Instructions - Follow Up Automations

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Instructions - follow up automations

Welcome to Webshark! In this document I will try to explain more in detail how we want the
email followup automation to work. This is primarily because we want to be 100% sure that
we understand each other before we start working on this project

Purpose of this work

The purpose of this email automation will be to follow up leads that our sales team already
had a meeting. We work with many companies and therefore a system for following up is
necessary in order to be effective in sales.

General information
● We will have several sales agents that have meetings with companies
● These sales agents should be able to connect their email to this automation tool and
follow up on the companies
● Number of follow ups should be able to increase/decrease
● Number of sales agent emails should be able to change
● Content in the emails should be able to change
● Content in emails should be able to be personalized (with name)
● This system should be very easy to use, we want the sales agents to do this before
they start a new automation:
1. Type in client details (name + email)
2. Klick start
3. or if they need to change dates on email sending they can change that
4. or if they need to change content in email they can change that
5. or if they need to change nr of followups they can change that
● If possible, we would like to know statistics regarding the emails that are sent out
(openrate, response rate, click rate)

Specifications of the email automation

- I will now try to explain in detail how I would like this tool to work, please let me know
if there are any smarter solutions. But we want these type of functions to be avalible.

Specifications of the email automation

Here is an excel of how I would like the system to look like and function, but if you have
better designs or functions please let me know

Google spreadsheet
Video explanation of the excel
- (please watch this and let me know if you have any questions)

Video explanation content of the emails

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