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Tuesday 13 October 2020

Breakfast Club
All students are invited to make use of the breakfast club, which has been back in place for a
number of weeks. Although there is no “sit-in” facility available, you are welcome to take
some of the food to eat early in your tutor classroom, or during break and lunch.

As I’ve mentioned several times this term, it is expected that you are present
in all of your classes. If you want to leave school for any of the usual valid by Unknown
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reasons, a note should be provided to your tutor and then sign-out of the office under
as normal.
Unfortunately a huge amount of several teachers’ time has been needlessly taken up by
following up on unexplained absences. A huge effort has been made by everybody in the
school community to ensure as normal a school-day as is possible. After mid-term there will
be some changes to your PE class, but right now we’re all operating under conditions that
aren’t ideal, but they are necessary. Your co-operation and adherence to normal school rules
is perhaps even more important.

Academic Matters
As we approach the end of our longest term of the school year, I hope
you have managed to readjust to a back-to-school routine. It is important
to recognise that all meaningful work you engage with is an ongoing part of the process
towards achieving your desired results, whether in a CG or writtenAuthor
examis situation. Have you
implemented a timetable for yourself that maximises how you spend underyour time? It is vital that
you seek advice from teachers (who will happily give it) if there are any aspects of content,
homework or revision you feel you’re struggling with. It is fair to assume that some people
may be worried about the time lost last year, but don’t lose sight of the fact that most, if not
all, of your exams have been adjusted to take lockdown into account. Again, if there are any
uncertainties about this, ask your teacher. Undoubtedly you will be provided with meaningful
revision to work on over the mid-term break, be prepared for this. (This is not pandemic-
related, just a normal part of 6th yr life.) But it will be invaluable in helping you recognise the
progress you are making. Most importantly – control what you can and acknowledge there
are many things out of your control and can be damaging to worry about. (See below)

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