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Agile Project Management:

Agile project management is must needed by the project manager in dynamic world because a
traditional project was just focused on the fixed target or scope of the project and once the scope of the
project gets fixed then make appropriate plant for that then implementation of that plan while agile
project management will enable the long vision with wider view which help to project manager to learn
and adopt more learning towards the project ambience and finally it can help for dynamic environment
(Fernandez & Fernandez, 2008).

Governance management:

It is necessary that once the project plan was implemented a good command need to make sustainable
progress over project life cycle. It is achieved by the help of the Governance management which mainly
encompass the project, program, and portfolio (Badewi, 2016). A bottom level continuous gives the
progress report to program manager and all program related data and progress is reported to portfolio
manager and the based on his vast experience and critical skill, portfolio manager make decision and
apply it through the reverse manner and this is continuous process and that’s how project manager
manage the entire project.

Business acumen:

The project manager has gone through remarkable evolution over last few years and during this the PM
has pass through numerous trend. For example, globalization, access the resource from around the
globe and sheer complexity (Hill, 2004). This make and tremendous impact on the project managers. To
overcome with this issue, they need to adopt the new approach, standards, process, and best practices.
it is necessary to pm that it should have knowledge to answer the business acumen question because
now a day it is an integrate part of the Project management. Project manager should have knowledge of
Cost, margins, schedule, project progress and stakeholder information.

Legal and regulatory Compliance:

As the challenges are increase the threat of use of intellectual property is getting more and more. The
work has become too small and project manager should have knowledge of all legal and regulatory
where he is working (Too & Weaver, 2014). If he has not sufficient knowledge it will create a problem for
entire project, and he is not able to adopt the proper approach to solve the upcoming issue and
ambiguity in legal makes conflict and unnecessary delay in project. This skill is most desire skill in Project

Negotiation is must desire in effective project management. The project manager who is dearth of
negotiation skill makes interaction problem like team member reporting structure, cross-culture project
team, outsourcing of resources, dealing with customers and during the shared resources. If project
manager has good competency in above listed factors than he is able to manage project in good
manner. Negotiation skill mainly involved the factors or domain like terms, dates, prices, conditions,
numbers, and liabilities (Murtoaro & Kujala, 2007). So, it is pivotal skill in project management.


Brainstorming is the general method of data gathering and create new approach for management which
mainly encompass the identification of risk, idea, or solution relate to project activity. Brain storming is
generally caried out by project team and project manager (Royer, 2000). This skill is much important for
the project manager because the absorption of idea or information is dependent on the project
manager. How much extend the project manager is active to absorb the knowledge and skill from their
teammates and give a good trajectory for effective project management thorough out the project life


Badewi, A. (2016). The impact of project management (PM) and benefits management (BM) practices on
project success: Towards developing a project benefits governance framework. International
Journal of Project Management, 34(4), 761-778.
Fernandez, D. J., & Fernandez, J. D. (2008). Agile Project Management —Agilism versus Traditional
Approaches. Journal of Computer Information Systems, 49(2), 10-17.
Hill, G. M. (2004). Evolving the Project Management Office: A Competency Continuum. Information
Systems Management, 21(4), 45-51.
Murtoaro, J., & Kujala, J. (2007). Project negotiation analysis. International Journal of Project
Management, 25(7), 722-733.
Royer, P. S. (2000). Risk Management: The Undiscovered Dimension of Project Management. Project
Management Journal, 31(1), 6-13.
Too, E. G., & Weaver, P. (2014). The management of project management: A conceptual framework for
project governance. International Journal of Project Management, 32(8), 1382-1394.

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