Radiation Incident Investigation Report Form

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Additional information or local reports may also be attached as required.

Hospital: _____________ Reference: ________________ MERU


1. Incident
Date of Time of Location of
Incident: Incident: incident:
Patient Patient M F MERU Incident
age: sex: definition
What speciality was patient admitted under / referred NEAR MISS? YES - NO - 

Incident description: (Accurately describe, in chronological order, the relevant details of what happened
leading up to, immediately before, during and after the incident and others involved):

How was the incident discovered, and by who?

2. Investigation
Who led the Who was on
investigation? investigation team
(include referring
clinician where
Was risk management involved in the investigation? Y N 
Was a formal system /root cause analysis conducted? Y N 
Briefly outline the methodology used by the investigation team:

Is there a written protocol on communication with the patient or open Y N 

Was it decided to communicate with patient and/or carers? Y N 
If yes, what was the communication with the patient, including discussions and plans?

Was the communication with the patient consistent with the written protocol? Y N 
Who else was consulted and informed during investigation (including referrer and practitioner in charge,
other relevant staff)?

Was incident reported to regulatory bodies and Insurers (e.g., RPII, HSA, IMB, CIS, Serious Incident
Management Team for HSE), please state which:

Is the investigation complete? Y N 

If no, date for completion:
3. Cause of Incident
From the findings of the investigation, what were the direct, indirect and root causes the incident? (refer to
system analysis techniques for cause descriptions)
Which of these was identified as the main cause?

4. Patient Radiation Dose

What was the Dose to the Patient in relation to that prescribed/
not prescribed: (as a total figure (mSv/mGy) and as a
percentage greater than intended):

What are the consequences/clinical impact to the patient as a result of the incident?

If ongoing medical surveillance for the patient is required, has a Y N N/A 
plan been implemented?
5. Recommendations and Actions
List any immediate action that was taken to minimise harm to patient or recurrence for others:

What are the findings of the report and recommendations to prevent a similar incident occurring in future,
including follow up actions with patients, staff and others?

List actions already taken (including the date):

List additional actions that must be taken and the timeframe for completion.

What is the likelihood of a similar incident occurring?

Was this investigation discussed at the Radiation Safety Y N 

Committee or tabled for next meeting?
What date is set for review of actions?

Any other information relevant to this report, e.g., what is the learning for this and/or other locations?

Person responsible for Signed: Relevant Signed:

implementation of actions: Practitioner
__________________________ _____________
Referring Clinician, where applicable Signed: CEO/Hospital Signed:
_______________________ Manager:
Chair, Radiation Safety Committee: Signed:

Reported completed by: Role: Email:

Signed: Date: Tel:

Please return signed copy to: Private and Confidential, Medical Exposure Radiation
Unit, Oak House, Lime Tree Avenue, Millennium Park, Naas, Co. Kildare.

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