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Reflection report of my gains of attitudes, knowledge, skills

and personal improvement
after taking the course ASE331

This submitted to
Lecturer: Asso. Prof. Dr. Hoang Van Phu
The Department of Life Science
International School of Thai Nguyen University

In Partial Fulfillment
Of the Requirements for Subject of Academic Skills for Higher Education (ASE331)


What are your own ideas about value of life and skill?

In my opinion, the value of life is the things that I think are valuable and
meaningful to life, the things we have accumulated are made up of my living value.

Skill is the ability to absorb and apply skills to life, the understanding of people
thoroughly about that problem.

and how value of life and skills are developed?

For me, in order to develop my skills and create value in life, the first thing I think I
should do is create a good time management habit. Everyone has only 24 hours a
day and what I need. To do that is to know how to use time wisely and effectively.
Do not spend your time on activities that are useless, unnecessary or do not help
you to solve problems such as watching movies or doing Facebook in vain. Make a
plan every day, weekly and organize the importance to deal with, so that I will
easily allocate time reasonably.Also, I think I should use tools like reminders and
calendar on my phone to easily keep track of important schedules and goals.

The second thing is problem solving. It's important to practice facing and solving
problems on your own instead of relying on your parents, relatives or friends.

First, take time to identify the cause of the problem, list the right solutions and
choose the one that you think is the best one.

Do you think that you are a member in academic community?

I think that I am not a member of the academic family at the moment because I
have not accumulated the necessary skills. However in the future I will be a
member of that family.

What should you do to be real member in that respected community?

Explore your personality and identify your strengths and weaknesses. Be aware of
the skills you currently have and the parts where you need to improve. Then, come
up with a plan of action to improve your soft skills. or can come to participate in
skills training courses for students.

- Keep a positive attitude and look at the good side of life. Ups and downs are
always present, success comes to those who live actively and strive to get a solution
or learn from every stumble.

- Learn how to express yourself. Our appearance and personality problems are like
our own knowledge. Understanding knowledge is a practice to keep yourself
mentally and healthy for the challenge of life.

- Practice listening and capturing more information. Learn to interpret, focus on

conversations, take notes and wait for your turn to talk. Participate in
conversations, discussions at home, and school.

- Practice communicating clearly, both verbally and non-verbally. Use appropriate

language and promote your ability to speak English. Understand body language,
gestures or otherwise verbally and what they mean and practice using them

- Improve writing skills and increase your vocabulary. Make it a habit to read
magazines and practice writing an activity diary, writing on topics of interest or
social issues.

- Improve social knowledge for yourself. It can range from reading newspapers,
magazines, following current news or other topics.

- Take on leadership and decision-making roles. Practice that skill at school and at
home along with learning how to effectively manage work. Real experience makes
all the difference. Start with small events like organizing seminars, or managing
sporting events.

- Respect and recognize other people's opinions. Appreciate and contribute ideas to
make others more perfect, at the same time help get to know each other and give
you the opportunity to learn.

- Think big and be creative. Build relationships and connections with those around
you but create your own personal identity by developing your thinking.

Since of taking the ASE331 course, what your attitudes, skills (particularly
academic skills) have changed?

Since of taking the ASE331 course,my attitude and skills changed a lot.

- In terms of attitude, I myself have also seen positive attitudes when I work harder
on homework, being aware of important homework, I tried to do them fully.Not
only that, but I also recognize my own strengths and weaknesses so that I can
overcome my weak points and further develop my strengths.I like to independently
do self-task is the expression that I feel I have changed the most, no longer relying
on the answers on the internet or the suggestions of adults that I seriously
completed the task.

- In terms of skills, when I was in freshman year, I really felt that I really couldn't
define my future goals, but after completing the course, I have identified the right
target.The second skill that I have changed is the presentation skill, from a shy
person to mean that my English is weak, I will not convey all the important things
of the presentation. I was confident in giving presentations even though my English
was still weak.Third is teamwork skills, when working in groups, I rarely give
opinions, but now I am very enthusiastic in expressing ideas, making decisions and
solving problems appropriately well suited.
What do you do to create the conditions that led to success?

In order to create the conditions for success, I continuously cultivated the skills
needed for the future

- Academic Discourse: responding to and asking questions : I have questioned my

presentations whether it is useful for myself and gives information necessary for
everyone? questioning is essential in presentations in class.

- Academic Text Strategies: looking for inferred meaning in texts: First, I

developed this skill without writing, I watched short visuals to try to deduce its
meaning, after having practiced it a few times, I read short text types to deduce this
is very important for finding information as well as the material it needs.

- Academic Strategies: writing effective notes: I always bring a small notebook to

take notes, record important information or keywords that I find good, besides I
always write comments about the information I am interested in and use colorful
text to distinguish The necessary information, the importance, the comments ...
that's what I am perfecting my skills to prepare for the future.

On the way of yourself development, what were difficulties that you overcame and
lessons you learnt from it?

On the way of personal development, I have overcome many is

practicing independence. I have created a habit of self-study because when I go to
college, there will be no parents. monitor and remind us to attend school on time,
not to drop out of school. So when I get into movies or have fun with friends I
always have to fight so that I don't deviate from my previous goals. This is a good
habit even after I go to work but still retain this virtue of discipline. This is one of
the most important qualities for developing anything in college.
The second difficulty that I have is that I have not clearly defined my passion. Is it
easy if someone has identified clearly what I am interested in and what I want to
be? On the contrary, I had a lot of difficulties when I started the career selection
process, I was confused about what my passion was to decide to go and do what I
wanted. dk realizes and understands the importance, I have determined to choose a
career, choose the school I attend and clearly define my passion.Along with that
passion is to understand what my capacity is? Is that ability qualified to contribute
to my passion? However, it's not like I decide everything, I always ask and listen.
Some advice from people go ahead for best advice.

Lesson :Through communication activities, presentations or group work in the

course, I have gradually cultivated and trained, perfecting my soft skills. Soft is an
equally important factor to help students have employment and development
opportunities in the future

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