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INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS & TRADE  Export Trade – trading occurs between

the trader of one country and the trader

 With international trade, the market of another country by selling any
became more competitive which result product. For example, traders in
in more competitive pricing which America sell any product to the trader
brings a cheaper product that the in Germany
consumer enjoyed  Import Trade – a trader of one country
 It allows countries to expand their buys any goods from the trader of any
market. other country. For example, traders
 Access in goods and services that may located in England buy any products
not have been available domestically. from traders in America to sell it in its
 Export (X) – a product that is sold to the
 Import (M) – a product that is bought
- It allows countries to expand their
from the global market
market, advantage to consumers
 Income (Y) – wages (blue collar) and
(household). Access in goods and
salaries (white collar)
services that may not have been
available domestically. Promotes
 Trade – exchange of goods and consumer welfare
1. Foreign/ International trade (External 1. Increased revenues
Trade) – theory of comparative 2. Decreased competition - product and
advantage (a country should export the services may have to compete in a
products in which it has greatest crowded in the U.S, but you may find
advantage, import the products in that you have less competition in other
which it has greatest disadvantage). countries.
Ex: ph (agriculture) and jp (technology) 3. Longer product lifespan – selling a
product to an overseas market can
2. Domestic/Local trade (Internal Trade) – extend the life of an existing product as
exchange of goods within the country. emerging markets seek to buy
Ex: Baguio (strawberry) and Davao American products.
(durian). It is conducted between 4. Easier cash-flow management - when
different regions and geographical trading internationally, it may be a
locations of the same country. It helps general practice to ask for payment
to maintain a level of coordination and upfront, whereas at home you may
exchange of goods between every city have to be more creative in managing
of the state. cash flow while waiting to be paid.
Expanding your business overseas
Types of Internal Trade could help you manage cash flow
1. Wholesale Trade – it is the process of better.
buying products in huge quality from 5. Better risk management - market
diversification. Focusing only on the
manufactures and then distributes to
domestic market may expose you to
retailor so that they sell it to consumers.
2. Retail Trade – Retailers buy a small increased risk from downturns in the
number of goods from wholesalers and economy, political factors,
sell it to the end consumers. There are environmental events and other risk
two types of retailor i.e., large and small factors. Becoming less dependent on a
single market may help you mitigate
potential risks in your core market.
6. Benefiting from currency exchange -
benefit from currency conversion CONSUMER BENEFITS FROM
7. Access to export financing – able to INTERNATIONAL TRADE
leverage export financing. Disposal of
surplus goods – outlet to dispose of 1. Boosting economic growth – trade
surplus goods that was unable to sell in tends to raise GDP by as much as two
the home market. percent for every percentage point
8. Enhanced reputation – doing business increase in the ratio of trade-to-GDP,
in other countries boost company's according to Frankel and Romer
reputation. Successes in one country (1999).
can influence success in other adjacent 2. Increasing overall consumer welfare
countries, which can raise company's 3. Lowering prices for consumers –
profile. It increase company's trade lowers domestic prices;
credibility, both abroad and at home improves resource allocation through
9. Opportunity to specialize – International specialization; lowers profit margins of
markets can open up avenues for a domestic producers and increases
new line of service or products. It can operating efficiency of domestic firms
also give an opportunity to specialize in through increased competition.
a different area to serve that market. 4. Expanding product variety available
to consumers – trade increases
DISADVANTAGES OF product variety particularly among
INTERNATIONAL TRADE trading countries with similar resource
endowments and technologies.
1. Shipping Customs and Duties – most of 5. Benefiting lower-income households
the destination countries' customs 6. Increasing overall employment –
agencies charge extra fees on items trade liberalization can increase
shipped to them. The item description overall employment in the long run
may also affect these fees based on and during recessions, which is not
what it is made of or used for. A surprising given that trade enhances
company needs to understand what the economic growth and the damage
end consumer will be charged by the increasing trade barriers did in the
international shipping company. This is Great Depression.
sometimes referred to as the landed
2. Language Barriers – the marketplace is
filled with examples of poorly translated - Relates to any situation where the
products with names that got production or distribution of goods or
misconstrued in another language. services crosses country borders.
3. Cultural Differences – there are
unwritten rules of commerce in the OBJECTIVE OF INTERNATIONAL
country that are hard to uncover and BUSINESS
can be even more difficult to solve.
4. Servicing Customers – language and  To promote social and cultural
cultural differences need to be exchange among the nations.
considered to overcome one of the  To assist developing countries in
major disadvantages of international their economic and industrial
trade. growth by inviting them to the
5. Returning Products – physical shipment international market thus
can be just as complicated and costly eliminating the gap between the
as it was originally, but now in reverse. developed and the developing
6. Intellectual Property Theft – the wider a countries.
product is distributed, the more likely  To assure sustainable
that it may be illegally copied by a management of resources globally.
competitor. This can be in the form of
proprietary information or market
1. Increase of number of population – the
 Large scale Operations consumption and demand.
 Immobility of Factors 2. Increase of different business
 Heterogeneous Markets 3. Increase of different technology
 Integration of Economies 4. Unlimited satisfaction
 Dominated by developed countries 5. Illegal activities of people
and MNCs
 Beneficial to Participating Countries 3 TYPES OF RESOURCES
 Keen Competition
1. Man made resources
 Special Role of Science and - gadgets, cell, etc – major
Technology - tools, equipment, machines – capital in
 International Restrictions economics.
 Sensitive Nature - money – capital in finance
 The Removal of Trade Barriers - 2 types of goods: Free goods (no
and the Development of Trading money involved, no price) and
Blocs economic goods (money involved,
 Different Policies and Different price)
- 2 types of assets: current and fixed
 Perfect competition – is an ideal type of assets
market structure where all producers 2. Human resources – people,
and consumers have full and symmetric businesses, sellers, producers. Role of
information, no transaction costs, people: to monitor and supervise
where there are a large number of 3. Natural resources – anything and
producers and consumers competing everything that is available naturally on
with one another. earth
 Mixed Economy - economic system
combining private and public enterprise ECONOMIC ACTIVITIES
 Closed economy – completely self-
sufficient, with no imports or exports 1. Production – the first phase of the
from international trade. Ex. China economic activity that involves the
(communism) transformation of inputs into final
 Combined products from local and products
foreign – there is an advantage for 2. Distribution – the systematic way or
households process of how commodities and
incomes are properly allocated among
2 FUNDAMENTAL ECONOMIC economic resource owners
PROBLEMS 3. Exchange – requires transfer of money
or trading of products between buyers
1. unlimited satisfaction – not satisfied (households) and sellers (producers) in
with one product a marketplace
2. limited resources – scarcity 4. Consumption – the end phase of any
economic activity, which involves the
 Allocation – the action or process of utilization of goods and services to
allocating or distributing something to provide satisfaction to people
look for, to search and to study
 Scarcity – refers to the basic economic ECONOMIC RESOURCES
problem, the gap between limited that - Are the inputs or resources used in the
is, scarce resources and theoretically production of goods and service also
limitless wants called the factors of production,
Categories include land, labor, capital
and entrepreneurships
1. Land – the physical space or area on IMPACTS OF GLOBALIZATION
which production takes place it also
includes economy’s natural resources 1. Economic Impact – improvement of
E.g., farm land, tress, oil deposits, gold, standard of living, increased
water resources competitions among different
2. Labor – the time, physical and mental
regions/ nations and widening gap
skills that people contribute in
producing goods and services E.g., between the rich and the poor. Ex:
farmer, teachers, nurse, carpenters, Vaccine
call center 2. Social Impact – increased of
3. Capital – tools and other productive awareness of foreign/ different
equipment utilized in producing culture, dominates the products of
consumer goods and services. E.g., local industry.
money, industrial robots, computers
3. Environmental Impact – induces
4. Entrepreneurship – human resource
responsible for combining or organizing different problems such as global
the land, labor and capital resources warming and environmental
into a good or service. E.g., CEO, management
manager, company president,
entrepreneur, product innovator ADVANTAGES OF GLOBALIZATION

3 CLASSIFICATION OF COUNTRIES 1. Increased competitiveness –

consumers are looking for cheaper
1. LDCs – less developed countries
2. IMCs- intermediate countries price but with good quality
3. HDCs – highly developed countries 2. Increased international mobility –
increased in different skilled
3. Lower cost of production – price
- Speed up of movement and exchange
will also become low
of human being not only in terms of 4. Improvement of education system
transactions of the people but in – internet spread cultural diversity,
transactions of goods and services, improvement of different gadgets
capital technology and other cultural 5. Lead tremendously because of the
transport services of the world –
- Promotes and increase interaction transportation by land, air and
between different regions and countries water
and population around the globe
- Process when the world increases its DISADVANTAGES OF GLOBALIZATION
interconnectedness with one another
- Key factor of International business 1. Increased commodity price –
- Brings competition to international maintain a good quality product
market 2. Exploitation of lower labor –
because of lower wages in the
 Global Village – interaction between Philippines
different countries which increases 3. Cause of diseases – such as
personal understanding and friendship Covid-19
between the world citizens 4. Increase relative poverty
5. Disparity
6. Uneven wealth distribution
EXAMPLES OF GLOBALIZATION  Quota – is a type of trade restriction
where a government imposes a limit on
1. Economic Globalization – the number or the value of a product that
development of trade between another country can import
corporations around the world - Government-imposed trade restriction
2. Financial Globalization – linked that limits the number or monetary
with the rise of financial system, value of goods that a country can
with the international financial import or export during a particular
exchange. Ex. IMF, World Bank period.
3. Cultural Globalization – different
regions that adapt cultural system THREE PRIMARY FUNCTIONS OF
4. Political Globalization – TARIFF
development of growing influences
by the international organizations. 1. to serve as a source of revenue –
Ex. UN, WHO income from tariff provides the
5. Sociological Globalization – mixing government with the source funding
different member of society 2. to protect domestic industries
6. Technological Globalization – 3. to remedy trade distortions
digital world (punitive function for product dumping)
7. Geographical Globalization –
demanding visas in entering
countries  Tariffs make imported goods more
8. Ecological Globalization – ideas of expensive, which obviously makes
common good of society/ safety of consumers unhappy if those costs
the people result in higher prices.
BENEFITS OF GLOBALIZATION  Domestic companies that may rely on
imported materials to produce their
1. Free trade goods could see tariffs reducing their
2. Free movement of labor profits and raise prices to make up the
3. Increase economic scale difference, which also hurts consumers.
4. Greater competition  The benefits of tariffs may not be
5. Increase investment evenly distributed across the
population, so benefits for workers (and
TARIFF AND QUOTA political consequences for elected
officials imposing tariffs) may be
 Tariff – political tool that has been used uneven as well.
throughout the history of nation in order  Countries are free to retaliate with
to control the volume and quality of tariffs of their own and if the retaliation
imports that will enter in a country to escalates enough, it’s known as a
determine which nation that will be “trade war.
granted with favorable trading
- High tariff create protectionism that it FOR ONE OF FOUR REASONS
shields domestic industries products
into foreign competition  To protect newly established domestic
- Kind of tax imposed by government to industries from foreign competition.
an imported product
 To protect aging and inefficient stabilize or regulate its own industries.
domestic industries from foreign A government can set taxes
competition. on domestic products that are in line
 To protect domestic producers from with international tariffs to level the
"dumping" by foreign companies or playing field.
governments. Dumping occurs when a  Tariffs can make a market predictable.
foreign company charges a price in the A prime example of this is the
domestic market which is below its own agricultural trade, which is subject to
cost or under the cost for which it sells quotas, import limitations, and tariffs.
the item in its own domestic market.
 To raise revenue. Many developing EXAMPLES OF QUOTA
nations use tariffs as a way of raising
revenue. For example, a tariff on oil  Trade quotas – governments set the
imposed by the government of a quota limiting the import of a particular
company that has no domestic oil product, restricting the access to the
reserves may be a way to raise a domestic market by an offshore
steady flow of revenue. producer, and giving the domestic
producers the opportunity to improve
DISADVANTAGES OF TARIFF their position in the market. Such
protectionist policies in industries
 Tariffs raise the price of imports. This including steel, autos, and many
impacts consumers in the country consumer electronics products, have
applying the tariff in the form of costlier protected domestic industry from
imports. international competition.
 When trading partners retaliate with  Production quotas – a government or a
their own tariffs, it raises the cost of group of producers, limit the supply of a
doing business for exporting industries. particular product in order to maintain a
 Some analyst believes that tariffs cause certain price level. For example, the
a decrease in product quality. Organization of Petroleum Exporting
Businesses look for ways to cut Countries sets a production quota for
production costs to account for tariffs. crude oil in order to "maintain" the price
 Tariffs are more transparent and easier of crude oil in world markets
to administer than quotas. This makes
it easier for trading partners to EFFECT OF IMPORT QUOTAS
negotiate them down or eliminate them.
 Import quota – is a limit on the amount
BENEFITS OF TARIFF of imports that can be brought into a
particular country.
 Tariffs produce revenue on goods and - For example, the US may limit the
services brought into the country. number of Japanese car imports to
 Tariffs can also serve as an opening 2 million per year.
point for negotiations between two  Quotas will reduce imports, and help
countries. The GATT, WTO, and other domestic suppliers. However, they will
trade agreements use regulation of lead to higher prices for consumers, a
tariffs as a way to bring nations decline in economic welfare and could
together to determine economic policy. lead to retaliation with other countries
 Tariffs can also support a nation’s placing tariffs on our exports.
political goals, and help the country
 Quotas will lead to lower sales for
foreign companies, but it could push up
prices and make sales more profitable.


 Absolute quota – a simple physical limit

on the number.
 Tariff rate quota – These allow a certain
number of imports to gain a discount on
the usual tariff rate
 Voluntary export restraints (VER) –
This is when a government limits the
amounts of exports from one country to
another for a particular type of good. In
the early 1980s, there was a VER on
exports of Japanese cars to the US.
The cap on export of Japanese cars
lasted from 1981 to 1994 because the
US government wished to protect the
US car industry.

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