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1 An advertisement for a national shampoo that shows a plain-looking

woman using the product, then transforming to a beautiful woman with

a new hairstyle, dressed in elegant clothes, waiting for the "man of her
dreams" to appear on her doorstep, would best illustrate which of the
following criticisms of the marketing system?

a. Marketing makes society overly materialistic.

b. Marketers promise miracles.
c. Marketers create artificial needs.
d. Marketers control popular culture.

2 According to the definition of consumer behavior, how a consumer

disposes of an idea and accepts another is not part of consumer
a. True
b. False

3 The fact that people often buy products not for what the products do
but for what they mean implies that a product's basic function is
a. True
b. False

4 A researcher interested in studying how consumer preferences spread

throughout a social group most likely
has the disciplinary focus of ________.
a. experimental psychology
b. semiotics
c. history
d. sociology

5 A common practice among advertisers is to create new relationships

between objects and interpretants by inventing new connections
between products and benefits. A classic example of this was equating
Marlboro cigarettes with the American frontier spirit. Which of the
following terms best describes this practice?
a. subliminal persuasion
b. figure ground projection
c. semiotic relationships
d. consumer-modeling connections
6 What is the primary purpose of a perceptual map?
a. The map outlines how the product process functions.
b. Perceptual maps diagram the differences between the sense systems.
c. Perceptual maps outline where a product stands in comparison to
competitors in the minds of consumers.
d. The map shows the threshold values of various retail stimuli.
7 Lifestyle, attributes, competitors, and quality are all dimensions
marketers can use to carve out a brand's ________ in the marketplace.
a. personality
b. position
c. priming
d. trade dress

8 Ben Perez is driving along a mountain road. In the distance, he sees a

road crew working on a fallen tree that has blocked the highway. When
Ben first sees the road crew, which of the following perceptual processes
has been engaged?
a. exposure
b. attention
c. adaptation
d. interpretation
9 Claudia Norman was a marketing consultant. She recommended that
brand equity for a new environmentally-friendly product could be
established by giving her initial customers free memberships in
the Green Peace organization. Claudia used which of the following in
her recommendation?
a. promotional conditioning
b. emotional learning
c. classical conditioning
d. instrumental conditioning

10 According to the definition of learning, how could a researcher ever

show that cognitive learning had taken
place in a subject?
a. only by asking the subject if he or she had learned something
b. by measuring a behavioral change that could directly be tied to a previous
c. by measuring the brainwave pattern of the subject
d. by relying upon an intuitive feel for the amount of learning the subject had

11 Learning refers to a relatively permanent change in behavior that is

caused by experience.
a. True
b. False
12 Conditioning effects are more likely to occur after the conditioned and
unconditioned stimuli have been paired a number of times.
a. True
b. False
13 The observational learning process begins with a step called
a. True
b. False

14 The process of learning the beliefs and behaviors endorsed by one's

own culture is called ________.
a. acculturation
b. accumulation
c. change management
d. enculturation
15 Jake feels a hunger growing in his stomach. The more he feels the
hunger, the more he wishes lunchtime would hurry and arrive. He is
already planning what he will eat and how good it will taste. Which of
the following processes most accurately identifies what Jake is feeling?
a. the goal process
b. the directionality process
c. the motivation process
d. the involvement process
16 A beverage company has just developed a new sport drink. The
company's promotion recognizes that people get thirsty when they
exercise. The company's ads, therefore, attempt to create a(n) ________
for their new product.

a. drive
b. hedonic goal
c. expectancy
d. want
17 An automobile company emphasizes such qualities as high miles per
gallon of gasoline, an excellent rating in safety, and high resale value of
its product in its advertising. The company is trying to appeal to which
of the following consumer needs?
a. psychogenic needs
b. biogenic needs
c. hedonic needs
d. utilitarian needs
18 The ideal self is a person's conception of how she ________.
a. adapts to play different roles
b. imagines others to think of her
c. would like to be
d. realistically thinks she is
19 Which of the following is NOT one of the four levels of the extended
a. family level
b. community level
c. social level
d. individual level
20 People across all cultures appear to favor physical features that are
associated with ________.

a. intellect
b. wealth
c. youth and good health
d. confidence
21 Arthur was asked to speak in front of a group of downtown business
people during the noon hour. He noticed that as he spoke, one person
appeared to be napping and another frowned during the entire
presentation. "I'm not going to do that again," Arthur promised
himself. "I am not a good public speaker!"
Which of the following terms best reflects Arthur's perception of
himself and his ability as a speaker?

a. multiple selves
b. ideal self
c. actual self
d. looking-glass self
22 At Whole Foods supermarket in Seattle, shoppers take part in a
"singles" night the first Friday of every month.
This is a good illustration of lifestyle marketing.
a. True
b. False
23 Janice feels that she makes many of her decisions based on the fact
that she is an introvert. Introversion seems to affect her taste in clothes,
outside activities, and even her independence. Janice is making
consumption decisions based on a personality theory called trait theory.
a. True
b. False
24 Sony offers a five-year warranty and a free customer hot line. The
brand personality trait inference consumers will most likely make based
on this brand's action is one of familiarity and sophistication.
a. True
b. False
25 Do fear appeal ads work? Which of the following best answers this

a. They work well if the threat is very weak.

b. They work if the threat is moderate and when a solution to the problem or
difficulty is presented.
c. They work if the threat is high and vividly elaborated.
d. There is no data to answer the question.
26 The ________ route to persuasion is taken when the person is not
really motivated to think about the arguments made in a
communication message.

a. central
b. peripheral
c. dual
d. systematic
27 A politician attempts to gain support for her for mayor by releasing a
poll showing that almost 70 percent of the city's voters support her
position on property taxes. What basic psychological principle is the
politician using to persuade voters that she should be the next mayor?

a. consistency
b. authority
c. consensus
d. liking
28 Mona feels that she is moderately knowledgeable about foreign films.
Healmost nothing about these films, while her other friend Wanda has
just f the highest grade in the class. Of the three friends, who is most
likely to s new foreign film being shown on campus before deciding to
see the film?

a. A. Wanda
b. Kim
c. Mona
d. Both Mona and Kim will seek more information than Wanda.

29 Sheila believes she is a practical consumer. She is always on the

lookout for better ways to order her life and make housework easier.
New products that promise to help with these tasks catch her eye.
However, she sometimes makes mistakes by buying products that do not
deliver on their promises to do the work required.
Considering the above description, Sheila could be prone to which of the
following types of perceived risk?
a. Monetary risk
b. Functional risk
c. Social risk
d. Psychological risk
30 A consumer could recognize a problem as either an opportunity or a
need. How would promotions differ between those emphasizing
opportunities and those emphasizing needs?
a. Promotions emphasizing needs should attempt to increase the consumer's
ideal state
b. Promotions emphasizing opportunities should attempt to increase the ideal
c. Promotions emphasizing needs should increase the ideal state
d. Promotions emphasizing needs should decrease the ideal state
31 The "thrill of the hunt" is a hedonic shopping motive.
a. True
b. False
32 One benefit of e-commerce is that consumers can find products and
services for which they will be able to get greater price information.
a. True
b. False
33 When a retail customer senses a sudden urge that simply can’t be
ignored, the customer is experiencing
unplanned buying.
a. True
b. False
34 Which of the following reference group influence forms is most
associated with the following situation? Carl knows that Bert has had
experience with various types of motor oils because Bert is a mechanic
for a large Cadillac dealership. Carl asks Bert to compare his brand
against Quaker State. Bert tells Carl that Quaker State
can't be beat for performance and durability.
a. coercive influence
b. information influence
c. utilitarian influence
d. value-expressive influence
35 Kimberly has been contacted eight times in the last week by a pushy
telemarketer. She made the mistake of showing some interest in the
product being sold and has not had much luck in getting rid of the
caller. Which of the following forms of power is being exercised by the

a. expert power
b. referent power
c. reward power
d. coercive power
36 Phillipe is a member of a small Harley-Davidson motorcycle club. They
meet once a week to ride and talk about their bikes. This club might
exert a ________ influence on Phillipe as he decides which model of bike
to buy for his girlfriend.

a. comparative
b. normative
c. selective
d. legitimate power
37 Tyler returned home after college to live with his parents. This was to
be a temporary arrangement; however, days became months and
months became three years. Tyler's dad wonders if he will ever move
out and get his own apartment. Tyler is part of an increasing trend
called ________.
a. drop-out kids
c. failure "Xers"
d. boomerang kids
38 Ellen was asked to fill out a questionnaire. She described herself as
more likely to engage in exercise, more likely to go out to bars and
restaurants, and as consuming more alcohol than people in other age
Which of the family life cycle categories would Ellen best fit?
a. young bachelors and newlyweds
b. families with young children
c. families with older children
d. older couples without children
39 Collective decision-making occurs when more than one person is
involved in the purchasing process for
products or services that may be used by multiple consumers.
a. True
b. False
40 Stephanie's parents are considered to be blue collar; however, her dad
owns a construction company and performs mostly white-collar duties.
Her mother runs an office cleaning company from their home. The
couple earns about $90,000 a year and is able to send Stephanie and her
two sisters to the state university close to their hometown. Based on this
description, which of the following contemporary views of the American
class structure best describe Stephanie's family?
a. Upper-Upper
b. Lower-Upper
c. Lower-Lower
d. Middle Class
41 Mr. Patterson is 59-years-old. His annual household income is
$500,000. He has been married to the same woman most of his adult life.
He doesn't spend much on clothing. According to research, how is Mr.
different from the typical American millionaire?

a. He is older.
b. He has a long-standing marriage.
c. His household income is greater.
d. He doesn't spend as much on clothing.
42 Evan was an aggressive, rich, and determined businessman originally
from a working class family. He had become wealthier than he had ever
imagined by buying and selling other businesses. Evan seemingly could
do anything until he tried a hostile takeover of an old established bank
owned by several prestigious families.
When his bid failed, Evan said, "I always knew there was an elite but up
to now I thought I was a part of it."
What type of capital was Evan lacking?

a. economic
b. cultural
c. psychological
d. sociological
43 Which of the following is generally true about Asian Americans?

a. They tend to be very brand loyal.

b. They are not attracted to products that express material status.
c. They are one of the least brand-loyal of all American subcultures.
d. They are less likely than the average American to buy high-tech gadgets.
44 What is the most challenging aspect of marketing to Asian Americans,
aside from language barriers?
a. They are culturally diverse.
b. They buy only from their native lands.
c. They do not trust the American financial or credit system.
d. They show little affinity for American-made products.
45 Asian Americans look closely at brands but are not very brand loyal.
This is likely the result of heightened status consciousness.
a. True
b. False

46 Researchers measure ________ on dimensions that include "feel-age"

and "look-age."
a. chronological age
b. perceived age
c. age cohort
d. social age
47 The elderly market is well suited for segmentation. The primary
reason for this is that these consumers _______.
a. are affluent
b. are easy to identify by age and stage in the family life cycle
c. watch a great amount of television
d. will answer almost any question posed to them
48 A subculture is a group whose members share beliefs and common
experiences that set them apart from others. Which of the following is
the best reason supporting the validity of age being considered as a
a. People of a certain age share the same genetic traits.
b. People of the same age have common memories about cultural heroes and
historical events.
c. Age is a subculture because of the definitions adopted by the U.S. Census
d. Age has been traditionally thought of as a subculture and consumer
behaviorists have seen no reason to modify that long-standing belief.
49 Which of the following statements best describes a myth?
a. A myth is a fiction that large numbers of people in a culture believe to be
b. A myth is a story that people enjoy because it separates those in the know
from those who are not culturally aware.
c. A myth is a story containing shared cultural symbolic meaning. The story
may literally be true or false,but it conveys some cultural truth.
d. A myth is an old story that has existed for so long that everyone in a culture
can relate to it through shared memories.
50 Pavel was an inventor. He read that there were several million people
who could not sleep at night until they looked under the bed. He
invented a light that could be put under a bed and went on
automatically when someone looked there. Pavel's product is designed
to help people perform a ________.
a. ritual
b. symbolic exchange
c. convention
d. rite of passage

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