VCE Task 02 Ankit Choudhary

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VCE Summer Internship Program 2020

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Intern’s Details
Name Ankit Choudhary


Smart Task No. Task -02

Project Topic Waste to Energy –MSW Management

Smart Task (Solution)

Task Q1 :
Write a detailed process flow analysis of MSW Management Unit. What are the steps and how each step
manages the waste content.?

Task Q1 Solution :

Process flow analysis of MSW Management Unit

Waste management is the actions and activities that are taken to manage the waste from its inception until
its disposal and the time between its inception and disposal includes many stages; collection, transport,
sorting, and treatment of waste while monitoring it.
If the world does care about sustainability and future generations, they have to take good care of waste
management because waste is not something to be ignored or disposed of it can be recycled and reused
and the useless one can be disposed of in an efficient way like landfill and incineration
From benefits of waste management
1) Improve the economic efficiency
2) New source for employment

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3) Develop poorer cities and countries

4) Minimize resource extractions
5) Provide better and fair life for future generation
Waste disposal is one of the essential stages in waste management, there are many methods of waste
disposal and from this method

1) Landfill: landfill is a place to dispose of waste material by burying it and covering it over with soil and from
benefits of landfill is that its gas can be upgraded to natural gas

2) Recycling: Recycling is the process where it converts waste into useful products to prevent energy usage
and consumption of raw materials

3) Incineration: means burning of waste at high temperature to convert them into heat, flue gas and ash

Our role as human beings towards waste management is really important since efficient waste management
is best achieved in our houses if people participate in this process this will lead to powerful and positive
effect on our environment, here are some actions that we can do
• Reduce creating waste: next time before throwing anything in your trash bin think twice is there is anyway
not to end up here
• Reuse the things that end up as waste there are things that can be used more than one time just think
before getting rid of it can I use this thing again

500 Words (Max.)

Task Q2 :
How Compost/fertilizer, RDF, and Plastics are extracted from MSW?

Task Q2 Solution : RDF production starts with the separating non-combustible wastes such as metal and
glass from combustibles. The larger items must be broken into smaller pieces. Nest stage is the collection of
un-segregated municipal waste, including organic waste (primarily food waste) and materials like paper,
cloth, plastic, and wood that provide the calorific value required to burn. Ideally, during the separation
stages, hazardous materials would be removed completely, but unfortunately, this is rarely possible. Another
serious challenge in making RDF, particularly in less developed or tropical countries, is moisture. Since
organic materials are not separated out at the source, MSW has a very high moisture content. Many RDF
plants separate out some of the organic matter and sell it as compost.

The production of RDF includes a series of steps. The steps are taken and their sequence – as well as the
specific machinery used – may differ depending on the waste characteristics, climatic conditions,
technologies available, and final treatment(s) planned in a given location. The separation of waste mostly
happens based on their physical properties such as size, weight (moisture content), electromagnetic
properties etc.

There are few steps of process for extracting RDF from MSW:-

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● Manual Separation

● Air Separation

● Size Reduction

● Trommel Screening

● Drying

● Metal Sepration

How Plastic is extracted?

Sampling of municipal plastic waste (MPW) was done at the Nongkhaem transfer station in Bangkok,
Thailand. Sampling sources was bulk municipal solid waste (MSW) from the day-to-day unloaded
waste truck. The sampling process was done in both weekday and weekend to reduce the effect of
consumption behavior. The classification of plastic type was performed according to the Resin
Identification Code (RIC) system designed for material recycling and recovery by the Society of the
Plastics Industry, namely, (1) Polyethylene terephthalate (PET), (2) High-density 224 Chinnathan
Areeprasert et al. / Energy Procedia 107 ( 2017 ) 222 – 226 polyethylene (HDPE), (3) Polyvinyl
chlorine (PVC), (4) Low-density polyethylene (LDPE), (5) Polypropylene (PP), (6) Polystyrene (PS),
and (7) OTHER (acrylic, nylon, polycarbonate, polylactic acid). After MSW was unloaded, pile of
MSW was flatted and grouped randomly. This subsampling was utilized for composition study. In
total, MPW sampling was approximately 140 kg in total from 44 subsampling. The observation period
was in Novermber and December 2015. This composition study was done twice for both weekday
and weekend (four days in total). After the composition study, MPW was taken back to the laboratory
for material analysis and pyrolysis test. Prior to the pyrolysis tests, MPW was dried in an electric oven
at 105 ȗC for 48 h. Then, the sample was cut into small pieces (approximately 5x5 mm.). For the
analysis, the dried sample was grinded and subjected to heating value analysis (ASTM standard D-
2015) by a bomb calorimeter (model 1341 EE by Parr Instrument Company). 2.2. Pyrolyzer Based on
the composition study described later, the major composition of MPW, namely (1) HDPE (2) LDPE
(3) PP and (4) mixture of HDPE and LDPE at the ratio of 2 to 1, was chosen as raw material for
pyrolysis experiment. Lab-scale pyrolyzer was utilized in this study. Its schematic is shown in Fig. 2.
The reactor and its cover were made from stainless steel 316 and the internal diameter of the
pyrolysis chamber was 0.6 mm. The height of the pyrolyzer was 380 mm including the cover. The 8
kW electric furnace was utilized as heat source. To start the experiment, 50 g of plastic sample was
filled in the reactor and nitrogen gas was continuously supplied to ensure inert condition during the
experiment. The flow rate of nitrogen gas was set at 200 ml/min. The heating rate of the pyrolysis test
was 50 ȗC/min. The target temperature was 600 uC and the residence time for each pyrolysis test
was 30 min excluding heating period. The product oil from the oil trap was weighed and subjected to
heating value analysis for energy recovery. Moreover, the pyrolysis oil was analyzed by gas
chromatography – mass spectrometry (GC-MS Shimadzu QP2010 Plus) to obtain its composition.
The oven temperature of GC was 1 min at 50 ȗC then heated to 280 ȗC with the rate of 5 ȗC/min
and held for 10 min. Helium (99.999%) was used as carrier gas. Injection temperature was 250 ȗC

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and maintained at 280 uC.

How compost/fertilizer is extracted?

Vermicomposting technology is globally becoming a popular solid waste management technique.

Vermicomposting is the bioconversion of organic waste into a bio-fertilizer due to earthworms’
activity. The earthworms feed on the organic waste and the earthworms’ gut acts as a bioreactor
whereby the vermicasts are produced. By the time the organic waste is excreted by the earthworms
as vermicasts, it will be rich in nitrogen (N), phosphorous (P) and potassium (K) as well as trace
elements depending on the feedstock type used. The vermicomposting process is a mesophillic
process and operating conditions such as temperatures, pH, electrical conductivity and moisture
content levels must be optimized. Normally, the vermicomposting process takes place in vermi-
reactors which include plastic, earthed pots and wood worm bins. There are an estimated 1800
species of earthworm worldwide. But the most commonly used is Eisenia fetida, commonly known as
the “compost worm”, manure worm, ‘red worm’, and red wiggler. Worms can digest several times
than their own weight each day and large quantities of excreta are passed out through an average
population of earthworm. Amount of substrate consumed depends upon substrate properties and
environmental conditions.


1. Pre-composting: The shredded organic wastes are spared in layer and expose to sunlight for 5
to 10 days to remove pathogenic microorganisms and noxious gases. The pre composting
process takes 5 to 10 days for their completion except cotton waste which require 20 to 25 days
for their decomposition

2. Collection of material: The material required for vermicomposting such as vegetable waste,
fruit waste are collected from house. Also paper wastes are collected from department of
technology. While remaining material such as soil, cow dung, and coconut shell, agricultural
wastes are collected from nearby farm house

3. Collection of earthworm species: Earthworms are collected from vermicomposting center,

located in Zill Parishad Office, Kolhapur.

4. Substrates used for vermicomposting: Followings are the substrates used for vermicomposting

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500 Words (Max.)

Task Q3; What is a Sanitary Landfill? Explain in detail with examples.

Task Q3 Solution :
Sanitary landfills are sites where waste is isolated from the environment until it is safe.
It is considered when it has completely degraded biologically, chemically and physically. In high-income
countries, the level of isolation achieved may be high. However, such an expensive high level of isolation
may not be technically necessary to protect public health. Four basic conditions should be met before a site
can be regarded as a sanitary landfill (see following.) The ways of doing this should be adapted to local
conditions. The immediate goal is to meet, to the best extent possible, the four stated basic sanitary landfill
conditions, with a longer term goal to meet them eventually in full.
Small incremental improvements in landfill design and operation over several years are more likely
to succeed than attempts to make a single, large leap in engineering expectations.
Large landfills will require more investment to improve standards than smaller sites. However, the unit cost
of these improvements (measured per tonne of waste landfilled or per head of population served) will
decrease with increasing site size. There are financial and other benefits to sites with long operating
lifetimes (ten years or more). Large regional sites serving two or more cities could be economically
beneficial, providing waste transport costs are not too high.
For Example:they are not sensitive to the shape, size, or weight of a particular waste material. Since they
are constructed of soil, they are rarely affected by the chemical composition of a particular waste component
or by any collective incompatibility of co-mingled wastes. By comparison, composting and incineration
require uniformity in the form and chemical properties of the waste for efficient operation. About 67% of the
solid waste generated in the United States is still dumped in landfills

500 Words (Max.)

Task Q5 :

Task Q5 Solution :

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500 Words (Max.)

Task Q6 :

Task Q6 Solution :

500 Words (Max.)

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