Developmental Lesson Plan: Common Core/PA Standard(s)

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Developmental Lesson Plan

Teacher Candidate: Erica Lis and Amanda Johns Date:

Group Size: 17 students Allotted Time: 25 minutes Grade Level: 3rd

Subject or Topic: What is a Force? - Matter and Motion Unit

Common Core/PA Standard(s):

3.2.3.B1 -Explain how movement can be described in many ways.

3.2.3.B2 -Explore energy’s ability to cause motion or create change.

S4.C.3.1 - Identify and describe different types of force and motion resulting from these
forces, or the effect of the interaction between force and motion

S4.C.3.1.1 - Describe changes in motion caused by forces (e.g. pushes or pulls, gravity,
Learning Targets/Objectives:
Students will recall activities they do daily and will identify if a push or a pull force is being

Assessment Approaches: Evidence:

1. Observation 1. Teacher will take note of the examples
2. Formative Assessment each student gives when coming up with
3. Summative Assessment push and pulls on a tchart as a class
…. 2. Students will complete a Google Form by
answering questions about the lesson.
3. None for this lesson

Assessment Scale:
Formative Assessment Grade
5 points - student answered all 5 questions correctly
4 points - student answered 4 of the 5 questions correctly
3 points - student answered 3 of the 5 question correctly
2 points - student answered 2 of the 5 questions correctly
1 point - student answered 1 of the 5 questions correctly
0 points - student answered none of the questions correctly
Subject Matter/Content: Science - Force and Motion
Prerequisites: knowing what force is
Key Vocabulary:
● push - makes objects move away from us
● pull - makes objects move closer to us
● force: the pushing or pulling of an object
● motion - when an object moves from place to place

● A pull is a force used to bring an object closer to you.
● A push is a force used to move an object further away from you.
● An object is not moving or in motion when no force is being applied.
● An object will be in motion when a force is applied.

Introduction/Activating/Launch Strategies:

Who can think back to yesterday’s science lesson and tell me what a force is? (Allow student
responses) A force is the push or pull of an object. Today we will be learning about a very
common force called push and pull. You may not have realized or thought about it but all of
us apply this type of force every day.

Teacher will play a short video to introduce a push and pull. (STOP AT 1:18)

Development/Teaching Approaches

Teacher grabs an object and places it down on the table so everyone can see. This object is
not in motion right now because there is no force being applied. Teacher starts pushing the
object away from them. Now the object is in motion because I am applying a force. What
force am I applying? (Allow student responses). A push, exactly, because I am moving the
object further away from me. Teacher lets go of the object and lets it stay at rest. Is the
object in motion anymore? Students should all respond no. Why is it not in motion? How do
you know? Students will respond because no force is being applied or because it is not
moving. Yes, the object is not in motion because no force is being applied to it. Teacher starts
pulling the object towards them. The object is in motion again because I am applying a force.
What force am I applying? (Allow student responses) A pull, right because I am moving the
object closer to myself.

We’re going to go around the room and we are going to brainstorm one thing each that we
do everyday that is either a push or pull. The student will tell the teacher something they do
and the teacher will ask the student what kind of force is being applied.

The teacher will ask the first student, can you think of something you do during the day? It
can be as simple as getting dressed or getting food to eat breakfast in the morning. When the
student responds with something they do, the teacher will then ask, now when you do this,
do you think you are applying a push force or a pull force. When the student responds, the
teacher will then write down what the student said if correct under PUSH or PULL on the
tchart. If the student is incorrect, the teacher will have them visualize them doing that thing
and do the motions with that student to redirect their thinking. This process will be repeated
until every student has had the opportunity to participate.

After finishing the chart on everyday activities involving a push or pull, the teacher will
instruct the students to go to the Webquest that is link on their google classroom and
complete the Google Form for this lesson.

Closure/Summarizing Strategies:

Today we learned about push and pulls and that an object is not in motion unless a force is
being applied. How cool is it that now you can determine which kind of force you are applying
when you are doing your everyday routine? Tomorrow we will be learning about another pair
of force - balanced and unbalanced forces.

● Students with IEPs will be accommodated as necessary as well as having their aides in
the classroom.
● Students with 504’s will be redirected if needed.

● Computers
● Push and Pull video -
● Push and Pull google forms -
● poster board (tchart)
● marker
● webquest

Reflective Response:
Report of Student Learning Target/Objectives Proficiency Levels

Remediation Plan (if applicable)

Personal Reflection Questions

Did the students understand the concept of a push force and a pull force enough to be able to
apply it to real world situations?

Additional reflection/thoughts

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