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Hope for in this issue


Hope for Children at Risk 2
Country Spotlight 3
International Meeting a Success 4
Meet our New Board Chair 7

at Risk NEWS
Director’s Corner
Breaking News

Formerly known as Floresta USA

Hope for Country
Children Spotlight:
at Risk A Look Back
By Doug Satre, Director
of Outreach and Development at Burundi’s
in 2010
On a recent visit to the Dominican access to economic opportunity and spiri- they are loved by God and endowed by him with In 2010 Plant With Purpose received requests to collabo-
tual care. While Plant With Purpose doesn’t precious gifts and talents. They have hope for a rate with three new community groups in Burundi, which
Republic, a small group of visitors specifically talk about it that often, this also better future. Plant With Purpose’s community extended our work to new regions and provinces this
and I walked into the farm of Dario means we are working where children are reconciliation work helps protect children from
year, adding to the 186 members from the nine commu-
Peña, looking forward to seeing most at risk. The children of these communi- becoming victims of violence.
ties lack access to proper medical care, edu- nity groups we already work with. Last year Plant With
the typical projects farmers are Purpose began training groups on building and using fu-
cation, and nutrition. In many cases, espe- As a result of long-term commitment to the well
so proud of - cisterns and garden cially in Haiti and Thailand, they are at risk being of poor communities, there are many, el-efficient stoves, resulting in 69 new stoves built in the
beds, tree nurseries, and improved of being victims of family or racial violence, many success stories to share. For example in last quarter alone. As a part of a new partnership with
abandonment, or being trafficked as slaves. Oaxaca, where an estimated 70% of the popu-
stoves. But what was on Dario’s World Relief, Plant With Purpose trained World Relief’s
lation suffers from malnutrition, girls like Lupita
mind was something else. “This is The reality of this risk was brought home to and Susanna (pictured above) are at great risk
beneficiaries in stove making as well. Farmers’ groups

my daughter, Claudia,” Dario said, me three years ago on my first trip to visit of suffering from hunger and a lack of access to were successful in selling cassava cuttings, beans, egg-
Plant With Purpose’s work on the Haiti / Do- medical care. Plant With Purpose’s work in their plant and arrowroot cuttings. One community group, for
glowing with pride. “She is at the
minican border, in the community of Angel community is helping their parents find work lo- example, earned $3,551, which is a huge accomplishment
university now!” Pleased to have Feliz. As we arrived in the village, we found cally and increase their incomes.This has a direct for struggling families. Plant With Purpose also received
an attentive audience, he launched the community in great turmoil: the twelve- impact on children like them, as they are more
prominent recognition from media and governmental of-
year-old son of a Dominican farmer was likely to stay in school and enjoy healthy growth
into the story of how he had been ficials within the country. The Ministry of Agriculture rec-
missing. It was soon discovered that he had in their crucial early development years.
able to develop his farm and raise been kidnapped and subsequently killed by ognized Plant With Purpose on Burundi’s national televi-
his income so that his daughter one of his father’s Haitian farm hands. Plant With Purpose works with many rural farm- sion news as one of the five best non-governmental orga-
could attend college. What before ers who are anxious to develop their gifts and nizations in the Rutana province. Plant With Purpose also
How does our work impact situations like talents; farmers who, with encouragement, train-
would have been a far-off dream these? In many ways. But by addressing ing, and God’s help, are building a better future
received a 30-minute segment on a leading Burundian ra-

had become a living reality. dio station that focuses on conflict resolution. Exposure
the root causes of poverty in these regions, for their children and themselves.
such as a lack of economic opportunity and like this builds on the already positive reputation of Plant
Not having known Dario’s situation before, land degradation, Plant With Purpose helps You can help children plant hope for a better With Purpose’s newest program and will help to expand
it was hard for me to really appreciate how plant hope for a better future. Families stay future by sponsoring a village. Visit our web- our transformational work.
far he and his family had come. But the real- together as parents find work in their home site at to choose
ity is in every country where Plant With Pur- communities; children develop healthy bod-
a village to sponsor for $30 per month, or Help us reach our goal of $25,000 to teach farmers sus-
pose works, our staff specifically seeks out ies as they benefit from improved nutrition;
call our office at (800) 633-5319. tainable agriculture techniques that will increase their
the communities and regions that are the children are able to stay in school as their
most vulnerable and where conditions are parents can afford their school fees; and crop yields and improve their land this year! Visit www.
the worst - places where few children finish children grow up in an atmosphere where Your recurring donation will be matched for to donate.
high school, let alone attend university. In they and their families feel increasingly em- the first year, making an even bigger impact
these regions people typically have the least powered as they absorb the message that in the lives of the rural poor.

2 Formerly known as Floresta USA 3

International See Plant With
Director’S CORNER
Meeting a Success
Purpose’s Vision
By SCOTT SABIN, Executive Director

Every year Plant With Purpose sup-

porters have the opportunity to trav-
el to the Dominican Republic, Haiti, or
Tanzania to meet the farmers we work Why Isn’t
with and see our life-changing pro-
grams first-hand on a Vision Trip. The
photo above is from the November
Haiti Fixed Yet?
2010 Tanzania Vision Trip where visi-
tors had the chance to participate in a
Village Community Banking (VICOBA) January marked the one- spending $170,000 a day to keep their camps ing to invest in more than just emergency
meeting (which involved singing and year anniversary of the operating. It hasn’t all been spent yet - thank relief. We found it shockingly easy to raise
dancing!) in the village of Mng’ende earthquake in Haiti. Much God - because it is still necessary to keep peo- money for disaster assistance in Haiti, and
In November, all of the Plant With Pur- ing the vegetables they grow organically from in the Pare Mountains. The group of the news coverage ple alive.* we continue to find it excruciatingly diffi-
pose country directors and some of the the Plant With Purpose training. also attended the opening ceremo- focused on where the aid cult to raise funds for our primary work of
Plant With Purpose U.S. staff and partners ny of a new water cistern built by the money has gone, asking In a way, when people ask, “With all the mon- empowering communities. People must be
met in Tanzania to share ideas, brainstorm A staff member from the Oaxaca program, Mng’ende VICOBA. why, with all the money ey that has been spent why isn’t Haiti fixed willing to invest in developing local capac-
new methods, and review Plant With Pur- Evelin Perez Bravo, said: pledged, things haven’t yet?” they are asking the very same ques- ity and opportunities. And we all must be
Here are this year’s Vision Trip dates:
pose’s holistic ministry and transforma-   improved significantly. Most analyses fo- tion that Plant With Purpose’s founders asked willing to be patient. Plant With Purpose
tional development process. The meeting I don’t have to live like a poor Mexican wom- Dominican Republic: cused on corruption, lack of leadership, or nearly 27 years ago. As we have told the sto- has seen huge improvement and signifi-
was incredibly inspiring as people shared an who was conquered 500 years ago. I may April 28 – May 3, 2011 NGO inefficiency as key reasons for a lack ry many times over the years, Tom Woodard cant change in the villages where we work.
stories of how communities are changing live in poor conditions but I do not have of progress. While all of these are factors to was working in the Dominican Republic fol- But we have invested 14 years in Haiti to
Haiti: one degree or another, I believe the two most lowing Hurricane David and observed that get there. The good news is that it is possi-
their lives. to be poor, to live in a permanent and un-
August 21 – 27, 2011 important factors have been almost entirely all of the emergency assistance that was be- ble and no one is willing to work harder to
changeable state of poverty. Our goal is to
The village of Malindi, for example, shared help people discover their story in the con- overlooked. ing provided was not changing people’s lives. see it happen than the Haitian people!
Oaxaca, Mexico:
how villagers were only getting one meal text of God’s story so they can change their Rather it was allowing people to merely sur-
October 19 – 24, 2011
per day, but after joining VICOBA, they now story. The first is the sheer size of the disaster. vive. With that, Plant With Purpose was born, *In October 2010, Plant With Purpose com-
are getting three meals a day and have Please contact Doug Satre at 300,000 people were killed. 1.5 million ren- seeking upstream solutions to the down- pleted spending and utilizing 100% of the
money to pay school fees and meet medi- We praise God for these amazing reports, or call dered homeless. Sixty percent or more of the stream problems that kept people dependent approximate $1 million we raised for earth-
cal needs. Several people shared that their and hope you will continue to partner with (800) 633-5319 if you are interested structures in the capital city were destroyed, on food aid. quake relief. Since then we have been work-
health problems have cleared up with eat- us so we may continue these efforts. in participating in a Vision Trip. including almost the entire government infra- ing with our existing programs to broaden
structure. There is simply no equivalence be- In order to do more than merely survive, peo- our base of service and help more of those
tween the money spent and the need. ple need jobs. In a country where the vast impacted by the earthquake.
majority of the people are farmers, but which
Perhaps equally important to understanding struggles to feed itself, the land must be re-
where Haiti is today is in understanding the stored to health. Most importantly, the people
function of relief aid. Asking why Haiti isn’t must be given the tools so they can change
fixed yet is a little like asking a patient in in- their own situation and rebuild their own

The Sower Issue #92 4903 Morena Blvd. Ste 1215

San Diego, CA 92117
Editor-In-Chief: Kate Nare
tensive care why, with all the money being
spent on them, they haven’t run a 10K yet. If
country. We have seen this approach bear
fruit in the Dominican Republic over the long- Scott Sabin
The Sower is published quarterly Ph: (800) 633-5319 Executive Director
we want the patient to run a 10K it is time to term, and in several corners of Haiti we are
Fax: (858) 274-3728 Please consider including Plant With
by Plant With Purpose. Email: invest in some physical therapy. The bottom seeing it proven again.
Purpose in your wills and bequests.
www. line is that most of the money that has been Visit our website,,
spent thus far has gone to keep people alive. However, in order to make that change on a for the most recent update on our work in Haiti
One organization estimated that they were significant level in Haiti, people must be will- and to donate toward these efforts.

4 Formerly known as Floresta USA 5
Breaking News

Is Your Church
Looking for a Speaker? Meet
our New
Creation Care, or Christian environmental stewardship, is a topic that has people talking.
As Christians, do we have a unique responsibility to Creation? Must we choose between
caring for people and caring for the earth? Plant With Purpose’s Executive Director is
to be the savior to a world that already has
a savior), Tending to Eden: Environmental
Stewardship for God’s People (an overview
available to speak at Sunday services, evening programs, Sunday school classes, home
fellowships, and groups gathering around particular topics, such as missions or justice.
of Scott’s book).

For more information and to book

Possible topics include: “Understanding the Connection Between Poverty and the Envi- a date, please contact Kate Nare at
ronment,” the Biblical basis for Creation Care, what works and what doesn’t when help- or call
ing the poor (ideal for short-term mission teams), “How Not to be a Hero” (how we try our office at (800) 633-5319.

Upcoming Events
Plant With Purpose is excited to introduce our ter learning to garden organically instead of us- with our kids and the time was spent getting
Planting Hope Gala new board chair, Cathi Lundy. Cathi has been ing chemicals.  I love how Plant With Purpose to know each other much more than the few
Save the Date! The Planting Hope Gala will take place on Saturday, October 8th at 6:00 p.m. at involved with Plant With Purpose since the or- provides training and support for the people to tasks we helped with.  I learned that it is more
Paradise Point Resort. Come experience the gala like never before at a fresh new venue with ganization first started in 1984, and she has change and improve their own lives, instead important to have a relationship with people
locally grown gourmet food, exciting entertainment, and lively auction activities! Please save been a board member and an active supporter. of giving things to people or doing things for than to do things for them.  People in other
the date and help us spread the word about this inspiring evening. This is a great way for your Here is a little bit more about Cathi: them. countries really don’t want outsiders to come
family and friends to learn about Plant With Purpose’s vital work of empowering the rural poor.   and do work, then leave without interacting
We hope to see you there! Q: How did you hear of Plant With Purpose and Q: Which of our programs have you visited? with them.  Our American culture teaches us

save the date

what drew you to become involved? A: We took our family to visit the Dominican to take charge and solve problems and it is
Spring Banquet
A: My husband, Albro, went to law school Republic in 2003, and then as a family we vis- tempting to want to do this for the world.  It is
Mark your calendar! This spring Plant With Purpose is hosting a banquet at the beautiful Trinity
Presbyterian Church in Santa Ana, California on Sunday, May 15th from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Planting Hope Gala with Dan Woodard, who is the brother of Tom ited the Tanzania program at the very begin- more meaningful to help people learn to take

October 8, 2011 TH Woodard, founder of Floresta, [Plant With Pur- ning when it was only one person - the direc- charge of their own lives, and to love and af-
Come and meet fellow Plant With Purpose supporters, enjoy a lovely dinner and entertainment, pose].   Dan invited us to the first fundraising tor, Edith Banzi!  I was blessed to join the vision firm them in the process.
and hear Executive Director Scott Sabin speak about Plant With Purpose’s life-changing pro- Paradise Point Resort dinner ever held in 1984.  We loved the com- trip to Tanzania this year and see how much the  
grams and how you can get involved. Please contact Kate Nare at bination of helping people spiritually and ec- program had grown in 6 years.  The program Q: Do you have any favorite hobbies or inter-
or call our office at (800) 633-5319 to reserve your seat. onomically and helping the environment, and has since expanded to helping thousands of vil- esting facts about yourself you would like to
we have been involved ever since.  As a busi- lagers directly and impacting many more indi- share?
nesswoman, I especially appreciated the way rectly. I also visited the new Burundi program A: I love to sing and take photographs.  I have
Grow in Your Knowledge of God’s Heart for Creation Blog Buzz business principles are taught and integrated in 2009. four children, ages 12 – 22, who have really
into the program.   enjoyed visiting the Plant With Purpose pro-
This spring, grow in your understanding of God’s heart for the poor and ultimately for all of Cre- Wondering what the latest news is at Plant
  Q: Briefly describe one of your trip experiences grams.   If you watch the slide show on the
ation by reading Scott’s book, Tending to Eden: Environmental Stewardship for God’s People. With Purpose? Stay in the know by signing-
Q: Why are you passionate about Plant With and how it impacted your life. home page of the website (www.plantwith-
Throughout the book Scott details many of the lessons learned in eighteen up to receive blog posts to your email inbox!
Purpose’s mission? A: It is very hard to pick one experience since my, you will see my daughter Neva,
years of working to heal the land and its people around the world. Please You will hear inspiring testimonies from the
A: I am passionate about it because I have met Plant With Purpose trips are truly the highlights who went with her brother alone to Tanzania
help us spread the word by telling your friends and family about this won- farmers we work with, as well as information
the people whose lives have been changed of my life.  One defining moment was when in 2008 to research success stories. My pro-
derful resource, or by sharing the Creation Care Bible study in the back of on upcoming events and ways you can get in-
by Plant With Purpose.   In Tanzania, the local our family visited Tanzania in 2004.  We arrived fessional background is marketing and public
the book with your small group or church. Tending to Eden was named a volved. Visit
facilitator Elisafi told us that people used to at the village of Masia Mamba expecting to relations and I have an MBA from the Ander-
finalist in the Christianity Today Book of the Year Awards and the National In- to keep up with the blog buzz.
have one meal a day but now they have three work and plant trees. Instead, they invited us to son School at UCLA.  I am very excited about
die Excellence Awards. You can purchase Tending to Eden on
meals a day thanks to the training they have have cookies and tea.  It was very important to telling the Plant With Purpose story so more
and through our website,
received.   He was also one of several people them to have us sign their guest book and get people can know God’s love and become em-
who told us how much his health improved af- to know us.  Their school children played soccer powered to improve their lives.

6 Formerly known as Floresta USA 7

Plant With Purpose Non-Profit Org
4903 Morena Blvd. Suite 1215 U.S. Postage
San Diego, CA 92117 Paid
Ph: (800) 633-5319 Permit 751
Fax: (858) 274-3728 San Diego CA


Hope for Children at Risk

Read how Plant With Purpose helps plant hope for a
better future for kids at risk.

Why Isn’t Haiti Fixed Yet?

Executive Director Scott Sabin addresses this frequently
asked question.

Floresta is now Plant With Purpose!

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