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Journal of Ethnopharmacology 105 (2006) 196–200

Anti-diabetic potentials of Momordica charantia and Andrographis

paniculata and their effects on estrous cyclicity
of alloxan-induced diabetic rats
B.A.S. Reyes a,b,∗ , N.D. Bautista c , N.C. Tanquilut b , R.V. Anunciado d , A.B. Leung c ,
G.C. Sanchez b , R.L. Magtoto a,c , P. Castronuevo e , H. Tsukamura f , K.-I. Maeda f
a Thomas Jefferson University, Department of Neurosurgery, Farber Institute for Neurosciences, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19107, USA
b Institute of Veterinary Medicine and Zootechnics, Pampanga Agricultural College, Magalang 2011, Pampanga, Philippines
c Institute of Animal Science, Pampanga Agricultural College, Magalang 2011, Pampanga, Philippines
d College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Philippines, Los Banos, Laguna, Philippines
e Department of Biology, Kutztown University, Kutztown, PA 19530, USA
f Graduate School of Bioagricultural Science, Nagoya University, Nagoya 464-8601, Japan

Received 10 March 2005; received in revised form 14 October 2005; accepted 18 October 2005
Available online 18 November 2005

Momordica charantia and Andrographis paniculata are the commonly used herbs by the diabetic patients in Pampanga, Philippines. While
the anti-diabetic potential of Momordica charantia is well established in streptozocin- or alloxan-induced diabetic animals, the anti-diabetic
potential of Andrographis paniculata in alloxan-induced diabetic rat is not known. Neither the effects of these herbs on estrous cyclicity of alloxan-
induced diabetic rats are elucidated. Thus, in these experiments, Momordica charantia fruit juice or Andrographis paniculata decoction was orally
administered to alloxan-induced diabetic rats. Rats that were treated with Momordica charantia and Andrographis paniculata had higher body
weight (BW) compared with diabetic positive control (P < 0.01) from day 22 to day 27 (D27) but exhibited lower BW than the non-diabetic control
(P < 0.05). These rats had lower feed (P < 0.05) and liquid intakes (P < 0.01) compared with diabetic positive control from day 17 to D27, but similar
with the non-diabetic control. The blood glucose levels in these groups were significantly reduced from day 12 to D27 compared with diabetic
positive control (P < 0.01), however, comparable with non-diabetic control. The diabetic positive control had extended mean estrous cycles (8 days)
compared to Momordica charantia and Andrographis paniculata-treated diabetic rats (5 days; P < 0.05). Our results suggest that the anti-diabetic
potentials of Momordica charantia and Andrographis paniculata could restore impaired estrous cycle in alloxan-induced diabetic rats.
© 2005 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Momordica charantia; Andrographis paniculata; Diabetes; Alloxan; Estrous cycle

1. Introduction defects in insulin secretion, insulin action or both (Atkinson

and Maclaren, 1994; Yki-Jarvinen, 1994; Teixeira et al., 2000).
Diabetes mellitus is the most common endocrine disease Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus or Type 1 is conventionally
(Sexton and Jarow, 1997) and a predominant health concern treated with exogenous insulin while the non-insulin-dependent
affecting 16 million Americans (Yeh et al., 2003). It affected diabetes mellitus or Type 2 is treated with oral hypoglycemic
2–3% of the total world population in 1995 (Felig et al., 1995) agents such as sulphonylureas and biguanides among others
and had an increasing prevalence worldwide in 1998 (Alberti (Felig et al., 1995; Rosak, 2002). Complementary and alterna-
and Zimmet, 1998). Diabetes mellitus leads to metabolic abnor- tive medicine is widely used (Eisenberg et al., 1998; Maclennan
malities and is characterized by hyperglycemia resulting from et al., 1996; Payne, 2001) and, in the Philippines diabetes mel-
litus is commonly treated using medicinal plants (De Padua et
al., 1997).
∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 215 503 5862; fax: +1 215 955 7921. Momordica charantia and Andrographis paniculata are com-
E-mail address: (B.A.S. Reyes). monly used herbs in the province of Pampanga, Philippines.

0378-8741/$ – see front matter © 2005 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
B.A.S. Reyes et al. / Journal of Ethnopharmacology 105 (2006) 196–200 197

Momordica charantia is a member of Cucurbitaceae, com- 2.3. Animals and treatment

monly known as ku gua, karela, bittergourd or bitter melon.
It is the most popular herbal resource (Marles and Farnsworth, 2.3.1. Animals
1995) and is often used to treat diabetes (Arvigo and Balick, Female Sprague–Dawley rats weighing 140–150 g were
1993). The anti-diabetic potential of Momordica charantia is obtained from the Research and Biotechnology Division, St.
well established in streptozocin- or alloxan-induced diabetic Lukes Medical Center, Quezon City, Philippines and were indi-
rats, mice and rabbit (Akhtar et al., 1981; Sarkar et al., 1996; vidually caged. Estrous cycles were recorded daily. Food and
Kar et al., 2003), genetically diabetic mice (Miura et al., 2001) water were given ad libitum. Rats were maintained on normal
and in humans with Type 2 diabetes (Srivastava et al., 1993). laboratory chow diet containing 16% protein.
Andrographis paniculata (Burm F) Nees belongs to family
Acanthaceae, commonly known as “King of Bitters” and has
2.3.2. Induction of diabetes
been used to treat various diseases (Vedavathy and Rao, 1991;
Only rats showing at least three consecutive estrous cycles
Caceres et al., 1997; Kumar et al., 2004). Unlike Momordica
were selected. Estrous cycle was monitored daily via vaginal
charantia, the hypoglycemic effects of Andrographis panicu-
cytology. Alloxan, dissolved in saline was injected intraperi-
lata have only been studied in streptozotocin-induced diabetic
toneally, at a dose of 125 mg/kg body weight (BW). The induc-
rats (Zhang and Tan, 2000) and in normal rabbits (Borhanuddin
tion of alloxan-induced diabetes was confirmed by determining
et al., 1994). Thus, using alloxan-induced diabetic rats, the
the urinary and glucose levels.
anti-diabetic potential of Andrographis paniculata was investi-
Diabetes mellitus has been shown to suppress reproductive 2.3.3. Treatments
functions in humans (Griffin et al., 1994; Sexton and Jarow, Twenty rats were used in this study at five rats per group.
1997) and animals (Angell et al., 1996; Cagampang et al., 1997; However, 15 were alloxan-induced diabetics and they were
Steger and Rabe, 1997). Specifically, diabetes mellitus sup- randomly assigned to three groups 4 days after alloxan injec-
presses luteinizing hormone secretion in streptozocin-induced tion. Only rats positive for urinary glucose and with a blood
diabetic rats (Cagampang et al., 1997) and disrupts estrous cycle glucose level above 300 mg/dl including polydipsia, polyuria
(Cox et al., 1994). Estrous cycle is the period of reproductive and polyphagia were used. The first was given Momordica
cyclicity in animals that usually lasts for 4–5 days in rodents charantia juice, the second with Andrographis paniculata
(Pineda, 2003). Though the hypoglycemic effect of Momordica decoction, and the third served as diabetic positive con-
charantia is well documented in diabetic animal models (Akhtar trol. The fourth group served as the non-diabetic control. At
et al., 1981; Sarkar et al., 1996; Miura et al., 2001; Kar et 20 ml/kg BW per day, groups one and two were orally given
al., 2003), it is not known whether this effect is accompanied Momordica charantia juice and Andrographis paniculata decoc-
by the restoration of reproductive functions such as estrous tion, respectively. Half of the dose given at 800 h and the
cyclicity. Hence, this study also aimed to elucidate the poten- other half at 1600 h. Groups three and four were not given
tial of Momordica charantia and Andrographis paniculata in Momordica charantia juice or with Andrographis paniculata
the restoration of impaired estrous cyclicity in alloxan-induced decoction.
diabetic rats.
2.3.4. Data collection
2. Materials and methods
The BW, daily feed and liquid intake, and blood glucose lev-
els were measured at day 1 (D1), day 7 (D7), day 12 (D12), day
2.1. Plant material
17 (D17), day 22 (D22) and day 27 (D27). For blood glucose
levels, it was determined using Glucose Kit Reagent (Biosys-
The elongated fruits of Momordica charantia were purchased
tems S.A., Barcelona, Spain) from blood collected from the
from the local market and leaves of Andrographis paniculata
tip of the tail. Samples were run in triplicate. Urinary glucose
were gathered from the campus of Pampanga Agricultural Col-
was detected from D1–D12, D17, D22 and D27 using urine test
lege, Magalang, Pampanga, Philippines. Plant materials were
authenticated at the Botanical Herbarium, Museum of Natu-
ral History, University of the Philippines, Los Banos, College,
Laguna, Philippines with accession numbers 67268 and 67267 2.4. Statistical analysis
for Momordica charantia and Andrographis paniculata, respec-
tively. All data were expressed as mean ± S.E.M. The effects of
Momordica charantia juice or with Andrographis paniculata
2.2. Preparation of fruit juice and decoction decoction on BW, feed intake, liquid intake and blood glu-
cose levels were determined using one-way analysis of variance
Fruits of Momordica charantia were washed, sliced and (Graph Pad In Stat, Graph Pad Software Inc., San Diego, CA,
placed in a juicer (Sanyo S6-J6, Osaka, Japan) to obtain the fruit USA) followed by post-hoc Tukey–Kramer multiple compar-
juice. About 20 g Andrographis paniculata leaves were boiled isons test. The herbs’ effects on estrous cycles were analyzed
in 100 ml of water for 5 min and decoction was filtered. using Student’s t-test.
198 B.A.S. Reyes et al. / Journal of Ethnopharmacology 105 (2006) 196–200

Fig. 1. Mean body weight (A), feed intake (B), liquid intake (C) and blood glucose levels (D) of non-diabetic control and alloxan-induced diabetic rats treated and
non-treated with Momordica charantia juice and Andrographis paniculata decoction (n = 5). Values are means ± S.E.M. Values with different letters are significantly
different (* P < 0.05; ** P < 0.01) from each other in each time point studied (Tukey–Kramer multiple comparisons test after ANOVA).

3. Results

Fig. 1 presents BW (Fig. 1A), feed intake (Fig. 1B), and liq-
uid intake (Fig. 1C) of the alloxan-induced diabetic rats treated
with Momordica charantia juice and Andrographis paniculata
decoction, the diabetic positive control, and of the non-diabetic
control. Prior to alloxan treatment, all groups had compara-
ble BW, feed intake and liquid intake. Momordica charan-
tia juice and Andrographis paniculata decoction significantly
increased the BW (P < 0.01) and lowered the feed (P < 0.05)
and liquid (P < 0.01) intakes of the alloxan-induced diabetic
rats compared with diabetic positive control on D17–D27. Fig. 2. Mean estrous cycle of non-diabetic control and alloxan-induced diabetic
However, compared with the non-diabetic control, Momordica rats treated or non-treated with Momordica charantia juice or Andrographis
charantia- and Andrographis paniculata-treated rats had sig- paniculata decoction (n = 5). * P < 0.05 vs. before alloxan administration.
nificantly lower BW (P < 0.01) but similar feed and liquid
from 4.6 ± 0.20 to 7.65 ± 0.55 days. For Momordica charan-
The diabetic positive control showed urinary glucose from
tia juice- and Andrographis paniculata decoction-treated rats,
D4 or D5 until D27. Conversely, the urinary glucose was not
mean estrous cycle lengthened from 4.3 ± 0.10 to 5.24 ± 0.13
found in non-diabetic control from D1 to D27. The blood glucose
days and from 4.8 ± 0.23 to 5.36 ± 0.10 days, respectively but
levels in Momordica charantia juice- and Andrographis panic-
their differences were not significant.
ulata decoction-treated rats decreased markedly from D12 to
D27 compared to diabetic positive control (Fig. 1D; P < 0.01).
Compared with non-diabetic control, the blood glucose levels 4. Discussion
remained higher from D12 to D27 but no significant difference
was observed. Alloxan is cytotoxic to the pancreatic ␤ cells thus it is an
As shown in Fig. 2, rats in all groups displayed an estrous effective diabetes-induction agent. It has been widely used
cycle of 4–5 days prior to alloxan administration (non-diabetic to induce diabetes mellitus in experimental animal models
control: 4.4 ± 0.20 days; diabetic positive control: 4.6 ± 0.20 allowing investigation of hypoglycemic agents in the treatment
days; Momordica charantia juice-treated rats: 4.3 ± 0.10 days; of diabetes (Kar et al., 2003; Jayakar et al., 2004). Alloxan
Andrographis paniculata decoction-treated rats: 4.8 ± 0.23 injection consistently produced symptoms characteristic of
days). The mean estrous cycle length of diabetic positive diabetes mellitus including hyperglycemia, decreased insulin
control was extended (P < 0.05) after alloxan administration levels, polyuria and weight loss.
B.A.S. Reyes et al. / Journal of Ethnopharmacology 105 (2006) 196–200 199

Significant reduction of blood glucose levels in alloxan- to its ability to increase glucose metabolism in a diabetic
induced diabetic rats treated with Momordica charantia con- rat model.
firms previous reports demonstrating the anti-hypoglycemic Glucose transporters mediate glucose uptake into the tis-
effect of Momordica charantia in diabetic rat, mouse and rabbit sues, and, of all the glucose transporters, only glucose trans-
models (Akhtar et al., 1981; Sarkar et al., 1996; Miura et al., porter 4 is insulin-responsive (Gorovits and Charron, 2003). A
2001; Kar et al., 2003). Specifically, our results agree with the decreasing expression of glucose transporter 4 mRNA and pro-
studies of Kar and colleagues (Kar et al., 2003) indicating that tein caused a reduction in insulin-mediated glucose uptake in
the blood glucose lowering effect of Momordica charantia in diabetes (Berger et al., 1989). Andrographolide administration
alloxan-induced diabetic rats occurs within 2 weeks from the in streptozocin-induced diabetic mice increased glucose trans-
onset of Momordica charantia treatment. porter 4 (Yu et al., 2003). It is conceivable that Andrographis
The treatment with Andrographis paniculata led to a signifi- paniculata can enhance the glucose uptake through its effects
cant reduction of blood glucose levels indicating a hypoglycemic on glucose transporter 4 gene expression. In the light of these
effect. These data support previous investigations (Zhang and data using streptozocin as a diabetic induction agent, the mecha-
Tan, 2000) in streptozocin-induced diabetic rats where Andro- nism by which Andrographis paniculata reduces hyperglycemia
graphis paniculata extract at 400 mg/kg BW given twice a day in alloxan-induced diabetic model needs further studies.
significantly reduced fasting serum glucose at the end of 14-day Impaired estrous cyclicity was evident in alloxan-induced
period. In our experiment, it took a shorter period to attain a diabetic rats. This impairment supports several reports that
significant reduction in the blood glucose level. This discrep- diabetes mellitus impairs reproductive functions (Griffin et
ancy could be due to the difference in the diabetes induction al., 1994; Angell et al., 1996; Cagampang et al., 1997;
agents, for they used streptozocin whereas we used alloxan. Sexton and Jarow, 1997; Steger and Rabe, 1997). In fact,
Sexton and Jarow (1997) pointed that in studies using diabetic rat diabetes mellitus suppressed luteinizing hormone secretion in
models, results could be influenced by diabetic induction agents streptozocin-induced diabetic rats (Cagampang et al., 1997).
such streptozocin or alloxan. There was also a difference in the In the same manner, alloxan suppressed luteinizing hormone
sex and weight of rats, and the kind of preparation and doses. secretion in female rats (Kinoshita et al., 2004). Addition-
They used male 200–250 g rats while we used female 140–150 g ally, diabetic gilts did not exhibit estrous or ovulation (Cox
rats. They administered Andrographis paniculata extract at et al., 1994). Luteinizing hormone surge was also absent in
400 mg/kg while we used a decoction at 20 ml/kg. Another fac- immature alloxan-induced diabetic rats that led to anovulation
tor is that plant metabolites vary considerably in response to soil (Kirchick et al., 1978). In the present study, the remarkable
type, humidity and climate prevailing during growth (Evans, loss of body weight in diabetic rats could likely explain the
2002). Nevertheless, this is the first report showing evidence impaired estrous cyclicity since it is generally accepted that the
that Andrographis paniculata possesses an anti-hyperglycemic loss of BW causes a reduction in luteinizing hormone release
effect in a rat model treated with alloxan as a diabetic induction in rats (Campbell et al., 1977). Treating alloxan-induced dia-
agent. betic rats with Momordica charantia and Andrographis pan-
The hypoglycemic potential of Momordica charantia in the iculata significantly increased BW and reduced blood glucose
present study could be explained by the mechanisms previ- levels. Both of these results could be major contributing fac-
ously described by several authors in a diabetic animal model tors to the subsequent normalization of the prolonged estrous
(Welihinda and Karunanayake, 1986; Welihinda et al., 1986; cycles. However, further investigations are required to address
Ahmed et al., 1998). As such, Momordica charantia increases this issue.
the renewal of ␤-cells in the pancreas or may permit the In summary, the results of the present study show that Andro-
recovery of partially destroyed ␤-cells (Ahmed et al., 1998) graphis paniculata possesses anti-diabetic potential in alloxan-
and stimulates pancreatic insulin secretion (Welihinda et al., induced diabetic rats. Moreover, this is the first physiological
1982). These could likely explain the significant increase in evidence that the anti-diabetic potentials of Momordica charan-
the plasma insulin level when streptozocin-induced diabetic tia and Andrographis paniculata restore the impaired estrous
rats were treated with Momordica charantia (Sharma et al., cyclicity in alloxan-induced diabetic rat model.
1995). Furthermore, Momordica charantia displays insulin-like
properties (Ng et al., 1986), remarkably stimulates glycogen Acknowledgements
storage by the liver (Welihinda et al., 1986) and improves periph-
eral glucose uptake (Welihinda and Karunanayake, 1986). On The authors are thankful to Dr. Zosimo Battad, President,
the other hand, when streptozocin-induced diabetic rats were Pampanga Agricultural College, Magalang, Pampanga, Philip-
given Andrographis paniculata, the plasma insulin level did pines for providing necessary facilities and support.
not increase (Zhang and Tan, 2000) suggesting that Andro-
graphis paniculata does not act as an insulin secretagogue.
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