Vertical Impact of A Sphere Falling Into Water: Articles You May Be Interested in

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Vertical Impact of a Sphere Falling into

Cite as: Phys. Teach. 54, 153 (2016);
Published Online: 17 February 2016

Rod Cross


Measuring the Drag Force on a Falling Ball

The Physics Teacher 52, 169 (2014);

The water entry of decelerating spheres

Physics of Fluids 22, 032102 (2010);

Falling and Rising in Water

The Physics Teacher 48, 478 (2010);

Phys. Teach. 54, 153 (2016); 54, 153

© 2016 American Association of Physics Teachers.

Vertical Impact of a Sphere Falling into
Rod Cross, University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia

he nature of the drag force on an object moving decrease significantly at high ball speeds, especially if the ball
through a fluid is well documented and many experi- surface is rough, as it is with golf balls and baseballs. The re-
ments have been described to allow students to mea- sult depends on whether the air flow around the ball is lami-
sure the force.1-3 For low speed flows the drag force is propor- nar or turbulent, effects that can be measured by injecting
tional to the velocity of the object, while at high flow speeds smoke into a wind tunnel.
the drag force is proportional to the velocity squared.4,5 The For a smooth ball, the flow becomes turbulent at a Reyn-
basic physics depends on whether the flow around the object olds number above about 300,000, where Re = rvD/h, r be-
is laminar or turbulent. It is difficult to observe the flow in ing the fluid density (1.21 kg/m3 for air and 1000 kg/m3 for
a student laboratory, although a dye can be injected into the water), v is the ball speed, D is the ball diameter, and h is the
flow of water for fluid viscosity (1.8 310-5
demonstration pur- Pa.s for air and 8.9 310-4
poses. An alternative Pa.s for water). A result in
method is described air can therefore be scaled
in this paper that al- in water by decreasing the
lows both the drag ball speed by a factor of 16.8.
force and the initial For a dimpled golf ball, tur-
flow pattern to be bulence commences at Re
measured easily. The about 50,000. Drag force is
technique is simply to proportional to flow speed
film an object when it when Re < 1 and is propor-
is dropped into a tank Fig. 1. A squash ball incident vertically at 2.9 m/s in water, shown at three dif- tional to flow speed squared
of water.6 The results ferent times after initial entry. The shape of the ball at 53 ms is distorted by when Re is greater than
the cylindrical lens effect of the air cavity. Enhanced video is at TPT Online at
can be spectacular about 1000.4,5
when filmed in slow Figure 1 shows the result
motion, adding to the interest in the experiment itself. The of dropping a 22.4-g, 40.5-mm diameter squash ball from a
results are directly relevant to the problem of calculating the height of 44 cm into the water. The result was obtained by
impact force on an object that falls into water. Water is not as filming at 300 frames/s with a Casio EX-F1 camera, using
hard as concrete, but it can still exert a large force if the object bright lights to illuminate the fish tank. In this case,
(or a person) impacts at high speed. Re = 130,000 at ball entry (using v2 = 2gh to calculate the
Results are described for several different balls dropped entry speed).
from heights up to 44 cm into a fish tank filled to a depth of Despite the fact that the leading edge of the ball pushes wa-
17 cm with tap water. An advantage of using water rather ter downward, it is obvious in Fig. 1 that water flows around
than air is that the flow can become turbulent even at low ball the side of the ball and heads vertically upward, forming a
speeds, especially if the ball has a slightly rough or dimpled fountain in the air and leaving a vertical air cavity above the
surface. The other main advantage is that the initial flow pat- ball. The cavity narrows and disconnects from the ball at
tern can be captured on film due to the formation of an air t = 87 ms. The cavity then rises rapidly up to the water surface
cavity behind the ball and because water is ejected into the air and ejects a thin, high-speed jet of water up through the cen-
above the water surface. Measurements of the changing ball ter of the water fountain, as can be seen at t = 117 ms.
speed in water provide good estimates of both the drag force The flow of the water is far too complicated to calculate
and the impact force. the force exerted by the ball on the water in terms of the accel-
The drag force on any given object depends on its aero- eration of the water. However, it is easy to calculate the force
dynamic shape and is usually described in terms of the drag exerted by the water on the ball in terms of the acceleration
coefficient, CD. In air, CD is typically about 1.0 for a flat disk, of the ball. The depth of the ball below the water surface y is
about 0.5 for a sphere, and about 0.1 for a streamlined object.7 shown as a function of time in Fig. 2(a). The time origin was
The standard object studied by physicists is a sphere, partly chosen as the first video frame after the ball entered the water.
because of its simple geometry but also because of interest A cubic fit to y versus t was used to calculate v = dy/dt, also
in the behavior of sports balls.1,2,8 Studies of sports balls in shown in Fig. 2(a). The resulting expression for v in SI units
wind tunnels have revealed that the drag coefficient is typi- was v = 2.674 – 38.043t + 172.84t2, so the acceleration a is
cally about 0.5 at low ball speeds, but the drag coefficient can given by a = –38.043 + 345.68t. The net force on the ball is

DOI: 10.1119/1.4942136 THE PHYSICS TEACHER ◆ Vol. 54, March 2016 153
that it is not (since the
3.0 0.15 1.0
FD-versus-v curve is con-
2.5 y cave downward rather
v 0.8 ma than upward) and that
Ball speed v (m/s)

CD itself varies with v.

Ball depth y (m)

2.0 0.1

Force (N)
0.6 Despite the fact the cubic
1.5 fit in Fig. 2(a) is better
0.4 FB than the numerical fit in
1.0 0.05 Fig. 3, it is not possible to
0.2 mg
draw a firm conclusion
0.5 on the variation of CD
with v from these results,
0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1
0 0.0
0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 given that (a) good fits to
t (s) Ball speed v (m/s) the y-versus-t data can be
(a) (b) obtained either with con-
Fig. 2. (a) Measured ball depth (blue dots) and ball speed (black dots) vs time. Solid curves are polynomial stant or variable values of
fits. (b) Calculated values of net force (ma), mg, buoyant force FB, and drag force FD. CD and (b) the air cavity
above the ball may have
influenced the outcome. Consequently, additional results
were obtained using a smoother ball that entered the water
without forming an air cavity.
Results with other balls
CD = 0.34
y (m)

Results of dropping a 113-g, 50.4-mm diameter pool ball

from a height of 44 cm are shown in Figs. 4 and 5. A rubber
mat was placed on the bottom of the tank to avoid damage.
No air cavity was formed in this case, although the flow of wa-
ter around the ball’s surface is still evident while the ball is en-
tering the water. Despite the large difference in ball mass, the
pool ball created a gentle “plop” as it entered the water, while
0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 the squash ball made a loud splash. Differences between the
t (s) two balls can be described in terms of the “wetability” of the
Fig. 3. The y displacement data in Fig. 2(a) (blue dots) surfaces, the point being that smooth surfaces that are treated
compared with a numerical solution (solid curve) when to repel water can also behave like the squash ball in forming
CD is assumed to remain constant.
an air cavity above the ball.9
F = ma = mg – FB – FD, where m is the mass of the ball, FB is For the pool ball, an excellent fit to the y-versus-t data
the buoyant force, and FD is the drag force. For the squash was obtained with a quadratic, giving v = 2.85 – 6.21t in
ball, mg = 0.237 N and FB = 0.341 N, at least when the ball is SI units while the ball sank to the bottom of the tank. The
fully submerged (at t > 0.02 s). The resulting calculation of
the drag force is shown in Fig. 2(b) as a function of ball speed.
Since the buoyant force was greater than the weight of the
ball, the ball floated to the water surface after bouncing off
the bottom of the tank. As shown in the supplementary video,
the ball bounced at time t = 0.17 s.
Given that the Reynolds number was very large for the
squash ball, the expected value of the drag force was

FD = 0.5CDr pR2v2 , (1)

where CD is the drag coefficient and R is the radius of the ball.

A good fit to the y-versus-t result in Fig. 2(a) can be obtained
by solving the equation of motion numerically, assuming that
CD remains constant. The best fit was obtained with CD = Fig. 4. Pool ball dropped into water from a height of
0.34, as shown in Fig. 3. The result in Fig. 3 suggests that FD is 44 cm with Re = 164,000. Enhanced video is at TPT
indeed proportional to v2, but the result in Fig. 2(b) indicates Online at

154 THE PHYSICS TEACHER ◆ Vol. 54, March 2016

1.5 the sides of the ball and then vertically to the water surface.
The flow separates from the ball near the bottom of the ball
44 cm drop
in that case, whereas it separates near the equator with the
squash ball and is much less turbulent with the squash ball.
There are many experiments that could be conducted with
Drag force FD (N)

1.60 this apparatus. For example, one could measure the change
FD = 0.233 v
in drag force with ball speed, diameter, surface roughness,
and object shape. If the incident ball is spinning, then one
0.5 can measure the Magnus force.12 The flow pattern of a fluid
around an object is a more complex issue, but could easily be
investigated as a student project, given that high-speed video
5 cm drop
cameras are now available at relatively low cost, even built
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0
into iPhones.
v (m/s)
Fig. 5. Drag force vs velocity for the pool ball. The red
1. R. Cross and C. Lindsey, “Measuring the drag force on a falling
curve is a best fit power law where the speed and
force are taken to be in SI units. ball,” Phys. Teach. 52, 169–170 (March 2014).
2. D. Kagan and A. Nathan, “Simplified models for the drag coef-
magnitude of the acceleration ficient of a pitched baseball,” Phys. Teach. 52, 278–280 (May
therefore remained constant at
3. P. Mohazzabi, “Falling and rising in water,” Phys. Teach. 48,
6.21 m/s2 within experimental
478–479 (Oct. 2010).
error, giving a drag force FD =
4. P. Timmerman and J. van der Weele, “On the rise and fall of
1.15 N as v decreased from 2.85 a ball with linear or quadratic drag,” Am. J. Phys. 67, 538–546
m/s to 2.52 m/s. In this case, (June 1999).
the change in v was too small to 5. J. Owen and W. Ryu, “The effects of linear and quadratic drag
observe a significant variation on falling spheres: An undergraduate laboratory,” Eur. J. Phys.
of FD with v. However, relatively 26, 1085–1091 (2005).
large changes in FD with v were 6. M. Vollmer and K.-P. Möllmann, “Oscillating droplets and
observed when the drop height incompressible liquids: Slow-motion visualization of experi-
was varied. Results obtained at ments with fluids,” Phys. Educ. 47(6), 664–679 (2012).
smaller drop heights are shown 7. D. J. Tritton, Physical Fluid Dynamics (Clarendon Press, 1988).
in Fig. 5, with mg = 1.105 N and 8. J. E. Goff, “A review of recent research into aerodynamics of
FB = 0.659 N for all drop heights. sport projectiles,” Sports Eng. 16, 137–154 (2013).
At small drop heights, the ball 9. C. Duez, C. Ybert, C. Clanet, and L. Bocquet, “Making a splash
Fig. 6. Golf ball dropped speed increased slightly with with water repellency,” Nat. Phys. 3(3), 180–183 (2007).
in water from a height of 10. J. Aristo, T. Truscott, A. Techet, and J. Bush, “The water entry
time through the water, while at
44 cm with Re = 139,000. of decelerating spheres,” Phys. Fluids 22, 032102 (2010).
Enhanced video is at TPT large drop heights the ball speed 11. T. Truscott, B. Epps, and A. Techet, “Unsteady forces on
Online at http://dx.doi. decreased slightly. The velocities spheres during free-surface water entry,” J. Fluid Mech. 704,
org/10.1119/1.4942136_3. plotted in Fig. 5 are the average 173–210 (2012).
velocities through the water for 12. T. Truscott and A. Techet, “Water entry of spinning spheres,” J.
each drop height. The results can be fitted by a power law, Fluid Mech. 625, 125 (2009).
indicating that the drag force is proportional to v1.60 under
these conditions. Alternatively, if we insist that the drag force Rod Cross is an honorary member of staff in the physics department at
must be given by Eq. (1) and is proportional to v2 despite the Sydney University. He maintains a website of slow-motion video film con-
cerning the physics of sport and other physics teaching topics. See
experimental evidence, then Eq. (1) implies that CD is in-;
versely proportional to v0.4.
It is clear from these results, and from results obtained by
others,9-11 that cavity formation depends on separation of the
flow of water away from the ball’s surface. For a smooth pool
ball, cavity formation does not occur until the drop height is
increased to about 1 m. The squash ball had a slightly rough
surface, resulting in separation even at low ball speeds. The
effect of dimples on the flow can be seen very clearly when
a golf ball is dropped in water, as indicated in Fig. 6. In that
case, individual dimples appear to generate turbulent flow up

THE PHYSICS TEACHER ◆ Vol. 54, March 2016 155

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