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Working within partnerships

Table of Contents
Task 1:.............................................................................................................................................2
Comparison between different roles and characteristics of a leader and a manager...................2
Difference between managers and leaders..................................................................................3
Theories and approaches to leadership and their impact on effective management in care
Analyzation and differentiation between the role of a leader and function of a manager...........4
The role of partnership.................................................................................................................5
Leadership Theories.....................................................................................................................5
Task 2...............................................................................................................................................6
The outcomes of positive partnership..........................................................................................6
Be able to work in partnership with others..................................................................................7
Own contributions to working as part of a team..........................................................................9
Personal contribution and minimise barriers to ensure the effectiveness of a team:.................10
Task 1:
Health and social care practitioners have a very important role to play between the partners. Each
level and technical community depends on a job type that concerns the efficiency of the group.
There are various layers in each category and different structures are changed. Two relationships
occur with the health and social sector: client relations and the multi-agency collaboration.
Clients - competent patients collaborate with one another on the basis of patients' preference,
scientific experience and data from studies for the detection of testing, medication and support
services. This relationship provides many benefits. The first move is to bring patients in the
middle. It means that patients' needs are thoroughly satisfied. Secondly, patients are motivated
and are thus more pleased with their treatment. Third, the patient should support and promote his
decisions and desires. Unfortunately, this form of relationship was absent in the Mid
Staffordshire NHS Foundation Trust. Patients have never been worked by the health practitioners
(Omachonu, 2018). Indeed, patient wellbeing and well-being have never been met. Patients have
been targeted. The management would not have known abuse or misuse of patients if the "Cure
NHS" initiative had not lead to the death of a single patient. The nurse could have given better
care to reach the patients if the nurse had cooperated with the patients.

Comparison between different roles and characteristics of a leader and a manager

Fernie and Sparks (2014) document the practical discrepancies between the boss and the chief,
including the attributes, characteristics and management values. In order to operate the industry,
businesses working in the health and social care markets need multiple activities. The contrast
requires roles and responsibilities with the various traits of the boss and the manager.
Management reflects management activities of the association that reinforce the strategy of
effective teamwork in order to accomplish the task of resource provision and efficient
management in sustainable and non-profit organizations. Leadership is the realistic way to
handle the full capacity of the company. Leadership provides the main success standards for
leading and inspiring all staff to meet the company's goals of ensuring smooth business entry.

Difference between managers and leaders

The main function which stresses the fundamental role of administrative function principles,
which includes: There are four management functions that shape the organizational procedure:
Plan: The management's job is to plan and assess how these priorities will be fulfilled. Planning:
Planning encourages administrators to be world-renowned and to foresee future business
circumstances. Managers must still be successful politicians.
Organization: The management function is to create an operational framework and delegate staff
to ensure the achievement of objectives. The framework of the company is the base for
organization. The hierarchy is commonly seen as a map that includes a graphical depiction of the
chain of command of an entity. Organizational arrangement decisions are generally called
organizational design decisions. Decision-making
Leading: the mission of encouraging employee engagement and benefits for productivity
improvements and optimization and success.
Controlling: The role is to track the progress and goals of the workers and to take necessary
action. External productivity and investment are the main mechanisms for comparatively
resource management in the areas of management science (Lam, Yeung & Cheng 2016).

Theories and approaches to leadership and their impact on effective management in care

Interpersonal roles:
The second class of health and social care in relationship functioning is that of those who work;
in this group, it is less difficult for the retired worker category, i.e. the aged, to give their desires
less in need, so they have plenty of time to carry out their duties. Many individuals in this group
are very lonely, who are younger than this retired class, and this makes it harder to meet their
wishes. This then contributes to a stronger emphasis on collaboration at interpersonal level. Thus
the interpersonal community seeks to engage with and express their interests more efficiently to
varying levels of groups. Working in groups makes it easier for you to guarantee that you have a
clear and easy understanding of your community. Alongside these vulnerable communities, the
way practices and local health systems operate tends to vary. They may have too many
competing goals or are not prepared to discuss their selected appointments.
Organization benefits: The importance of teamwork takes a different approach when we look at
this at an organization’s level. The concept of a partnership has an important effect on the labor
market's social political problem. When we talk about partnership, a new concept emerges
because both are concerned with certain 'new social policy problems, particularly free health and
social care. Although the terms are rarely clear or research-disturbing, most understandings are
reliable and good inter professional frameworks. Partnership. One research however shows that
good teamwork in health and social care is hard to achieve, considering the huge gap in authority
and culture between different working classes and the professional sector's natural competitive
scene. It demonstrates that the problems which are dealt with carefully need to be resolved
before what they can make it complicated and thus properly understood; it helps in preserving
the status quo and in producing a successful partnership by applying metaphorically the absolute
advantages of partnership without any other means. 

Analyzation and differentiation between the role of a leader and function of a manager
Manager Leader
The managers' aim is to define the role of the The leader's main aim is to direct other
business. workers in the community.
The manager will convey the policies The head is responsible for interacting with
governing the leadership. other workers in compliance with byte
organization policies.
Boss stresses the tasks and things. Leaders concentrate on the whole workforce
Job is delegated to managers by workers. The leader encourages workers to carry out
their jobs.

The role of partnership

Lastly, the management and leadership theory is recognized in assessing the success of the
management strategy's roles and responsibilities. The differentiated roles and responsibilities
between the board and management of the company effectively connect development to be
accomplished more effectively (10.1 Organizational Structures and Design - Principles of Management
| OpenStax, 2020).

Various types of teamwork are seen in the health and social care sectors. The mixed pattern,
regular pattern and standardized models are included.
The united pattern is based on the fusion theory. This paradigm includes partner management,
procurement and growth and policy structures in an integrated management structure of complete
unified services in a single location.
The main operation is carried out by the alliance model, administration resources and planning
separately under the geographic arrangements. In other words, couples who together use this
style methodology are supervisors, but operate independently. For couples, this paradigm results
from full equality.
Manager: The managers lead the enterprise through the predefined goals, which are assigned to
its priorities and objectives. Managers must create approaches to the priorities of the company
and ensure that employee preparation meets the company's demands for these tasks. The good
feature of the managers is that they will assign responsibilities in several respects between
organizations. Managers also evaluate their workers, the appraisal process relies on individual
success and work performance.
Leaders: Responsible workers are the ones performing the work of the company. Like bosses,
leaders can make their communication and organizational skills improve their workers. A
leader's best results are for his subordinates to inspire and encourage someone to excel. You have
expertise in achieving the targets and goals. Various types of teamwork are seen in the health and
social care sectors. The mixed pattern, regular pattern and standardized models are included.
The united pattern is based on the fusion theory. This template includes partner management,
procurement, and governance procedures in a centralized management structure with a total
integrated facility on one location. The unified model synchronizes the management and
employee organization of the workers with harmonious tools, but remains separate.

Leadership Theories

Writers and practitioners who built various frameworks and approaches for key leadership
principles at different stages and situations proposed philosophy of leadership several times.
Leadership theories are categorized as: philosophy of traits, behavior theory and contingency
Trait Theory: A paradigm for the perception of leadership and its impact on leadership
effectiveness and success was developed by (Center, 2011). The first structure is the cumulative
effect of various characteristics that results in leadership qualities. Center concluded that each set
of features affects each other by incorporation of social power, cognitive ability, and
temperament. While the other Framework0 notes that leadership characteristics differ in terms of
their proximal impact, which has some distal characteristics for the production of proximal
Behavior Theory: Conducting leadership ideas are based on the conviction that leading people
are created not born. Take that as the back of the theories of the Great Man. This leadership
philosophy is rooted in behaviorism and relies on leaders' behaviors, not emotional or internal
states. According to this principle, through schooling and observation, people will learn to
become leaders.
Contingency Theory: Contingency leadership ideas rely on various situational factors, which
may decide which leadership style is better suited for this scenario. This principle notes that in
all cases, no form of leadership is best (Leadership: Characteristics, Principles, Types & Issues
Regarding Leadership, 2020).

The leaders White and Hodgson say that genuinely good leadership is not only about the
leadership's strengths, but about looking for the best balance of behaviors, needs and
Strong leaders are capable of evaluating their followers' interests, taking stock of the situation
and changing their behavior. A variety of factors, including leadership, supporters' qualities and
circumstance dimensions, are critical to the progress of the project.
Task 2

The outcomes of positive partnership

The findings are both positive and negative in all collaborations with service consumers,
consultants and organizations. Partnerships can lead to circumstances in which dedicated
workers offer programs that increase their well-being for consumers. Improving services,
empowerment, sovereignty and rational decision-making are good effects. The service customers
achieve the rewards of relationship philosophies with a constructive partnership.
Empowering health and social services means approving or empowering staff, custodians and
caregivers ((Kayser et al., 2020)). This means that everyone is able to select themselves in line
with what works best. Good collaborations will foster empowerment and freedom of service
consumers among different health and social care organizations.
We are persuaded, that the individuality of the patients and staff is not lost and that their
attention is taken sufficiently.
Determination means we have the autonomy to do anything they feel best. They are encouraged
to decide so that the management can create a strategy that fits every individual.
Bad consequences such as harassment, negligence, frustration, miscommunication, for service
customers. Communication is the cornerstone for cooperation and for consumers of resources to
be treated. When working in collaboration with other organizations, it is important to use the
right communication skills.
This will translate to a well-organized services delivery for practitioners. Good progress. The
positive cooperation among professionals has an effect on the organization, since the effective
partnership creates an integrated service that allows employees to have a common approach, the
same perspective, common provision and coherent work practices. The effective partnership
therefore has a strong influence on the organization.

Be able to work in partnership with others

Acting in collaboration with those in the area of health and social care means understanding
about the value of professional ties with staff members, peers, practitioners, individuals and
families, friends; everybody engaged in the care preparation process; importance of
communication; traditional methods of exchanging information; principle of sharing power and
empowerment Improving the relationship through effective collaboration and knowledge
exchange, coordination and coordination, workshops and conferences between multi-agency
teams, core concepts of the 2000 No Secret Act for the multi-agency work of health and social
care, which provides guidelines on multi-agency strategies and practices to protect vulnerable
adults from violence,
For starters, a staff member who shows the same culture, hobbies and interests will be more
relaxed with another staff member who shows different cultures, hobbies and interests (Great
Conversation Starters for the Workplace, 2020). Working for a personally based approach that
involves the person at the center of the care planning process would provide a clearer view of the
physical and psychological needs of each client. The responsibility of the personnel to
collaborate with them and provide a complete view of and person's interests in a health and
social environment; to work with them through constructive interaction, offers greater attention
and a deeper sense of how people feel satisfied.

Working in collaboration with other organizations is not an easy venture because it comes with
different challenges.
The potential barriers to working partnership in health and social care services can be noticed at
different levels. For example, where in the organization there is a culture of top-down
management style rather than an open collaborative inter-professional with a focus on person
centered approach.

There is also a lack of competence, knowledge and skills between workers (unqualified social
workers accomplishing the task of a qualified social worker) and lack of understanding of roles
and responsibilities.
Power imbalances exist between the professions with each believing that working partnership
will diminish their profession in some way or that they are more important than other therefore
should be in charge or not want to share information to other.
Different practices and policies leading to different priorities, attitudes and values, lack of
training among partners on important issues (Florentine, 2020).
Funding can also be a barrier for working partnership. An organization may have more funding
than other and believe that merging with other can impact on the way its budget is spent.
The role of voluntary organizations and service users is often unclear. They feel like their need is
taken into consideration and are not seen as partners.
Barriers in working partnership are very common in health and social leading to tragic
consequences and exposing more and more vulnerable people to abuse and neglect ((Partnership
in Health and Social Care, 2020)).
Competitive dialogue and efficient listening and reflection; hearing with consideration and
patience; asking one person at the time to speak; reflecting on the issue and preventing personal
attacks; finding solutions for dispute resolution; demonstrating sensitivity. The skills and
techniques necessary for conflict resolution in health and social care environments.
It is important to know how to settle conflicts. My job as Senior Care Professional for people
who undergo early dementia is to take responsibility for the smooth functioning of the device.
Conflict settlement ensures that at least some of the demands of each side are fulfilled and their
concerns resolved.
People with early dementia rely rather than speak more on the vocabulary of the body. This is
very crucial particularly during an emergency crisis, that the workers know how to handle
tension and stay calm. Being aware of both verbal and nonverbal contact, regulating impulses
and actions, avoiding risks to others, being conscious of thoughts and speeches of others, being
mindful of discrepancies and polite, developing the ability to forgive and forget about others,
being able to reach agreement, to find a solution unique to communication, to strive to be able to

Own contributions to working as part of a team

Your behaviour should be reserved but professional in a working relationship. You are put
around individuals with whom you work as part of a team. They each work to obtain the same
priority of focus, operating in accordance with the workplace procedures. You ought to be
mindful of your responsibility for mistakes or errors, recognizing that you are responsible for
your actions. You don't like the people you deal with but it is necessary to support your
colleague and get the same in return. You would therefore be well served with your own
personal beliefs and emotions. Strong technical listening skills must be a work partnership. Your
intimate friendship is like a mate who can share the same things as you like passions and
interests, with your own decisions. You can express your ideas and thoughts, because of the bond
that you developed with them you can also reciprocate the connection; you can tell things on
your mind with a personal relationship without thinking about being recorded off the line. Trust
connects an intimate connection to relax contact (Intimate Contact, 2019).

Personal contribution and minimise barriers to ensure the effectiveness of a team:

A negotiated scope is crucial because I will put people like patients at my healthcare and co-
workers at risk by straying beyond this. Knowing that I've been hired in the work description
with my qualifications and skills, my boss will be confident of my job capability. If you are not
prepared to do so and are not eligible to do so as to threaten others and make you responsible,
you may not perform a work role. I would have to hesitate to do a job that was not in my job; I
may not be prepared for that particular role. My fellow Member ought to be conscious in my
denial, so I would not risk anyone.

Access full and up-to-date details of agreed ways of working:

Policies and protocols involve accepted operating practices. My position and duty must have
been delegated to me by the boss for my scope of work to make sure that my knowledge about
my role is handled in the right way. You also trust me to do my work with a professional attitude
within my position.
Implement agreed ways of working:

It is important to amend procedures to incorporate updates to regulations to ensure sure people

understand how you conduct your tasks in the workplace. It would provide general advice. When
anything shifts, you can ask the senior or workstation boss for advices, because you're not so
sure about the process. You are grateful to have noticed and asked for suggestions on any

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