Reflection On Oral Presentation

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Erica Lenn S.

Villagracia GE 5 7:30AM
Reflection on Oral Presentation 03/01/2021

The speaker presented her topic enthusiastically with a touch of humor.

She tells jokes that everybody enjoys and understands, it helps to break the ice
during her talk. Her audience listened attentively to her because she delivered
her speech lively, lively in the way she speaks and acts, that is why there was no
dull moment during her talk. She talked to her audience as if they were just her
friends, she caught them off guard right from the beginning of it. Where she
points out what they’ve been thinking and their impressions about her, yet she
expresses it in a humorous manner, where she and her audiences will not be
offended. Speaking in front of the crowd she seems very relaxed and
comfortable, and doesn't seem intimidated at all. She makes eye contact with her
crowd which is why they feel more connected to her. Her eyes don't only stay at
one side or part of the crowd nor to her screen, shoes and etc, rather she takes
small steps and engages with all of her audience. When she wants to pinpoint or
accentuate a word she gives emphasis on the way she blurts it. She also pauses
at the right time and place, it is not that long to lose her audience's attention, just
the right duration to highlight what must be highlighted. She just used her visual
aid to highlight points, it does not involve words rather it shows illustrations of
what she wants to share to the next point. It clearly shows that she fully
understands and masters her presentation, because she already knows the flow
without having words as a visual aid. She catches the attention of her audience
by funny lines or explanations that also makes sense. She engages her audience
not only to get their attention, but she has a clear way of organizing her thoughts
and sharing it in a simpler manner where all of her audiences can fully
understand and gain learning. Her verbal and non verbal linguistics matches and
coincides with one another, which gives more impact to her audiences, which is
why her audiences enjoy listening to her.

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