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The editorial “Getting rid of gun control” is mainly focusing on restrictions of guns in the
certain states such as Virginia, South Carolina. The writer demonstrated that prohibiting
law-abiding citizens from buying guns is not enough for preventing crimes. Therefore,
writer’s suggestion is that it would be better to keep guns from criminals.
Strengths – not limited with writing only about Virginia
Weakness – lack of source usage, repetitive

In the editorial “Firearms Still Easily Available”, writer indicated that the crucial point is to
decrease crime rates by checking consumer’s background whether he or she has mental
illness or not while buying guns. Moreover, author mentioned about that their family called
for help, but nobody took this issue seriously and nothing changed.
Strengths – own experience, story
Weakness – the structure of sentences is weak

In the editorial “Virginia Handgun Law: Don’t Reopen the Pipeline of Guns”, writer
illustrated that law is not only important point in this case because people can get guns
easily in Virginia.
Strengths – well supported with other sources
Weakness – writer has no opinion written

In these editorials were demonstrated the main issues about gun control especially in
Virginia from various points of writers’ views. In the first article was expressed that gun
limitations are actually harmful because of the fact that criminals can get them in an illegal
way. In this case, good people are forced to buy guns in order to protect themselves,
therefore, they relative to criminals. The core point of the second article is that government
should check background of every consumer whether he/she has mental illness while
buying guns in order to remove the gaps in Virginia.

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