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The General manager is responsible for all aspects of operations at the hotel, to day-to-day
staff management and guests. He / She should be an ambassador for the brand and the hotel.
Responsible for managing the Hotels management team and overall hotel targets to deliver an
excellent Guest experience. A General Manager would also be required to manage between
profitability and guest satisfaction measures.
General Manager duties and responsibilities:

• Oversee the operations functions of the hotel, as per the Organizational chart.
• Hold regular briefings and meetings with all head of departments.
• Ensure full compliance to Hotel operating controls, policies, procedures and service
• Lead all key property issues including capital projects, customer service and
• Handling complaints and oversee the service recovery procedures.
• Responsible for the preparation, presentation and subsequent achievement of the hotel's
annual Operating Budget, Marketing & Sales Plan and Capital Budget.
• Manage on-going profitability of the hotel, ensuring revenue and guest satisfaction
targets are met and exceeded.
• Ensure all decisions are made in the best interest of the hotels and management.
• Deliver hotel budget goals and set other short and long term strategic goals for the
• Developing improvement actions, carry out costs savings.
• A strong understanding of P&L statements and the ability to react with impactful
• Closely monitor the hotels business reports on a daily basis and take decisions
• Ensure that monthly financial outlooks for Rooms, Food & Beverage, Admin &
General, on target and accurate.
• Maximizing room yield and hotels / resort revenue through innovative sales practices
and yield management programs.
• Prepare a monthly financial reporting for the owners and stake holders.
• Draw up plans and budget (revenues, costs, etc.) for the owners.
• Helping in the procurement of operating supplies and equipment, and contracting with
third-party vendors for essential equipments and services.
• Act as a final decision maker in hiring a key staffs.
• Coordination with HOD's for the execution of all activities and functions.
• Overseeing and managing all departments and working closely with department heads
on a daily basis.
• Manage and develop the Hotel Executive team to ensure career progression and
• Be accountable for responsibilities of department heads and take ownership of all guest
• Provide effective leadership to hotel team members.
• Lead in all aspects of business planning.
• Respond to audits to ensure continual improvement is achieved.
• Corporate client handling and take part in new client acquisition along with the sales
team whenever required.
• Assisting in residential sales as and when required and development with strong sales
• Responsible for safeguarding the quality of operations both (internal & external audits).
• Responsible for legalization, Occupational Health & Safety Act, fire regulations and
other legal requirements.


The ideal candidate is a seasoned and highly intelligent hotel professional with outstanding,
management skills and extensive hands-on experience. Available to work when needed, including
weekends, holidays, and nights.


A university degree in hotel management or a related field with Experience in opening, managing or
re-positioning a hotel with clear track record. Excellent computer system skills.


At least 15 to 20 years experience in the hospitality industry, with significant luxury and international
experience, ideally including experience in remote locations. And 5 to 10 years of experience as a
General Manager or Asst. General Manager.


Arguments for adoption :

Rescue a Child

The adoption screening process should find parents who are good adoption candidates while removing
those unable to handle the arrangement. When a good family adopts a child, he receives the love and
support necessary to have a good childhood. He may get to experience new siblings in this new family
and build bonds that last a lifetime. Some adopted children come from an abusive or neglecting
background and get to experience the peace of a functional family life with their adoptive families.

Help the Birth Mother

In many cases, adoption will provide benefits for the birth mother. In some cases, the birth mother is a
single teen parent who would struggle to provide for herself and the child while attending school and
working a job. In other cases, the parents are physically or emotionally unable to raise the child. When
these parents terminate parental rights for adoption purposes, they are seeking the help they need while
still providing a good life for their baby. Adoptive parents will typically provide for medical care for a
new birth and pay all expenses regarding the legal process.
Pro: For the Adoptive Family
Families seek to adopt a child for various reasons. Some see it as a civic or religious duty to grow their
family with an adoptive child. Others cannot have a biological child and desire the completeness and
satisfaction some feel in raising children. Still others do not want to tax their body through the
challenging pregnancy process or cannot take the necessary time off of work to have a child but still
want to love a child of their own.

Long, Challenging Process

Adopting a child is typically a long, drawn-out process. Once you decide the kind of agency best
suited to your situation, you will begin an application process. You will complete a state-required,
two-month home study process that investigates your ability to raise a child and your background.
Once you are certified as an eligible adoptive family, you are placed on a waiting list for a baby --
which can take months or years. You may receive a notice of an available baby only to find out the
birth mother changed her mind about adoption or seeks to restore parental rights.

Arguments against adoption :


Many couples think “Why not adopt a child? We’ve already got two children. What’s one more?”
While there are plenty of myths about the challenges of raising adoptive children, there is a reality that
your child’s origin will require you to adapt your parenting skills to a new challenge, which can
involve interactions with a birth mother, special needs, cultural accommodations, and lots of time
spent doing paperwork. The last thing a child needs is to come into a home with exasperated parents
feeling bitter about the demands of their adoption process.


Even a smooth adoption can be expensive. Foster care adoptions in which the birth mother has already
terminated parental rights are the least expensive adoptions, at up to $2,500. According to the Child
Welfare Information Gateway, a resource from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services,
licensed agency adoptions can cost from $5,000 to $40,000 or more to complete and maintain. Some
grants and tax credits are available to help defray these expenses. Some employers also offer financial
assistance or paid leave to help with this process.

Challenging Children

Adopted children often assimilate very well into a new family that loves and provides for them. Some
children, especially if adopted later in childhood, can experience depression and other emotional
problems caused by the fact that they are adopted. Some children feel they are a hindrance to the
family or were to blame for their adoption and may have low self-esteem or depression. Some children
adopted through closed adoptions may not have adequate information about birth parents and may
want to see them. Family dynamics problems between birth children and adoptive children can lead to
family tension. You will likely discuss these and similar issues in the counseling leading up to your

We all know that the male and female human are obviously anatomically different.
Furthermore, the male and female body behave differently when it comes to the manifestations and
treatments of various diseases. These differences are due to biological and genetic reasons. Upon
closer examination, the presence of several hormones and other chemicals, especially the quantity of
the two major ones present in both sexes, androgens and estrogens make all the difference.
Fertility is one of the major differences between men and women.
On one hand, men are continuously fertile from puberty to almost up to 100 years of age even
though by that time they are physically unable to engage in sexual activities. Their sperms are still
viable but poor in quality. Men are fertile this long because there is a continuous production of sperms
through the process called spermatogenesis. The process begins with germ cells which are essentially
immortal. The cells are haploid since they have only half the number of chromosomes, 23 in this case.
In the male all of these cells are not used at once during the reproductive process, only some will
become a mature germ cell to compete in the arduous task of uniting with a female germ cell, an
Women on the other hand, are fertile for roughly 12 hours each month from menarche up until they
are in their fifties when menopause begins for most women. Fertility for them are limited because they
have a set number of eggs. During fetal development there are initially 3 million to 4 million follicles
or eggs present but through the process of apoptosis (cell death) that number drops to about 1 million
eggs by the time of birth. This cell depletion will continue throughout the female's life.
Biological differences are usually split up into two categories. The first category is called primary sex
characteristics, which include internal and external genitals. Put simply, men have a penis and testes,
while women have a clitoris and ovaries.
The second category that is used to differentiate between men and women is called secondary sex
characteristics, which includes non-genital differences. For instance, there are hormonal differences:
Men produce more testosterone, while women produce more estrogen. Men are usually taller and
physically stronger than women, have more facial hair and they more often tend to go bald.
In terms of family roles, many people assume that the traditional role of a man within a family
is that of primary breadwinner, while a woman's job is to care for the children.
Traditional Roles of Men in Families: Religious European settlers brought their beliefs to the New
World, and those beliefs helped define the roles of men and women within families. God was the
highest authority, and husbands and fathers derived their household authority from God. Men were
expected to provide for their families, but they also took an active role in rearing their children.
Fathers taught their children to read and write, found apprenticeship programs for them so that they
could learn career skills, disciplined their offspring as needed, and led the family in prayers or other
religious activities. The father was considered the primary parent. Divorce was permissible under
certain circumstances, but the father was normally granted custody rather than the mother.
Traditional Female Roles: A woman needed to know how to sew, spin and weave, tend vegetable and
medicinal herb gardens, prepare food, and make sure that any servants or apprentices were properly
trained and satisfactorily met their obligations within the household. She bore children, nursed them,
and made sure that they were dressed, fed and well cared for. At the same time, women were often
involved in financial enterprises. Many women helped manage their husband’s estates or actively took
part in a business or family trade. If her economic responsibilities interfered with her parental duties, a
woman might leave her young children in the care of a servant or older child while she worked.
For several decades now, women have fought for equality in the workplace. Men are told to
think like a woman and women are told to act like a man. But the advice tends to reinforce
stereotypical traits like empathy for women and aggressiveness for men. And while these stereotypes
are often exaggerated, research shows gender characteristics do exist and play an influential role in the
Though most experts agree that a balance of gender in the workplace is ideal, studies show that
women tend to excel in some areas and men excel in others. While today’s business culture more often
associates masculine attributes with success (women still earn 81 percent of what their male
counterparts do, according to the Labor Department’s 2010 data), there’s no evidence to suggest that
hiring more men will drive a company’s bottom line.  According to available research, here are some
strengths of each gender in the workplace:

• They are team players
• They’re persuasive
• They like a challenge
• They’re honest, hard workers.

• They’re early adopters of technology.
• They’ll ask for what they want
• When in doubt, they’ll ‘wing it’: “Males tend to convey more confidence than
women in performance-oriented settings,” writes George Washington University law professor
Charles Craver in an essay titled The Impact of Gender on Bargaining Interactions, based on
experiences in his classroom. “Even when minimally prepared, men believe they can ‘wing it’
and get through successfully. On the other hand, no matter how thoroughly prepared women
are, they tend to feel unprepared.”
• They make friends in high places : Sociology researchers Lisa Torres and Matt
L. Huffman found in a 2002 study that both men and women build social networks comprised
of people of the same gender. As upper management still tends to be male dominated, this
places men in a better position to receive promotions from their mentors.
Contemporary society is just beginning to delve into the true distinctions between men and women .
Besides the obvious physiological differences, there are also differences in the way men and women
think, speak, and behave. Have you ever gone shopping for toys and noticed that in most stores, toys
are separated into sections for girls or boys? The girls' section is probably bright pink with sparkly
ponies and princesses everywhere. In contrast, the boys' section is usually blue and brown with toys
like plastic guns, soldiers and cars. Our society teaches little girls and boys our stereotypical
expectations very early on.



We are a multi cultural society. Our people consist of 3 main ethnic groups, with smaller
groups. We are strong because of our diversity.  A community is a small or large social unit (a group
of living things) that has something in common, such as norms, religion, values, or identity.
For example, Romanian social life of the village had a strong humanitarian collectively due to
an "ordinance" without which it could not survive so many centuries, characterized by the emergence
of traditions later found in the forms of justice. It is connected interpersonal relationships Romanian
village people, regardless of the position they occupied and the family relationships established
between parents and children and relations between other relatives: brothers, sisters, brother in-laws,
enabling conviviality. For this communication was needed: communication between the community
and village counsel, communication among all households Village, communication between relatives.
In other words, Romanians like any people had to communicate among themselves, setting a series of
relationships. They were originally non- legal rules of conduct respected by all people of good will.
Despite the fact that over stepped the law written in their cases villages continued to be judged
according to ancestral law. In time, the community law was replaced by the written law, but a long
time they have both.
Romanian village life had a strong collective community manifested by the emergence of
socioeconomic valuable traditions, rules, forms of organization and their institutions, the state from
which the customs, that the rule of law enshrined in tradition, in other words, the habit earth. Habit is
basically the result of life experience to the entire community. The habit is a pattern of conduct, it
implies a certain constraint to recognize and respect the values of their group. Custom behavior that
occurs as a social group imposes its members. He reflected, in general, the oral formulations, and his
authority is based on just the application that is the result of a past practice undeniable. Habit forming
a creative mechanism and keep order, and more than that, the habit is a mechanism preserver of
culture. Custom rules earth arose from common sense and the wisdom of the Romanian people. There
is the present day ancient customs that have been preserved almost unchanged over time. Romanian
village has developed specific forms according to his needs and common will. The community has
made Romanian peasant association with human laws and their legal traditions. Romanian village
community living within a perimeter border agricultural named after the law passed by the good
people and the elderly.
So, in my opinion, the community that I call home has been a very successful community for
many generations, because it maintain its traditional way of life that makes it different from the wider
society. It has a sound economic basis, though perhaps too small for the community population
growth, but, at the same time, certainly has an economic system which is drastically changing as the
whole country changes. People are always welcomed to move into the community, there are no
guidelines of who should or shouldn’t live here. It is a community of traditions and rituals. There are
understood ways in which community members help others in times of illness, death and disasters
such as housefires and floods. There is support offered for a marriage or a birthing by community
members who are too new to have a personal support system or too far from their extended family.
These forms of support are very matter of fact and include unquestioned financial support, when
needed, though few in the community have a lot of money.
Living in a community such as this reminds me of my years in shared housing. Though there would be
many differences of lifestyle among "housemates," they were "family." They were the "everyday"
people of one’s life, the people you ate with, did chores with, who saw you sick and tired and in every
mood you had. They were not the friends you necessarily chose nor the ones you did social activities
with – they were friends because they were there.
Living in an older, established community is like family. You are not together by common
philosophy, but quite literally by common ground, and from common ground which is fertile with
community tradition and history, there grows many lush experiences and many rich friendships.



The industry of Electronic-gaming has developed into one of the most successful industries in
the present technical world. According to an article issued by Entertainment Software Association
(ESA, 2011), this particular industry has a huge target market of approximately USD 25 billion. The
electronic-gaming industry has turned out to be one of the most successful businesses around the
world. The current era is where people depend on connectivity through technology.
In my opinion, I would not agree to borrow the game to my best friend, because „X ANDRESS
II” is a copyrighted program which means that it is a protection of intellectual property that
gives exclusive rights to the author/ authors of his creative work.
Copyright is a form of intelectual property that grants the creator of an original creative work
an exclusive right to determine whether and under what conditions this original work may be copied
and used by others, usually for a limited term of years. Copyrights can be granted by public law and
are in that case considered "territorial rights".
The question of the morality of illegal downloading is so difficult because it takes place in an
environment in which the penalties attached to this behaviour ordinarily seem to be overkill, but where
there are pretty clear social costs to engaging in it. 
What, then, should be done? For starters, it seems important to stop treating intellectual property
infringement as common theft, and to develop different legal remedies for its protection. Various
kinds of property are different, and warrant different forms of protection.
What I would do would be PIRACY if I borrow him the game. This is where piracy gets
involved. Piracy means encrypting and hacking software or game and makes it available to people for
free. Despite making games and software easy and accessible for a large percentage of people, piracy is
an act of crime and according to law, it’s lawfully wrong to change/hack any game or software unless
explicit permission is given in it’s licence.
Piracy is popular because, for a large number of people, it’s the only way to play and enjoy
games. Piracy has played a huge part in bringing games to the farthest end of the world but it has
damaged the gaming industry as well. Despite of all the efforts made by major players in this industry,
piracy has still caused a loss of $74 billion in total revenue of gaming industry in 2016.
There are a lot of ways to control and minimize game piracy. Measures must be implemented in order
to save the gaming industry from huge losses. Experts believe that with the adoption of emerging
technologies, the piracy will be ended in the next two years.
When a company sells its video game to a player ( as my situation) it licenses that player to use
the game within the terms that are set forth in the license. Because a video game is also a computer
program, U.S. copyright law does allow purchasers to make backup copies of the game software for
purposes of archiving and re-loading in event of a computer crash, according to the U.S. Copyright
Office. Licenses to players may differ from game to game. Some game companies permit or even
encourage their users to record and distribute screen shots of their plays of the game. Although a video
game, unlike a movie or book, involves the interaction of the player, this does not diminish or obviate
the game designer's copyrights. Gamers should read the license agreements of the video games they
play carefully; failure to abide by their terms could result in a lawsuit being filed against them to
enforce the copyright, or, in the case of online games, termination of their access to the game.
So, in conclusion, both I and my best friend would infringe these rules if I give him the game
to download home without buying it.



One of the most pernicious modern myths about motherhood is that having kids will damage
your career. Women are told that we need to choose between our jobs or our children, or that we’ll
spend our most productive work years “juggling” or performing a “balancing act.”
For those of us uninterested in circus tricks, a bit of perspective: It’s not actually motherhood or
kids that derail women’s careers and personal ambitions — it’s men who refuse to do their fair share.
In the United States today, more than half of mothers with young children work, compared to
about one third in the 1970s. Working mothers are now the rule rather than the exception. Women
have been moving into the workforce not only for career satisfaction but also because they and their
families need the income.
In many families today, mothers continue to work because they have careers that they have spent years
developing. Some women return to work soon after giving birth because they know that most
employers in this country are not sympathetic to working mothers who wish to take time off to be with
their young children. If these women stop working, even for several months, they may give up some
of the advantages they have earned or risk losing certain career opportunities.
As a greater number of women enter the workforce and stay there, more and more children are
cared for by adults other than their parents. Relatives sometimes take on child care duties, or children
are cared for in a variety of child care settings. Not surprisingly, working mothers are more likely to
have their infants and toddlers in an out-of-the- home child care center than nonemployed mothers.
However, most three- to five-year-olds are in center-based or preschool programs regardless of
whether their mother works outside the home. Parents all want their children to have the best possible
start in school, so they are likely to enroll their three- and four-year-olds in a program.
Some people still think that a “good mother” is one who gives up work to stay home with her
children. However, no scientific evidence says children are harmed when their mothers work. A
child’s development is influenced more by the emotional health of the family, how the family feels
about the mother’s working, and the quality of child care. A child who is emotionally well adjusted,
well loved, and well cared for will thrive regardless of whether the mother works outside the home. 
A mother who successfully manages both an outside job and parenthood provides a role model
for her child. In most families with working mothers, each person plays a more active role in the
household. The children tend to look after one another and help in other ways. The father is more
likely to help with household chores and child rearing as well as breadwinning. These positive
outcomes are most likely when the working mother feels valued and supported by family, friends, and

As a working parent, you are bound to be concerned about the loss of time with your child,
especially if he is very young. You may worry that you will miss some of your child’s important
milestones, such as his first step or word. You may even feel jealous of the time your child spends
with the caregiver. These are all normal feelings. Be aware of them and work to separate your own
needs from concerns about your child’s welfare. 

The first few years of life are very important in shaping a child’s future personality, but this
does not mean that the mother is the only one able to do the shaping. In fact, child care seems to have
some important benefits for young children. Youngsters who are routinely cared for by individuals
other than their parents may be slightly more independent than other children. A high quality,
stimulating, and nurturing child care program also prepares children for school, both socially and
In my opinion, work and motherhood can coexist in a positive, invigorating manner.
Balance is key when it comes to being a mom, and especially when it comes to being a working mom.
First things first though, you have to accept the notion that you actually cannot do it all . In
an interview at the United State of Women Summit, First Lady Michelle Obama said “you can have it
all, just not all at the same time.” What does this mean? Well rather than trying to keep all the “balls in
the air”, let go of unrealistic expectations, identify your priorities, and allow yourself to be in the
Stress, mom-guilt and tension all arise when there is a disconnect between what you are doing and
what you want to be doing. Like when your boss asks you to work late or you spend all Saturday
doing laundry. If you don’t make time for the things that brings you joy, then you will forever be stuck
in the mud of dissatisfaction.

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