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<RemixedMagic>(Wow, small people today. Hiiii.

<RemixedMagic>Hey Pinaaaaaay
<Double-AA-202>hey pinay
<Double-AA-202>hey mid
<RemixedMagic>Hey Mid!!!
<MidnightSilhouette>....we're all dead, aren't we?
** Blue-Violin1230has joined
<RemixedMagic>Hey Blues!
** neaumonthas joined
<Blue-Violin1230>Neau -_-
<Blue-Violin1230>oh.... "others"...... I see how it is
<neaumont>-brofists back-
<neaumont>Well, be that way then.
** ten-chanhas joined
<Double-AA-202>hey kenz
<Blue-Violin1230>Hii ten~
<Blue-Violin1230>we really needa do something..pfft haha im bored
<neaumont>Hrm, we should do something...
<Blue-Violin1230>C: RP!
<MidnightSilhouette>((NEVERMIND. crud, she's still in the infirmary))
<ten-chan>I'll be lurking since I have to clean out the bathroom =3=)
<Double-AA-202>dead again. lol. ]]
<Double-AA-202>I'll put something in? ]]
<Blue-Violin1230> put something))
<Blue-Violin1230>Winter: *walks down the hall after leaving her room.Watching her
feet with each step*
<Blue-Violin1230>Winter: *after lifting her head up, she noticed Lewis making his way
to the library? She wasnt sure if she should say anything* .....hey *almost a whisper*
<Blue-Violin1230>Winter: * she paused, her hands playing with her hair. Giving Lewis
an odd look she spoke*..Good evening...Lewis..
<Double-AA-202>Lewis: How are you this evening, Winter? * He questioned slightly,
since her tone was low.*
<Blue-Violin1230>Winter: *she squinted her eyes, looking him up and down.* Im...
<Blue-Violin1230>will finish when batteries returns~)
** MidnightSilhouettehas left [connection closed]
<Double-AA-202>Lewis: * He turned his head slightly, looking towards her, suspecting
she'd now been lying to him becuase of her tone, her broken paused sentence, and the
involvement of his name.* I'm doing fine. * He stepped towards her, his coffee still in
hand, his eyes suspicious.* Are you lying to me?
<Double-AA-202>Lewis: My words are the complete truth, but yours, yours aren't. * He
raised his chin slightly more, as he contined to step towards her, slowly.*
<Blue-Violin1230>Winter: *she crossed her arms, giving him another odd look* So im
not telling the truth by saying im fine?
<Jazzikinns>Hi Magic. =w=]]
<Jazzikinns>...eue So many people in here now. And an rp.]]
<Blue-Violin1230>Winter: Youre acting weird, thats why im acting like this. You seem
<Blue-Violin1230>jazzzzzzzzi im working on ideas for our assignment~))
<Double-AA-202>Lewis: * his head turned slightly, his eyes squinting a bit towards
her.* I'm acting weird? And why have you come to that conclusion. I also don't
understand why my actions effect yours.
<Jazzikinns>Ditto~ Shall we both post our ideas tomorrow/day after? .u.]]
<Blue-Violin1230>Winter: Youre being nice. *looking up at him* Youre never nice. You
always get annoyed by hearing my voice, or if im in the same room. Then you usually
insult me *she sighed* Im not saying the old, meanyou is what I want, but why the
sudden change?
<Double-AA-202>LOL. what. hes being nice. when. ]]
<Blue-Violin1230>he never says good her..EVER!! ahaha))
<Double-AA-202>Lewis: * He laughed slightly, a small smile appearing upon his face.
He looked at her oddly, raising an eyebrow. * All I said was good evening, how does that
suddenly make me nicer? * He lifted his coffee, taking a sip from the steaming cup.*
You're the one who spoke to me as if someone you loved died. Your words sounded
empty and meaningless. * He shrugged slightly, lowering his hand and turning his body
slightly in the direction in which he was walking before.* I don't feel or hear a difference
in how I'm acting, or speaking. Something must be wrong with you. * He pointed
slightly, with the hand holding the coffee, towards her, the smile still upon his face.*
<Double-AA-202>lol wtf. ]]
<Double-AA-202>and he also hasn't seen her in like, weeks. so. ]]
<Blue-Violin1230>haha oh yeah~))
** TDIFan4Lifehas joined
<TDIFan4Life>Hello )
<Blue-Violin1230>Winter: *she began to walk once more* You didnt insult me. I didnt
know I had to have emotion speaking to you. *she watched her feet* Yes, yes Lewis,
Something must be wrong with me, if I think youre acting nice to me *smiles sweetly*
** Pinaydollhas left [connection closed]
<Double-AA-202>hey maria ]]
<Jazzikinns>Hi Maria~]]
** TDIFan4Lifehas left [timed out]
** TDIFan4Lifehas joined
<Double-AA-202>Lewis: I didn't know if I was obliged to insult you whenever I saw
you. I'm content with myself at the moment, I haven't been on edge in a while, and it's a
good thing. Less stress, less annoying Lewis. And empty words aren't very nice to speak
to someone, it can cause internal suffering when used correctly, as if you didn't care for
the other.
<Double-AA-202>i didn't know what else to write. idk. ]]
<Blue-Violin1230>Winter: They way with your smarty talk makes my head hurt *rubs
her temples* So less stress, less annoyed Lewis. We should have coffee sometime
*smiles* But you right now you already have coffee
<Double-AA-202>LOLOL. I love the first sentence. ]]
<Double-AA-202>Lewis: * He laughed, the smile returning his his face.* Well, I'm just
speaking, I don't find my words..smarty..? And yes, less stress equals less annoying
Lewis. * He looked down towards his coffee, shrugging slighly and looking back towards
her.* I wouldn't mind having a coffee, mines almost gone anyway.
<Double-AA-202>brb gotta go beat my sister. ]]
<Blue-Violin1230>hahaha beat her well))
<Blue-Violin1230>Winter: *her face lit up* Really! You'll have coffee with me? *she
pointed out* Yes, the way you talk is very smart
<Double-AA-202>Lewis: Yeah, I don't mind. And I don't speak smart, I speak..
normally? what. * He lifted his coffee, finishing the last bit that was left and walked
towards her, his hand returning low again.* Well then, shall we go?
<ten-chan>(ugh -collapses- so much crap)
<Double-AA-202>:C aw. ]]
<ten-chan>( i didn't know my computer had so much shit XD)
<Blue-Violin1230>Winter: *smiles sweetly* You do speak smart like...*she paused* You
really dont mind having coffee with me? you strange,strange man
<ten-chan>bathroom wow. epic fail)
<Double-AA-202>lmfao. bathroom = computer. haha. ]]
<ten-chan>(shut up I'm tired)
<Double-AA-202>:3 ]]
<Double-AA-202>Lewis: * shrugs, laughing, walking again, past her and back towards
the mess hall.* Never said I wasn't a strange man.
<Blue-Violin1230>poor poor ten :C ))
<Double-AA-202><3 ]]
<Blue-Violin1230>Winter: *following behind a few feet from him, staring at his back*
Must've been nice not seeing me for awhile huh?
<Double-AA-202>Lewis: Nice, yes, but also lonely. * Shrugs*
<Blue-Violin1230>Winter: *smirks* Somebody missed me~
<Double-AA-202>Lewis: If you want to put it that way, the sure. * sighs lightly, entering
the mess hall and walking towards the coffee table.*
<Double-AA-202>then ** ]]
<Blue-Violin1230>Winter: *skips behind* You like me...In that friendly way
** Black-Ratchethas joined
<Double-AA-202>hello freak. ]]
<Blue-Violin1230>BEST FRIEND))
** Black-Ratchethas left [timed out]
<Double-AA-202>Lewis: Think what you may. * Shrugs, stopping at the coffee table and
beginning to prepare a second cup.*
<Blue-Violin1230>Winter: *stands behind him* So you like me more then friends? *she
smirked, joking*
<Double-AA-202>Lewis: * He sighed lightly, as he was preparing his coffee, not
bothering to look back at her. * Like I said, think what you may. Doesn't mean your
thoughts may be correct.
<Double-AA-202>yep. tried writing correct and spelled out coffee. ]]
** Sunflower-Baffuhas joined
<Double-AA-202>baffuu. ]]
<Sunflower-Baffu>(OH GOD A WILD RP)
<Sunflower-Baffu>(hey guys)
<Double-AA-202>also, if anyone is interested, I'm streaming on <: ]]
<RemixedMagic>(WHOA BAFFU
<Sunflower-Baffu>So is there an actual rp? = ^ = I may or may not join)
<Blue-Violin1230>Winter : *she looked over his shoulder, standing on her tip toes* Are
you gonna make me a cup? *she placed her hands on his shoulders*
<Jazzikinns>I'd wanna join, but Lewis is there and I'd rather not Addy's presence ruin
it. .u.]]
<Double-AA-202>LOL. pfff. ]]
<Blue-Violin1230>Jazzi!! I made a valentines pic of Winter and Addy. pffft hahaha))
<Blue-Violin1230>Addy what did you do to lewis?!)
<Double-AA-202>Lewis: * He looked back towards her, slightly over his shoulder.* are
you not capable of making your own cup of coffee? * He turned his body, lifting his
prepared cup of coffee to his lips, taking a sip.*
<Sunflower-Baffu>(I would join. But you know. Infirmary. And I'm helping this poor
dude with our bridge)
<Jazzikinns>xD He attacked him? Lewis hates Addy.]]
<Blue-Violin1230>pfft ahaha)
<Double-AA-202>Lewis more or less doesn't care anymore. ]]
<Sunflower-Baffu>(yeah. For our engineering class)
<Double-AA-202>also, he's really chill right now. He's not as stressed out. lol. ]]
<RemixedMagic>(Whooooa. Cooool.)
<Jazzikinns>And awwwww. That'd be nice to see. I've got a bunch of doodles of
Winteralmost everyone in DAMMED that will be posted once I've got time. .u.]]
<Blue-Violin1230>Winter: Well, the way you make coffee taste the best *smiles* So yes,
i am not capable.
<Blue-Violin1230>bwahaha you needa post em)
<Double-AA-202>YES POST THEM. ]]
<Blue-Violin1230>I WANNA SEE))
<Sunflower-Baffu>(POST THEM DAMMIT)
<Double-AA-202>Lewis: * He sighed lightly, turning back towards the table and putting
his own cup down, grabbing another and pouring the hot liquid into it.* Well then.
<Blue-Violin1230>Winter: *smirks* You do like me~
<Double-AA-202>hold on, lagging like hell. ]]
** TDIFan4Lifehas left [timed out]
** TDIFan4Lifehas joined
<Jazzikinns>I will! Eventually! First I actually need to find all of 'em. They're all over
the place.]]
<Jazzikinns>Also Magic, I seriously have waaay too many Clearly doodles. xD]]
** McPancakeshas joined
<Double-AA-202>PANCAKES ]]
<Double-AA-202>YOU'RE MEAN. ]]
<McPancakes>i havent seen this many people since beer tuesday!))
<McPancakes>why am i mean?))
<RemixedMagic>(Jazz: OTL Whyyyyyyyyy.)
<Sunflower-Baffu>(Pancakes <3)
<McPancakes>hi everyone!))
<Double-AA-202>Lewis: Your mind wanders in places I will never understand. * He
sighed, finishing up preparing her coffee and turning towards her, it in hand.* Here.
** TDIFan4Lifehas left [timed out]
<Sunflower-Baffu>(WAIT. MAGIC. > w > how much longer will you be staying?)
** TDIFan4Lifehas joined
<McPancakes>lol actually i couldnt wait))
<RemixedMagic>(Uhh, till 10:20 at least... maybe.... hmmm..)
<McPancakes>i was walking out the door lol and i was retarded in joining))
<Double-AA-202>>:( ]]
<Sunflower-Baffu>( Because we have strip poker to attend to)
<McPancakes>EFF YES))
<Jazzikinns>*late* HI Pnacksea!]]
<RemixedMagic>( OH YES WE DO, BAFFU. YES WE DO. )
<McPancakes>ohai there late person <3))
<Jazzikinns>...strip poker? o-o]]
<Blue-Violin1230>Winter: *takes the cup* I bet you do. You havent said anything about
denying it *smiles*
<Jazzikinns>And Magic: I don't know. I think it's because of the Clearly game. And his
ears. They're just so fun to draw.]]
<Double-AA-202>Lewis: Because my attempts are futile. You'll take what I say the
wrong way, as you always do. * He turned and lifted his own cup, stepping away from
her and sipping at it.*
<RemixedMagic>(fkadsfjsajsadj;l I seriously hate how Clearly's becoming a popularity
hog. ;_; )
<Double-AA-202>lol. ]]
<McPancakes>whats wrong with that??))
<McPancakes>actually, i have yet to REALLY draw clearly... i think i doodled him just
<Blue-Violin1230>Winter: *watches him* Just be honest, im not gonna take it the wrong
<Sunflower-Baffu>(-flails- YOU KNOW WHAT YOU MUST DO, MAGIC. SEND
<Double-AA-202>Lewis: Sure, you say that now. * He rolled his eyes, turning and
walking towards the tables, taking a seat at one of them.*
<RemixedMagic>(I don't mind if you guys really like (drawing) him. XD I kinda really
hope he won't become a super-celebrity or anything.)
<McPancakes>pft. you're lame. he will become famous))
<RemixedMagic>(*snatches Clearly by the ears and shoves him in front of Cillian*
<RemixedMagic>(I really hope not!! XD)
<Double-AA-202>he already is. ]]
<Double-AA-202>duh. ]]
<RemixedMagic>(-headdesk- Kay, let's please stop talking about him. OTL)
<Sunflower-Baffu>(CLEARLY <33)
<Blue-Violin1230>Winter: *sips her coffee, following behind, but not joining in sitting*
Youre silly, I already know your feeling towards me. I just like to mess with you from
time to time.
<Jazzikinns>He's just so... fun. And he's got smoke coming out of his eyes.]]
<neaumont>Hmm, btw Magic, my dad's forcing my mom to draw fanart for him of
Clearly... just putting it out there. ]
<Jazzikinns>But anyway. What was this about strip poker?]]
<RemixedMagic>(.......... BANANAS, NEAU. THINK BANANAS.)
<neaumont>dfnjdbrfsjdjebtfgjkwrebnwekltbnje ]
<neaumont>W-WHAT ]
<neaumont>WHY WOULD YOU ]
<neaumont>... ]
<RemixedMagic>(Bananas, Ratchet and Jenner. I love you.)
<Sunflower-Baffu>(Cillian was teaching Clearly how to play poker)
<neaumont>Oh God... now I thought of... ]
<neaumont>Clearly and bananas. ]
<Sunflower-Baffu>(and since Cilli has no chips, STRIP POKER IT IS)
<Sunflower-Baffu>(OH GOD)
<RemixedMagic>(Okay, now I feel better. : D Let's get this show on the road.)
<neaumont>jrkbsajkrbw ]
<RemixedMagic>(Oh yeah, he does like fruit after all... *stops talking*)
<neaumont>jksbdfjsdjksbdjksbndjksbdjeksbf ... N-No, images, go awaaaaaayyyy... ]
<McPancakes>wait i look away for a few minutes and all i read is "bananas and strip
poker" ))
<McPancakes>WHAT. THE. DEUCE.))
<Double-AA-202>Lewis: So you feel as if you need to add onto my small amount of
stress that I withhold at the moment by messing with the emotions that I might feel
towards you? How cruel of you. * He smirked, looking towards her, lifting his coffee to
his lips but not taking a sip.*
<neaumont>mxd bfsmdfbjk ]
<RemixedMagic>(....Well, there you have it, neau.)
<neaumont>sjfbndajklsd ]
<neaumont>asljknrfdskla d]
<neaumont>snajklfnasl ]
<Double-AA-202>all I hear is lewis talking in a weird accent. :( it won't go away. ]]
<Jazzikinns>Bananas. That makes me think of a really good pun concerning bananas.
*loves/hates puns*]]
<Sunflower-Baffu>(Clearly, bananas, and strip pokers. YOU NEED NOTHING ELSE)
<RemixedMagic>(XDDDDD Oh, you guys.)
<Jazzikinns>Lol Baffu!]]
<McPancakes>make like a banana and split?))
<McPancakes>ITS SO TRUE))
<Jazzikinns>Figment of the imagination. Banana of the mind. ]]
<Jazzikinns>If you can spot the pun you get a cookie.]]
<neaumont>P-Please, focus on strip poker... anything but bananas... ]
<Blue-Violin1230>Winter: *shrugged* No one said I was a nice person...*she paused
and looked at him, the same odd look she gave earlier* Emotions you might feel....youre
messing with me arent you.
<RemixedMagic>(So, um, okay. Should we start the game, now Baffu?)
<Blue-Violin1230>haha batteries??)
<McPancakes>((Mint: *walks into the infirmary wearing a banana dress*))
<Blue-Violin1230>NEAU -_- GET OUTA HERE))
<Sunflower-Baffu>(Strip poker with bananas plz)
<Jazzikinns>Yay~ *settles down in the lurkbox with popcorn* This shall be fun to
<neaumont>Hrm. -wonders if he should somehow get Gio tied up into the strip poker
<Sunflower-Baffu>(eeee!~ Do it > U <)
<Sunflower-Baffu>(-will stop with the bananas-)
<Double-AA-202>Lewis: I never stated whether the emotions I may feel might be
positive or negative. You've yet to figure that one out. * The smirk still remained on his
face as he turned away from her and looked back forward, towards the empty table ahead
of him, leaning back, his coffee still close to his mouth, now taking a sip.*
<neaumont>I SHALL. Once someone gets started. ]
<Jazzikinns>Wait, who's gonna be in the strip poker thing anyway?]]
<Blue-Violin1230>Winter: *leaning against the table and glaring at him* Youre such a
jerk, Messing with a girl is a mean thing to do
<McPancakes>where is everyone anyways))
<Double-AA-202>mess hall. lewis, and winter . ]]
<ten-chan>cleaning shit)
<McPancakes>as usual kenz </3))
<Double-AA-202>Lewis: You're the one who was cruel to me to begin with, I'm just
returning the favour.
<McPancakes>i meant who is where and what. batteries got it right))
<Double-AA-202>:D ]]
<Sunflower-Baffu>(I do hope you are starting, Magic. e A e Because I am doing a million
things at once right now)
<McPancakes>the only one who did *looks for caps button*)
<ten-chan>(sorry I don't mean to)
<McPancakes>YOU WOULD :p ))
<Blue-Violin1230>Winter: *looks at her cup* I wasnt being cruel, Its not like I was
saying I like you
** Sunflower-Baffuhas left [connection closed]
<RemixedMagic>(What. Okay Baffers.)
** Sunflower-Baffuhas joined
<RemixedMagic>(lol wb)
<Sunflower-Baffu>(e u e;; Thanks)
<RemixedMagic>[After Cillian dealed the cards, Clearly picked them up with interest.]
"Now, how do we start?"
<Double-AA-202>Lewis: And saying you like me is considered cruel? What does go
through you mind, Winter, I would be glad to know. * He looked towards her.* Because
your words aren't ones to be looked through at times.
<McPancakes>freakin ay guys i cant get this fish i want >:( ))
** TDIFan4Lifehas left [timed out]
** TDIFan4Lifehas joined
<McPancakes>wb <33))
<Double-AA-202>wbwb maria ]]
<McPancakes>liasdfadfjhgkajeghjahgre i hate this game))
<Blue-Violin1230>Winter: *takes a sip* I dont need to explain myself to you, Lewis
<Double-AA-202>Lewis: Never said you did. * sips coffee, smirking.*
<ten-chan>(I can throw flint in if you need me to)
<Double-AA-202>if you want. lol. ]]
** TDIFan4Lifehas left [timed out]
<Sunflower-Baffu>(Sorry e A e Replying)
<neaumont>Cilli be-eth in the infirmary right? ]
<RemixedMagic>(Oh sorry lol xD)
<Blue-Violin1230>Winter: *glares at him* You just wont admit how you feel
<Double-AA-202>Lewis: * Mockingher, he turned back towards her, lowering his cup.*
I don't need to explain myself to you, Winter.
<Sunflower-Baffu>Cillian: Okay. You will start the betting. It starts at one unless you
fold. Umm.... So yeah... -he mumbles- I guess we'll be betting with articles of clothing...
-normal speaking voice- So based on your cards, you will do one of those.
<McPancakes>((Mint: I WILL i love.....lamp))
** TDIFan4Lifehas joined
<McPancakes>wb? waitaminute...))
<Double-AA-202>wbwb maria ]]
<ten-chan>whois Black-Ratchet
<ten-chan>(WRONG ONE :I I wanted blood )
<RemixedMagic>Clearly: "...Reiterate that for me?" [He flicked an ear with some
<ten-chan>(whats the paragraph chatroom?)
<Sunflower-Baffu>(= A =;; Oh shit)
<Blue-Violin1230>Winter: Dont mock me you little punk
<Double-AA-202>Lewis: Uhh. * He looked off to the side for a moment, lifting his other
hand and pointing it at his mouth.* I think, * He looked back at her, smirking.* I just did.
<Black-Ratchet>. . . .))
<neaumont>MAGIC Cilli and Clearly be in the infirmary, right? ]
<Jazzikinns>Hey Blatchet.]]
<Blue-Violin1230>Winter: *she tried not to smile* You think youre funny?
<Black-Ratchet>Hey Jazzi...))
<neaumont>Mmkay. ]
<ten-chan>(sorry >3> didn't mean it I pressed tab because I was lazy)
<Double-AA-202>Lewis: Nope, not at all. * The smirk faded, and his hand lowered.*
<Black-Ratchet>pffft, you could just ask me, ya know XD ))
<McPancakes>how durr you press tab))
<ten-chan>whats the other room)
<neaumont>Gioele: "..." -Returning the wave in about the same manner, he perks up,
taking a drag of his cigarette, immediately recognizing the terms of the game.- "... Poker,
huh?" -Pulling up a chair and making himself comfortable, he turns towards the smoky
demon.- "... First time?"
<Blood-and-Spice>stay for what? ))
** Sunflower-Baffuhas left [timed out]
<McPancakes>clearly, cillian, and gioele so far))
<Blue-Violin1230>Winter: *still holding onto him, she gets closer* Just freakin tell me! jerkface! Come on!!
<Double-AA-202>Lewis: * He stared back, still sitting as if she hadn't been gripping at
his shirt.* No.
<Sunflower-Baffu>(thanks ~)
<Double-AA-202>Lewis: I don't need to tell you anything.
<neaumont>Gioele: "... Do you mean bet something? ... I don't think I have anything to
<RemixedMagic>[Clearly looks back to Cillian and shrugs.]
<RemixedMagic>(oh wait, I should just hold it.)
<Blue-Violin1230>Winter: You make me want to hit you right in the face and ruin your
damn mood!
<Double-AA-202>Lewis: Then do it. It's not like you haven't hurt me before, I don't see
whats holding you back.
<ten-chan>Flint: *opened the door to the messhall and wandered inside*
<Sunflower-Baffu>Cillian: -he glances at Gio- You have your clothes, don't you? -he
looks at his cards- I'll call.
<Double-AA-202>Lewis: I just really don't care.
<neaumont>Gioele: "... My clothes?" -Caught somewhat off guard at that, he eventually
realized and made a nod.- "Ohhh, I see. Strip poker. Gotcha. I've played this many
times. ... Mind if I play?"
<Sunflower-Baffu>(Gio: MANY. TIMES. )
<neaumont>HE HAS. ]
<Blue-Violin1230>Winter: Youre jus- *she looked over at Flint* Nothing *then back at
Lewis before she walked away to go towards a different table*
<neaumont>He would. ]
<RemixedMagic>(Oh wow. XD)
<Sunflower-Baffu>(LOL. It's how he undresses everyday)
<ten-chan>Flint: *Watches her and snickers* what was that lewiiiiiiiie?
<Double-AA-202>Lewis: * He looked towards Flint, the same expression still on his
face.* I was invited to have coffee, then yelled at. The usual. * Shrugs, looking back
towards Winter leaving.* And now it's over. Sad. * Sarcasm hinted his words as he
looked back towards Flint.* Who knows now.
<Blue-Violin1230>Winter: *she sat at a random table, her back to both boys, her arms
crossed* Stupid idea for inviting him
<neaumont>And, between you and me. Idk how to play poker. OTL; ]
<Sunflower-Baffu>(o A o what)
<Black-Ratchet>. . . .))
<RemixedMagic>(It's okay. I don't either.)
<Sunflower-Baffu>(yeah. We do)
<neaumont>Gio knows, but not me, so... lol, yeah, we do. ]
<RemixedMagic>(We just need a game room)
<Black-Ratchet>We need to find an online poker app and all sign in and play IC))
<Blue-Violin1230>haha yes))
<Black-Ratchet>much better than imagining the game))
<Jazzikinns>Okay, sure? xD It sounds amusing.]]
<RemixedMagic>(I would lose in no time. XD)
<Double-AA-202>and winter has no right regretting inviting him to coffee. >:( He was
fine until she started asking questions. HE STILL IS FINE, in fact. ]]
<ten-chan>Flint: Well I can get you some coffee if you want.
<neaumont>SAME ... Actually, my mom knows how to play, I could ask her. BUT AT A
<Double-AA-202>Lewis: Well, I have coffeee, * He looked down towards his cup, that
still retained some coffee from when he made it earlier.* but if you're offering, * He
looked back towards Flint.* You could refill it..?
<Blue-Violin1230>shut up batteries, ima fight you! you kow shes stubburn...and an
<Double-AA-202>:) ]]
<neaumont>Gioele: "Alright." -He takes the card and studies the hand he has.-
<Blue-Violin1230>Winter: *played with the ends of her hair, leaning back in the chair*
<RemixedMagic>[Clearly practices whistling patiently.]
<ten-chan>Flint: Might as well, i was going to get something to drink. * he took the
coffee cup and headed into the kitchen*
<Double-AA-202>Lewis: * turns back, looking forward, crossing his arms and waiting.*
Well, this is a turn of events, I guess? * He sighed to himself.*
<Blue-Violin1230>Winter: *leaned back to far, causing the chair to be unbalanced, and
falling backwards onto the floor*
<ten-chan>Flint: *comes back from the kitchen with two cups of coffee*
<Double-AA-202>Lewis: * Looks towards Winter falling, and raises an eyebrow. * Well
then. * Afterwards he turned towards Flint, taking his cup back and lifting it to his
mouth.* Thank you.
<ten-chan>Flint: *chuckles* hn no need to thank me. I might have done something
horrible to it.
<Sunflower-Baffu>Cillian: -nods at Clearly- Now. It's your turn. Either call, raise, or
<Blue-Violin1230>Winter: *stays sitting..awkwardly in the fallen chair, her hair over her
face, and arms crossed* Yeah im okay, Oh no no dont trouble yourself to help me up *she
mumbled to herself*
** McPancakeshas left [timed out]
<Double-AA-202>Lewis: Well, I doubt you'd endanger my life, so it can't be too bad if
you did something to it. * He didn't look back at Winter, but he addressed her.* I don't
find it fair to help someone who threatened me a moment ago. * He said towards her,
sipping at the coffee.*
<Blue-Violin1230>Winter: I didnt do anything!
<Black-Ratchet>Gio: ALL IN ))
<Double-AA-202>Lewis: * He looked over his shoulder back at her. * Yes because
telling me you wanted to punch me counts as nothing.
<RemixedMagic>(sorry if I'm taking too long, trying to understand Poker...)
<Double-AA-202>I can't wait for my birthday. We always play strip poker at the end
during the sleep over. and it's entertaining. o w o ]]
<Sunflower-Baffu>(it's fine |D)
<Blue-Violin1230>Winter: The word was hit, not punch *she corrected him*
<ten-chan>Flint: yeah too bad I couldn't use the bleach *grins and begins sipping*
<RemixedMagic>Clearly: "...raise, I suppose..."
<neaumont>-is googling poker too- otl; ]
<Sunflower-Baffu>I'm looking for places for us to play poker privately~ e w e )
<Sunflower-Baffu>Cillian: -blinks at Clearly and then looks at Gio-...
** Pinaydollhas joined
<Double-AA-202>Lewis: Well I wouldn't expect you to kick me in the face when you
were face to face with me, so I assumed punching. * Shrugs, turning back towards Flint.*
And Bleach would taste awful, thank goodness you didn't.
** TDIFan4Lifehas left [connection reset]
<Black-Ratchet>ty Sunny~~~~~))
<Sunflower-Baffu>( e n e We'll probably have to download a client or something though
but I'm still researching)
<Blue-Violin1230>Winter: It was over a stupid question you yet to answer, but i already
know what youre going to say. *pushing herself up from the fallen chair and onto her
<Double-AA-202>Lewis: * A smirk grew upon his face as he returned back towards her,
lifting his chin slightly, his coffee raised but not to his mouth.* And what would I of said?
<Black-Ratchet>it'll be worth it))
<neaumont>Gioele: "... Raise."
<Blue-Violin1230>Winter: *dusting herself off* Why would I ever like an idiot girl like
you. You dont think before you speak, its annoying *she smiled at him*
<Sunflower-Baffu>Cillian: ....-looks at his cards again briefly- Call.
<ten-chan>Flint: *rolls his eyes* Are you talking about yourself again winter?
<RemixedMagic>(Does Clearly say something now?)
<Double-AA-202>Lewis: Uhm. Wrong. * He smirked, looking back towards Flint with a
sigh, the smirk fading.* So, I take it you've become addicted to the dammed coffee as
<ten-chan>Flint: Addicted? No I only have it every so often, but I do like it.
<Blue-Violin1230>Winter: *looks at Flint* You know me so well...*glares at Lewis* No
im right
<Double-AA-202>Lewis: Ah, well thats good. Don't have it too much, you'll never stop
wanting it. :(
<Double-AA-202>Lewis: * He waved his free hand towards her, over his shoulder, not
looking towards her.* Think what you may.
<Blue-Violin1230>DAMN ENTER))
<Black-Ratchet>*pats Blue* ))
<Blue-Violin1230>Winter: *picking up the chair* What I think is what I know is a fact
*she mumbled*
<Blue-Violin1230>Ratchet, you is like my bestest buddy))
<ten-chan>Flint: Bipolar psycho says what?
<Black-Ratchet>e w e ))
<Double-AA-202>Lewis: Your mind must process things incorrectly to have come to
such a conclusion.
<ten-chan>Flint: Reading people is obviously not your strong suit. You're still bothering
to talk to him.
** Jazzikinnshas left [timed out]
<Blue-Violin1230>Winter: *glares at Flint* So youre saying im wrong about your feeling
towards me? *she laughed at Lewis*
** Jazzikinnshas joined
<Sunflower-Baffu>( e w e hrrrrn. I guess you can if you want~ Or we could just end the
round here, Magic)
<Sunflower-Baffu>( . w . Sorry for being slow...)
** McPancakeshas joined
<Double-AA-202>wb pancakes ]]
<McPancakes>dude how long was i gone?))
<RemixedMagic>(that's okay. End the round??)
<ten-chan>Flint: not everyone can tell when they're not wanted.*sips his coffee with a
smug look*
<Double-AA-202>Lewis: If you can't understand the words I speak the first time, * He
looked back at her, the same angered glare he gave her earlier when she gripped at his
shirt.* Then why bother asking a second time.
<Blue-Violin1230>Winter: *she started walking towrds the exit* I know for a fact you
dont like me *she smiled*
<McPancakes>end of the round?))
<RemixedMagic>(Baffu, what does it meaaaaan. ; ^ ; )
<Double-AA-202>Lewis: Facts are tricky things, now aren't they.
<Sunflower-Baffu>( @ A @ my head hurts...)
<Black-Ratchet>Clearly needs to say "call", so they can show their. . . . cards))
<RemixedMagic>(-pats Baffu-)
<McPancakes>it means my stomaches gonna explode, IM SO FULL))
<Blue-Violin1230>Winter: *she stopped* So if im wrong about you not liking
do like me?
<RemixedMagic>(Oh, thanks Ratchet.)
<RemixedMagic>[Clearly looks at his cards.] "...Call...?"
<Blood-and-Spice>is anyone naked yet? ))
<RemixedMagic>(I think it's gonna take all weekend to get someone to finally strip lol.)
<Double-AA-202>Lewis: All I said were facts are tricky things, stop assuming I said
differently. * He looked back forward towards the table, leaning back in his chair, sipping
his coffee.*
<McPancakes>or does that count?))
<Sunflower-Baffu>(lol. It'll take all of next week -goin' to the con of the Ohayo-)
<Blood-and-Spice>no you don't count. :c ))
<McPancakes>bawww :C ))
<McPancakes>its cold though...))
<Sunflower-Baffu>Cillian: -nods at Clearly- Now. We show our cards. -shows his hand.
Pair of queens-
<Blue-Violin1230>Winter: I liked it better when we didnt see each other
<Black-Ratchet>heh. . . . pair of queens. . . . ))
<Sunflower-Baffu>(heh. I see what you did there)
<Double-AA-202>Lewis: * He took her words as an insult, and they really did kind of
hurt, since he really hasn't done anything bad to her yet, but brushed it off with a sigh, not
looking towards her, or replying.*
<McPancakes>so its literally a play by play game of poker?))
<Sunflower-Baffu>(Until I find a nice poker client that the uni's firewall doesn't hate,
<Black-Ratchet>that's why a real poker client would be soooo superior))
<Black-Ratchet>we hust do the commentary here))
<Black-Ratchet>*just hurr~~~))
<ten-chan>Flint: Are the children done bickering yet?
<Blue-Violin1230>Winter: *noticed the silence* I mean it. Im not regreting my words
like I usually do when im with you.
<Blue-Violin1230>Winter: *smiles at Flint* Finished
<Double-AA-202>Lewis: * He closed his eyes with another sigh, keeping his back
towards her, lifting his coffee and putting it to his lips, but not taking a sip.*
<RemixedMagic>Clearly's hand: has 2 Aces (Idk)
<Sunflower-Baffu>Cillian: -frowns slightly and then looks at Gio-
<McPancakes>how bout just say : *has the winning hand* *has a crappy deck*))
<Blue-Violin1230>Winter: *smiles* Nothing else to say?
<ten-chan>Flint: God stop smiling like that. I hate fake people.
<Blue-Violin1230>Winter: good! *smiles more*
<McPancakes>how could i have forgotten?? i found mint's new theme song))
<McPancakes>*hurrr durr*))
<ten-chan>Flint: So you like pretending to be something you're not and having no one
respect you because you hate yourself too much to accept who you are :I?
<Blue-Violin1230>Winter: I dont hate myself, I hate you
<Double-AA-202>this is why we don't have nice things. ]]
<Blue-Violin1230>pfft ahaha))
<ten-chan>Flint: Then why do you pretend to be such a nice likable person when you're
really just an angry raging bitch? Honestly half the time you're all smiles and pretending
to be sweet and then you explode like a bombshell because People see through such a
stupid disguise.
** Pinaydollhas left [connection closed]
<Blue-Violin1230>Winter: *she had nothing to say. Just looking at him then down to her
feet. She turned around facing the exit*
<Double-AA-202>Lewis: * He slammed his coffee cup on the table, spilling the hot
liquid a bit and standing up. * I'm sick of listening to this. * He said, angered and stood
completely up, sliding his hands into his pockets and walking towards the kitchen. * It's
<ten-chan>Flint: Hmph its about time she comes to terms with herself and acts like an
adult. I mean would you want her watching your back in battle lewis?
<McPancakes>what happened to poker?))
<RemixedMagic>(waiting for neau...)
<Blue-Violin1230>Winter: *walks out of the mess hall. plays with her hair as she
wondered throughout the halls*
<Double-AA-202>Lewis: * enters the kitchen, and walks over to the fridge for a bottle of
water, sighing.*
<neaumont>(S-Sorry. My mom was talking to me about something nonsensical... ;; ]
<RemixedMagic>(Haha, alright. Repost?)
<neaumont>Nah, I found the posts. ]
<ten-chan>Flint: *had looked towards the kitchen and then remembered he had better
hearing than his human and suddenly felt stupid*
** Blood-and-Spicehas left [timed out]
<Blue-Violin1230>blaahhhhh shower time~))
** Blue-Violin1230has left [connection closed]
<neaumont>Gioele: "..." -After stalling for a moment he shows his: three of a kind. Idk.-
<Double-AA-202>hold on, im sorry. cats crying and trying to walk. ]]
<Double-AA-202>he can't walk, he's too weak , and the cries don't sound good. :\ ]]
<McPancakes>wash that dirty hooker off ya))
<McPancakes>:(:( ))
** Jazzikinnshas left [timed out]
** Jazzikinnshas joined
<Sunflower-Baffu>Cillian: -sighs and looks at the clothing he has on. He tries to fumble
around with his good, unnommed leg to get a sock off- There's one...We were at three,
<RemixedMagic>Clearly: "Supposing."
<neaumont>Gioele: "That we were."
<Sunflower-Baffu>Cillian: -blinks at Clearly- You realize, you have to do this too. -he
side nods at Gio- He's the only one who doesn't have to strip.
<RemixedMagic>Clearly: "...Oh." [He takes off a shoe and places it on the bed by the
laces.] "Alright now."
<RemixedMagic>(Yay. We're stripping. -_-)
<Sunflower-Baffu>Cillian: -flops over- That was too much effort for one piece. Two
more :I -he fumbles for the other sock-
<McPancakes>*has a nosebleed to a shoeless clearly*))
<McPancakes>stfu it's hottttt *shot*))
<RemixedMagic>( [link] bg music)
<McPancakes>this is clearly's stripping song?))
<RemixedMagic>(Pfft, we haven't even gotten to the... nevermind.)
<McPancakes>somehow, im not surprised...))
<RemixedMagic>(lol no. XD)
<Double-AA-202>:\ ]]
<McPancakes>it makes sense to me))
<Double-AA-202>why does Flint feel stupid ? ]]
<McPancakes>because he kicked the dog when it had a lung disease))
<Double-AA-202>.. ]]
<Double-AA-202>please don't say things like that when theres already a dying animal in
my life. :\ ]]
<McPancakes>i did say dog... but okay))
<RemixedMagic>(DDD : )
<Double-AA-202>I said animal. ]]
<Double-AA-202>also, the problem is mainly with his lungs. so that made it worse. ]]
<McPancakes>want me to sing you a happy song?))
<Double-AA-202>no. ]]
<McPancakes>im sorry dude i forgot and i really apologize))
<Sunflower-Baffu>(okay. this one looks pretty good. [link] )
<Double-AA-202>It's alright. I only said that because he just had a moment where he
was crying and moving and making me sad cause his lips are purple from lack of oxygen,
and I just hate watching him suffer without anything to do. :\ ]]
<RemixedMagic>(-hugs Batteries-)
<Double-AA-202>Lewis: * Sighs, and continues to stand in the kitchen, opening his
water and drinking a bit of it.*
<ten-chan>(ok anyone hear about that God and Bob show?)
<neaumont>Gioele: "..." -Quietly watches the minor stripping.-
<ten-chan>(It really bothers me that God's design looks and sounds (ehh not so much)
like george carlin)
<RemixedMagic>(Internect Connection problem for my poker. OTL)
<Sunflower-Baffu>(OTL;; )
<Sunflower-Baffu>(If anyone ends up making an account...tell that I can invite
you in the private room)
<Jazzikinns>Huh. Working fine for me, (I think?)]]
<Sunflower-Baffu>(Be silly and make in the name of your character )
<RemixedMagic>(Is it possible for one of you to play for me? ;;; )
<Double-AA-202>im not going to download it. I don't need more programs on my
computer I wouldn't use much. ]]
<Sunflower-Baffu>(|D okie dokie~)
<Sunflower-Baffu>(dude. Screw the people on my floor)
<Sunflower-Baffu>(= n = I can't go to bed soon)
<Sunflower-Baffu>(fuck. Them. All)
<RemixedMagic>(There is a possibility of my dad coming out and nagging me to go to
sleep soon though. OTL)
<Sunflower-Baffu>( = n = I might try and go to sleep soon. My brain is going "meh" at
<RemixedMagic>(Least I got everything recorded hurr)
<Sunflower-Baffu>(must not kill people outside of my door e n e)
<RemixedMagic>(Restrain yourself!)
* McPancakesretrains*))
<RemixedMagic>(Kay, um, I guess I'll be jumping out now....)
<McPancakes>WHUT WHY))
<RemixedMagic>(Hafta sneep.)
<RemixedMagic>(Don't worry, y'all gonna get your Clearly fanservice at some point...)
<Jazzikinns>Night Magic. =w=]]
<McPancakes>good 8D))
<McPancakes>night magic))
<RemixedMagic>(Nighters~ <3)
<Sunflower-Baffu>(night <3)
<Double-AA-202>goodnight ]]

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