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Numerology is a very interesting subject. By definition it is the belief in a mystical

connection between numbers and living things. It was popular among some of the first mathematicians

including Pythagoras who is credited with creating the basis of our modern numerological traditions.

Modern scientists, however, consider numerology pseudomathematics and it is not considered part of

real mathematics.

Nobody is completely sure where Numerology originated. It's earliest roots can be found in

Egypt and Babylon where the Hebrews developed the earliest Numerological system. Numerology can

also be found thousands of years ago in Rome, China, Japan, and Greece.

Pythagoras is a Greek philosopher who is credited with our modern numerology. He was

born around 590 BC and was a very important figure in mathematical development. When he was

around 50 years old he established a sort of secret society in Italy where he taught music, astronomy,

and mathematics. He didn't focus on solving mathematical problems however. Instead he focused on

the principals behind mathematics. He believed the entire universe could be expressed in numbers. He

made a system for this that was then expanded by other philosophers to form the basis of modern

numerology. Numerologists think that even the most abstract concepts can be converted into numbers

and that every single number represents related concepts form positive to negative. Knowledge of this

can be used to make improve your strengths, diminish your weaknesses, and use your energies more


Numerology uses your name and birth date to define your personality using Pythagoras'

system. You do this by finding the number value of any word or name. This reveals its hidden

meaning. Each letter of the alphabet is assigned a number value from 1 to 9. You add all of the
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numbers together until you achieve one single digit. In example you add 7+8 to 15 then add 1+5 to get

6 and then you find out what the number 6 represents.

Dr. Julia Seton coined the term "Numerology" in the 20th century. She was born in 1862

and gave numerous lectures across the globe about the wisdom and physics behind numbers. Between

1911 and 1917 a number of books were written by L. Dow Balliet which greatly contributed to the

revival of Numerology. She used much of Pythagoras' work along with Biblical references. A little

more than a decade later in the 1930s a mystic named Florence Campbell explained the science of

Numerology in great detail. Most of the formulas used by modern numerologists were created by these

two writers.

Other than the Pythagorean system there are two other

systems. These are the Chaldean system and the Kabbalah system. All three systems are used today by

different Numerologists and will all give you different results due to differences in the way they

calculate things. The Chaldean system is the most accurate. It can be traced back to Ancient Babylon.

Numbers 1 through 8 are assigned to the sounds of the alphabet. 9 is considered holy and is kept

separate. Chaldean Numerology also only uses compound numbers.

The Kabbalah system was created by Hebrew mystics and only analyzes the name. It has 22

vibrations from 1 to 400. It isn't considered as accurate because it only analyzes name and not birth


In conclusion even though it isn't considered real mathematics Numerology is practiced

widely today by fortune tellers and people who are interested in the occult. If you wish to get a

Numerological reading the Chaldean system is the most accurate and therefore is probably the system

which you would wish to have your reading done with.

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