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Course Name Healthcare Practice for England RQF

Unit 26 Supporting Team and Partnership Working Across Health and Social
Unit number and title
Care Services
Unit Tutor & Assessor Dr Samson Ovichegan
Academic Year 2020-2021

Assignment Title Working within partnerships

Date issued Formative Deadline Summative Deadline IV Name and Date
12/10/20 20/11/2020 Final Submission 30/12/2020


Submission Format
You have two tasks for this assessment. Make sure that command words should be considered properly
TASK 1: Essay (1500 words)
TASK 2: Reflective Essay (1500-2000).Witness testimony is required.
(Students NOT currently on work placement due to COVID-19 please refer to the ‘Case Scenario’)

Purpose of this assessment

The assignment will examine students understanding of work in a leadership role as part of a team and will assess their
knowledge and understanding of how partnership working benefits the users of services and organisations across
health, care and support service provision.

Present a table showing the role and characteristics of a leader and a manager. Then write what the role of the leader
and manager in your workplace is. This is to be presented as a table with contents written in bullet points and no longer
than an A4 page.

Working as a senior care assistant/team leader, You need to show an understanding of the different roles and
characteristics like roles of leaders, manager or professional involved . People have different roles and responsibilities
but also manage and lead others. It is vitally important that partnerships are formed to ensure that resources are used
effectively and efficiently.
Partnership working mainly aim and is central to the person with the long term condition and
should possess knowledge on how their condition affects them physically, emotionally and socially
and how to plan on delivery care to meet their needs to the highest points. Building strong,
effective relationships within and across organisations is important and critical in Good partnership
working and hence it need a joined-up approach in designing and delivering integrated services for
the benefit of service users. Building strong, effective relationships within and across organisations

is important and critical in Good partnership working and hence it need a joined-up approach in
designing and delivering integrated services for the benefit of service users. Multi-disciplinary
team working and effective & excellent communication is also needed in making a successful
partnership working within an organisation. However, every individual got their own roles and
responsibilities to perform in the development of high quality, co-ordinated services across
different care settings and sectors. In this collaboration, many barriers do arise such as lack of
understanding in roles, lack of communication, negative attitudes, not sharing information,
different priorities, etc which need to overcome as a whole team.
“These barriers have created many problems including death such as in case study given below”
You can use Case study of “Adult A” from Refer:

Task 1: ESSAY (1500 words)

Write an essay that critically reviews and evaluates the characteristics of effective management when working in
partnership in health and social care environments.

You will define and compare the differences between the role of a leader and function of a manager in health and
social care. Critically review the impact of relevant theories and concepts on effective management and partnership
working in different care contexts.
You are required to evaluate the importance of working in partnership and how this can improve efficiencies for
leaders and managers whilst still meeting partnership objectives and service users’ needs.

You are required to convert both tasks into a PDF/Word document and submit it via Turnitin. The reference list
should be for both tasks and at the end of task two.

Task 2: Reflective Essay (1500-2000 words)

Write down reflective essay where you critically evaluates your own role as a member of a health and social care team
working in partnership across different health, care and support services. You are required to discuss an example of a
successful partnership working from your workplace and make recommendations for improvement to overcome or
reduce barriers.

Witness testimony for your reflection will be required.

You are required to convert both tasks into a PDF/Word document as one document and submit it via Turnitin. The
reference list should be for both tasks and at the end of task two.

Sources of information
Task 1 Resources are available via Moodle


Grading Criteria
Learning Pass Merit Distinction Tas Evidence
Outcomes k
LO1 Differentiate P1 Compare the different roles M1 Critically D1 Critically
between the role and characteristics of a leader compare the role of review different 1
of a leader and and a manager a leader and theories and
the function of a P2 Discuss the characteristics of function of a approaches to
manager leadership and management in manager using a leadership and
terms of their role in effective range of theories their impact on
partnership working and concepts and in effective
different care management in
contexts care practice
LO2 Discuss the P3 Discuss the key approaches to M2 Evaluate how D2 Critically
role of partnership working and the role leaders and evaluate the 1
partnership that leaders and managers play managers can factors that
working across P4 Analyse the value of improve efficiencies impact on the
health, care and partnership working in achieving while successfully health and social
support services a high-quality service within meeting partnership care environment
legislative boundaries objectives and and partnership
service users’ needs working
LO3 Explore the P5 Discuss the impact of positive M3 Assess D3 Critically
outcomes of partnership working across partnership working evaluate own role
positive different services on outcomes outcomes for all as an effective 1
partnership for service users stakeholders across member of a team
working across different services working in
health, care and partnership across
support services different health,
care and support
LO4 Examine P6 Discuss how own M4 Critically reflect
own contributions impact on the work on how to improve
contributions to of a team own personal Reflection
working as part P7 Analyse own effectiveness in contribution and 2
of a team minimising barriers to effective minimise barriers to
team working ensure the
effectiveness of a

Student submission and declaration

The following declaration will be inserted in the Turnitin link for both formative and summative submissions:
‘I certify that by submitting the work for this assessment on Moodle (and via Turnitin) it is my own work and all research
sources are fully acknowledged using the Harvard system of references. I certify that there are no personal or mitigating
circumstances that have affected my work.’
By submitting such document, you acknowledge that your work is your own, and abides by The London College code of
conduct, and Pearson regulations.

Please note that in case of academic malpractice The London College reserves the right to decline to accept the work for
assessment purposes, and/or conduct an investigation, which might result in an oral presentation, oral or written exam,
or any other appropriate form of examination. Further information can be found in the academic integrity and
misconduct policy, the assessment policy, and the student handbook.

Date Submitted:

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