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The manufacturer…

I. Null Hypothesis: The machine’s average potato fries produced is equal to 200 pounds.
Alternative Hypothesis: The machine’s average potato fries produced different from 200
II. Level of Significance: 0.01/2 = 0.005 , divide alpha by 2 since its two-tail hypothesis.
III. Degree of Freedom: n -1 = 40 – 1 = 39
IV. Critical Value: ± 2.708\

V. Normal Curve

VI. Decision Rule: Reject the null hypothesis if t < -2.708 or t > 2.708; otherwise, do not
reject the null hypothesis.
VII. Computation: xbar=195 ; μ=200 ; s=24.5 ; n=40
T = (xbar-μ)/(s/√n) = (195-200)/(24.5/√40) = -1.291
VIII. Conclusion: Do not reject the null hypothesis, -1.291 > -2.708; which means there is
enough evidence to support that the machine’s average potato fries produced is equal
to 200 pounds.
IX. Recommendation: Based on the result of the test of hypothesis it confirmed that the
manufacturer’s claim of its machine capability to fry 200 pounds of potato fries per hour
is justified. From this justification those, Fast food restaurants who tested the
manufacturer’s claim will definitely grab and buy it. Being true on the promotional
quantity of a certain business production will attracts many buyers especially during this
time that many businesses used their promotion to captivate the taste of the consumers
by stating information that is far from their actual capability just for sake of earning
profits. The manufacturer of potato fry machine must continue its habit of being true to
its buyers or consumers as it will leads them to be loyal to the business. Having a good
image to its buyer will result for a fixed increase of its profit because it is a must for a
business that its main objective is the satisfaction of its consumers.
2. The average grade…

I. Null Hypothesis: The average grade of grade 7 students in English course is below or
equal to 89.
Alternative Hypothesis: The average grade of grade 7 students in English course is better
than 89.
II. Level of Significance: 0.05 , no need to divide by 2.
III. Degree of Freedom: n -1 = 30 – 1 = 29
IV. Critical Value: + 1.699
V. Normal Curve

+ 1.699

VI. Decision Rule: Reject the null hypothesis if t > 1.699; otherwise, do not reject the null
VII. Computation: xbar=90 ; μ=89 ; s=2.25 ; n=30
T = (xbar-μ)/(s/√n) = (90-89)/(2.25/√30) = 2.434
VIII. Conclusion: Reject the null hypothesis, 2.434 > 1.699; which means there is enough
evidence to support that the average grade of grade 7 students in English course is
below or equal to 89.
IX. Recommendation: The English Teacher had already became aware that the average
grade of a grade 7 students is at 89. However, considering that there is probability of it
to become below 89 is something that she needs to take in consideration. She must
review her teaching habits and find where the students do not effectively understand
the lessons. After doing that, she must come up with a good strategy that help the
students to enable to comprehend the course. This can be done by using simple words
to explain the lessons or terms used in the discussion or it can be by using images so
that they can visualize what she is trying to impart.
3. According to an article…

I. Null Hypothesis: The mean shopping time of shopper in supermarkets is 25 minutes.

Alternative Hypothesis: The mean shopping time of shopper in supermarkets different
from 25 minutes.
II. Level of Significance: 0.01/2 = 0.005 , divide alpha by 2 since its two-tail hypothesis.
III. Degree of Freedom: n -1 = 50 – 1 = 49
IV. Critical Value: ± 2.680
V. Normal Curve


VI. Decision Rule: Reject the null hypothesis if t < -2.680 or t > 2.680; otherwise, do not
reject the null hypothesis.
VII. Computation: xbar=27.25 ; μ=25 ; s=5.5 ; n=50
T = (xbar-μ)/(s/√n) = (27.25-25)/(5.5/√50) = 2.893
VIII. Conclusion: Reject the null hypothesis, 2.893 > 2.680; which means there is enough
evidence to support that the mean shopping time of shopper in supermarkets different
from 25 minutes.
IX. Recommendation: The claim of an article is invalid, as the test of hypothesis resulted of
being different from 25 minutes. From this, Supermarkets must still come up with a
strategy enabling these shoppers to stay longer as there is a chance that it is lower than
25 minutes. Shoppers staying longer than 25 minutes may result of having many
products to consider and buy later on. This can be happen by having live promotion that
will really capture their attention. Specially they also need to consider the quality of
their products because the time the consumers see the quality of the products and its
price, it will dictates if they buy it or not if it does not reach their standard they will turn
them off and get outside to look for much better.
4. The manager…

I. Null Hypothesis: The average content of a one gallon can of paint is greater than or
equal to 1 gallon.
Alternative Hypothesis: The average content of a one gallon can of paint is less than 1
II. Level of Significance: 0.01 , no need to divide by 2.
III. Degree of Freedom: n -1 = 60 – 1 = 59
IV. Critical Value: - 2.391
V. Normal Curve

VI. Decision Rule: Reject the null hypothesis if t < -2.391; otherwise, do not reject the
null hypothesis.
VII. Computation: xbar=0.998 ; μ=1 ; s=0.04 ; n=60
T = (xbar-μ)/(s/√n) = (0.998-1)/(0.04/√60) = -0.387
Conclusion: Do not reject the null hypothesis, -0.387 > -2.391; which means there is
enough evidence to support that the average content of a one gallon can of paint is
greater than or equal to 1 gallon.
VIII. Recommendation: The manager of a paint supply store confirmed that the content of a
1 gallon can of paint brought from a known paint producer is actually 1 gallon. With this
information, the manager must consider this paint producer as their supplier as they can
ensure the 1 gallon per gallon can and from the fact that it can exceeds to 1 gallon. This
will be beneficial to the paint supply store since the the said measurement is the actual
quantity. However, the manager must still monitor this quantity as it may differs when
the paint producer already acquired your trust. With all of that, the manager can enable
to supply their consumers exact quantity without having problems on its suppliers.

5. The production process…

I. Null Hypothesis: The mean length of the steel bars longer than or equal to 3 feet.
Alternative Hypothesis: The mean length of the steel bars shorter than 3 feet.
II. Level of Significance: 0.05 , no need to divide by 2.
III. Degree of Freedom: n -1 = 50 – 1 = 49
IV. Critical Value: - 1.677
V. Normal Curve

VI. Decision Rule: Reject the null hypothesis if t < -1.677; otherwise, do not reject the
null hypothesis.
VII. Computation: xbar=2.95 ; μ=3 ; s=0.35 ; n=50
T = (xbar-μ)/(s/√n) = (2.95-3)/(0.35/√50) = -1.01
VIII. Conclusion: Do not reject the null hypothesis, -1.01 > -1,677; which means there is
enough evidence to support that the mean length of the steel bars longer than or
equal to 3 feet.
IX. Recommendation: The production process verify that it produces steel bars at least 3
feet. This is an indication of working properly in the production process. However, the
person who manage the process must assure that this kind of process must continue.
During this continuation, they must come up with invention or innovation on how to
improve it more. This must result for decrease or less cost for production or a less time
duration of every steel bars produces. Even though, there is already an indication of
working properly, the management must not be comfortable on that because it may
change as the factors affecting the production changes over time.

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