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1. What comes to your mind when you hear the phrase “facilitative teaching”?

What roles should you

take as a facilitative teacher?
Facilitative teaching is teaching that guides, instigates, and motivates students to learn. It uses
learner-centered, teaching-learning practices, instead of teacher-centered ones. A facilitative teacher
takes the role of “a guide on the side” and not a “sage on the stage”. He/She effectively implements
appropriate instructional strategies and creates a positive learning environment in the classroom.

2. What are the roles and behaviors of facilitative teachers? Share your thoughts on these roles and
behaviors of facilitative teachers.
Some of the roles of a facilitative teacher are:
1. provide a meaningful context for learning where lessons are framed by the context of the
students’ life situations;
2. encourage “hands-on” and interactive approaches to learning activities to allow learners to
think about and apply concepts learned;
3. establish learning outcomes that are clear in their intent to achieve “work-readiness” for
4. give learners the opportunity to collaborate and negotiate in determining their learning and
assessment processes;
5. understand learners as “co-producers” of new knowledge and skills;
6. recognize that the prior learning and life experiences of learners are valuable foundations
for constructing new knowledge and skill sets;
7. use flexible teaching approaches that address the different learning styles of students; and
8. value the social interactions involved with learning in groups.

A facilitative teacher is attentive, genuine, understanding, respectful, knowledgeable and


I believe that because we play a crucial role in facilitating the teaching-learning process, it is important
for us to possess the above-mentioned characteristics and behaviors of a facilitative teacher. Carrying
out the roles of a facilitative teacher necessitates attaining the said characteristics and behaviors.

3. What results do you see in terms of students learning and your feeling of fulfillment when
demonstrating the qualities and behaviors of facilitative teachers?
I believe that if I possess these qualities and behaviors of facilitative teachers, I can engage more my
learners into active learning. Student engagement in learning may result in increased student
achievement. Seeing our students improve and achieve something is one of the best feelings and
fulfillments that a teacher can have.

4. What is your dominant teaching style? Describe your own teaching style. Is there an effective style? If
yes, what style and why effective? If no, why not effective?
After reflecting on myself, I can say that I am a combination of a demonstrator and a facilitator.
Especially so that my area of specialization is Math, there are some math problems that would require
me to demonstrate first the solution and let my students explore on it. During their exploration, it is
where my role as a facilitator comes in. I facilitate them as they process the solutions that I have
demonstrated. For me, there is no best teaching style because all these styles can be effective
depending on how the teacher utilizes and matches it with the learners’ needs. Unfortunately the
"one size fits all" teaching approach is flawed because it assumes all students learn in the same ways.
Curriculums should be differentiated to suit the individual needs of each unique student. Only then
can students receive the best possible education and be prepared for future success.

5. Why is it that teaching style is an important property in the teaching learning process? Activity 2.2, p
Teaching style is an important property in the teaching learning process because it has a direct
influence on the students’ performance. Effective teaching style results to a good students’

Teacher Teaching Style Characteristics

Kanchama Formal Authority Adopts the direct instruction approach for his lesson.
Ani Demonstrator Utilizes a video to demonstrate how human heart works.
Gunawan Facilitator Lets his learners share their personal experiences about the
Sarah Delegator Delegates learning tasks among the learners

*I am like Teacher Ani and Gunawan, a demonstrator and a facilitator.

6. Of the four teachers described in the school where Mr. Brian serves as the Principal, where do you
belong and why?

Among the four teachers described in the school where Mr. Brian serves as the Principal, I can relate
to Teacher Ani and Gunawan because I can be a demonstrator and a facilitator at the same time. Just
like what I have said in my response to question number 4, in the subject that I handle which is Math,
there are some instances that I have to demonstrate first how to solve a certain problem especially if I
can see that majority of my learners are having difficulties in solving them. Then after demonstrating, I
will let them explore and process the solutions on their own but still with my supervision and

7. Among the learning styles that you observed in your own class, what is the dominant style they
Based on my observations, majority of my learners are kinesthetic/tactile learners. They learn best if
they are physically involve in the teaching-learning process.

1. How do you attend and address the various learning styles of your students? What particular learning
style will you adopt in the various learning styles of students? How do you blend with your learners?
As they say “It takes two to tango”, I believe that the teaching style should match to the learners’
learning style. Utilizing differentiated instruction is one way to address the various learning styles of
the students. All teaching styles are good for our learners; however, let us remember that it has to be
suited and appropriate to everyone.

2. What about learner based instruction, is this applicable in accommodating students' learning styles?
Learner-based instruction is teaching based on the preferred learning style of learners. Having a prior
knowledge on the preferred learning style of our learners is important for us to plan our teaching,
utilizing appropriate instructional strategies that will fully engage or learners in the learning tasks and
activities. Yes, this is applicable if we want to accommodate the learning styles of our learners.
3. Have you conducted an inventory of learning style? What is the result of the survey? Is the result valid
according to beliefs and convictions?
In our school, we utilize the Multiple Intelligences Assessment. The results of such test is vital because
in this way we can better know and understand our learners and we can plan and implement
appropriate learning tasks and activities that will eventually result to active and effective learning.

4. Adopting the learning styles of learners, they have to be engaged into Active Learning as well. What is
your idea of Active Learning?
Active learning is involving students directly and actively in the learning process itself. This approach
gives importance to the learners as direct and active participants of the teaching-learning process. It
adheres to the principle of “Learning by doing”. With the kind of learners that we have today, pure
lecture method is no longer applicable to them. Gone are the days that the learners are just merely
listeners inside the classroom. Though, I am not totally disregarding the lecture method but I think it
should be supplemented with other strategies like discussion and group works wherein learners can
have the opportunities to express themselves. Researches on learning styles would tell us that active
student involvement in the instructional process correlates significantly with student knowledge
retention and achievement.

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