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txt 2010-12-06
Early 20th century: people wonder where the name "California" comes from. Began
to appear on Spanish maps in early 16th century as "Calfurnia"
-always appeared as an island because the spanish couldn't see the whole
-book by DeMontalvo: "Las sergas de esplandia" circa 1508
-mentioned a land called Calafia near the gate of Eden
-warrior women that enslaved men. Led by Calfurnia
-black amazonian women
-likely explanation: People thought there was a terrestrial Eden that
could actually find
-Berkeley prof finds Alfonso X's Siete Patrides 1265
-declares it's illegal for women to practice magic
-his reasoning is that a women named Calfurnia was harassing people
-Alfonso's source for Calfurnia was a Roman: Valerius Maximus, who was
married to a Cafa Afrania, who annoyed the Roman tribunals
-de Montalvo's black Calfurnia related to the Caja Afriania
-black was the color of the evil/Satan/enemies of the Catholic
-gives idea of Calfurnia being a place where nature's order is messed
men are slaves, black women are in power
-A Catholic Spanish male *has* to restore order so we can open gates to
-mid 19th century- westward is the way history moves. California is the
westward area and is the conclusion of history

Social/Human Development: Savagism (small huntergatherers) -> Barbarism

(kingly, larger villages, agriculture) -> Civilization (urban, large
agriculture, writing, moral-values attached)
-as people mature and develop, they rise up morally
-Savagism and Barbarism associated with prehistoric due to the lack of written
-most historians studied civilizations with written works
-California is hard to study becuase
-we don't know when 1st humans came
-before Spanish came, CA had high population density
-native CA had no large-scale agricultural system
-how did they get so much people?
-there are large agricultural systems elsewhere
-pop density high, but no large urban civilizations
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-large hunter gatherer society
-Pleistocene: must H20 is in glacial ice. Covers north america lowers ocean
level. Aleutian Islands in AK were a foot bridge. 26K before present.
-we know people crossed over from Russia to the AK
-BUT oldest sites in CA are 10-12 thousand years before present on east side
-why aren't there other sites that are older?
-people couldn't cross down to CA from AK because of glacial ice,
so they had to wait
-They could have travelled down to the coast, but these sites are
-so all we have is Paleo Indians 10-12 thousand years
following big game (mammoth)
-migration, follwed large game, fishing
-no large villages/social organization
-ended 10k years ago because big game all died
-Archaic period (10k - 4k ago)
-lots of sites in west part of CA
-not focused on big game
-windmiller tradition - subculture of Archaic era
-developed ways of exploiting resources
-sacrament odelta area (largest river in CA)
-develops use of acorns through sophisticated basketry
-acorns become staple food especiall in North America
-immigrants from other areas conflict with groups descended from archaic
-linguistic evidence- influences of language from SW people
-when Spanish come, CA is very linguistically diverse
-Yukian is one of the oldest languages
-this CA seems simple - no civilization, don't grow foods Spain recognizes
*but* greatest linguistic diversity ever and highest pop density in N
-about 10% of N.Am pop is in CA by time Spain comes.
-how do you feed all these people? we have estimates btwn 300k-1mil in CA
-accounts by Span explorers
-1792 - accounts of controlled burning to help hunt and to get new plant
to eat
-burn away thick uninhabitable forest to attract animals with new plants
and to
make room for living
-agriculture of CA (especially Oak tree) have adapted to fire
-regular burning by people turned SoCal into grasslands
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-Spanish leave records of CA natives harvesting grass, saving seeds for
and eating the grass
-following and broadcast. Bred domesticated grass
-CA sustains high pop because of "proto agriculture"
-radically modified landscape to support pop
-how? debate: mostly "fire regime" vs lots of broadcast
-1769 when Spain came, CA looks different from everything
Spain had seen linguistically, topographically, socially, agriculturally

1769- Spanish expedition: Gaspar de Portola and Junipero Serra come to CA

-San Diego - Kamia indians: 1st mission
-missions build up coast - not always welcome
1775-Kamia Indians rise up and get rid of priests and occupation
1781- Quechan, Yuma indians rise up against missionaries
-not big turning points, but good intro for late 18th century CA pulled into
worldwide changes (econ, pol, bio, social, etc)
-Euro side of CA - why in CA?
-new tech: 15th 16th century: Long distance navigation safer, easier,
-econ demand for expansion in Spain (want expansionary phase)
-status detained by land, so people want more
-centralized monarchy - late 15th century Spain - single recognized power
-lends clultural, symbolic organized form to expansion
-Spain has history of conquest
-"Reconquista" lasts until 1452: Ferdinand and ISabella unite 2 largest groups
in Spain
-Colombus sets sail that same year
-conquest of Spain over 7 centuries leads Spain to be well suited to
and conquest
-ideology of conquest - philosophy, religion, culture
-notion that Spanish Christians *should* go out and conquer stuff for
-2 strands in ideology of conquest: Religous and Secular
-Religious: sense of Christian mission. War against Muslims develops ethnic
religious conflict. Reconquista is Christian redemption, will of God.
Christian sense of mission is sharpened by Protestants, Judaism. Sense of
Much more mystical view of religion (Angels come down from heaven)
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-Secular: narrow sense: economic sense of conquest. Emerges as mercantilism
Spanish institutions. Wealth is finite - chunks of it are held by infidels
heretics, which is an affront to the Church and must be denied to the
of Spain and reclaimed for Spanish church and crown. Colonies supply raw
materials and labor for crown, serve as markets for econ
-manifested in actual institutions
-Mission system: designed to physically advance into nonChristian territory and
to Christianize them. Each mission ahd to force local peoples into a social
order that was wholly Christian. Labor, disciplines, wealth building for
religious orders
-Franciscans and Jesuits compete until Jesuits are expelled
-Franciscian mission are very important. All pagans can become Christian
Spaniards (subjects of the crown)
-goal: CA full of Spanish peasants
-natives remain under tutelege
-missions go out and find people who will provide labor force for running
missions (which has to do everything itself)
-recognizing Spanish economy
-Economical system eomplements and competes with missions
-beaurocratic, system of labor
-Spanish Crown doesn't have much money, labor, capital
-lands discovered become part of spanish crown
-as motivation to wealthy speculators, Spanish crown gives land grant to
independents who outfit themselves and colonize part of the New World
-gives the independents the right to the labor of people living in that
grant: leads to lots of abuse
-the cultural expectations and practices remain relatively constant
-superiors didn't believe that mission/encomiendas (land grants) would be in
-1519: very successful expedition toe Mexico - create new spanish empire by
1530s, Spanish empire across the globe
-17th cent: Spain compete with France, England
-lots of gold, silver sent back to Spain -> hyper inflation
-Spain economy dies - Eng and Fran all threaten spain in New World and in
-too expensive to control, fund distant bureaucracies
-CA is a defensive conquest. Spanish advances frontier up the coast
in order to protect other Spanish holdings
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-Jose de Galvez advocates for military expedition to CA
-Eng, Fran are using entrepreneur pirates to raid Spanish
-rich galleons carry supplies from phillipines to Spain -very vulnerable
-Galvez sends out an expedition to stop all this
-Junipero Serra and Gaspar de Portola go up coast looking for harbor to
protect the rich galleons
-doesn't work, so De Anza comes from Tucson to establish overland route
to CA
-Natives control Coloradio river. De Anza helps them,
Quechan befriends him.
-De Anza gets lost, but finds Tarabol (escaped Indian from San Gabriel)
who leads them back
-link betweeen Tucston to CA is broken with 1785 Quechan uprising

Spanish accounts of battles involve saints and angels coming down from heaven
-modern comparison of missionaries to Nazis
-Protestants in Spain cause problems start 1519- conflict with catholics
-Leyenda Negra - based on Protestant ideas of Catholics, North Euro ideas
of South Euros. "Spanish people are backward" and catholics are cruel,
-made a case for moral superiority for English colonialism
-influences: 18th,19th century historians
-missionary system focused on incorporation, not displacement
-birth rate never equals death rate in CA missions - natives die at insane
-epidemic after epidemic - huge sections of CA are depopulated - 'virgin
epidemics - Spanish bring new diseases with them (even the cold)
-the epidemic related deaths are mirrored everywhere the Spanish touch down
-nothing in historical record, because no knowledge of germs back then
Junipero Serra
-leading rep of the church in CA: Head administrator of all missions. Very
-symbolizes mission system, New Spain
-unusual because he's not the "fat rich drunk" priest stereotype that's
common in Mexico City
-embodied ideologies of conquest - 'christian obligation'
-shares Spanish view that indians were ideal Spanish subject because they
'culturally children' that needed to be educated
-corporal punishment was expected (part of Spanish culture)
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Mission system lasts 67 years
-2/3 of indians w/n those territories die
-so why do the indians come to missions?
-couldn't see into future
-access and position: Spanish went to the *best* lands
-political/military alliances: indians ally w/ Spanish to get a leg up
on their rivals
-economic advantage: Spanish have domesticated livestock.
-natives could get the livestock more feed. Spanish livestock ate the
indians food supply (grass!)
-disease: previous encounters (casual trading) introduce diseases to
so they go to the missions out of desperation. With pandemics, indians lose
technical/political/cultural elite in their groups
Indians attached to missions are forced to change their culture radically
-live in concentrated groups - dense unwashed living space
-religious indoctrination (new catholics called "neophytes")
-restricted sexuality (priests imposed Spanish practices)
-men, women separated. Polygamy ended
-missions promote epidemic disease
-women are killed off by poor living conditions, epidemics, etc
-exposed women to rape, sexual diseases
-soldiers in the presidio (Spanish fort)
-childbirth fails - 25% live beyond 2nd year - die before 25
-Some indians run away to Great VAlley
-coastal populations flee
-Military resistance by Indians (no unified group thanks to cultural and
linguistic diversity)
-small rebellions including Chumash Rebellion
-internal resistance - abortion, infanticide, birth control, etc
End of mission system
-produces chain of coastal Spanish outposts
-wealthy frontier holdings
-lots of acres, livestock, natives
-geopolitics kills the system
-revolutions hit Europe as Spain starts missions
-war of independence in Mexico (French king on Spanish throne)
-Ca becomes providence of Mexican Democracy
-The mexican Democracy ends slavery, creates secular gov't
-missions are disbanded and are given to wealthy secular Mexicanos
-consequences of missions: reduction of population, altered native cultures,
cultural/social synthesis- new ethnic and political alliances
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-Missions as "legacy of genocide"

1839: Large ranch known as Chino. Horse raiders led by Ute chief named Walkara
steal 5000 head.
Rise of Mexican California - brief, but contributes large new social
institutions: the rancho (privately held)
-fall of Spanish California (missions)
-there *were* missions, but they were neither large nor secular
-ranch is primary economic contribution
-cutting edge of changes in Native California
-Spanish California: not actually any racially Spanish people there. "spanish"
is a social label. Lots of "spanish" in the Americas, but they're of mied
descent. spanish don't see race in the same we do. Being a Spaniard in CA means
you're from real Spanish parents.
-Criollos: claim to be descended from spain, born in Americas
-make up most of population
-social hierarchy determined by spanish descent
-Mestizo: Spanish, Indian parents
-Mulatto: Spanish, African American parents
-Mestizaje: mixing of racial and cultural mixing that's happening
-indios: natives - not Spanish at all!
-creates generations of people that grow out of touch and start to distrust the
pure Spanish (esp Criollos)
-sparks Mexican revolution. 1821: CA is part of democratic Mexico. Now uppper
class Criolos take over power, property of the crown and church
-secularization/privatization of the missions
-concludes by 1840s
-Ranchos: new econ in CA
-rise of ranchos = rise of pueblos (towns)
pueblos are near presidios and/or missions
-entice criollo/mestizo farmers to come to CA
-LA: founded in 1781 - exemplary of pueblo startup
-Yangma = large Native village. "spanish" build pueblo next to it. The
get paid by gov't, get titles to land
-indians become laborers
-LA develops liquor industry - Agua Diente (type of alcohol) becomes main
of currency
-all work done by Indians - get paid in alcohol
-LA gets reputation as a horrible pace
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-pueblos don't get many immigrants
-econ build on hide and tallow trade (signature econ practice of CA)
-Ranchos don't produce beef. They ship cow hides and tallow
-these are prime goods bc there is no plastic, tape, etc. People want
belts, sandalls, no propane, no gas
-horses are a status thing
-ranchos measure wealth by cattle, also quality and quantity of horses
-more than 500 ranchos in Mexican CA
-almost all laborers were indians (vaqueros = cowboys)
-Ranchos are a system of labor btwn contractual and slavery
-looked a lot like peonage
-Ranchos are mostly along coastal region. Owners are wealthy, support class
called Gente de Razon. They cal themselves Califernios
-distinct class of privileged, wealthy, politically dominant people
-Pio Pico - son of a soldier from De Anza expedition
-belongs to upper tier of Mexican society. Is in the military. In a good
and becomes last governor of CA
-Natives populations rebound with the end of secularization of the missions
-high death rates in the missions
-natives flee these to central valley
-emergence of horse, cattle raiding as "shadow economy"
-defense of ranchos is up to the landowners
-raids of ranchos become major part of CA
-impact on econ is visible. Horses are stolen, so become even more valuable
-political impacts: ranchers complain to gov't. Uneasiness with gov'ts
to mobilize forces to protect ranchos
-before, Indians didn't fight back bc they didn't have a common language
-by this point, they have common language, knowledge of spanish culture,

1906: April 18: earthquake hits .F.

-SF is most powerful city on west coast of US
-key urban city for building of global empire
-1850: no powerful big cities
-key to empire thought to be keeping rural small towns full of middle class
that wouldnt rise up
-thought to be redemptive qualities in working outside in nature
-maintains democracy - responsible, virtuous citizens can meet with each
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and vote
-rise of large urban SF so far from east coast that's oriented towards
commercialism, it's een as a threat to democracy
-1850: SF bay had city caled Yerba Buena. They vote to change the name to SF
right as gold rush hits.
-quarter million pop by 1880
-held 21% of the west coast population
-99% of all imports to west coast went through SF
-83% of total exports via west coast go thru SF
-SF dominates the economy
-1/3 of population was foreign born in 1880
-heavily catholic. transient population
-heavily male (40% women)
-heavily class stratified: 3/4 of wealthy merchants were US born white
-5% of male pop owns 80% of the property
-SF is unstable: gains bad reputation
-city gov't is organized but not much improves
-committees of vigilance (1851,6)
-gold rush starts, but growth continues
-Gold rush:
-SF is nearest harbor to the gold fields, so industry grows in SF to
gold rush
-Silver rush on heels of gold rush (comstock in nevada)
-people move silver thru SF
-as mining closes, people go back to SF
-Civil war: SF is major harbor and refugee camp
-filled with wealthy sons that flee service
-the railroad: guarantees SF continued growth
-the global position of SF positions it well for the 19th century (point of
contact btwn Asia and US)
-marks completion of Northwest Passage
-Railroad - linked with rise of SF
-railroads compete with boats for primary mode of shipping goods
-CA econ leaders see that boats to east coast is not enough. There should
a transcontinental railroad (petitions fed gov't to connect the dots)
-feds say no, so Judah (CA lobbyist) gets private investors from
sacramento. He finds the "big 4" with $16000 of capital
-Collis Huntington, Charles Crocker, Mark Hopkins, Leland Stanford
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-"central pacific railroad" CPR: Judah reapplies for fed gov't aid and feds
say yes
-CPR gets loans to build railroad from fed gov't
-per mile rate loans
-fed gov't gives CPR a reward/gift of a huge chunk of land along the
-divided into squares by Northwest and Southwest Ordinance in 1787
-known as checkerboard pacific
-CPR builds east, Union Pacific railroad pushes west
-imports chinese men to do labor (via labor brokers in SF)
-horrible working conditions - work very fast
-2 railroads meet in Utah
-CPR gets stranglehold on CA's economy
-CPR builds connective line to other places like LA
-buys waterfront (harbor) property
-*monopoly*: controls prices, who can ship, location of key towns (CPR
towns that don't meet standards)
-Santa Fe builds competing railroad - price competition w/ CPR
-Stanford builds university
-big 4 come to represent greed, evil, aristocracy, corruption
-railroad is hated - octopus metaphor
-big 4 hate each other - union pacific merges and takes power
-forces building towards political change (lower and middle classes)
-SF has nice school bc of all the money
-1868: UC established in Berkeley
-1870: rich people gifts to berkeley: mining, agriculture, etc. Not at all
Harvard, Yale, Oxford education
-Regents were appointed as rewards for education
-Ambrose Bierce - representative of the literate middle class
-SF = cutting edge of American journalism
-takes popular culture and elevates it to an oart form
-Mark Twain, Bret Harte

Most water goes to agriculture and ranching

-receive about 20 inches of rain per year
-agricultural water is property of the peueblo
-Swampland act 1861: large scale landowners to reclaim/drain swamps to use for
-Homestead act 1862: if you can find 160 acres of land that no one's claimed,
you can live on it. 10 acres is more reasonable size in CA for irrigated farms
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-Induction of federally sponsored dams in western US. Small farmers worry that
big agriculture will snuff out small farms, so the subsidized water is
available for small farms
-System emerges as rewarding big agriculture
-irrigation works on large scale bc water subsidy - large corporations can
buy it
cheap, use transient labor
-10% of state's farms are 75% of CA's corporate agriculture

Progressivism - historiographical debate regarding late 19th, early 20th

century US.
Progressivism is well intentioned, wants to make serious reforms: CA less
corrupt, more efficient
-CA is 1/11 states that allows voters to directly pass constitutional reforms
w/o legislature
-proposition initiative system
-Progressive party!= progressivism
-progressivism was a series of social and political movements. Produced
in pol,cul landscape
-associated with econ, pol and soc reform
-assoc. with prohibition, temperance, public utilities, etc.
-Daniel Rogers: Progressivism: cluster of special interests taht would create
coalition politics
-three themes in period literature:
-anti-monopoly: strong rhetoric decrying effects of concentrated, corporate
wealth. Suppress free market
-efficiency: idea that markets should be efficient. Rise of assembly line
production (Ford company). want to see increase in efficiency of our use
of forests. More efficient life for all!
-Social order: anxiety about inefficiency during major urban boom in US
anxiety about immigration: non white people endanger society!
antiSemitism, Anti catholicism. Fear that US will lose virtue
Teddy Roosevelt: east coast, wealthy, Protestant, old money, not lazy
-reform of masculinity. TR is a cowboy, not an aristocrat!
-translates to political rhetoric: "speak softly and carry a big stick"
-very anti-trust/monopoly
-biological racialism- combo of white superiority and modern biology
-white protestants are "genetically superior" - proved by science
-hiram Johnson - big figure for CA progressivism
-from Sacramento, which was based on a then modern idea of how a city
should look
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-very white, elite, protestant, culturally conservative
-Progressivism is a quintessentially protestant movement
-SF political elites revealed to be bribed by South Pacific Railroad, and
leads the "clean up"
-joins Republican party -then progressive party governor of CA to CA
1911: regulations for transportation and for public utilitites
-voters given power to limit corruption in gov't
-population can circumvent the system
-initiative: voters can put legislation/amendment on the ballot
-referendum: voters can veto legislature passed by gov't
-recall: voters can remove people from office
-Long term effect: giving electorate this power means there's no way to prevent
special interests from putting in their own legislature
-women gain right to vote. Grassroots orgs for Progressivism come from women,
even before they could vote
-idea that there are gender roles for women, men
-the house is where the females preserve the family. Males protect family in
public spaces
-hard for women to argue that they can be in public bc they're established
private sphere
-public housekeeping - political issues attuned to women
-education, childcare etc = opportunity for women to jump into politics

Progressivism - politics went hand in hand with changes in culture

-associated with protestantism
-height of progressivism lines up with height of immigration from
non-protestant countries and with diea of biological racism
-California has heavy biases that are catholic-influenced Protestants coming
into CA were surprised by that and also the cultural practices (CA doesn't have
the 4 seasons build so heavily into Protestant culture)
-2 responses: pretend nothing's different *or* embrace what's different and
reform some things
-immigrants bring everything with them: music, holidays, plants
-people moving into CA try to recreate what they had back in NY, Idaho, etc
-SoCal: wanted to make SoCal recognizable as Midwest home: wide streets,
-very strict and defined Protestant culture
-saloons are outlawed, as are hugging, kissing in public, etc
-social tension btwn physical desire vs demands of cutural propiety
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Abbot Kinney and Helen Hunt Jackson visit CA to check on status of natives
(Fed representatives)
-AK: influential figured stressed CA's mediterrranian climate, suggested that
CA culture mirror mediterranian cultures instead of New England or Mid West
-wanted to create utopian community as a model of that culture. Creates
community Venice on coast near LA. Failure!
-HHJ: mission revival. She's seen that the natives have been pushed down by
white immigrants, and pushes for legislation in WashDC
-writes "ramona" 1884 - romance novel with California air. It's a
-condemns whit anglo saxons
-sympathizes with natives
-start of cultural reformation - WASPS begin to experiment with
styles of architecture, culture, etc
-see rise of Mission revival, rancho-style homes.
-new Protestant mid class criticizing old protestant mid class and using
catholic culture to do so
-rise in immigration from mexico - many indians learn that WASPS dont' like
-2 key push factors for immigration:
-agricultural crisis in mexico
-mexican revolution - people are refugees
Mission revival:
-critique of WASP cultural conservatism
-beginning of new elite order
-reworking of whiteness
-opportunity for diff migrant groups to use CA in ways they hadn't before

1880s-protestant couple tries to make utopian community. Bring in churches,

outlaw saloons, call it Hollywoodland
-30 years later, Hollywood known for things like "fatty arbuckle"
-CA is presented to US as a hellhole - not at all a protestant community
-first movies were risque - catered to lower/middle class immigrant groups
-topics considered socially unacceptable
-great train robbery - has narrative arc, camera angles, etc
-first movies seen on same level as porn today
-DW Griffith -actor that works with Porter (Great Train Robbery)
-moves to CA
-films movies about mission revival
-Films "birth of a nation" in SoCal -very famous movie shows that SoCal is
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great place to make film
-is criticized bc BoaN is racist (heros are the KKK) so director comes
with "Intolerance," which has a huge budget and puts SoCal on the map
-movies are highly sexualized and shouted down by churches, Wall Street
Journal, but movies are too successful! People promote actors into a type of
-Doug and Mary Pikford are a hollywood couple that are seen as the perfect
american couple. They build a New England house and are the perfet WASPs

1939: still the great depression. Grapes of Wrath - publication was a huge
social, cultural, political event. Symbolized fall of middle america
-agricultural was main sector of econ until 1940 and was centerpiece of
american ideology. Self-sufficient american farmer family as backbone as
-1929: great depression - transition in type of econ from producers to
-democrats gain power. FDR + new deal gather formerly Republican votes
-Democratic governors elected in lots of states except CA.
-Upton Sinclair - similar to Demo candidates but more radical. Epic campaign -
slanted by Hollywood , so he loses election
-population in CA still grows. Its still a huge destination mostly thanks to
-Okies: poor midwesterners who come to CA
-exodusters: Oklahoma, N Texas. Farmers who had leased land.
Mechanization - tractors. Most lost farms to industrialization and corporations
-changes volume of agriculture.
-poor land management kill the land - not the dust bowl!
-CA gets a new type of agriculture from rest of US - much more industrial and
-eliminates possibility of small family farms
-crop specialization dominant : monoculture. It's cheaper because you're
growing to sell, not growing to sustain. More risky, so families that try
to do
so fail.
-vertical integration: a business takes control of all aspects of their
product. Ex: Di giorgio owns production, packing, shipping, etc
-coordinated anti-labor strategies
-only need lots of labor a few weeks out of the year. Ideal: transient and
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-Associated farms of CA tries to frame Steinbeck
-Grapes of Wrath makes Steinbeck famous - people from gov't to inspect CA.
Nothing comes of it because WWII. CA gets fed capital to protect west coast and
econ gets fixed
-labor shortage bc of war, so Brocero program enacted - imports mexican
citizens as laborers for farms - no citizenship
-1950s - migrant worker = poor latino. With okies, white americans could
immediately identify with migrants who had historically been chinese, black,

WW2 is a critical trigger for CA. Economically, socially, politically, WW2 is

most important event since gold rush
-Boom in CA bc of fed capital
-CA is platform for US nvolvement in pacific
-1945: CA = 17% of wartime production
-westward misgration
-US migrants to CA mostly from south
-what happens bc of all this movement?
1. Urbanization: 1945: CA much more urban
2. Industrialization: more industry. Steel mill, aircraft and car production
3. Suburbanization: most people living in cities even more now. Town divided
over tracks - racial border.
-Cold war means diff typed of production: no more big factories - now a
technological war
-Fed $ go to white collar jobs with tech universities with new factories in the
suburbs who get their own banks and schools
-suburbs become richer/better than old cities. White people move out there.
Racially segregated (sometimes legally)

-end of WWI and beg of WWII - research in tech fields done at private
-Throop Poly Tech - becomes Cal Tech. Fed gov't contracts with them, wins
contract for Jet Propulsion Labratory.
-Stanford University has been poor when it comes to getting good faculty
-WWII helps: Terman is an EE guy who models Stanford along Cal Tech's lines
-good graduate students and good faculty get $ with research grants and
-get lots of contracts: Berk, CAltech and Stanford are in top 5 recipients
of Department of Defense contracts
-Stanford industrial park: businesses next to the university
-gives rise to Silicon VAlley
-UC system: gives the # of undergrads that can join workforce necessary to make
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Silicon VAlley a high tech center
-CLark Kerr: master plan. If you can graduate HS, you have the opportunity to
attend UC (top 12% attends) CSU-top 33% JC-rest of graduates

-Cold War, other mini "hot" wars feed capital to CA

-lead to urbanization and $ to places like Berkeley, Stanford
-white collar jobs, higher education are where the money's at
-geographical centers of urbanization different from that of industrialized
-culture shift
-Cinema in 1940s is more realistic — gritty crime dramas and film noir
-Literature: "hard boiled" literature: "If He Hollers let him go"
-industrial, chaotic settings. Psychological and racial conflicts
-suspicion of urban landscapes, factories, etc. Association of cities with
-people move to the suburbs because cities are bad (plus jobs are in
-emerence of the New Right. Underwrites a reworking of US politics
-grows up in small midwest cities
-graduates from college during Great Depression. Jobless - his family is
saved by
FDRs New Deal
-goes to Hollywood, which produces propaganda movies during WWII
-gives Reagan his start. His eyesight is bad (so no military) so he
the Air Force's motion picture unit
-film career declines after the war, so he goes into politics
-US in the Cold War - rise of McCarthyism
-both Nixon and Reagan get a start on political careers during McCarthyism
-Reagan says the Screen Actors Guild is full of commies
-Reagan is initially accused of being a commie, but he becomes an informer
for the FBI, turning in some of his fellow actors
-There are 3 main areas of politics (these are the traditional definitions, as
used in Europe)
Liberalism: individual is the core political unit. Individuals are born with
Democracy is best suited to protecting these rights. Free market
economy protects this.
Conservatism: you inherit rights and power. Aristocracy rightfully holds the
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History_Notes.txt 2010-12-06
Inherit power by blood descent. Best fitted to agrarianism -
anticapitalism and landownership
Radicalism: left of liberalism. Hates conservatism. Suspicious of Republican
of gov't, free market, etc. (Like Marxism)
US political battles rest within Liberalism (we don't really have
-See a New Left (between Radicalism and Liberalism) and a New Right ("small c"
-New Right: some are Christian sects (rights are from God to US people) and
a few "big c" Conservatism (white supremacy, etc)
-Most people are Liberals because they believe in free-market, democracy
-"free market conservatives": country club Republicans
-Conservative split: theological conservative gov't vs. small gov't
-in 1950s,60s this split forms one voting block over a mutual hatred of
-1964: Barry Goldwater gets GOP presidential nomination
-runs against LBJ, who casts Goldwater as dangerous
-Reagan becomes governor of CA - does not like the UC student protests
-becomes very popular because people share his sentiments on the protests
-as governor, cuts budget to disastrous results. Increases taxes by a huge
-loses GOP nomination for president to Nixon, so governs CA again and is more
-"hands off" governor. Cuts some things - projects himself as a "cut taxes"
"small gov't" type of guy

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