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Name: _________________________________________Module: 5-7 Dates: March 1- March 19, 2021

Subject: TLE- ICT 10 Quarter: 4th Quarter Subject Teacher: Mr. Kevin Alibong

Topic: Safety Precautions and Guidelines for Testing Computer Systems and Networks

Learning Competency

Test Systems and Networks

1. Follow OHS procedures in testing systems and networks.
2. Test computer systems and networks in accordance with the job requirements
3. Value the importance of following the safety precautions.

Values Integration: This module will teach the students to learn the safety and precautions by setting activities or
guidelines for inspection and testing the computer systems and networks. It outlines the potential health risks
and provides an implementing policy statement that is maintaining the required level of health and safety in the
workplace which the students will understand very well the importance of its procedure.

Discovery Activity

Direction: Put a check mark if the statement is correct and X (wrong mark) if not.

_____1. Installing network cables, whether copper or fiber optic, can be dangerous.
_____2. Report the hazard to the appropriate person to obtain assistance.
_____3. A safe workplace is clean, organized and well-lit.
_____4. Wear safety glasses if possible.
_____5. Never stand on the top rung of the ladder. You could easily lose your balance and fall.

Brief Discussions

Common hazards encounter by computer technicians and users

A hazard is a situation in the workplace that has the potential to

harm the health and safety of people or to damage plant and equipment.
The situation could involve a task, chemical or equipment used. Hazard
management is a continuous process that can be used to improve the
health and safety of all workplaces.

Physical Hazards
One of the most common physical hazards involving computer
technicians is cables running across the floor. If someone trips ,falls, and
hurts himself because because of a cable you can across the floor, someone(you, your employer, or your
customer) has a serious leagal negligence problem. If you need to temporarily run a cable across the floor, place
a danger sign similar to those “wet floor” signs used by cleaning services.
Mechanical Hazards
When working on electric equipment, ask yourself “Is there any way this equipment could hurt me?”. You
might stick your hand in a computer and suddenly the paper feed arm moves, feeding, but a piece of your finger

Occupational Health and Safety is planned system of working to prevent illness and injury where you work by
recognizing and identifying hazards and risks. Occupational Health and Safety is also referring to the policies,
procedures and activities that aim to protect the health safety and welfare of a people at the workplace.

Occupational Health and Safety standards. Each student has a responsibility to their colleagues and their
organization to report and act upon any potential workplace hazard. Students need to be aware of the type
of hazards that are possibly present in their work environment.
Occupational safety and health (OSH) is a planned system of working to prevent illness and injury where you
work by recognizing and identifying hazards and risks. Health and safety procedure is the responsibility of all
persons in the computer and technology industries.
You must identify the hazards where you are working and decide how dangerous they are. Eliminate the hazard
or modify the risk that it presents.
1. Identify the hazard.
2. Clear the area close to the hazard.
3. Partition the hazard off or clearly identify the area to protect other people from harm.
4. If the hazard can be easily and safely cleared, then do so. If not…
5. Report the hazard to the appropriate person (such as teacher in charge, principal etc.) to obtain assistance.
6. After clearing the hazard, fill out the correct documentation to assist in identifying improved practice to reduce
further incidence of hazards.
All hazards must be reported using an Accidental Report form. This enables us to track the kinds of hazards we
have in our workplace, and take action when necessary to make it safer for all student and clients.

Guidelines for Testing Computer Systems and Networks

Is your PC healthy?
Don’t be too sure, think back to when you heard kerklunk sound coming from the hard drive. Or maybe you
remember the last time your internet connection was down.
The best way to find out what is wrong is to take proactive approach. Check under the PC’s hood with the following
mostly free diagnostic tools, and see if anything is a miss before disaster strikes.

You have learned about precautionary measures before working on any other computer. Now you must be able
to know the guidelines in testing computer systems and network I accordance with the job requirements. Good
luck and enjoy.

The best way to find out what’s wrong with the computer is to take proactive approach: Check under your PC’s
hood with the following mostly free diagnostic tools and see if anything is a miss before disaster.

This lesson is intended to develop your skills in planning and preparing for configuration of computer system and


Testing Your Computer Network

You've set up all your network switches, plugged in all the cables, and configured all your computers. One task
remains before you can declare your network is finished: You must verify that the network works as expected.
Here are a few simple tests you can conduct to make sure your network is functional:

•Check the physical connections. Check that the Link light — the little red or green light next to the RJ-45 port
— is lit on every computer. You must check this light both on the computer itself and on the switch or router the
computer is plugged into. If this light is not on, you have a connection problem — most likely a bad cable.

•Verify that you can log in. When you're sure the physical connections are good, you should attempt to log in to
each of your network computers using a valid domain user account.

•Check the network configuration. Click the Start button, type cmd and press Enter. Then, enter the command
ipconfig /all and press Enter. This command will spit out numerous lines of information. The line you're looking for
should resemble this: IPv4 Address: (Preferred) If this part of the output does not show a valid IP
address, you need to check that your IP configuration is set correctly and that your DHCP server is working.

•Verify that the computers can ping each other. Another basic test you should perform is to use the ping
command from a command prompt to make sure that the computers on your network can contact one another.
Do several ping tests. First, make sure that TCP/IP is up and running by having the computer try to ping itself.
Open a command prompt and type ping local host. The output from this command will indicate whether or not the
ping was successful. Next, try to ping your servers by name. For example, if your file server is named FileServer01,
use the command ping File Server.


ACTIVITY 1: Personal Safety While Working with PCs

Computer equipment can be dangerous, and you or others can be injured or even killed if you don’t follow proper
safety guidelines when working along with PCs. The following are some precautionary measures to take before
working with any computer equipment:

A. Directions: Write your answers on the space provided

1. ___________________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________________________
4. ___________________________________________________________
5. ___________________________________________________________

B. Assess the Risk

What are the two main things should the person in charge or responsible for safety consider when assessing the





Direction: Explain the different example of safety precaution.

1. Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Policy


2. Occupational safety and health

3. Occupational Health and Safety standards


PERFORMANCE TASK: Take the TESDA Computer and Hardware Servicing courses by following the steps
below. 100 pts.
1. Enroll in the TESDA website by creating an account in
2. After creating an account, go to Courses tab > Electrical and Electronics > Computer and Hardware Servicing
II> Introduction to CSS or click this link to go directly to the

3. Take the Pre-Test, Unit 1: Exploring Electronics Industry, Unit 2: Understanding Basic Computer Concepts,
and Post Test.

4. After answering all the lessons, click on the Certificate of Completion and print it out or send it to my



Direction: Write T if the statement is correct and F if it is incorrect.

_____1. No one should know that you will be working in your area.
_____2. Cordon off the area with caution tape or safety cones.
_____3. Wear gloves whenever possible, and dispose any waste properly.
_____4. You should handle solvents and glues used with fiber optics with
utmost care.
_____5. Keep your working tools in safe place.
_____6. The process of cutting and trimming the strands of fiber-optic cables
can produce tiny fragments of glass that can penetrate your eyes.
_____7. You should keep the work area full of clutter.
_____8. Use tape to pick up small fragments and dispose them off properly.
_____9. Use special detectors to help you tell if a fiber is energized.
_____10. Make it sure that fire extinguisher and first aid kit be available in a
Direction: Enumerate some precautionary measures to take before working on .
any other computer
11. ______________________________________
12. ______________________________________
13. ______________________________________
14. ______________________________________
15. ______________________________________


Rosalie P. Lucero et al, Basic Education Curriculum, Technology and

Livelihood Education Grade 10 “Computer Hardware Servicing” Learners Materials

“Ping Tim Fisher” Retrieved from

“System Configuration utility” Retrieved from

“Turn On the Windows Firewall” Retrieved from


“Occupational Safety Precautions” Retrieved from

“peer to peer networking” Retrieved from &docname=bph05694

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