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LESSON 1: INTELLECTUAL REVOLUTIONS -Strongly influenced by the book Epitome (1496 by


-Commentariolus (Little Commentary)- summary of
*Science is as old as the world itself. his ideas
1.Brain surgery (6000 yrs, Cappadocia, Turkey) -His book: De revolutionibus orbium coelestium
Trepanation- a small round hole in the head (On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres) in
2. Thousand yr. old agricultural practice 1543
-raising fish in rice paddies by Chinese farmers
-sustainable farming *Copernican model (Heliocentrism)
3. Mummification in the Philippines -The sun is the center of the universe.
*Mummification- preserving deceased human -Two kinds of planetary motion:
*Mummies- classified by means of preservation 1.Orbits of V and Me lay inside E’s orbit
2.Orbits of Ma, S, and J lay outside E’s orbit
How can science be defined? -Great problem: position/placement of stars
1. Science as an idea. It includes ideas and theories
and all available scientific explanations. II. CHARLES DARWIN
2. Science as an intellectual activity. It -Theory of Evolution by means of natural selection
encompasses systematic and practical study. -Developed his interest in natural history
3. Science as a body of knowledge. It is a subject -Joined a 5-year voyage through HMS Beagle on
or a discipline or a field of study… the Island of Galapagos
4. Science as a personal and social activity. -published his book The Origin of Species
Science is both knowledge and activities. (1589/1859) most important work in scientific literature
-The Descent of Man book: introduced the idea of all
Philosophy- development of noble ideas organic life, including human beings
Religion- to rationalize the origin of life -replaced the dominant views of religion

SCIENTIFIC REVOLUTION Johnson (2012)- Darwin is a genius

th th th th Gribbins (2003)- Father’s library
-started in 16 to 18 century (15 to 17 ) in Europe
Why? Because of the invention of printing machine
and the blooming intellectual activities
-Famous figure in the field of psychology
-Emergence or birth of modern science
-He is not a traditional thinker.
-period of enlightenment in math, physics, astronomy,
*Method of Psychoanalysis: scientific way to study
biology and chemistry
the human mind and neurotic illness.
-refers to historical changes in thought and belief
:This method was unorthodox-focuses
Science ideas
human sexuality and evil nature of man.
*Human sexuality- way people experience and
express themselves sexually.

Rosenfels (1980)- towering literary figure

SR Weiner (2016)- Effective method in neurological
Humans Society


*Scientific individuals suffered condemnation from the
*Development of Science in MESOAMERICA
religious institutions.
Mesoamerica- includes entire area of Central America
from Southern Mexico up to S. America
*Creativity, Curiosity, Critical Thinking -lasted for 2000 years
*SCIENTISTS: Driven by their passion to know and -are known for their works in astronomy
discover -most scientifically advanced society
*SCIENCE IDEAS, SCIENCE DISCOVERIES, *The pyramid of Chichen Itza in Mexico- is situated
TECHNOLOGY at the location of the Sun
-predicting eclipse and using astrological cycles in
I. NICOLAUS COPERNICUS planting and harvesting
-A renaissance men where his ideas were thought
experiment. a. known for weaving cloth
-Had been appointed as a canon at Frombork b. devised mica (a rainbow of glittery paints made
Cathedral in Poland from mineral)
c. One of the first people to produce rubber products *Brahmagupta (628 AD)- gravity was a force of
(3000 years) in 1844 attraction, use of zero, negative nos
d. Mayan hieroglyphics *Madhava of Sangamagrama- founder of
e. mathematics, number system based on numeral mathematical analysis
20, concept of zero
2. CHINA- is one of the ancient civilizations that
2. Inca civilization- made advanced scientific ideas influenced Korea, Japan, Phil., Vietnam, Thailand,
though an old civilization Cambodia, Myanmar and other countries belonging in
the Old Silk Road
a. stone buildings
b. irrigation system a. Traditional medicine- acupuncture
c. calendar with 12 months (for their religious festival b. Technology- compass, papermaking, gunpowder,
and planting season) printing tools, seismology
d. first suspension bridge -Also invented iron plough, wheel barrow, propeller
e. quipu, a system of knotted ropes c. Astronomy- made significant record on supernovas,
f. Inca textiles lunar and solar eclipses
d. Science and Math
3. Aztec civilization- Mesoamerican culture in e. Arts and Philosophy
Central Mexico (1300-1521) f. Music

a. Mandatory education 3. MIDDLE EAST COUNTRIES- occupied by Muslims

b. Chocolates- Cacao beans tribute to Gods (In -Islam (7th to 8th centuries)
Mayan, they used it as a currency) -Muslim scholarship/ Golden Age of Islam (13th)
c. Antispasmodic medication- for muscle spasms *Muslim scientists placed greater value on science
d. Chinampa- Land was divided into rectangular areas experiments rather that plain-thought experiments
and surrounded by canals (floating garden)
e. Aztec calendar- enabled them to plan their a. Ibn al-Haytham- Father of Optics, especially in his
activities, rituals and planting season intromission theory of light
f. Canoe- a light narrow boat used for traveling in b. Muhammad ibn Musa al-Khwarizmi- concept of
water system algorithm where algebra is derived from al-jabr (title)
c. Jabir ibn Hayyan- Father of Chemistry
d. Ibn Sina- pioneered the science of experimental
*Development of Science in ASIA medicine, first physician
Asia- is the biggest continent and the home of -Books: The Book of Healing and The Canon of
ancient civilizations Medicine, used as medicinal texts in Muslim and
-a host to many cultural, economic, scientific and Europe (17th century)
political activities for all ages -discovery of the contagious nature and introduction
of clinical pharmacology
1. INDIA- is a huge peninsula surrounded by vast
bodies of water *Mongols conquered Islam (11th to 13th)
a. Known for manufacturing iron and in metallurgical *Development of Science in AFRICA
works Africa- is blessed with natural and mineral resources
*Iron steel: considered as their best and held with Ancient Egyptian civilization:
high regard in the Roman empire -development of geometry: Nile River, rectilinear
b. Medicine structures
*Ayurveda- system of traditional medicine (2500 BC), Egypt- (Africa) center of alchemy, medieval
alternative medicine forerunner of chemistry
*Susruta Samhita- surgical and med procedures
c. Astronomy a. Astronomy- Lunar, solar and stellar
-They developed theories on the configuration of the b. Metallurgy- North Africa and Nile Valley imported
universe, 360 with 12 parts of 30 days each iron technology (Bronze to Iron Age)
*Siddhanta Shiromani (12th century)- ancient text c. Mathematics
about longitudes, lunar and solar eclipses, risinggs *Lebombo bone- from a baboon fibia which is the
and settings, moon’s crescent, etc... oldest known mathematical artifact (35000 BCE)
d. Mathematics *Good in four mathematical operations, algebra,
*Indus Valley Civilization- The people tried to trigonometry and geometry.
standardize measurement of length
*Mohenjo-daro ruler
*Aryabhata (476-550)- Aryabhatiya book, introduced
trigonometric functions, tables and algorithms of

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