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Develop a plan for your organization or department to move toward becoming or

enhancing it as a Learning Organization. Pick a company - this can be the company

you work at, have worked at or perhaps a company that have demonstrated the
opposite of being learning organizations (e.g. Lehman Brothers, Blockbuster, Pan
American World Airways, Kodak, etc). Evaluate the company you picked, in terms
of the checklist of qualities and develop a plan for change to address the areas of
needs. Describe their results, successes or failures in light of the readings
(concepts, theories, etc.) from this course, and provide recommendations through
the development of a plan that can help move this company toward becoming a
Learning Organization.

In excel, use the following information to determine the changes in the following:
cost of service failures (including invoice discount, rehandling cost, lost sales), and
net income, and Return on Assets.
Order fill decreases from 96% to 92% with an inventory reduction of
 Average price per order                                    $125
 Gross margin per order                                     $42
 Annual orders                                                  100,000
 Of orders not filled correctly
o Rectified orders                                    70%
 With invoice discount               $25
 With additional handling           $15
o Orders refused                                      30%
 Warehousing cost                                             $500,000
 Other operating costs                                        $800,000
 Cash                                                                $2,000,000
 Accounts receivable                                          $1,500,000
 Fixed assets                                                      $20,000,000
 Tax rate                                                            40%
 Transportation cost                                           $800,000
 Average inventory                                            $900,000
 Interest cost                                                      $700,000
 Inventory carrying cost                                     15% per year

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