2011: Opening To Nature - Opening To Human

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Movement workshop

Opening to Nature – Opening to Human

Seeing and being seen

Sharing Movement with Prapto

(Suprapto Suryodarmo)

Saturday 28th May –

Saturday 4th June 2011

An opportunity to work in a beautiful historic landscape, in Britain’s largest stone circle,

with the renowned movement teacher Suprapto Suryodarmo (Prapto).

At Avebury, prehistoric people transformed the landscape and created a wonderful ritual
space that is still powerful today. It is very much a living site, containing a village
community and visited by many. This is a rich environment for exploring and embodying
our relationships with nature, with time, and with each other, and for creating ritual,
performance, story and communication.

For the fifth year we will be based in Avebury village and working outdoors in the
Avebury circle and other nearby prehistoric sites. We will also work indoors at the
Avebury village hall, which has good facilities.

Prapto will work with us for most of the day, with the whole group, small groups and one
to one.

Keith, Kristina and Simon will be facilitating small group work on different aspects of our
central theme; opening to Nature and opening to Human.

Stonehenge On Thursday 2nd we will start with an early morning movement session at
Stonehenge, where we will have full access to the stones for an hour.

We will also be developing our work in Avebury’s companion sites such as Windmill Hill
and The Sanctuary.

Newcomers as well as people who have worked with Prapto before are all welcome.

Accommodation is not included in the price, but as things get very booked up in this
area, we have some self-catering accommodation already booked, which will be
allocated on a first-come-first-serve basis. This is in Avebury, close to the village hall in
the centre of the village. There is also camping and other accommodation nearby.
Please contact Kristina about this.

Food We provide tea and coffee etc. at the village hall but people organise their own
food. In previous years people have got together with those they are sharing
accommodation with for group cooking. The nearby National Trust cafe/restaurant is
open during the day and the village pub does food in the evenings.
Cost will be approx £365 for 8 days, not including accommodation.

To book a place or for further information please contact us as soon as possible.

Kristina Bourdillon and Keith Miller,

Ivy Dene, North Street, Barrow-on-Humber,

DN19 7AP

Landline 01469 531 345

Mobile – 07813 499 373



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