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tt] as in ffiq tea, and bee

and [tJ as in it and pin

Lips: Tense and in a "smile" position

Jaw: Almost completely raised
Tongue: High, near the roof of the mouth

Possible Pronunciation probtems

Pronunciation problems occur because of confusing English spelling
patterns and tlre similarity,ql [i] and Ir] (the sorrncl to be clescribed
ExAMPLEs If you say lrl instead of [i]: sheep wili sound like ship.
eat will sound like it.
Remember to feel tension in your rips, tongue, and jaw.
[i] is a /ong sound;
be sure to prolong it.

srnile when t"" *"".""tee it's easy to say Ii]!

:":tlt l.l

0 a,.,"n and repeat.
[i] At the Beginning of Words [i] In the Middle of Words [i] At the End of Words
eat each eager mean seal please he fee she
eel even either need leave police be tree agree
east equal keep reach k"y knee
casy eagle cleep scene tea lree
[i] Spelled
e ee ea ieorie
.he see east niece
\ /e leel lean bricf'
nle rlecd lcant lticcc
scene heel chezrp beliel'
these need peach ejther

Less spelling patterns for Iil consist of the letters i and eo.
poiice people

fi ,,rr"n and repeat.The vowel Ii] is prolonged before consonants. (Consonants
are all the sounds that are not vowels.) The dots are there to remind you to lengthen
the Ii].

fee fee...d
pc-il pca...s
bee bee...s
lca tca . . r'n

Cl ,ir,"n and repeat.The boldfaced words in the following sentences all include the

1. See yoLt at three.

2. See ri,hat I mean?
3. See vou next rveek.
4. See votr this evening.
-5. Pleased t() rneet ,\,olt.
6. Steve eats cream cheese.
7 . Lee lras a reason for leaving.

8. She received hcr teaching degree.

9, A friend in need is a friend indeed.
10. The1, reached a peace agreement.

CHECK YOURSELF 0 ,,ra"n and repeat. circle the word in each group that does trtor contain the
vowel [i]. (For answers, see A ppendix ll, page 271.)

EXAMPLE lieep lc'a l l

@ prece

1. beacl .rrea t Ieave tezl

2. eight piece believe niece

3. scene \\/o]]ten these even
4. neecl been sleep lhirteen
5. police thicI machine vision
6. Pretlrr rvheat sweet cfeanl
7. people br-cad deal east
B. tilr teen steam receive
9, leave Iivc Ieaf iease
10. steep Steve eas)r still

8 Part 1: Vowels
LiC Read aloud the paragraph about the Beatles. All the boldfaced words should be
pronounced with the vowel Ii].

Beatles TI-re
What is a Beatle? Maybe you think ol a real creature rvho creeps
ancl leaps about. But most people recall four E,nglish teens called the
Beatles, who appeared as a rock group in tl-re nineteen sixties. Leaving
bebop behind, the Beatles created a unique beat that appealed to
everyone. Seen on American TV, they were greeted by screams and
cheers. "Please Please Me" and "She Loves You" were among their many
pieces. They even received an ar,r.'ard from the queen of Englar-rd. The
tearn brnke up as they reached tlrcir: peak, but each nrember continnecl
his orvr-r career-. The worlcl grieved the loss o[' their leader, John Lennon,
who cliecl in December 1980. Althor-rgl-r only briefly on the scene, the
Beatles created meiningful mr-rsicihat will be hcre for an eternity.

Ef, ,n,nn of five things you need to do. Be sure your response contains many [i]
words. when you complete your responses, choose any classmate and ask the
question,"What do you really need?"

EXAMPLES I really need to feed m1, parakeet.

I really need a nerv key.

Lips: Rclaxccl :.rr-rcl l liglrtl.y 1r:rrtccl

Jaw: Slightly lorver' tharr lor Ii]
Tonguc: I.ligh, btrt

Possible Pronunciation Problems

Tlre vou'cl Ir] nray be dilficult for you to recognize ancl say. Some learners
substitute t.he more familiar [i] sound. This can result in nriscommunication.
EXAMPTES If yor-r sav Ii] instead of hl: hit will sound like heat.
itch u,ill sorrncl like eaclT.
As -votr p|zlctice the exercises, rcmenrbcl nor to "srnilc" arncl tensc your lips
as yolr would for [i].

[I] is a short, qudck sound; your lips should barely move as you say it!

Lesson 29
EXERCISE A 0 ,ir,"n and repeat.
trt-@ if
IS rl
lrl In the \lidclle ol'Words
lir girrc:
ill ilch into rniss sinrple rvinter
ink inch issuc' lrster timid n-iinute
instant .tr.:c

The vou,el lr] does noI occlil at il:e eld of *.ords in Engiish.
Ir] Spellecl
v Ln I

gyr'Ir builcl sirt

syrllp c1r-ricl< i i 1-..

symbol qr-ri1t .,r i i:t

system guiltr, c1:'
rhythm guitar i.iit,

The most common spelling pattern for ir; ;s the letter I followed by a final consonant.
: :: - -: :
wtn this hit trip begin

Less frequent spelling patterns for :r, consist of the letters o, e,u,and ee.

women pretty busy been

[d tirr"n and repeat.The boldfaced words in the following sentences all contain the

1. This is it.
2. What is this?
3. This is n-ry sister.
4. This is Miss Smith.
5. This is big business.
6. I will sit in a minute.
7. Give the list to Lynn.
8. My little sister is timid.
9. Is the building finished?
10. Did you give him his gift?

10 Part 1: Vowels
.HECK YOURSELF Fil ,ir,"n to the words. Circle the number of the word with the vowel [I].
(For answers, see Appendix ll, page 271.)

EXAMPLE You hear rnitt meat lt]eat

You circle c 23
1. 1 2 3

2. 1 2 J
3. 1 2 3

4. 1 2 3

5. 1 2 3

6. 1 2 3

7.1 2 J

8. 1 2 3
9. 1 2
10. 1 2

EXERCISE A Read aloud the paragraph about the Olympics. All the boldfaced words contain
the vowel [I].

The Winter Olympics

Since 1924, the Winter Olympics harve been an international event.
Now these activities art: seen by millions on television. Men and women
from distant cities and countries participate in this competition. They all
wish to be winners. They ski downhill amidst pretty scenerJ. Figure
skaters spin to victory. Skill will mal<e the difference. Some will finish
with a silver medal, some with a gold. But all will win our hearts and
infinite respect.

EXERCISE B Ef wort with a partner. Complete each of the following sentences with a phrase or
word that rhymes with the boldfaced [I] words. Think of as many responses as you
can for each rhyme. Read the sentences aloud.

EXAMPLE My sister Jill

(ran up a hill/took a pill/felt ve r y illi has a cat named Bill/fell off the

l. My ['r'icnclTim
2. He r.r,ill sit
3. The boy liked to grin
4. What do you think
5. We went on a ship

Lesson 2 11
Renlember to "smile" ancl l'eel thc tension in yo.rr lips t'r'her-i )/oLl repeat the u'orc1s
with Ii.] a1c1 to RELAX ],or1; n-rr-rscles as yoll pronollnce ll-ie rvords containing Ir].

EXERCISE [d ,,r."n and repeat.

til Ir l

1. leasL lis t

2. seat sit
3. I'real hit
4. l'e el liL

5. leave lir,e

6. I'Ieal it r-rou'. Hit it now.

l. Changc tlrc u'lreel. Change the rvill'

B. Dicl yotr leel it? Dicl you fill it?
0 Tlrc n-real r',,as big. 'I'he n-iill was big.

t0. Ile u,ill leave. He rviil live.

[,] [r] til
11. Please sit in the seat.
[r] til
t2. FIe clid a good deed.
lrl til
13. Phil doesn't leel n'ell.
I'rl lil til
La. Lynn :rte lean nreat.
[r] iil
15. Potato chips ur-e cheap.

1.Q tir,"n. Circle the word that you hear. (For answers to Check Yourself 1-3, see
Appendix ll, pages 271.-272,1

EXAMPLE rneat @
1. fielcl .fillecl
2. bean bin
3. neat knit
4. cleal clili
5. beat bit

12 Part l: Vowels
6. team Tim
I 7. sleep slip
8. green grin
9. heel hill
10. week wick
I CHECK YOURSELF 2 CI ,ira"n. Circle the word that is used to complete each sentence.

ExAMPLE You need a new (@lt"itt;.

1. They cleaned the (ship/sheep).
2. Will he (leave/live)?
3. The boy was (beaten/bitten),
4. His clothes are (neat/knit).
5. She has plump (cheeks/chicl<s).
6. t like low (hecls/hilts).
7. The children will (sleep/slip).
8. I heard every (beat/bit).
9. They stored the (beans/bins).
10. Everyone talks about the (heat/hit).

E Ofa", checking your answers, read each of the sentences aloud twice. Use the first
word the first time you read and the second word the second time.

0 ,ira"o and circle allthe words pronounced with Iil. Underline all the words with trl.
Jim: Hi,6i;)Do vou have a minure?
Tina: Yes, Jim. What is it?
Jim: , My sister is in the city on business. We nill eat dinner out tonight. Can Vor_r

rccomnrend a place to cat?

Tina: Ther:e is a fine seafood place on Filth Street. The l'isl-r is fresh, ald t6e
shrimp is great. But it isn't cheap!
Jim: That's oK. It will be "feast toclay, lanrinc Lonror.r.ow"! I'll jrrst have to eat
beans the rest of the week!

EH *o* practice reading the dialogue aroud with a partner. Remember to,,smile,, and
tense your lips for Ii] and to relax them when pronouncing the Il] words.

Lesson 2 13
EXERCISE A E tn" words in the following box occur in the poem "The Passionate Shepherd to His
Love." Read the words aloud.

lIc {'iclcl

live rlvers be yield

with sing \\i e meat

lvi11 silr'er see eat

hills dishes feed each

EXERCISE B fl n"ua the poem aloud. Be sure to pronounce all the boldfaced til and [I] words from
the box correctlY.

The Passionate Shepherd to His Love

Clristopher Marlov'e
Cone live with rne and be mY love,
And rve rvill all the pleasures prove
Thart hills and valleys, dale ancl field,
Anci all the craggy mountains yield.
Thele rvilt we sit r:pon the rocks
And see the shepherds feed their flocks,
Bv shallorv rivers to rvhose falls
Melodious birds sing madrigals.

Thy silver dishes for thY meat I

As precious as the gods do eat, I

Shall on an ivory table be I

Prepared each day for yott and me. 1


EXERCISE C These phrases are often used in int|Oductions. Read them, paying attention to the
lIl and Ii] words. Then work with two other students. Practice using the phrases to
introduce each other,

(Name) (Name)
T'cl lil<e to meet VoLr.

Remember to keep practicing! we guarantee it's ectsy to say [I] and [i]!

14 Part 1:Vowels

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