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-------------- Prismacolor Creations -------------

1. Mrs. Denison will give a demonstration
of how to create boxes in two point
2. Students will create their own drawings
to practice two point perspective.
3. Students will then practice adding depth
to the boxes with insets, layers,
overlapping, tubes, etc.
4. These creations could be flying
playgrounds in the sky, or the alien
mother ship, or a futuristic floating city.
5. Students will then create these drawings
on the black paper.
6. Once the creations have been drawn out,
students will use prismacolor pencils to
create shadows.
7. The light should be consistent from one
side of the drawing and the shadows
from the other.

Student Name:

Lesson: 2 Point Perspective Prismacolor Creations

Circle the number in pencil that best shows how well you feel that you completed that criterion for Excelle Averag
Good Improveme
the assignment. nt e
Criteria 1 – 2 Point Perspective: All boxes, rectangles, tubes, etc. are in correct 2
10 9–8 7 6 or less
point perspective.
Criteria 2 – Accessories in order to make the “Creation”: Student has created a
10 9–8 7 6 or less
composition with sci-fi inspiration that evokes a floating city, or playground, etc.
Criteria 3 – Prismacolor Shading. Student has a light source with strong highlights on
10 9–8 7 6 or less
one side and shadows on the other.
Criteria 4 – Effort: took time to develop idea & complete project? (Didn’t rush.) Read
10 9–8 7 6 or less
the article and followed the steps within. Good use of class time?
Criteria 5 – Craftsmanship – Neat, clean & complete? Skillful use of the art tools &
10 9–8 7 6 or less
Total: 60 Grade:
(possible points) /60 pts

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