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George Mason

Ms. Robinson

Creative Writing


Never to be Forgotten Again

No one believed the tales, the folklore and legends of a creature better left forgotten in time. But

no one doubts the stories now. A creature that feeds upon humanities fears and brings them to

life. It has no thoughts, no motive, no emotion, a demon older than history itself. Legend says it

doesn’t even have a voice, rather, an echo, reciting the final words of those who’ve fallen at the

hands of the demon. The more word spreads of the monster, the more fearful people become of

its existence, and in the process, only making it stronger. But it’s not like we can tell people

simply not to be scared of monster shrouded in mystery and bloodshed. I write this entry in the

hopes it reaches someone, for when I finally meet my inevitable end to the hands of this creature.

No one knows how to kill it, but it sure seems to know how to kill us. The more people seem to

know of the monster’s existence, the more killings seem to happen. By the time you’re reading

this, I only hope the kingdom has come up with a way to take down this beast, if it can even die

that is. My only loves have been consumed by the demon wrapped in fear, and now I have

nothing left to lose but my own sanity. But when it took them, I saw it, I could barely make out

any particular part of the monster, as if it were a living shadow, barely even physical. But that

was merely days ago, and I’ve wept all the tears I can muster. I know its outside in those woods,

and it knows I’m here, so this may just be, my last farewell.

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