Teaching Philosophy

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Daphne Yoner

Practicum III
March 4, 2021
Teaching Philosophy

In my third and final practicum of my education degree I have

witnessed many similar qualities required of teachers, that I have
previously observed in my other practicums. I have experienced that all
students learn differently and at different rates. Some students learn better
with visual aids, some learn better from stories, and some learn better with
tactile experiences. As a teacher I feel it is very important to embrace these
differences within the classroom and this creates a more exciting
environment for the students but as well as for me as the teacher.
Everyone requires diversity in their learning in order to stay engaged and
enthusiastic about learning. In this particular classroom I have learned that
all students are at different levels in their education therefore it is
paramount to evaluate each student individually to assess their needs,
whether that be extra assistance with work or more challenging material to
advance the student further. I believe as a teacher it is an important quality
to be vigilant about all factors in the classroom and consider outside factors
that may affect your students as well. It is key to be kind, caring, and
empathetic in order to be the best teacher for your students. I care deeply
about these students that I have been working with for the past two months
and I am so proud of the accomplishments that I have witnessed in this

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