A Closer Look at Encore: 8 Grade

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8th Grade
A Closer Look at Encore

Encore Time

Encore Classes Each student will have three graded Encore courses during the
regular school day schedule. The Encore courses are divided into three areas:

• required encore courses (physical education only, there is no health


• recommended year-long encore courses (performing music, foreign

language, reading intervention, math intervention)

• exploratory encore courses*

*Exploratory encore courses are high interest courses designed to

help students explore and discover areas of interest and strength.
Exploratory classes will include the content areas of social
studies, science, math, language arts and/or technology
depending on the rotation. For example, topics could include the
following: personal finance, footprints in history, nature’s
magical forces, etc.

Exceptional students may also be recommended to take Resource (non-graded)

or Extended Learning Opportunities (ELO) Superior Cognitive, based on
eligibility criteria and individual needs.

8th grade encores are 42 minute courses during periods:

Period 1 7:43-8:25
Period 2 8:28-9:10
Period 3 9:13-9:55

Revised 1-31-2011
All 8th grade students are required to take one (1) of the following PE rotations:

PE/ELO- Student must be eligible for ELO to be in this rotation

Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter 4
1 2 3

Quarter 1 Quarter Quarter 3 Quarter 4
Exploratory PE Exploratory PE

All 8th grade students are also required to take two (2) of the following rotations based on teacher
recommendation, student choice, and/or special education eligibility:

Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4
Art - Drawing Art - Sculpture Art - Graphic Art - Painting
Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4
Exploratory Exploratory Exploratory Exploratory
Foreign Language (Spanish, French, Latin or German)
Quarter 1 Quarter Quarter Quarter 4
2 3
Foreign Language -----→ -----→ -----→
Performing Music (Band, Chorus, or Orchestra)
Quarter 1 Quarter Quarter Quarter 4
2 3
Performing -----→ -----→ -----→
Resource (Students with IEP’s)
Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter 4
1 2 3
Resource -----→ -----→ -----→
Reading Connections (Reading Intervention Program) Student must be recommended to be in this rotation
Quarter 1 Quarter Quarter Quarter 4
2 3
Reading -----→ -----→ -----→ -OR-
Intervention Math Connections (Math Intervention Program) Student must
be recommended to be in this rotation
Quarter 1 Quarter Quarter Quarter 4
2 3
Math Intervention -----→ -----→ -----→

Sample 8th grade Encore Schedules

Student #1
Period Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4
1 Art - Painting Art - Sculpture Art - Drawing Art – Graphic Arts
2 PE Exploratory PE Exploratory
3 Chorus Chorus Chorus Chorus

Student #2
Period Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4
1 Exploratory PE Exploratory PE
2 Read 180 Read 180 Read 180 Read 180
3 Exploratory Exploratory Exploratory Exploratory

Student #3
Period Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4
1 Resource Resource Resource Resource
2 Read 180 Read 180 Read 180 Read 180

Revised 1-31-2011
3 PE Exploratory PE Exploratory

Student #4
Period Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4
1 Latin Latin Latin Latin
2 Orchestra Orchestra Orchestra Orchestra

Revised 1-31-2011

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