
and Business Planning theories of entrepreneur as applied to the business aspects
of transportation facilities and services. This enhances the
student’s capability to make sound decisions with regards
to transportation related businesses.
Practicum 2 The student undergoes an on-the-job training on a major 6
transport operation such as carrier services, transport
facilities operation such as vehicle terminals, ports,
airports, expressways, logistics and cargo distribution and
delivery services, travel arrangements, and transport
planning activities.

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