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James L. Jacobson, Ph.D., LP Licensed Psychologist

Bloomington, MN 55425-2517 (952) 888-5253


County: Dakota Court File No. PX-03-10


Mr. Daniel Markingson Report _Date: November 19, 2003

Respondent's DOB November 25, 1976

I, James L. Jacobson, Ph.D,. Licensed Psychologist, having been duly appointed by the Dakota Court to examine the above named Respondent report that the examination occurred at the Fairview University Medical Center (FUMe), on November 19, 2003; that the fol!owing persons were present: Mr. Daniel Markingson and myself, Dr. Jacobson, and that based upon my examination, court files and records, FUMe's records and other information pertaining to the existence of Respondent's alleged condition, I submit to the Court this report and recommendation for treatment. The respondent's attorney, Mr. Joe Dalager, Esq., was not present, nor was the Ass istant County Attorney, Ms. Jean Mitchell, Esq.

Examination Circumstances:

Seizure Disorder :

Respondent's Involvement:

Poor Fair___ Good __ XX_

Yes No __ XX __

Refusal., Partial___ Adequate_XX_

1. The Respondent is Mentally 111:

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psychosis, NOS ~~\)~.'OI\O~\~O\i,COIJ llJlJj. <; '~

RIO Mood Disorder, NOS, ~G\j ~ ~

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RIO Schizophrenia. <a,'j

Axis J:

Identification and hackrtrnund information;

Mr. Daniel Markingson, (DOB November 25, 1976) is a 26-year-old, single male, who does not have a history of mental illness. He is not currently employed, but had worked in California. He came home to visit his mother and exhibited behaviors that appeared to need attention in a hospital setting. About two years ago, Mr. Markingson may have been exhibiting some different behaviors according to his mother, Recently I he appears to have developed a delusional belief that his mother is really his grandmother and, that his mother's boyfriend is really his biological father and that the actress Angelina Jolie is really his sister. He apparently told others that this would be difficult to ,explain how he came to have these ideas because it was" hundreds of little


connected things" starting four months ago when he began to receive messages from the media. He also began to believe that many people in the public were aware of him and that a dossier regarding him had been distributed through the public.

About one week ago, Mr. Markingson was said to have believed that his mother was a lizard. The police were called when Mr. Markingson made threats to his mother's boyfriend about slitting his mother's throat. Mr. Markingson was also said to believe that he was to participate in a satanic ritual and that he was a "chose n one." He also believed that potentially" ... certain people will have to be killed." He also said that he may be asked to kill people and that he was prepared to do so.

When he was taken to the hospital, he appeared to have no insight into why he was being hospitalized. He was seen as being in a euphoric state when he told a nurse he was being "chose" by this satanic cult and that it would be a privilege to do whatever they asked including kill people.

At the hospital he has submitte d to an MRI. He has appeared less anxious and more relaxed. He has been seen as pleasant and cooperative with staff. He has been able to sleep. He has admitted to some bizarre thinking. However, he attributed this to not sleeping. He apparently told a psychiatrist that he did not believe that he had any mental health issues that required treatment.

Mr. Markingson did tell the Prepetition Screener that he would be willing to remain at the hospital as a voluntary patient and follow the doctor's recommendations. He admitted to having some odd thinking and he admitted to sleep deprivation.

At the hospital Mr. Markingson has been seen as cooperative and social. He has speech that is within normal limits. His thoughts are seen as logical. There has been no evidence of hallucinations or delusions. His affect has been described as "... upbeat and appropriate." His insight and judgment has been seen as "... fair." He does not feel that he is a danger to himself or others.

In the interview with this examiner (Dr. Jacobson) Mr. Markingson was fully oriented. His speech was clear. His thinking was logical and goal directed. He did not appear to be delusional. He admitted that he had very peculiar thoughts and seemed OK with his mother having brought him to the hospital. He said that he was in "... a half dream state" and that he had been confused. Furthermore, he had been having trouble




sleeping. He said that he had experienced some stress and had a lot of " ... tension." He denied that he might be suicidal. He denied that he had any desire to hurt or harm others. He feels he is getting better. He stated that he has H.... entirely recovered." He is on Resperidol and will continue with these medications. He said that he was happy to get the· help he needs. He has been sleeping well at the hospital and he has a good appetite. He said that he would be happy to be able to have a stay

of the commitment. .

Is there a substantial Orientation, Memory?

Disorder of Thought, Mood, Perception, Yes

Mr. Markingson appeared to be delusional and was threatening to others. He at one time thought his mother was a lizard. He did not recogni.ze his mother as his mother. He felt his grandmother was his mother. He thought his mother's boyfriend was his real father. He also thought he was a "chosen one," by a satanic cult. He also thought he would be involved in killing people. There was no factual basis for these beliefs. He had stated that he was getting messages from the TV and the radio ..

Is there a Gross Impairment of Judgment, Behavior, Capacity to Recognize Reality, Capacity to Reason or Understand? Yes

Mr. Markingson has made threats about slitting his mother's throat. He has had a recent weight loss of 20 to 25 pounds. He has told others that it would be a privilege to be chosen by the cult and to do whatever they asked him to do including killing people.

Is Respondent incapable of managing affairs by reason of the habitual and excessive use of alcohol or drugs? No_XX_

Mr. Markingson denies to this examiner that he has had history of drug use in the past.

2. Is a Finding of Probable Cause Recom mended: ~ Facts upon which this recommendation is based:

This examiner would recommend that Mr. Markingson remain at the hospital for continued evaluation to make sure that his recent improvements stay with him. He stated in the interview that if he were allowed to go home he would show up for the final -hearinq in court, November 26, 2003"



3. Is commitment Recommended: Yes,

Facts upon which this recommendation

is based:

This examiner would recommend commitment or a stay of commitment for Mr. Markingson. He has been cooperative at the hospital. He has taken the medication as prescribed. He is vyilling to take the medications when he is discharged. He should however, remain at the FUMe until discharged by his treating psychiatrist.

4. Form, location and conditions of treatment



Mr. Markingson should remain at the hospital, take his medications, and await for a discharge from the hospital. He states he will cooperate with outpatient care.

Facts upon which this recomm endation is based:

These recommendations are based on the recent hospital records and the behavior of Mr. Markingson in the interview, November 19, 2003.

Recommendations with regard to medications:

According to the records, Mr. Markingson is compliant with taking the medications and no Jarvis hearing is being recommended at this time.

5. Is the Respondent dangerous to herself and/or the public? That is, are there recent instances of grossly disturbed behavior

I, ' or faulty perceptions caused by the alleged illness, which pose a substantial likelihood of physical harm to the patient or others or show a failure to provide for a vital need ?

Yes __ XX __

Facts upon which this opinion is based:

Dangerous behavior toward himself:

Mr. Markingson denies that he is a danger to himself.

Dangerous behaviors towards the public:

Mr. Markingson has made statements about hurting or Injuring his mother. He has made statements about killing others. However, in the



interview with this examiner, he denied that he might be dangerous to others.

Capacity to take care of his own vital needs:

Mr. Markingson had been able to take care of his own needs until recently.

Date: November 1 , 2003


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