Contrapositive, Converse, Inverse and Conditional Statements

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Conditional Statements
➢ “P implies q”
➢ “p only if q”
➢ “q unless not p”
➢ “if p then q”
➢ “q when p”
➢ “q is necessary for p”

p→q - Where p is called the hypothesis and q is called the conclusion/ consequent.

For p→q is false only when p is true and q is false otherwise it is true.

p q p→q

1 1 1

1 0 0

0 1 1

0 0 1
For example
p - It rains.
q- The grass is green.
p→q - If it rains then the grass is green.

p q p→q

1 1 1

1 0 0

0 1 1

0 0 1
The contrapositive of p→q is ~q→ ~p
The contrapositive

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