TKE 071208 - Week - 1 - Semiconductor-Diodes

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Electronics Fundamental

TKE 071208

Lecture #1
Semiconductor Diodes
A diode is a two-terminal device that allows current flow only in one direction.

Anode cathode
Diodes (Cont...)
Diode Operating Conditions

A diode has three operating conditions:

• No bias
• Forward bias
• Reverse bias
Diodes (Cont...)
Diode Ideal Characteristics

Conduction Region Non-Conduction Region

“Forward Biased” ( Zero resistance) Reverse Biased (Infinite resistance)

• The voltage across the diode is 0 V • All of the voltage is across the diode
• The current is infinite • The current is 0 A
• The forward resistance is defined as • The reverse resistance is defined as
RF = VF / IF RR = VR / IR
• The diode acts like a short • The diode acts like open
Diodes (Cont...)
Semiconductor Materials

Materials commonly used in the development of

semiconductor devices:

• Silicon (Si)
• Germanium (Ge)
• Gallium Arsenide (GaAs)
Diodes (Cont...)
The addition of small amounts of impurities drastically affects its properties
The electrical characteristics of silicon and germanium are improved
by adding materials in a process called doping.

There are just two types of doped semiconductor materials:

n-type  The majority carriers in n-type materials are electrons.
p-type  The majority carriers in p-type materials are holes.
Diodes (Cont...)
Diode Operating Conditions

No Bias
• No external voltage is applied: VD = 0 V
• No current is flowing: ID = 0 A
• Only a modest depletion region exists
Diodes (Cont...)
Diode Operating Conditions

Reverse Bias
External voltage is applied across the p-n junction in
the opposite polarity of the p- and n-type materials.

• The reverse voltage causes the

depletion region to widen.
• The electrons in the n-type material
are attracted toward the positive
terminal of the voltage source.
• The holes in the p-type material are
attracted toward the negative
terminal of the voltage source.
Diodes (Cont...)
Diode Operating Conditions

Forward Bias
External voltage is applied across the p-n junction in
the same polarity as the p- and n-type materials.

• The forward voltage causes the

depletion region to narrow.
• The electrons and holes are pushed
toward the p-n junction.
• The electrons and holes have
sufficient energy to cross the p-n
• gallium arsenide diode ≅ 1.2 V
• silicon diode ≅ 0.7 V
• germanium diode ≅ 0.3 V
A Diode Puzzle 1
Which lamps are alight? Some may not be full brightness.

+ +
- -
A Diode Puzzle 1
Which lamps are alight? Some may not be full brightness.

+ +
- -
A Diode Puzzle 2
Which lamps are alight? Some may not be full brightness.

+ +
- -
A Diode Puzzle 2
Which lamps are alight? Some may not be full brightness.

+ +
- -
Diodes (Cont...)
Diode Equation
qvD vD
iD IS exp 1 IS exp 1
nkT nVT

where IS = reverse saturation current (A)

vD = voltage applied to diode (V)
q = electronic charge (1.60 x 10-19 C)
k = Boltzmann’s constant (1.38 x 10-23 J/K)
T = absolute temperature
n = nonideality factor (dimensionless)
VT = kT/q = thermal voltage (V) (25 mV at room temp.)

IS is typically between 10-18 and 10-9 A, and is strongly temperature dependent

due to its dependence on ni2. The nonideality factor is typically close to 1, but
approaches 2 for devices with high current densities. It is assumed to be 1 in this
Modeling the Diode Forward
• Circuit analysis
• Graphical analysis
• Iterative analysis
Jika Vs = 6V R1=Rs=RL=500 ohm gambarkan grafik hubungan Id dan Vd
Diodes (Cont...)
Resistance Levels

Semiconductors react differently to DC and AC currents.

• DC (static) resistance
• AC (dynamic) resistance
• Average AC resistance
Diodes (Cont...)
Resistance Levels  DC (Static) Resistance

For a specific applied DC voltage VD, the diode has a specific current ID,
and a specific resistance RD.

Diodes (Cont...)
Resistance Levels  AC (Dynamic) Resistance
In the forward bias region:
26 mV
rD ' rB
• The resistance depends on the amount of current (ID) in the diode.
• The voltage across the diode is fairly constant (26 mV for 25 C).
• rB ranges from a typical 0.1 Ω for high power devices to 2 Ω for low
power, general purpose diodes. In some cases rB can be ignored.

In the reverse bias region:

rd =∞

The resistance is effectively infinite. The diode acts like an open.

Diodes (Cont...)
Resistance Levels  Average AC Resistance

Diodes (Cont...)
Diode Equivalent Circuit
Diodes (Cont...)
Other Types of Diodes
v1 12 v1 11
KCL better: 0
5 4
Ideal Model for Diode
Example 3 - two-diode circuit (cont.)
Analysis: The ideal diode model is chosen.
Assumption 1. Since the 15-V source appears to force
positive current through D1 and D2, and the -10-V
source is forcing positive current through D2, assume
both diodes are on.
Since the voltage at node D is zero due to the short
circuit of ideal diode D1,
Assumption 2.
(15 0)V
Since current in D2 is valid, I1 1.50 mA
but that in D1 is not, the 0 10V
second guess is D1 off and ID 2 2.00 mA
D2 on. I1 ID1 ID 2 | ID1 1.50 2.00 0.500 mA

But, ID1 < 0 is not allowed by the diode, so try again.

Ideal Model for Diode
Example - two-diode circuit (cont.)

Since the current in D1 is zero, ID2 = I1,

15 10,000I1 5,000I D2 10 0
I1 1.67 mA

VD1 15 10,000I1 15 16.7 1.67 V

Assumption 2.
Since current in D2 is valid, Q-Points are D1 : (0 mA, -1.67 V):off
but that in D1 is not, the
D2 : (1.67 mA, 0 V) :on
second guess is D1 off and
D2 on. Now, the results are consistent with the

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