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(2) - © { — | asa Comms a Wol ood 2 uacke del ; i flo godortuas ytot uly WIrhoWe / Desien of Pavement Sivcares > ELS wy eh Bik ( z a | t 23 , ; akon ; LM ' 5 == . 33 i Zw Be : é + ht ia ge ; 2h 0 Se Bz 4 it , i L i a 100,000 200,000 300,000 -4<0 000 so0.000 1 Ltdico OY coucce de ao Etustic MeduW, Ege (os of > “asp Conctete (at 68°F ocMclent of Dense-Graded Asphalt Concrete gure art for Entimating Strpetural Layer CooMclent Figure 25. Ct nthe Elaatic enlent) Modal (3) y bleuived a @@°F (89%) Ou ose lomporabsca dehseulaaas J wodole ahes Meo Sb cote Do ebolico, Gonos +12 corogont J wil Wébin P | , otterta eAchicn of d cookeranle fo epee) t MSA, Phong, ee Escaneado con CamScanner EL uae ‘> cae Roda coneleciourr wwrlagiess de 0OteS , car ob Cy, Bovale con d cooliaarie oobwadacch camel { Mobiles sere } wut on velr be dae MA oo Qe vw CBE bi, loo). Vilecles lorsen dicen Bey comme archer Wk by \orceon cae Paige operons “GOWN OATS & WAT Bz. 0, | 19 {Bese axonder) Lueo dfs) \ 020 on 010 Modulus - 1000 ps 008 006 0a 002 (1) Scale derived by averaging covretations obtained from Itingia 12). Scale derived by everaying correlations obtained from Caifomna, New Mexico and Wyoming (@)_ Scale derived by averaging correlations obtained from Texas 18) Scale derived on NCHRP project (3) Figure 2.6. Variation in Granolar Base Layer Coefficient (a,) with Various Base Strength, Parameters G) Escaneado con CamScanner fag aye deat dle dterdico dele oe. > QodQureg az0r% fl wohulo dees J + bolewsiuemas ab sles ho, da © eat pideMeo c n20 a, = 014 Fs = 30,000 psi CBR = 100 (approx) 14d uy Lord Revaluc = 85 (approx ) ‘The following relationship may be used in Liew of igure 2 6 to estimate the Jayer coefficient, a, for a {granular base material from its elastic (resilient) mod ‘ulus, Bps (5) de. (= = 0249(og;0E ss) -ov7) For aggregate base layers, Eas is 2 function of the stress state (8) within the layer and is normally given by the relation (Bas = ki6te ") where 0 = Stress state or sum of principal stresses 6; + Gy + 0s (Psi), and iy, iy = regression constants which are a function of material type ‘Typical values for base materials are: Atthe AASHO Road Test, snodulns values (Basin psi) fo the base were as follows: ee Jd CBR Ey Destgn of Pavement Structures Roadbed Soll Asphalt Concrete Thickness __ésillent Modules (ps!) Gnches) 3,000 7,500 15,000 Less than 2 20 25 30 10 15 20 5 10 15 5 5 For intermediate values of roadbed soil resilient mod. ‘ulus, interpolation can be used ach agency is encouraged to develop relationships for their specific bate materials (¢ & . My = ky6la) using AASHTO Method T 274; however, in the ab- sence of this data, values given in Table 2 3 can be used Granular Subbase Layers. Figure 2 7 provides a cchart that may be used to estimale a structural layer: coefficient, 23, from one of four different laboratory results on « granular eubbase material, including sub- base resilient modulus, Eyy The AASHO Road Test Dasis for these correlations is ou 15,000 psi CBR = 30 (approx ) Reval 60 (approx ) ‘Table 2.3. ‘Typleal Vulues for ky and ka for Unbound Base and Subbase Materials (My = k,0k:) Mebsire Stress State (ps) ¥ Site Equation G=5 @=10 6=200=30 — Condtion et Dry 8,000 21,012 31,848 48,273 61,569 Ww Base Damp 4.00088 10,506 15,924 24,136 30,784 Wel 6 BaD 12739. 19% Dey 6,000-10,000 05-07 3200+ 3408 12,739 195309 4.607 PO Sone a 0509 Wet 2,000-4,000 05-07 Note, Egy (©) Subbase is & function of not only moisture but 2180 5 OS REET () Vals forthe sess ante within Doty foceaen pane thes SOME ary with the subgrade modulus and gy nue teas design tft suciceIeyer Typies! values for use in “Rage in and, 48a function of the material quality Escaneado con CamScanner . anon oan iM mone Boloese grower (You Wau so wodble do eb% (as) en CAR de la Sdodncee oo do 20, 92 Swstiia ow velot ob As:0, 1) ba be Guudso) Design Requirements “ay & z H 2 (1) Scale derived from comaations trom inci 12) Scale dorved from cortelations obtained from The Asphalt Insitute, Cabtornis, Now nice and Wyoming (3) Scale desived from comeations abtainad trom Texas (4) Seale dorived on NCHRP project (3) Figure 2.7, Vartation in Granular Subbase Layer CocfMiclent (a5) with Various Subbase Strength Parameters (3) a TARP PP Pp PPP Pp Pe Escaneado con CamScanner ma ‘The Bgy versus a, relationship (5) similar to that for granular base materials is a8 follows ay = 0 227(logiEsa) — 0.839 For aggregate subbase layers, Bey Is affected by seress state (6) in fashion similar to that for the base layer Typica! valves for ky range from 1,500 1 6,000, while k varies from 04 19 06 Values for the AASHO Road Test subbasc material were (13) Stress State (pst) O=5 0275 O=10 146,183 18,090 21,497 12,082 15,410 18,312 Molstare Developed Relationship ‘State Wet My = 4.6000" ‘As with the base Layers, exch agency is encournged to develop relationships for their specific materials; however, in Lieu of this data, the values in Table 2 3 can be used Stress states (8) which can be used as a guide to select the modulus value for subhase thicknesses be~ tween 6 and 12 inches are as follows: Asphalt Concrete Thickness Stress State a Less than 2 190 24 75 Greater than 4 50 i Combsles ratedos Besen Coment-Treated Bases, Figure 28 provides chart that ry be used wo entimate the structural layet Coefficient, ag, for m cemient-‘reaed base material from either is elastic modulus, Eqs, of, alternatively, fi “Talry unconfined compressive strength (ASTM D163) Beto ketedrs con ratolle ‘Blneminous-Treoted Bases, Piqure 29 presets achat thar may be uted fo estate the strait layer coefficient, a for « biuminous tested Bose atrial fom ethers latic modus, Easy oF Therenely a Marshall sabiiy (AASHTO T 245, ‘ASTM D 4559) ‘This snot sbown In Figure 29 Daeslgn of Pavement Strucures 2.4 PAVEMENT STRUCTURAL, CHARACTERISTICS 2.41 Drainage This section describes the selection of inputs to treat the effects of certain levels of drainage on predicted pavement performance Guidance is not provided here for any detailed drainage designs or constriction methods Furthermore, criteria on the ability of verious drainage methods to remove mois- ‘ure from the pavement are not provided Its up to the design engineer to identify whal level (or quality) of usted Oy «led en Escaneado con CamScanner a30, broure \ \ubic wl. dobiadonl | ivonn blodeey, ps | r2U0 25 wlan 4 de ata aolorce ea. Ratuirgubs stale. Recommended m, Values for Modifying Structural Layer Coefficients of Untreated Mase and Subbase Materlals fn Flexible Pavements we ch dtomnp0, la hyo de Quatty of Less Than Greater Than op ne Be AP name | PRE enor eAuale. Becellent 140-135, 145-130 Gol isis Lats Lista Rr 125115 Tist0s Looe fer 18-405 105080 ORD-0Gd Wey poor 105-098 bgs07s 1s OD YO oly se rplodtivion oO sanuration Obviously, the latter is dependent on the average yeatly ainfall and the prevailing druinage ‘conditions Asm basis for comparison, the m, value for ‘conditions at the AASHO Road Testis | 0, ropaniless ‘of the type of material A discussion of how these Fecommended m, values were derived is presented in Appeadix DD of Volume 2 Finally, it x also importanc to note that these values apply only to the effects of deninage on untested Date and subbase layers Although improved drain. age is certainly beneficial to shitilized o treated materials, the effects on performance of flexible pave- \ ments are not as profound as chose quantified in Table 24 Rigid Pavements, ‘The treatment for the expected level of desinage fora rigid peneweet is Orough De ue of drainage coefficient, Cy mth perforce equation (ctas an effec imine at ofthe hod teasfr coefficient) Ava bass for comparison, he value for Cy for conditions at the AASHO Road Test is in \ ‘Table 25 provides the recommended C, values, 4 b v depending on the quality of drainage and the percent fie curing the yea te prereset od bh mb S one: hei nc tie wes a%o Y Gq mbues were derived alto presemed in Aprendta gat Bhat wiume 2 savuntion “As Before, the later i dependent on the Sonewdo a Wwoured concrete prvemett structure 10 tle (stb) oe Ae ae eee 2a as brasce a quelute, dui us Condlioas A dicusio of how hse reeennended i \poQno =A cles ‘The load transfer coefficient, 1, is « factor used in rigid pevement design 10 account for the ability of a load across discontinuities, such as joints or eracks Load transfer devices, aggregate interlock, and the Dresence of tied eanerete shoulders all have an effect ‘0 this value Gencrally, the J-yalue Fora given set of conditions e g , jointed conerets pavement with tied shoulders) increases as traffic lands increase singe ag [regate load transfer decreases with lond repetitions ‘Tile 2 6 exablishes ranges of loed transfer coeif- ents for efferent conditions developed from experi. fence and mechanistic stress analysis As a general [Buide for the cange of J-values, higher J's should be ‘used sith ow K-values, high thermal cvefficients, and large variations of temperature (The development of the }-factor terms is proviged in Appendix KK of Vol- lume 2) Each agency should, however, develop exits ‘a for their own aggregates, clirtaie conditions, ete If dowels are used, the size and spacing shoold be determine! ty the local sgency's procedures and/or xpericnce As a general gueline, the dowel diame- {er should be cil wo the stab thickness multiplied by ‘iv inch (¢ g , for a O-inch pavement, the diameter is {Wa inch “The devel spacing and length are normally 12 inches and 18 inches, respectively \a lod Jointed Pavements, The vatuc of} recommended for a plain jointed pavement (JCP) oF jointed rein- forced concrete pavement (RCP) with some type of oad transfer device (such as dowel bars) atthe joints is 3.2 ("protected comer” conttion at the AASHO Road Test) This value is indicative ofthe load transfer of jointed pavements without tied concrete shoulders For jointed pavements without load transfer devices atthe joints, a J-value of 3 8 194 4 is recommended (This basically accounts for the higher dending Stesses that develop in undowelled pavements, but also includes some consideration of the increased po- ‘ential for faulting }f the conerete has a high thermal ceeberaade de oper de Wafer) Escaneado con CamScanner 0° SS LL ——— fe ‘ it @ Mlocokeog lectins ou wel de Si igguewd- aoe ox tohn J jeqete). : c : Exe velox de, on) 0 vomes a dwidis 04, D1-Dz-Ps 136 Design of Pavement Structures Be soa db vcbr ce ante El Radwd (oree Ula edo-ccomle)y cau oe «thor da, U2, ceblesslomoy Q veloc de aw oe SN, = 4,0", > SN 3.8) HM SN, + SNY, > SN, or, 2 0a“ 8H) amy 1) 6,0, mand SN areas defined in the txt anc are minimum required valves 2}, An anti with D or SN indicates that It represent the va 1 An ste caval to or gremter then the required velog (2 V41Ue 2Stually used, which Figure 32. Procedure for Determining Thkkneswes of Layers Using a Layered Anatyls App Kids Qui ecoor Mi Qwwere_ erpa a ge (a extela cetelhca So, al expela catellic, 2 pla Bere. ea saecla aloes & Se va a ctecler J s,, bbhormtasads cou la wigma cate b2 deb lieg Escaneado con CamScanner

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