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Evidence: The happiness advantage

I’ll never forget the day I learned to play chess. Firstly, I had just started the fifth
grade when my father taught me how to play. I didn’t know about the existence of
this amazing game and as soon as possible, I had already learned, I decided to
start practicing my moves with some mistakes. I’ve always been smart, but I hadn’t
understood the moves of some pieces until I started watching videos of a Spanish
youtuber called “Rey dama”. After, I started playing with friends and on virtual sites
such as “lichess” and “”, and I improve a lot.
Chess started to be part of my life, but it wasn’t indispensable. By the time, I
played, I had already done my homework, so I could dedicate many time to chess.
Finally, the moral of this story is that, I wasn’t really happy before I played at first
time. Now, I’m happier than ever.

By: Fabian Alexander Duque Vacca.

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