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1. On settlement (distribution) date, any difference between the carrying amounts of the property
dividend payable and the non-cash asset distributed is
a. ignored
b. recognized in profit or loss
c. recognized directly in retained earnings
d. recognized but subject to a limit

2. Non-current assets declared as property dividends are

a. reclassified as “non-current assets held for distribution to owners” if the conditions under
PFRS 5 are met.
b. reclassified as current assets.
c. not reclassified but presented separately from the other assets.
d. not reclassified but disclosed only.

3. If shareholders are given a choice of receiving either property dividends or cash dividends, the
entity shall
a. estimate the dividend payable by considering both the fair value of each alternative and the
associated probability of shareholders selecting each alternative.
b. treat the dividends declared as if they are cash dividends.
c. treat the dividends declared as if they are property dividends.
d. not account for the dividends until their final settlements.

4. Which of the following may cause a change in the total shareholders’ equity?
a. “small” share dividends d. “large” share dividends
b. share splits e. none of these
c. recapitalization

5. Imagine you are a CPA. You are preparing the financial statements of your company for the year
ended December 31, 20x1. The board of directors declared dividends on February 1, 20x2. The
dividend declaration is not subject to further approval. The financial statements were authorized
for issue on April 1, 20x2. How should the dividends declared be accounted for in the 20x1
financial statements?
a. included in current liabilities c. disclosed only
b. included in noncurrent liabilities d. neither accrued nor disclosed

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