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Following relevant managerial and technical psychometric methods, the method of task
review must be carried out in a logical way. Therefore, irrespective of the work review tools
utilized, a multi-stage procedure is typically pursued. Here are illustrated the steps for a
standard work study, but they which vary with the tools used and the number of workers
involved. The basic phases of the process are shown in the diagram.

Fig 1 process of job analysis

Planning the Job Analysis
It is critical that the job review process is planned before the collection of data from
managers and staff starts. Perhaps the most critical aspect is determining the aims of the job
study. Maybe it is just for work records to be updated. Or it can require the modification of the
company's compensation policies as a consequence. Another goal might be to overhaul the
jobs in the department or division of a company. This can also be to change the structure to
best suit business practices in the company's fields.
Example of how an organization may use job analysis data:
 Workforce planning.
 Performance management.
 Recruitment and selection.
 Career and succession planning.
 Training and development.
 Compensation administration.
Preparing and Introducing the Job Analysis
Many that will be interested in doing the job review and the strategies to be used are
described in this process. It also determines how new incumbents and executives will engage
in the transition and how many positions will be considered for workers. Reviewing current
documents is another activity in the identification process. Current job requirements, corporate
tables, details on past job analysis and other industry-related tools can also be helpful for
evaluating. Later in the process, getting information from this analysis can save time and
Communicating and communicating the procedure to administrators, impacted
workers, and other interested persons, such as union stewards, is a critical move. The natural
fears and anxieties people have when someone places their work under close inspection should
be answered in descriptions. The objective of the job analysis, the steps taken, the time period,
how supervisors and workers can contribute, who is doing the analysis, and who to approach
when issues emerge, are also things to be covered. It is important that union members be
involved in the analysis of job descriptions and specifications while workers are covered by a
union to mitigate the risk of potential disputes.
Conducting the Job Analysis
The work review should be performed with the planning done. A time line for the
project would be calculated by the approaches chosen. Sufficient time should be allocated for
collecting the information from staff and supervisors. When questionnaires are used, before
sending them back to those doing the work study, it is often useful to make workers send them
to bosses or superiors for evaluation. A letter outlining the procedure and directions for
completing and returning the task analysis questionnaires should accompany the questionnaire.
When task review data has been compiled, it can be categorized by employment,
family of jobs, and organizational unit. This move allows for analysis in the organization of
data from related occupations. Data can also be checked for completeness and follow-up may
be necessary in the form of further interviews or questions to be answered by managers and
Developing Job Descriptions And Job Specifications
Draft job requirements and job details will be prepared by position analysts at this
point. A segment discussing information on how to write job descriptions and job
qualifications is later in this chapter. Our goal here is to stress that the draughts should be
reasonably complete and to describe areas where more clarifications are needed.
They can be reviewed by supervisors until the draughts are finished. The organizational
style of supervisors/managers and the organization's philosophy of employee involvement and
contact are also decided by whether workers study the draughts or wait to receive the final job
descriptions. .
Maintaining and Updating Job Descriptions And Job Specifications
Once the relevant people have completed work requirements and qualifications and
revised them, a mechanism must be created to keep them updated. Otherwise, after many
years, the whole procedure will need to be replicated, starting with work review. Because
companies are diverse and changing institutions, all employment rarely remain the same for
Until recruitment and hiring activities begin, the position description and criteria should be
checked and updated as appropriate any time a vacancy occurs. Similarly, after any
performance assessment interview in certain organizations, administrators check the job
description. This analysis encourages the holder of the position and the boss to examine
whether the job description already accurately reflects the real job or whether it needs to be
reviewed. In addition, during HR preparation efforts, a thorough and systemic analysis can be
performed. A full analysis is performed once every three years with certain organizations, or
when technological changes arise, and more generally when significant operational changes
are made.
Before the compilation of data from supervisors and workers begins, it is important that
the task analysis process is prepared. Identifying the targets of the work analysis is perhaps the
most significant factor. Preparation starts with the recognition of the workers under study.
Reviewing current documents is another activity in the identification process. Communicating
and communicating the procedure to administrators, impacted workers, and other interested
persons, such as union stewards, is a critical move. The natural fears and anxieties people have
when someone places their work under close inspection should be answered in descriptions.
The work review should be performed with the planning done. When task review data has
been compiled, it can be categorized by employment, family of jobs, and organizational unit.
Data can also be checked for completeness and follow-up may be necessary in the form of
further interviews or questions to be answered by managers and staff.

New workers also go through a programmer of orientation that familiarizes them with
their new business. In the creation of a committed and centered workforce, this is a crucial
factor. Orientation also helps incoming workers to socialize and better know their boss.
Unfortunately, underplaying induction systems results in a population that is under-proficient.
The explanations for this are minuscule and will favor both the individual and the organization
if rectified. Employee induction preparation from the r organization can serve as the core of
the recruiting process of the r corporation. It gives the company the ability to give new starters
a good first impression and give them the motivation and help they need to become effective
and up-to-speed as soon as possible. Sadly, several corporations are already doing the
induction wrong.. From content-dumping on the first day to just leaving new starters to ‘get on
with it’, many organizations have found that not doing induction properly to be both expensive
and ineffective. So, what’s causing so many organizations to get induction wrong? And what
can be done to resolve these issues? Here are 5 common obstacles may meet during the
employee induction training, and solutions also follow:

Giving New Starters Too Much Information At Once

Solution: Offering Context-Rich Resources on Demand

It makes sense to want to make new starters effective as soon as possible, but many
companies assume this is achieved on the first day by exhausting staff and having to convince
them all in one go. Place yourself in the current starter spot. On the first day, along with
several doubts, it is natural to have woes and fears about the new job, so incorporating the
overwhelming feeling of trying to handle everything in one day is definitely counter-
productive and not a pleasant first impression.
There are also organizations that do the very reverse and thus follow a 'learn-as—go'
approach; where they encourage the fresh starters to get on with it. Again, this does not resolve
any of their doubts or questions they may have while joining the organization which may
result in them not fulfilling the company's goals or feeling secure enough to display their full
An Impersonal Induction Experience
Solution: Focus On Relevance
With generic and uninspiring materials, not completely knowing the functions of new
starters can result in a challenging induction experience. Employees may have their own
perceptions of their position, so it is crucial to understand them instantly and offer ample
information to new beginners that is personal and meaningful to them.
Building a one-size-fits-all programmer will not address the questions that employees will
have it simply loads them with business material instead of their individual positions and
where they fit into the company. The point of induction is to get efficient and up-to-speed new
starters as soon as possible, but content-dumping generic business data can only dramatically
slow this phase down.
Trying To Do Everything on Day One
Solution: Plan an Onboarding Journey
Most firms rely on only using the first few days of the new starters to fully involve
them, but still fail to follow through or proceed in the correct direction with the induction
process. Organizations find themselves unable to keep their new starters engaged by rushing
into the onboarding phase without a strong sense of direction or devoting enough time to
bringing new starters up-to-speed, and there will then be a loss of enthusiasm when interacting
with potential training materials.
It is surely not going to make them effective quickly by bringing employees through a few
hours’ worth of 'reading' or leaving them with tones of content, let alone continue to engage
with r training material.
Conduct experiments; ask for input from current colleagues, and be actively looking to change.
Know, induction is a long-term process, and learning should be continually incorporated into
the routine, not isolated from it.
Getting Lost In the Details
Solution: Prioritize the User Experience
Most companies rely on the formalities only, rather than the experience for new starts.
Starting a new job is overwhelming, and r employee orientation preparation should provide r
employees with support and warmth, and not feel like a freezing, strict experience. R new
starters deserve to be enthusiastic about entering the business, so the induction process can
have a more personable and connected approach and most importantly make r new starters feel
comfortable and ask questions when they need to.
Not Utilizing Digital for Support
Solution: Use Technology to Provide On-Demand Support
Wanting to free up precious face-to-face time is understandable and that commitments
and high workloads will get in the way of investing enough time in person to help new starters.
That is why it is important as a lasting point of support for r employees to select the best
learning site for r employee induction preparation. R LMS should be readily accessible and
wherever and wherever, provide the advice and answers that new starters would require. On a
day-to-day basis, digital platforms can answer the challenges encountered by employees and
offer simple, engaging solutions. This gives new starters the courage to realize that they are
completely embraced, even though face-to-face time is not always available; they also have the
resources they need to properly handle their jobs without leaving the workflow.
Orientation also helps incoming workers to socialize and better know their boss.
Employee induction preparation from the r organization can serve as the core of the recruiting
process of the r corporation. It makes sense to want to make new starters effective as soon as
possible, but many companies assume this is achieved on the first day by exhausting staff and
having to convince them all in one go. There are also organizations that do the very reverse
and thus follow a 'learn-as—go' approach; where they encourage the fresh starters to get on
with it. Again this fails to address any of their doubts or issues they may have while joining the
organization which may result in them not fulfilling the company's goals or not feeling secure
enough to display their full potential. Not thoroughly understanding the functions of new
beginners can lead to a challenging experience of induction, with generic and uninspiring
For new hires, preparation is especially necessary. This can be achieved inside the
company by others and can act as a way to bring new workers up to speed with the company's
procedures to resolve any expertise holes.
In an area expressly designated for testing, off-the-job training is performed. It may be
near the workplace or away from work, at a special training facility or retreat that carries out
training away from the workplace minimizes disruptions and helps trainees to dedicate their
full focus to the content being learned. However, off-the-job training programmers do not have
as much transition of training to the real job as on-the-job programmers do.
Advantages of Off-the-Job Training
 Trainers are usually experienced enough to train
 It is systematically organized
 Efficiently created programs may add lot of value
Disadvantages of Off-the-Job Training
 It is not directly in the context of job
 It is often formal
 It may not be based on experience.
 It is expensive.
 Trainees may not be much motivated
 It is artificial in nature.
Classroom Lectures:
 It is well-known for educating white collar or executive level workers in the company
under the off-work training techniques, classroom process or lecture method. Employees are
called to the room in this system, like that of the classroom, to provide instruction in the form
of lectures from a teacher. For the purpose of teaching managerial aspects or management
subjects, this approach is effectively used to increase awareness of processes and to include
guidance on relevant topics. 
Advantage – It can be used for large groups. Cost per trainee is low. 
Disadvantages – Low interest of employees. It is not learning by practice. It is One-way
communication. No authentic feedback mechanism. Likely to lead to boredom for employees
Education by the use of films, tv, animation and demonstrations, etc. In educational
schools, this teaching approach has been successfully used to teach their students in subjects to
learn and assimilate quickly and enable them to remember forever. In their subjects of interest,
new enterprises have come up to offer audio visual content for learners. Employers are
educating their staff in the private field, particularly in customer service centers, by using
audio visual content to teach how to receive, speak and behavior with the customer.
Advantages – Wide range of realistic examples, quality control possible. 
Disadvantages – One-way communication, No feedback mechanism. No flexibility for
different audience.
The training simulation approach is the most popular and key of all types of job
training. Trainees may be trained on specially built equipment or computers in the simulation
training process, which appears to be actually used in the field or work. This devices or
computers, though are specially designed for training trainees to be able to work with them in
the actual field or task. This preparation approach is often used when very costly machinery or
equipment is used to do or administer the job.
Example - For the purpose of training aero plane pilots on an aero plane simulator, the
simulation process has been commonly used to get them able to operate a flying aero plane.
Particularly in the jet fighter simulator, air force fighter pilots are trained.
Vestibule Training
This teaching technique can primarily be used for the training of technical personnel,
office staff and employees working with equipment and devices. Employees practice their jobs
on the tools they are supposed to use but the preparation is carried out separately from the real
work floor by taking the equipment or instruments to a specific location where training is
provided, but not the workplace. Vestibule preparation helps workers to get a complete
understanding of doing jobs without actual life stresses. Additionally, it minimizes the issue of
moving learning to the work.
If a person learns the job in the true workplace and not in a simulated environment in
an actual life setting, it is called on-the-job learning and also called workplace instruction. As
they work, workers understand. To take the example of roadside mechanics. When assisting
the head mechanic, small boys who serve as assistants practice there. They do not exercise
fault diagnosis and engine repair skills in any lecture on engine forms. This method of
teaching, also known as job guidance instruction, is the most commonly practiced technique.
Advantages of On-the-Job Training:
1. It is directly in the context of job
2. It is often informal
3. It is most effective because it is learning by experience
4. It is least expensive
Disadvantages of On-the-Job Training:
1. Trainer may not be experienced enough to train or he may not be so inclined.
2. It is not systematically organized
3. Poorly conducted programs may create safety hazards.
Job Rotation
The transfer of the trainee from one job to another is included in this form of
preparation. In any of the various work tasks, the trainee gets job information and learns
experience from his instructor or mentor. Though this method of training is common in
training managers for general management positions, trainees can also be rotated from job to
job in workshop jobs. This approach offers the trainee an ability to learn and appreciate the
problems of workers in other jobs.
Advantages of job rotation an employee reduces an employee's boredom, promotes progress,
allows workers a break from strenuous job duties, lets HR managers recognize where an
employee works better and provides a backup plan for HR managers if an employee leaves.
Disadvantages of job rotation of an employee are could be costly and time-consuming for
organization, could end up with disgruntled employees, it won't fix all r problems in the
business, job rotation of an employee might not be feasible for some industries and finally r
business could suffer.
The trainee is put under a clear supervisor who in training the individual, acts as a
coach. The supervisor gives input on his results to the trainee and provides him with some
ideas for change. The trainee also shares some of the coach's tasks and obligations and relieves
him of his responsibility.
Job Instruction:
This approach is also known as phase-by-step preparation. Under this approach, the
teacher describes the way the trainee performs the tasks, work skills and skills and helps him
to do the job. The teacher assesses the trainee's results, provides guidance and corrects the
trainee's records.
Committee Assignments:
Groups of trainees are issued and asked to solve an individual operational challenge
under the committee assignment. The trainees collectively solve the dilemma. It establishes
team work.
Apprenticeship is a formalized system of curriculum preparation that incorporates
classroom education with tightly supervised on-the-job work. The programmer for instruction
is prepared in advance and carried out from day to day in deliberate steps. Many commercial
apprenticeship schemes have a period of three or four years before an apprentice in that trade
or occupation is considered entirely accomplished. This technique is ideal for training in crafts,
trade and technical fields, especially where skills in a job are the result of a comparatively long
period of training or apprenticeship, such as the work of a craftsman, a machinist, a printer, a
tool maker, a builder, a mechanic, etc.

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