Research Diary Instructions

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What is it?
A research diary is a written record of your research process. Keeping a research diary lets you reflect on your
research as it unfolds, and lets you keep track of your progress over time. Reflecting while you search for sources
can help you clarify your ideas, assess your research successes and challenges, and consider alternative research
strategies when the strategies you’ve tried don’t work so well.

Research Diary Assignment

Complete at least 3 research diaries, using the template provided. You will be provided with 3 print outs to use, as
well as a digital copy on the student portal in case you need to print additional copies out.Each time you search for
sources for your assignment, fill out a diary entry.

Each time you search for sources of information for your research paper, fill out a research diary entry using the
template provided. Use the template to fill in the following information:

 Date & time of your search

 Resources used: the library databases and search tools you used, as well as any other search tools (Google
Scholar, etc)

 Search terms used: the keywords, synonyms, subject terms you used to search

 Relevant sources found: list all sources you found that you think will be useful for completing your
research assignment

 Adjustments made: did you do any problem solving to adjust your search results? How did you modify
your initial search to get more relevant results?

 Reflect on some of the following questions:

o What difficulties did you encounter in searching for sources?
o Did you get help from classmates, tutors, librarians or the instructor when you encountered
difficulties? If challenges persist, how are you going to address them so that you can complete your
research assignment successfully?
o What search strategies were helpful or not helpful?
o How have the sources found today helped you answer your research question? Have new questions
arisen? Has the focus of your research shifted?

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