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Ethics and Decision Making in the VA Health Care System






Analysis of Problems at VA Healthcare Systems

Veteran Affairs (VA) is facing challenges that can be analyzed using the viewpoint of

leadership. It is right to infer from the problems facing the VA that they are connected to ethical

decision-making. Arguably, if the people in charge of the VA made ethically sound choices, the

issues faced in the first place would not occur (Van Wart,2015). VA, for example, faces the

issue of the deaths of veterans who have been waiting for months to undergo the requisite

diagnostic procedures. The problem indicates that the therapies given to patients are delayed.

Issues in providing care for veterans are a demonstration of unethical decision-making

processes. At the stipulated time, people should undergo medication Persons taking care of

the veterans should ensure that they are treated at the designated time. If they had

incorporated the principle of equity justice strategy, they would have had a high chance of

making decisions that are ethically right. This approach arguably notes that choices should be

taken with consideration and concern for others in mind (Kizer & Jha,2014). The fact that VA

authorities were responsible for causing these delays indicates that the ailing veterans who went

on to succumb to their ailments were not caring.

Since undertaking inquiries into the situation at VA, the Office of Inspector General

disclosed that there were several forms of scheduling procedures not consistent with VA policy.

The inquiry found that a 'classified' wait list at VA existed. With this, it is obvious that there is

a concern with the team members of the ethical decision-making process. There were no ethical

values such as honesty and loyalty in the person who created this 'hidden' wait list. The lack of

honesty is the reason why this scandalous list was created by one person at VA, a consideration

that explicitly highlights the absence of ethical decisions. If the company has an ethical

decision-making process, values such as honesty may have been observed and the issues at VA

would not be present.

Ethical Issue 1700 Veterans Waiting for Appointment

The General Audit Inspector's Office revealed that 1700 veterans were waiting for the

Phoenix VA's first aid appointments. When 1400 persons on the EWL list were not primarily

looked after, the ethical question about this issue occurred, which revealed that VA participants

had little honesty.

The Phoenix VA healthcare executive has declined to respect ethical confidences from

this result. The executive has even destroyed the reputation and credibility of the

administration of healthcare. Many of the ethics codes that were also degraded in this

situation include: The reality that healthcare systems should not take measures that harms the

reputation and credibility of the physician administration profession. Phoenix VA has

discouraged the conduct of professional practices such as transparency, dignity, respect,

justice and good faith in a manner that represents professionally well and preserves

knowledge and expertise in healthcare management through the adoption of a personal

appraisal curriculum and professional continuing education.

A patient care data log (including history, physical examinations, tests and treatment) is a

record containing electronic health information in digital format. The EHRs are implemented

by doctors and hospitals since they offer a number of benefits than paper documents. It

improves access to healthcare, improves care quality and reduces costs. But the legal

questions of EHRs are faced by health staff. Autonomy is jeopardized where medical

information is shared or associated without the consent of the patients. Due to a lack of

confidence in the security of the system, the patient can dissimulate information. This could

compromise their treatment.

There is a chance of disclosure of thousands of health details through error or burglary.

The ethical implications of EHRs should be discussed and policy makers, health workers and

policymakers should draw up policy on this. The Electronic Medical Record (EMR) is an

instrument that can provide a forum for supplying patients with new functionalities and


All would need support from the machine regardless of his position. To create a useful

EHR scheme, doctors, mechanics, ethicians, administrative workers and patients need to have

experience. While EMRs carry several tremendous gains, healthcare's future needs

understanding and handling or overcoming their risks correctly. Multiple methods for

mitigating risks and addressing obstacles to digital health records are available. The secret to

seeking solutions are coordination, collaboration, versatility and adaptability.

Policies guaranteeing ethics of electronics waiting listings was targeted at increasing the

consistency of the system ensuring that access to proper and reliable medical services is both

timely and priority based on need and future benefit, and appropriateness. The work begins

with the suggestion that a patient on a preference or planned service list must be present

(Hankel, 2014). As we all know, those of the lists are not actually. Similarly, the importance

of particular treatments for different patients is illustrated by efficacy. So what can be sorted

out is how to make waiting fairer, where justice is critically considered? Will we do that more

quickly? And do we balance it with the need and benefit potential?

Why Eric Shinseki Resigned


A controversy engulfing the Phoenix VA hospital is the proximate source of Shinseki's

resignation. A damning audit from the inspector general found that veterans waited 115 days

on average for their initial visits with primary care providers. The delay should have been no

more than 14 days.

The overall VA waiting periods for a doctor are 21 days according to an internal VA

report, which does not stretch any more than the average of 18.5 days for the private sector.

The 21 day estimate is based on automatic dates and is thus very difficult to control.

According to IG, however, Phoenix VA employees may also stop a date stamp, either by

avoiding data entry or by not entering names into the database system at all. If enough VA

hospitals have done the same thing, the national waiting time average of 21 days won't be

worth much.

Shinsenki should have maintained parity between published wait times and real wait

times, according to an internal Veterans Affairs audit conducted on June 9, 2014a. He might

also have ensured that schedulers use the official list to prevent demands put on them to

spread inappropriate activities to make waiting times look more desirable.

ACHE comparison to VA Health Care Systems

The following is reported by the American College of Healthcare (ACHE): The

Healthcare Executive shall adhere to the code of ethics and mission. In the area of honesty,

dignity, respect, justice and good conscience, the health manager shall carry out professional

practices. This impacts on the career well (American College of Healthcare Managers)

(2012). The Phoenix VA did not defend the reputation and image of the healthcare industry. In

the sense of showing honesty, justice and good conscience, VA Healthcare Programs failed

among several above-mentioned codes of ethics.

Reference (or References)

American College of Healthcare Executives. (2012). Healthcare executives' responsibility to

their communities. Healthcare executive, 27(2), 108.

Van Wart, M. (2015). Evaluating transformational leaders: The challenging case of Eric

Shinseki and the US Department of Veterans Affairs. Public Administration

Review, 75(5), 760-769.

Kizer, K. W., & Jha, A. K. (2014). Restoring trust in VA health care. N Engl J Med, 371(4),


Hankel, A. (2014). Culture, Cover-ups Plague VA Health System. Quality Progress, 47(7),


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