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If I were president First I would do is increase education funding because the basis of a

democratic republic is an educated public we fix education maybe we can fix poverty.

I will definitely help out people that are less fortunate by make sure that small businesses
survive during hard times per example during this pandemic, the only resource to so many
people is their small business and because of the measures that are being made they can’t put
food on the table, that people is the real people that deserve being helped.

I would try to depoliticize economics, because we need to find out a way to get conservative
and liberal to construct in stable economy, and because of that I will try to close the gap
between rich and poor by finishing with injustices and punishing the corrupt people.

I will help the homeless by giving to them a temporary job and a house and the conditions that
they need to settle down and put their life together

And I will without hesitation dispose more funds to the mental health industry, and health in
general more equipment in the hospital, more emergencies transports, and how much is

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