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Name: _____________________ Date: ____________________

Ms Wright; Garden Science 9B

Chapter 2 Homework 5; Acids, Bases and Carbon Compounds

This section specifically refers to chapter 2. If you are having any difficulties with this, I suggest
you refer back to your class notes, class slides and Prentice Hall textbook at the referenced
sections. Happy studies!

1. How many more H+ Ions does a solution with a pH of 4 have than a pH of 7?

2. How many more OH- ions does a solution with a pH of 8 have over a solution with a pH
of 3?

​ bout acids.
3. Circle the letter of the answers that are ​true a
a. Acidic solutions have pH below 7
b. AN acid is any compound that forms H+ ions in solution
c. Strong acids have pH values ranging from 11 to 14
d. Acidic solutions contain higher concentrations of H+ ions than pure water

4. Circle the letter of the answer/s that are ​true ​about bases.
a. Alkaline solutions have pH values below 7
b. A base is a compound that produces OH- ions in solution
c. Strong bases have pH values ranging from 11 to 14
d. Basic solution contain lower concentrations of H+ ions than pure water

5. What are buffers? _______________________________________________________


Section 2-3, Carbon Compounds (pages 44-48)

1. How many valence electrons does each carbon atom have? ______________________


2. What gives carbon its unique ability to form chains of unlimited length? ______________


3. Many of the molecules in living things are very large. These molecules are known as
4. What is the process by which macromolecules are formed? _______________________


5. When monomers join together they form a ___________________________________

6. What are the four groups of organic compounds in living things?

7. What atoms make up carbohydrates? ________________________________________


8. Circle the letter of each statement that is true about carbohydrates.

a. Starches and sugars are examples of carbohydrates
b. Living things use them as their main source of energy
c. The monomers in sugar polymers are starch molecules
d. Plants and some animals use them for strength and rigidity

9. Single sugar molecules are known as ____________________________________ .

10. Circle the letter of the monosaccharides.

Galactose Glycogen Glucose Fructose

11. What are polysaccharides? ________________________________________________


12. How do plants AND animals store excess sugar? _______________________________


13. What kind of atoms are lipids mostly made of? _________________________________

14. What are the two kinds of lipids and describe their appearance and differences.

15. By what process are lipids formed? __________________________________________


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